Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Saving Middle Earth ❯ The Fellowship ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Lord of the Rings or Sailormoon, if I did, Mamoru would never existed and the elves would've never had to leave.

Flashbacks: will be in Italic.

States of unconsciousness will be in-between *

Thoughts: `Will be like this'

Couples are: Usagi/Aragorn




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Usagi was just about to touch the ring when Rei grabbed her hand.

"We can't take that chance Usagi," she whispered in Usagi's ear. Not even an elf heard her.

Usagi brought back her hand and nodded. "You're right," she said to Rei.

"You all look very tired," Gandalf said. "Please enjoy your stay here."

"Koruso wizard," Makoto muttered and Ami elbowed her.

"We are very thankful," Ami said and they all bowed. "Do you have some clothes we can change into?"

They were all dressed in their kimonos (sp?).

"I do suppose those are uncomfortable," Gandalf said.

"Iie," Rei said. "It's just that our parents wouldn't be happy to see our kimonos dirty. It's rare we get this kind of material or anything nice at all."

"Well, just go through that door and you'll see an elf-maiden to help you," Elrond said.

"Arigato," they said and left.

They went to the elf-maiden outside the door and changed into elven clothes.

"Much better," Usagi said.

"Couldn't disagree with ya," Makoto said.

"Hai," Minako said. "For once we're not in a skirt or dress."

"This is a nice change," Ami said.

There was a moment of silence.

"Wanna do see what they're talking about?" Rei asked.

They all nodded and got up.

They all went into hiding around the balcony, being careful not to be seen.

Usagi id in the tree with Minako, Rei was on the ground behind a bush, and Ami and Makoto were behind pillars.

They listened in on the conversation.

"It is a gift, a sign, a weapon that we can wield to destroy Sauron," Boromir said.

"You cannot wield it, none of us can," Strider said. "The one ring answers to Sauron alone."

"What does a ranger know of the one ring?" Boromir asked.

"This is no mere ranger!" Legolas said. "He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn, the heir of Isildur Elendil's son of Gondor. You owe him your allegiance."

Aragorn told Legolas to sit down and he did.

"Gondor has no king," Boromir said sitting down.

`Men,' all the girls thought at the same time.

"The ring must be destroyed," Elrond said.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Glimi shouted and struck the ring with his axe.

It exploded leaving shards and blowing Glimi back.

Usagi saw Frodo jump a little when it happened.

"The ring cannot be destroy, Gimli son of Gloin, by any weapons we posses here," Elrond said. It must be dropped back into the fire from which it came. Now, who will be the one to do it?"

There was a moment of silence.

"One does not simply walk into Mordor. There is evil there that does not sleep. Where the very air you breathe is a poison," Boromir said.

"Well, someone has to do it," Legolas said.

"And I suppose you think you're the one to do it!" Gimli shouted. "Never trust an elf!"

The elves stood up and the dwarves stood up also ready to fight.

"I'd rather die then see the ring in the hands of an elf," Gimli shouted.

Then the entire council except Frodo and Elrond got into an argument.

"I will take the ring!" Frodo shouted. But was not heard.

"I will take the ring!" he repeated and they all looked at him. "But I do not know the way."

"I'll help you as long as the ring is your burden," Gandalf said.

"You'll have my sword," Aragorn said.

"My arrows," Legolas said.

"My axe," Glimi said.

"If the ring must be destroyed then you have my help as well," Boromir said.

"Hey!" Sam shouted then came from around the bush. "Mr. Frodo isn't going anywhere without me!"

"Of course, you two are inseparable even when he is invited to a secret meeting and you're not," Elrond said.

"We're coming to!" Merry shouted.

They came from behind two pillars.

"You'd have to tie us up in a sack and send us down the river to get rid of us," Merry said.

"Besides, you need people of intelligence on this mission…quest…thing," Pippin said and they laughed.

Minako was leaning on a branch and sighed.

"Did you here that?" Elrond asked.

The branch snapped and Minako fell dragging Usagi with her. They landed on Rei, who was very uncomfortable in the first place.

"Itai!" Rei shouted.

Ami and Makoto came from their hiding places too.

"We wanna come too," Minako said getting up.

"What can you women do to help?" Boromir asked.

"You son of a," Rei began when Makoto covered her mouth.

"She wants to come too," Makoto said.

"Usagi, you should go too," Ami said.

Usagi was about to protest when she got a sharp look from Ami. "I'll be happy to go," Usagi said.

"What about Ami and Makoto?" Gandalf asked.

"We can stay here and make plans for war if they're needed," Ami said.

"Hai," Minako said. "If anyone knows battle tactics it's Makoto."

"I'll allow you three to go," Elrond said and they nodded and walked up to Frodo.

They walked in front of Frodo.

"I pledge myself to you as long as the ring is your burden," Rei, Minako and Usagi said at the same time.

Frodo blushed at the seriousness of their voice and the cold looks in their eyes.

"I name you the fellowship of the ring," Elrond said.

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