Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Pure Light ❯ Chapter one “To the academy” ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter one “To the academy”
“Did you get accepted?” an orange cat with black stripes on its back, green eyes, and a sun mark on her forehead asked. The person she was questioning was a 15-year-old girl with dark pink hair and brown eyes. Her hair was styled the same way as Kagome's from InuYasha. She wore tan shorts and a gold t-shirt.
“Yes Arinna. So was my cousin,” the girl explained to the cat.
“You should let Skye know Kayla,” Arinna said.
“I will after I'm done packing,” Kayla told her. A ghostly figure appeared next to her. Kayla glanced at the figure. “Hey Silent Magician.” It was her Silent Magician LV 8. When she had just stared dueling she bought a pack and found Silent Magician LV 4 and LV 8 inside the pack. Then during a duel when she was down to her last few life points she drew Silent Magician LV 8 and she had LV 4 on the field and a Level Up in her hand. She used the Level Up to evolve her LV 4 to LV 8. Kayla's opponent made the crack that he was going to hurt her and her LV 8 said that no harm would come to her as long as she was around. When she saw that nobody else was reacting to what her Silent Magician said she knew that only she could hear her talk. Then she figured out that she was her Duel Spirit. She heard that a few chosen duelists could actually see and talk to their monsters when they weren't dueling and even talk to them during a match.
[You were accepted?] Silent Magician asked.
“Yupe. So has my cousin,” Kayla said.
[You must be careful while you are there,] LV 8 told her.
“I know Magician. I know that there have been some weird things going on over there. I'll keep my eyes open,” she said.
“What's he saying?” Arinna asked.
“She's telling me to be careful at Duel Academy. I know and I will also keep an eye out for any trouble and any other scouts while I'm there,” Kayla said. She yawned and stretched. “I better get to bed. We leave tomorrow to Duel Academy. In the morning I'll call Skye and tell her what's going on.” With that she changed into her pajamas and slipped into her bed. LV 8 disappeared back to her card. Arinna curled up next to Kayla on her bed. Once Kayla fell asleep she went straight into a dream.
“Hey Kayko!” a male voice called to her. She turned around to come face to face with a guy in gold armor. He had cobalt black hair and ruby red eyes. Kayko wore a white leotard with white gloves that had gold bands at the end of them, gold skirt, gold boot with the sign for Leo on the top of them, and a gold tiara with a gold jewel in the middle of it. She also had the same hair and eyes as Kayla.
“Hello Senias. Where are the other Knight's?” she asked.
“Around,” he answered.
“I bet Chons is with Shakija isn't he?” Kayko asked.
“Where else would that guy be?” Senias answered.
“He can be a real jerk sometimes, but I think the only time he shows his softer side is with Shakija. Unless his shadow monsters interrupt him or Shakija's shadow monster does,” Kayko said with a giggle.
“What about yours?” Senias asked.
“Nah. My monster just stands by my side unless someone threatens me and then she'll attack,” Kayko said.
“Same with mine,” Senias said. The two monsters in question appeared beside their owner. Beside Kayko was a Silent Magician LV 8 and beside Senias was a Silent Swordsman LV 7. “Hey Kayla it's time to wake up,” Senias said.
Kayla sat up quickly sending Arinna flying off her bed. “Huh? What's up Ari?” Kayla asked while yawning, “Why did you wake me up so early?”
“It's not early. Look at your clock,” Arinna instructed. Kayla turned and looked at her clock. It read 6:25 and she needed to be at the testing center at 7:30. Kayla screamed. The testing center was half way across town.
“I'm going to be late!” Kayla cried as she raced around. She knew it would take her 10 minuets to get ready and then she would have the rest of that time to get there. She quickly got changed and grabbed her bags along with her deck. “Ari, I have to use the teleport. I'll just teleport myself close to the arena so I don't have far to walk. Ok?”
“As long as you promise that it's somewhere where no one will notice us running out of it,” Arinna said.
“I promise.” She slipped on her last shoe. “Ready Arinna?” She nodded and leapt onto Kayla's left shoulder. “Astral…Teleport!” Kayla called out. In a bright flash of gold light Kayla, Arinna, and all of the bags were gone from her room. They appeared behind a bunch of buildings downtown and Kayla gathered up her bags then took off for the Testing Center. After getting herself checked in she rushed in to check out the other duelists. Upon arriving at the dueling arena Kayla saw a boy dueling one of the proctors. Her jaw dropped. `He looks just like that Senias guy from my dreams,' Kayla thought.
“Kayla!” a female voice called. Kayla turned to see a girl racing up to her.
“Hey Kagome. Still waiting to duel?” Kayla asked.
“Nope. I'm done and I'm in Ra Yellow,” Kagome said.
“What?! I missed you dueling? Damn. Just my luck,” Kayla said.
“So you must be Kagome's cousin,” a male voice said. Both girls glanced behind Kagome to see Jaden, Alexis, Bastion, Tyranno, Syrus, Chazz, Aster, Blair, and Atticus.
