Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Power of Gold ❯ Beginning of Power ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Power of Gold
By:Tuxedo Gohan

Disclaimer: I don't own Zelda or Sailor Moon

Chapter 1:

Mamoru went out of bed and looked at the sword on the desk. He was marveling at the exquisite craftmanship and the shine that capture the light perfectly. The reborn prince held the sword and tossed it, admiring the light feel of the blade.

'My, my it looks remarkable, I wonder why they delivered it to me,' thought Mamoru as watched the blade shine dimly in the low light.He placed the sword down ,carefully, back on the desk. He then took a shower and after got dressed. The man headed out of his apartment, while he looked at his appointment list.

'Hmm, Sunday, May 20 meet Usako at the mall and spend day with her,' he thought as he read the little note at the date page. Mamoru put the small book back in his pocket and went to the elevator and pressed the down button. It descended down to the first floor and when he opened it, walked out.

Mamoru didn't have to walk very long when he saw the young girl. She had her hair in a most unusual style, like two buns on top of her head. The two balls had two long golden pigtails attached to them. She had on a simple white shirt and a pink pair of overalls and cerulean eyes.

The girl charged at Mamoru in glee and tackled him. She started planting kiss after kiss on his face as he laid there on the ground, liking the attention.

"Usako.... Usako, I can ... see that you are glad to see me," he laughed cheerfully as she kissed him like crazy. He finally got to get up and wrapped his arm around her.

" Mamo-chan, where do you want to go first?" Usagi grinned cheerfully as she walked with him, her arms around his waist.

"Well, Usako, you pick it out," he responded with a genuinely cheerful smile.

Usako cheered as the couple exited the building to spend the day together.

The couple walked out and just walked down the street, still wrapped around each other. Old couples were admiring the couple, wishing that they were still young themselves. Teenage boys gagged at the sight while teenage girls sighed at the scene. Others just ignore them, too busy with there little lives. They walked about a few feet that way and then separated, walking down the busy street.

"Mamo-chan, what are you gonna get me for my birthday, it comes in a month?" she asked cheerfully.

Mamoru just stopped. Usagi walked a few steps and turned around. He stood there with a frightened look on his face. Usagi saw this and had smoke coming out of her ears.

"You forgot my birthday!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed in his face, "how could you!!!!!!!!"

Mamoru started talking nonsense as he tried to answer his girlfriend. She continued screaming in his face as a group of onlookers looked at the scene.

"Usako, I-I was just going to shop for your birthday today!!!" he answered quickly with a panic.

She snapped out of her screaming fit and just started blinking her eyes at him. Then her looked changed to confused to cheer in about 2 seconds. She wrapped her arms around him and said her thanks many times. Mamoru patted her on the head and had a mostly relieved smile on his face. The two then continued to the mall, near each other and making small talk as they continued. After two miles of walking they ended up at the mall and entered it.

The couple were walking around in the mall, and found a jewelry store. Usagi yanked Mamoru and pulled him to the jewelry store with her, wanting to choose her present. They ended up at the display case, with a cashier behind it, looking at the rings and the necklaces.

"Ohh Mamo-chan, Mamo-chan, I want that ring" Usagi smiled, jumping up and down at a $3000 dollar 1.5 carat diamond ring. Mamoru just sighed as she hopped up and down, obviously wanting the ring. The cashier took out the ring and let Usagi looked at it. The female red-headed cashier and Usagi started talking about the ring when Mamoru took his focus off.

Then a flash of the nightmare appeared inside his head.

The nightmare

Mamoru, or Endymion, was lying there, with cuts, bruises and dried blood all over his body. Every part of his body ached as he tried to get up. A shadowy figure charged at him and kicked him in the ribs making him feel even more pain. Then....

The figure revealed himself.

He was a man, grey skinned, and fiery red hair. His nose was larger than a normal man's and the color around his eyes was the color of egg yolk. The irises were the color of blood, and his armor was midnight black in color. He stood over the prince, laughing at him as he crawled around, trying to get up. He then walked over to another figure,lying prone and motionless. He smiled as he levitated the figure and had her stand straight up.

The figure revealed herself to the fallen prince. She had the hair, same as his girlfriends, and had on a flattering white evening dress. She walked up to the prone body and looked down upon him.

"You've failed Endymion," she simply stated in her trance, not having any control over herself. Endymion's spirit broke as she said those words. He cried out her name as she walked toward the evil man. He took the enslaved woman and kissed her in the lips. As they continued the vile kiss Endymion was going down into tears, crying at his failure.

