Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Irony ❯ The Joys of SIT ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


      &nbs p;  Chapter Three
         The Joys of "SIT"

'I have got to get out of here,'

Sorry folks but heroism only goes so far. Sure I sacrifice my life for others but twice in one day is just too much. I could run, probably a good mile or two with this enhanced speed that my body has gifted me with; but as always there was the girl. The old lady could kill over for all I care; she tried to kill me with an arrow for crying out loud! Plus the girl had the bad Ami that is no reason to save her!

What is wrong with me?

But now is not the time for questions, because the human-oni Inuyasha is soon up on his feet, his body nothing but a blur of red with the occasional flash of silver from the moon reflecting off his claws. Ignoring the pain in my back and hand I leap to my feet and try to fake Inuyasha out by darting in front of him. I had planed to jump in front of him to distract him from the retreating girl and the jewel but instead off falling for it Inuyasha just leaped over my head heading straight for the girl. I can feel a frown stretch on my face; of course it couldn't have been simple, how silly of me to think otherwise. Rotating on my heel I gave chase to the half oni and the girl carrying the jewel.

Easily catching up with the half demon I twisted my body to clip his side with my extracted claws. A single set of claws arose to block my strike, and then the hand that the claws attached to curled around my injured hand with a fierce grip. I yelped in pain, falling back for a moment. For a moment all I can do is stare at the forms that are slowly shrinking to little black dots. A growl of frustration erupts from my throat; I can't be weak I was weak before I became a senshi even when I became a solider I always felt look down upon because all I could do with my powers was either blow bubble fog, or freeze the enemy in place. I can't afford to be seen as weak.

Gritting my teeth against a new wave of pain I got back up to my feet; glancing ahead I can see that the human-oni is quickly catching up with the girl, his clawed hands nearly slashing her down as she is running. I look further to see a bridge stretched over a slow moving river. I have got to catch up with them before they can reach the river.

I was about ready to leave until I felt a tug at my side. I turned my head to see the old woman with the bow and arrows standing beside me. At first I flinch wondering if she might decide to kill me even though that girl carrying the oni enhancing gem is going to be killed by that dog-eared monster.

She grasped my right hand and forced something into my palm. Curious I looked down to see a necklace, a rosary actually. I look back at the old woman, grey eyes all but hidden beyond wrinkles that told of years come and gone stared back at me without fear.

"Take this with you, get it around Inuyasha's neck and tell the girl to speak the words of submission."

"Words of submission?" I asked as I fingered the necklace between my claws.

She nodded, "Hurry, Kitsune-hime you don't have much time to reach them."

Still not fully understanding what was going on I took the old woman's words to heart and once again bolted after the oni and the girl. I have no idea what the necklace has to do with anything but if the old woman said that it would work I guess I could try it at the very least.

Quickly catching up to them, but unfortunately the girl has already reached the bridge and of course doggy is right behind her. I may be faster but I still can't catch up to the demon and put the necklace around his neck before he can get his claws on the girl. Praying that those softball sessions during P.E. last year paid off I slung the necklace at the demon's head.

It's going, going, going..

And it missed.


Don't look at me like that?

I may be a super heroine but I am not perfect!

Growling I forced my body to push itself beyond its limits. I scooped up the necklace and launched myself into the air; literally floating briefly before I landed on top of the demon.

"Hey, what gives!?" he snarled underneath me.

Trying to avoid his gnashing teeth and flying claws I amazingly managed to slip the necklace over his head. Still struggling to keep him under me I glanced at the frightened girl.

"You, girl speak the words of submission!" I yelled, still wrestling the demon.

I paused just in time to see the cutest but so inopportune look of cluelessness on the girl's face.

"Young lady, you must say something to quite Inuyahsa's spirit," said a scratchy old voice that I recognized as the old woman.

"What do I say?" the girl asked.

"Any word. Just say something quickly."

"I umm, SIT!"

