Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ One Ring to Bring Them All ❯ At First Sight ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Prologue: Making New Friends
Usagi sighed as she stared up at the moon. Mamoru had just broken up with her because he had decided he'd rather have Rei than Usagi. Usagi didn't know what to think. All she knew was Mamoru had hurt her deeply. “Life sucks,” Usagi muttered, tossing aside a long tendril of her silvery-gold hair as she turned to go inside.
As she turned, Usagi could've sworn that she heard someone chanting. It was in a foreign language, one that she'd never heard before. Though, somehow, it was vaguely familiar. Usagi shivered as the chanting seemed to become louder. It scared her, and confused her.
“Ash nazg durbatuluk. Ash nazg gimbatul. Ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum- ishi krimpatul! Ash nazg...”
As the chanting continued, a blinding flash engulfed the area. Usagi screamed in shock, reaching for her communicator. And when it subsided, Tsukino Usagi was nowhere to be found...
Usagi moaned. `What in Kami-sama's name happened?! That weird voice gave me the creeps, then the light. It was only a dream, right? Matte yo! Where the hell am I?!'
Standing as quickly as she could, Usagi gasped in surprise. She was standing in the middle of an extremely large forest. The heavens must have been frowning upon Usagi, because they opened up, and torrents of rain fell. Grumbling, Usagi decided to look for shelter, then find food.
“Why me? What did I do to deserve this?” Usagi murmured.
“You wished to leave your world, did you not, child?”
“Who's there?” Usagi asked, eyes wide with fright.
“Relax, child. I will not hurt you. I asked for help. There is going to be a great battle within half a year, and we need help. My name is Galadriel, and I am queen of elves. I do not know why a woman was sent, but if you can help us, I will be forever in your debt.
“If you agree to stay, I want you to head to Rivendell, a haven of Elves, and act as an envoy for the people of Lothlorien. Find a man named Elrond, and speak with him. First though, follow a path to your right. You should run into help soon. Take care.” The voice faded.
Usagi nodded resolutely, and headed towards the path.
Hundreds of miles away, the Lady Galadriel was breathing in great gasps.
Night had already passed into morning, and Usagi was dead tired. Sure, she'd found the path, but it wasn't exactly a path humans could follow. Not watching where she was going, Usagi suddenly lost her footing. Letting out a shriek of surprise, Usagi slipped and slid down the slope.
“Why me?!” Usagi yelped as her hand was cut by a sharp rock.
Further down the hill, Aragorn stopped Merry and Pippin from walking forward. “Something is coming. Hide in the brush. Quickly!”
It was too late. Usagi fell from the brush higher up on the hill, and bowled Frodo over. Grunting in pain and shock, Frodo fell onto Sam who fell onto Bill. Usagi moaned slightly in pain, and rolled over.
Before she could stand up, Aragorn had his sword to her throat. “Who are you, and where are you going?”
Usagi gulped nervously. “My name is Usagi Serenity Tsukino, and I am heading towards Rivendell. I am representing Lothlorien in the council that will take place, and I got separated from my traveling companion nigh on three days ago. I just found a path last night and have been following it in hopes of finding the Fords of Bruinen. If I may ask, what is your name, sir? I apologize for falling into your companions, but I lost my footing on the ridge of the hill.”
Aragorn nodded. “I am a ranger of the North. My true name is Aragorn, but I am normally called Strider in these parts. We are traveling to Rivendell ourselves, and I do not mind if you choose to accompany us.”
“First, could you please remove your sword?”
Aragorn blushed slightly before he sheathed his sword, and hauled Usagi to her feet. Turning, Usagi began to apologize profusely to Frodo and Sam.
“I am terribly sorry about falling onto you. I didn't mean to, and I hope you'll forgive me!!!”
“Don't worry yourself about it, Miss. I've had far harder falls in the past week.” Frodo replied.
“Don't forget me! My name is Meriadoc Brandybuck, but all my friends call me Merry.”
“And I'm Peregrin Took, but I'm called Pippin. It's nice to meet you, Miss Usagi!” Pippin chirped.
“Just Usagi, please, Pippin. It's nice to meet you both! Who are these two?”
“Well, I'm Samwise Gamgee, or Sam, and this is my master Frodo Baggins.”
Usagi smiled merrily, and shook each of their hands. When she got to Aragorn, he held up the bow, arrows, and sword that Lady Galadriel had given to her. “I take it that these are yours?”
“Thank you. They must have come undone when I was falling.”
Aragorn nodded, and turned to the hobbits. As the group continued to move towards the road, Aragorn thought, `What is a mortal doing representing Lothlorien? I don't like the looks of this.'
It was late at night, and Usagi was having a terrible nightmare. Suddenly, her eyes flew open, and she shot up, gasping for air.
“What is wrong?” Aragorn murmured quietly, moving over to her. “Usagi?”
Aragorn drew back in surprise. Her skin was cold and clammy. Taking in her trembling form, Aragorn murmured gently,
“What ails you?”
“I...I had this terrible dream,” Usagi began. “There were these two wizards. I think one was wearing grey and had a long beard, and the other was wearing white that changed color. They were arguing about something, and then the white wizard took the grey one captive.
“After that, the white one began to speak into some sort of stone. I think he said that Gandalf or something like that was taken care of, and something about power would soon be in his grasp. Suddenly, the wizard turned to me. He said something that I didn't understand. Then, there was this blinding flash of light, and a lidless eye stared at our camp. I woke up after that.”
Usagi hadn't realized that tears had began to stream down her face until Aragorn wiped them away. “We should not stay here any longer. Wake the others.”