The man turned around and walked over to the fallen prince, who tried to get up. The evil man charged up the blast and had his smirk as he fired it. The moment it struck is when..

Mamoru returned back to reality.

He looked down and saw his girlfriend with a worried look on her face. He blinked his eyes as if he just woke up from a deep sleep.

"Mamo-chan, where have you been all this time?!!!!!" she yelled in his face trying to get his attention. Mamoru snapped out and looked at her. He had a nervous smile on his face as Usagi and the cashier stared at him, looking a hole through him.

Mamoru laughed nervously and stepped back a little as he answered, "Nothing, nothing, heh,heh,heh."

Usagi looked at her boyfriends nervous attempt to get out of the situation. She gazed upon him making him slinking a little further back each time. Then she just smiled at him and took his hand.

"Which ring do you wanna get me?" she asked with a smile. Mamoru just flopped down in surprise and he pointed to the $3000 ring out of instinct.

"Yiippeee!!!!!! Thank you Mamo-chan!!!!!" she cheered as she wrapped her arms around him and jumping up and down. Mamoru looked at the cashier with a look of a dead man.

"Hold it for me," he stated monotonely. The cashier shook her head no and Mamoru had a graver look if possible.

"I'll hold it if you will get it tonight," she loudly whispered to the man. Mamoru gave the OK symbol and the cashier put it back into the display case.

'This is the last time I let Usagi drag me to a jewelry store,' thought Chiba Mamoru as she continued to embrace him out of happiness. He forced the hands apart and held her hands together and planted a small kiss on the lips. The couple then walked out of the store and went down the moving stairway. The couple walked out of the front doors and a car ran and stopped in front of them.

"Hey Koneko having a good time with the boyfriend?" the short haired, sandy blond one asked her frankly. Usagi didn't answer as she turned around and looked at Mamoru.

" I've gotta go, Mamo-chan. See you tonight for our date?" she asked with a smile on her face.

"Sure Usako," he answered. She hugged him and kissed him on the lips. Mamoru smiled as they broke there embrace. Usagi leapt into the car and waved bye to her boyfriend.

" Ja ne Usako," he said before the car ran off away from the mall. Mamoru, alone for the moment, walked away to go to his home. He walked down the street observing people and found a crosswalk after about 10 yards. He waited for the right time and when the sign said, "Walk" in white, he walked across the crosswalk and into the park. He went through the peaceful park, and decided to have a peaceful stroll. The peace and tranquility would not last long, however.

Out of the bushes lept a large brown demon. He was followed by three others just like him. They had on WWI style helmets, with the long spike on the top. There skin was a dark chocolate color. The faces, the ugly faces, were the faces of bulldogs. They were at least 7 feet tall, there legs are about twice the size of a redwood tree and there arms were only slightly smaller. They slammed the benches and the stone statues at the entrance with there iron balled clubs and causing chaos in general. Cars were smashed and tossed around like toys.

Mamoru ran and went deep into the wooded area of the park. He went to the very center of the park, running and looking to make sure that he would not be found. He pulled out his transformation rose and held it in the air. He was about to transform into his form Tuxedo Mask, when all of the sudden a man appeared in front of him. Mamoru gasped as he viewed the man looking at him with a serious look. The reborn Earth Prince and the elfin man looked at each other for a while, nt sure what to think about each other.

"Hello I'm Link," the man introduced breaking the silence. Mamoru just had a puzzled look on his face as he spoke. "This sword belongs to you," he added, then tossed the sword to him. Mamoru caught the sword and looked at him puzzlingly.

"How did you get into my apartment?" he shouted, angry that he broke in to his home. Link put a finger over his own mouth and made the "shhh" sound.

"That is not important, for now I must fuse with you" he said hurriedly. Mamoru looked at him most defensively. He looked over him to try to find any evidence of joking. He gasped when he found no sign of humor. Link transformed into a ball of golden light and hurriedly plunged himself inside the reborn Earth Prince. Before he had time to react, his body changed.

His muscles became at least 5 percent larger. His clothes changed from the button up shirt, sports coat and neatly pressed khaki pants, into a totally different suit. His body was covered by a green, loosely fit suit, a green Arabian style cape, and a green, bedouin style turban with a hunter green
part going over his mouth leaving only his eyes uncovered. It was basically his Moonlight Knight costume, only in hunter green. He inherited Link's knowledge with the fusion.

'No time to waste,' thought the fused mind of Mamoru and Link as he ran back through the woods to the chaos ahead.

A/N: What did you think. Please Read and Review, if you want to.