Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of the Past ❯ Prologue

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Memories of the Past

Summary: Hotaru remebers her life at Hogwarts with Harrys parents. About her hatred for Sirius that turned into love and her friend Kathleen who died trying to stop him.

Disclaimer: I own nothing except for Nicole, Kathleen, and any other charactors that dont appear in any of Rowlings books.

Notes: It starts in there 3rd year. Im not quiet sure where it will stop......probably after Lily and James die or after the graduate from Hogwarts. Which one should it be?
The reason 1st and 2nd are being left out is because Im going to use them in another story called 'Remeber Me' which will be the sequal to this one.

*growls angrily* I am just having a good day. First I can't download one of my stories on FF.Net and now its taking me 30 minuts to download this story!!!! That basically explains how my weeks been goin!

(*Hotarus Talking to You*) (She is about 35 in these. So basically shes telling you all this while Remus is teaching at Hogwarts)


(*We really didn't even talk to James and his gang of friends until our 3rd year. Isn't it ironic? We where all in the same house, the same year, we all had the same classes....and yet.....we didn't seem to eachother until our 3rd year. And the minut we all was full out war*)

(Author POV)

Lily came into the room with a large blush covering her cheeks.

Hotaru looked up from the book she was reading and smiled.

Their other to roommates, Nicole and Kathleen, stopped there game of Wizards Chess.

Nicole smirked "Have another run in with James Potter?" she questioned in a teasing tone

Lily glared at her. "Yes, I don't see whats so great about him" she muttered

Kathleen shrugged "You have to admit though Lily. James, Sirius, and Remus are pretty cute...." she whispered softly "Complete jerks but cute."

"No, there not cute. They are immature.....immature..." Lily fought to find the right word. "Immature bimbos!"

Hotaru and Nicole giggled softly.

"Whats so funny?" Lily questioned

"Immature Bimbos?" Hotaru repeated "Is that the best you could come up with?"

Lily glared in mock anger "On such short notice yes. It is"

"I think you need to work on your vocabulary, Lily." Nicole muttered. Turning back to her game "Maybe read a few books"

"But I do read!" Lily protested

"Trashy Romance novels don't count" Kathleen giggled. causing the red head to blush. "Check Mate"

Nicole growled "Damnit. Im never playing against you again!"

Kathleen rolled her eyes "Well sence you three are so against James and his friends. Who do you like, if not them?"

Lily blushed "None of your concern"

"Im not telling and you can't make me!" Nicole yelled and stuck out her tongue in a childish manor. (*she always was the comedian of the group*)

Hotaru smiled broadly

"Hotaru, shush" Nicole ordered. Her eyes growing wide.

Kathleen smirked "Who does she like Hota?" she questioned

"She likes........." Hotaru started

Nicole tackled the smaller girl to the ground "No, Hotaru, No!" she pleaded

Hotaru giggled behind Nicoles hand. "Rmmss" she yelled though it was very muffled "Rmmss"

Kathleen looked panicked. "I must now!" she yelled before jumping on Nicoles back.

Nicole looked at Lily pleadingly "Help! Else I will tell everyone who you like" she threatened

Lily blushed a deep crimson before running over. She only made it worse. they where soon a mess of tangled arm and legs.

Nicole squirmed to get loose.

"Ouch! Thats my hair!" Lily yelped

Hotaru whimpered as someone accidently kicked her in the gut. "Guys....we are going to be late for DADA" she managed to get out.

"Correction. You four ARE late. Professor. Anderson sent me to get you" Peters squeaky timid voice said from the door way.

"Hello Peter.....we are kinda stuck" Kathleen replied.

"We can kinda see that" Sirius laughed

"Shut your face!" Nicole growled angrily

James could be heard laughing which only infuriated Lily even more "Damnit, Potter, stop laughing and start helping!" she ordered

"Why should we?" James questioned

"Cuz if you don't your broom might just have an accident!" Nicole threatened

"You wouldn't dare!" James yelled

Hotaru....who was also getting erritated joined in on the little arguement "Try us."

10 minuts, 15 swears, and 20 yelps later...........

Hotaru brushed herself off "Finally" she muttered to herself.

Nicole and Lily where needless to say in a pretty bad mood for the majority of the day. They would have been there normal happy selves by the end of DADA had Sirius and James left them alone. But they both decide to push there luck with all four of them. (Lily, Hotaru, Nicole, and Kathleen)

Lily stormed into her room and threw herself onto her bed.

Yet again Hotaru looked up from the book she was reading while Kathleen looked up from her diary that she was writing in and Nicole gladly gave up on her Potions homework.

Hotaru and Nicole looked at each other then at Lily where she was sobbing softly.

"Lily.....Lily whats wrong?" Hotaru whispered. Walking up to her friends bedside.

Nicole and Kathleen fallowed suit. "Come on Lily tell us" Nicole encouraged softly.

"Lucias Malfoy called me a dirty Mudblood and then Severus put a spell
on me. When I turned around to go to the nurses office I saw James and Sirius laughing. Im sure it was there idea" she sobbed "Im never going to live this down"

Anger flared in Nicoles blue eyes.

Hotaru glared at Nicole as if telling her to say silent. "What kind of spell did Severus put on you?" she questioned

"Im not sure" Lily repied. She looked up at her friends and more tears filled her eyes when she saw Nicole and Hotarus eyes widden in shock then Kathleen blink rapidly. "Is it that bad?"

Nicole offered an encouraging smile. "Not at all....but we should get you to the nurse" she answered

Lily nodded and stood up. Catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her normally beautiful green eyes where now a horrid puke green and two times the normal size. Her skin on her face was orangish-red and her mouth had shrunk but her teeth had grown and now stuck out in an overbit. She more or less looked like a freak. "Im a monster!" she screamed

Hotaru took Lilys arm "Come we will put a robe over you so no one can see you. You will be all better in no time flat"

Kathleen nodded.

After the Trio had left Nicole grabbed her wand and marched down to the Commons. Planning her revenge on the way down. She didn't know whether she wanted to beat the shit out of them or turn them into the snakes they naturally.....both where sounding good right then

(*Did I mention Nicole has a temper on her? now you know. Luckily James and Sirius that Eric....Arthur Weasleys youngest brother.....stopped her and explained that it was all Lucias and Severus........hehe.....I can still see the smug smile on her face when she turn both of them into ferrits and let Hagrids dog Fang play with em......god I miss her......*)

End of the chapter.

Please tell me what you think.

O....and I need more charactors to add to this. I saw some other author do this and though what the might work

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