I would have smiled at the irony of those words if I weren't kissing the ground along side dog boy; oh the pain, I think I chipped a tooth.

Inuyasha struggles up from the ground, his eyes glaring daggers at the girl, promising a very slow and painful death. Before I could stop him the oni-human bucked me off and dove for the girl. Instead of running away she yelled, "Sit!"

Slam. Inuyasha was sprawled in a very painful looking spread eagle position on the bridge; I can just imagine the splinters.ouch.

He crawled to his feet.



I am starting to like that sound.

"Sit! Sit! SitSitSitSitSit!"

Okay. I think that would be counted as overkill.

Finally Inu-boy is allowed on his feet. He yanks on the necklace, "Damn, I why can't I get this thing off!?" he snarled.

"It' s a rosary. And since this young lady has spoken the word of submission only she can remove the rosary."

At those words Inu turns to glare at the girl, "You, remove this right now or I'll."

The old woman coughed, "The spirit word,"

"Sit," the girl replied with just a hint of fear.

Again Inuyasha is kissing the ground.

The old woman turned towards the clearing behind the bridge, "Come with me young lady, there is much that we must discus."

With a small sigh I turn to leave. I would rather not bother the old woman especially when she specifically told the girl to follow her.

"You too Kitsune-hime,"

I blinked, turned on my heel and followed the old woman.

Behind us Inu was cursing us out, calling the old woman many names that I didn't even knew existed.

"So you are saying that this jewel."

"The Shikon no Tama," the old woman interjected as she stirred a large pot of delicious looking stew.

"Can make demons stronger?" the young girl, whom finally introduced herself as Kagome, asked. The old woman nodded in silent affirmation.

"Not only demons young one but humans as well. The Shikon no Tama is a very powerful but very dangerous gem. Many lives have been lost over that seemingly worthless trinket. For the last fifty or so years it hasn't been a problem because it disappeared; but now that it has appeared trouble shall begin once again," the old woman predicted sagely as she tended to the large wound in Kagome's side.

Speaking of wounds the hole in my shoulder had stopped bleeding a long time ago and my hand showed nothing but light pink scars that were steadily fading as well. My new form just might have it's own advantages. But before I can get to interested in what this body is capable of I must know how I ended up in this body in the first place, or more importantly how I ended up here and how I can get back..

To what.

To my home of course.

To the world that is hanging in the balance of destruction and salvation.

Kami Usagi please be okay.

"What is wrong with you Kitsune?" asked the old woman.

I looked up noticing three pairs of eyes staring at me. One was indifferent almost bored gold, another was a mix of concern and a hint of fear, the last one were also concerned but were weary, not fearful.

I smiled, or at least I tried to without showing my new fangs, "Nothing, I was just thinking. Why do you ask?"

Inu glared at me, "You were whining like a hurt pup, stupid. If there is nothing wrong with you than shut up."

My grin deflated to a grimace, gods that guy is so annoying. Why is he here anyway?

Ignoring both of the silent dual of stares the old woman, called Kade, continued, "In this age of wars if evil youkai or humans get a hold of the jewel then they can achieve even their most wicked desires."

My ears literally perk up at this bit of information. That little pink gem can grant wishes? Maybe I can use it to go back home!

Gold eyes flicker in front of me.

"What do you want?" I snarl, curling my mouth to show my teeth.

"If your thinking about using that jewel fox you better think again! I have rights to that jewel."

"Who says!"

"I do!"

"Oh, cocky aren't we? And just who do you think you are anyway puppy? God, maybe, funny but I never pictured Kami-sama with tuffs of fur and cute little triangle ears."

Kagome giggles a little, but Kaede seems to be far from amused.

Kagome clears her throat to speak, "Why do you want the Shinkon no Tama? You're are strong even without the jewel's power."

Inuyasha huffs, refusing to answer, but he didn't need to since Kaede replied.