“Oh hey Jaden. Yeah this is my cousin. Kayla these are Jaden Yuki, Alexis Rhodes, Bastion Misawa, Tyranno Hassleberry, Syrus Truesdale, Chazz Princeton, Aster Phoenix, Blair Flannigan and Atticus Rhodes, Alexis' brother. Guy's this is my cousin Kayla Chryseis and her cat Arinna,” Kagome said introducing everyone.
“Wow! Aster Phoenix, your one of the top pro duelists around and you use a Destiny Hero's deck,” Kayla said.
“Humph. You must be a big fan,” Aster said.
“Nah. Just a fan of the game not of the duelists only if you count Yugi Mutou, Tea Gardner, and Mai Valentine. Hey wait. Syrus Truesdale? Would Zane Truesdale be your brother?” Kayla asked.
“Yupe that's him,” Syrus said. Just then the boy who was dueling walked over to them. “Hey Shin. How did you do?”
“I won. Gonna be in Ra Yellow,” Shin said simply.
“Well then let me be the first to welcome both you and Kagome to Ra Yellow,” Bastion said.
“What about Hassleberry? He's wearing yellow. Isn't he in Ra Yellow?” Kayla asked.
“Yes ma'am. But I mostly stay in the red barracks,” Tyranno said. Kayla gave Kagome a questionable look.
“Army talk. Don't ask,” Kagome said, “Oh! This is Shin Ryujin. This is my cousin Kayla.”
“Nice to meet ya,” Kayla said holding out her hand to Shin. He smirked and then took her hand. Kayla felt a slight twinge, but quickly recovered. `What the hell was that?' Kayla asked herself. She glanced at Arinna who saw her worried look.
“Would Kayla Chryseis please report to duel arena 4?” a voice called over the loud speakers.
“My turn to shine. See ya after I win!” Kayla called to the group racing off. Arinna jumped off Kayla's shoulder and trotted back over to Kagome.
“She's almost like Jaden,” Blair said.
“Yeah annoying till the end,” Chazz said.
`Good luck Kayla,' Arinna though.
“So you are Kayla,” the male proctor said once Kayla reached the arena.
“Yes sir. I'm ready to duel. So let's do this!” Kayla said.
“Fine. Let's duel!” the proctor said.
Kayla: 4000
Proctor: 4000
They both drew their five cards. “Ladies first,” the proctor said.
“Fine by me,” Kayla said. Kayla drew her extra card then looked at her hand. `This is perfect!' She turned to see LV 8 beside her. `Sorry Silent, but I'm gonna use my fairies right now. I'll save you for later duels.'
[Fine with me. Do your best,] she told her.
`Will do. I got a plan and I know how to pull it off. They allowed me a glance at the deck I would be facing and I know that he only has one Heavy Storm in his deck. I got just the little buddy to help me,' Kayla told him. “First I summon Kaiser Sea Horse in attack mode!”
Kaiser Sea Horse - Attack: 1700/ Defense: 1650
“Then I set one card face down and I call it a turn,” Kayla said.
“So you're planning on sacrificing your monster and use its ability to summon a high level light monster and that face down is to insure its safety,” the proctor said.
“You got me there,” Kayla said showing no fear at all.
“She must be fearless or completely dense,” Aster said.
`Both,' Arinna thought from her spot on Kagome's right shoulder. Then she noticed a strange smell on Kagome. It smelled like Kagome had been traveling in the country for a long time, but Kayla said that her cousin never went camping or anything like that. Was Kagome hiding something from her cousin? She would have to get Kayla to question her later.
“My turn. Draw! I summon Gemini Elf in attack mode!” the proctor said.
Gemini Elf - Attack: 1900/ Defense: 900
“Hey! My cousin has that card in her deck,” Kayla said.
“Then you know that my monster is stronger than yours, but you still have that face down that concerns me,” the proctor said.
`You shouldn't worry about what's on the field with my deck. It's my hand you should be worried about,' Kayla told herself.
“First I activate two spell cards and they are Sparks and Hinotama!” The two magic cards sent fire directly at Kayla who flinched when they hit.
Kayla: 3300
Proctor: 4000
“Heh. Not bad,” Kayla said.
“You got guts kid. I'll now activate my Heavy Storm magic card, which will blow away that card and then my monster will attack,” the proctor said as the magic card began to blow.
“She's in trouble without that face down card,” Syrus said.
“That combo she had is history,” Shin said.
“Not really.” Everyone turned to look at Kagome. “Kayla's deck deals with the hand and the field. Her monsters help her out in both areas. She has a fairy/light deck. She has two big bad fairy monsters and one big bad light monster who I think she's saving for another duel.” They all gave her questionable looks. “This duel is about to get interesting.” They all turned back to the duel.
The proctor looked stunned seeing that Kayla's face down card wasn't destroyed. “Why did your card not get destroyed?” he demanded.
“Because I had a friend help me and it goes by the name of Herald of Green Light. When I send it and another fairy type monster to my grave I can negate the activation of a spell card my opponent just activated.”
“Why didn't she do that before?” Alexis asked.
“She was probably waiting for the right time to use it,” Atticus said.
“And she probably knew that he would try to destroy her face down,” Aster said.
“And since you already declared an attack my trap activates!” Kayla cried as her face down flipped up. “Negate Attack stops your attack and ends your battle phase.”
“Well played. I end my turn,” the proctor said.
“My draw!” Kayla drew her card and smirked.
“What's that smirk for?” the proctor demanded.
“This duel is mine. I activate Pot of Greed, which as you know allows me to draw two extra cards. Next I tribute my Kaiser, which activates his ability meaning I can summon a light monster that needs two sacrifices and I'll summon my Wingweaver!” Kayla called. The huge fairy appeared in a burst of light.
Wingweaver - Attack: 2750/ Defense: 2400
“Very good,” the proctor said, “Now I bet you'll attack and destroy my monster.”
“Not quite. I now activate the magic card Monster Reborn. As you know I am able to bring back to the field one monster from my grave,” Kayla said.
“Bringing back your Sea Horse for another round?”
“Nope.” The proctor looked confused. “You remember that I had to toss one of my other fairies to the grave along with my Green Light in order to activate its effect.” The proctor nodded. “So I'm bringing that monster back!” Kayla said as a brilliant white light came from her graveyard. “I would like you to meet one of my other favorite fairy monsters beside Wingweaver who goes by the name of Majestic Mech - Goryu!” The huge fairy monster appeared floating above Kayla's head.
Majestic Mech - Goryu - Attack: 2900/ Defense: 1800
“That's a big fairy,” Blair said in awe.
“So that's why she protected her Sea Horse the way she did. It was to prepare for this,” Jaden said, “Sweet!”
“Heh. She ain't that bad,” Chazz said.
“I bet she'll make Ra Yellow for sure!” Syrus said.
“Thanks to the two extra cards I got from Pot of Greed I can boost their strength even more! So I activate the field spell called Luminous Spark! It gives my two light monsters an attack boost of 500 each, but it does decrease their defense by 400 points. But I really don't think that matters right now,” Kayla said.
Wingweaver - Attack: 3250/ Defense: 2000
Majestic Mech - Goryu - Attack: 3400/ Defense: 1400
“This is going to hurt,” the proctor said.
“You got that right. Goryu! Attack his Gemini Elf with Luster Burst!” Kayla called.
Kayla: 3300
Proctor: 2500
“Ouch! That's going to leave a mark,” Tyranno said.
“Not as bad as what her other fairy is about to do,” Shin said.
“Now! Wingweaver attack directly and end this duel! Angel's Blessing!” Kayla ordered. Her Wingweaver lunged at the proctor. Then hurled a ball of light directly at him. He cried out as his life points went to zero.
Kayla: 3300
Proctor: 0
“Well done. I bet you'll be placed in Ra Yellow,” the proctor said.
“Thank you sire, but I would like to be placed in Slifer Red.”
The proctor looked confused. “I don't see why you want to go into that dorm for, but if you want to be in Slifer Red then I'll talk to the Chancellor Sheppard.”
“Thanks!” Kayla then scampered back up to Kagome and the others. “I'm in guy's!” Kayla called.
“What dorm are you in?” Alexis asked.
“Slifer,” Kayla answered happily.
“But I though you did great on the written exam?” Kagome asked.
“I was on the line between Slifer and Ra so they gave me a choice and so I choose Slifer,” Kayla explained.
“Good luck in that dump,” Chazz said.
“I seem to recall that you reside in that dorm Chazz,” Blair said.
“Hey I better go and find a phone,” Kayla said.
“Why do you need a phone?” Tyranno asked.
“I was planning on calling my friend this morning before I got here, but I was running a little late and I didn't have the time to call her so I'm gonna go call her now.” With that Kayla took off down a hallway. She glanced around and saw that no one had followed her. She took a compact mirror with the sign for Leo on it and opened it up. “Breeze? You there?” she asked.
“Hey Lion. I was wondering when you would call me. How's it going?” Breeze asked.
“I woke up a little late today and by the time I got to the testing center Kagome had already dueled and was told she'll be in Ra Yellow along with a guy named Shin Ryujin,” Kayla explained.
“Shin Ryujin?!” Breeze exclaimed.
“Yeah. You know him?”
“He's an extremely good duelist and uses a warrior deck,” Breeze explained.
“Have I mentioned that he looks like that Senias guy from my dreams?” Kayla asked.
“Damn Kayla you are lucky,” Breeze said.
“This isn't time to joke Skye,” Kayla said sternly.
Skye quieted down. “What's wrong? You think something might be going down?” she asked.
“Not sure, but Duel Academy does have a history of being a place where weird stuff happens. Like the time with the Demon Gods, the Society of Light, and that Viper guy,” Kayla explained. “Look I better go before they all come looking for me.”
“Who comes looking for you?” Skye asked.
“Let's see my cousin, Ryujin, Jaden Yuki, Alexis Rhodes, Bastion Misawa, Tyranno Hassleberry, Syrus Truesdale, Chazz Princeton, Aster Phoenix, Blair Flannigan and Atticus Rhodes. Not to mention Arinna.”
“Damn Lion, you sure meet a lot of interesting people,” Skye said, “See ya then.”
“See ya.” With that Kayla closed the mirror and made her way back to Kagome and the others.
To be continued…
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