"Because he is only half demon,"

Suddenly Inuyasha leaps to his feet, "Shut up you old crone! Quit talking as if you know me!"

The old woman got a distant look in her eyes; she sighed and replied quietly, "You don't remember me do you?" She shrugged her hunched shoulders, "Not surprising I suppose. I am the younger sister of Kikyou, the person who sealed you."

"Hmm so you are that Kaede." Inuyasha said in an almost thoughtful tone.

"It has been fifty years, so yes I have aged." Kaede said solemnly.

"So if you're the brat than that must mean that Kikyou is a really old hag as well." He smirked, "Must suck being human, huh?"

"Kikyou one-sama is dead. She died the same day you were sealed to the God Tree."

"So that's what happened," Inu mused for a moment then shrugged, "Oh well too bad for the bitch than. That's a relief."

Keade shook her head, "It is to early to be relieved Inuyasha."

She turned to look at Kagome, "This young girl just might be the reincarnation of Kikyou-sama."

I couldn't help but stare at Kagome, a reincarnation. I know that I shouldn't be surprised after all that's happened not to mention the fact that I too am I reincarnation of former guardian of the Moon Princess whom was reincarnated into one my best friends, whom is in love with her reincarnated lover and so and so on.

It is around this time that Inuyasha leaves us. Good riddance I say. I look to the side at Kagome whom seemed to have found a comfortable corner to sleep; but instead of staring she just looks up at the ceiling. I could sort of relate to what she is feeling. Form what I can tell I have landed in a some sort of time warp where the Feudal Era of Japan is the present and if her modern clothing is any indication Kagome is from at least the same century as me.

So if my guess is correct we are two girls stuck in the past with no prospects of returning home, one could be the reincarnation of a dead woman whom for some reason Inuyasha knew, and yours truly is a fox demon.

Speaking of which the old woman Kaede say, "So Kitsune what is your story? Are you after the jewel too?"

I smiled, nervously rubbing my right ear, "Not exactly,"

"If it is not for the jewel then why are you here?" the old woman asked.

"I um it is kind of complicated. You see I don't belong here."

"Humph, I could have told you that Kitsune," came a gruff voice.

Oh goody, pain in the ass is back.

"I mean that I don't belong in this "world", "time" whatever you want to call it!" I snapped, feeling all of today's frustrations and fear rising in me.

I tugged on my tail, "This isn't even my real body! I am not an oni, a kitsune or anything like that I am just a human girl!"

At that moment I felt tears prick my eyes, I feel so ashamed. I promised myself not to show any weakness not when I don't know what is going on or what to do. I have to be strong otherwise I might not live to see myself home, if there is a home left to go to.

Suddenly I felt a soft hand touch my cheek, I look up to see Kagome, her blue-gray eyes showing concern and sympathy, "It's alright. We believe you. I am here by accident too."

So to make a long story short I gave them a brief overview of my life as a senshi, including my past life and of course my recent "death", and how I woke up here in this world. After me Kagome told us about how she fell through the well after that centipede demon grabbed her, seeing Inuyasha, being chased by the demon right up to this moment.

Thankfully both Kaede and Inu were silent until we had finished.

Inuyasha muttered something about weak humans and fox demons before taking off, hopefully, for the last time.

With him gone Keade encouraged both me and Kagome to get some rest, at first I protested realizing that I might get her in trouble with the village if they found out that their miko had allowed a kitsune to sleep in her house. She easily dismissed my idea as foolishness and hands me a mat for me to sleep on. But sleep apparently was an option. No matter how many sheep I counted or silently recited Usagi's "in the name of the moon" speeches I just couldn't fall asleep.

After about an hour of fitful tossing and turning I decided to step outside. I glanced up at the sky that was abundant with bright stars; sitting down Indian style I titled my head back just gazing at the vast sky. So beautiful and yet discouraging, if I am still in the same "world" but just in a different time Usagi might still be fighting to save the world. A bittersweet smile crossed my lips, that should be comforting but I can't help but worry if what if she doesn't win this time? What if I never get back home? What if?

"You know even though you are not actually a demon you should at least TRY not to cry so much fox."

Kami, I thought that he left.

Pulling my legs up so that my knees folded under my chin I glared at the half dog demon.

"Get lost," I growled but it sounded more like a sniffle.

He grunted, leaning against the hut, "Why should I? You were the one that was trespassing in the first place."

"I told you that wasn't my fault! Why don't you do the world a favor and go fetch a stick Fido!" I snipped before ducking back into the hut. I couldn't help but smirk as I fondly recalled the shocked expression on his face that my comment left him with.

That happy thought allowed me to have the best sleep that I have every since this whole Animate and Galaxia mess started. Ah yes, for the moment life was good.

"I heard that she is the reincarnation of the great miko Kikyou-sama."


Man, and here I thought being a reincarnated warrior/protector of the Moon Princess was bad.

After breakfast Kagome and me decided to explore the tiny village. Almost as soon as we stepped out of Kaede's hut whispered rumors and even a few people followed us. At first they seemed afraid to approach, I guess because I am a full, sort of, kitsune and demons in this world are not the nicest beings to meet. But gradually they got a bit braver and before we realized it the small following soon became a parade of sorts.

"I really wish that they would leave me alone." Kagome whispered under her breath.

Not knowing what to say I just nodded, until I got an idea.

"Hey turn around and see what they do." I suggested.

"Huh? Why?"

"Just do it." I hissed.

Slowly Kagome turned on her heel to face the villagers. As soon as they saw her face they fell forward on their faces, literally worshiping the ground she had trotted on.

Wow! I wonder if I could make them do that for me?

Uh better not try. I might scare a few of them into an early grave. Heck after those few instances yesterday I scare myself.

I still don't really understand why I actually enjoyed picking a fight with Inuyasha and of course gutting that demon. That is so unlike me. The prospect for a good fight and the scent of blood seemed to change my whole out look in a matter of seconds. I don't like that. Maybe it is a part of being a demon. I would have asked Inuyasha about this if he wasn't currently sulking in a near by tree. Besides since he is half a demon he may or may not know about this.bloodlust, malevolent nature.but then again he seemed to have the violent nature down pat yesterday so maybe he can help. That is if he can dig his head out of his ass long enough to answer my questions.

It doesn't take long for Kagome and I to ditch the villagers and return to Kaede's hut, by then lunch is already simmering.oh fish yummy! I move to snatch some off of the fire but Kagome reaches them first.

"I have an idea, why don't we sit with Inuyasha. I am sure he must be hungry too."

I give the poor girl a disbelieving stare before following her, she is the one carrying the fish after all, to Inu's sulking tree, it was then that I noticed the basket literally over flowing with food, radishes, fruit, bread, even some more fish. We reach the tree, Kagome tosses the piece of fruit at the Inu, and for a moment I thought that it was going to hit him but he caught it in mid air. He glared down at us, Kagome waved at him.

"Morning!" she replied cheerfully.

"What's with the food?" Inuyasha asked, voicing the question that I was pondering.

Kagome laid the basket of vegetables, fruit and fish, and sat down at the foot of the tree to which I sat down at her side.

She lifted her head, "Want to join us? There is more than enough to share."

I grabbed a piece of fruit and shook my head, this girl reminds me so much of Usagi, she was always so kind sometimes even to our enemies. But I hope that Kagome shows some caution when it comes to Inuyasha, he maybe under the spell of the rosary but he is still very powerful.

Inuyasha hesitantly comes down the tree, only to give Kagome and me accusing glares. I try to ignore him and eat my piece of fruit then my fish.

"What are you two planning?" he asked gruffly.

"Nothing," we replied at the same time. Wow, that was kind of scary.

Kagome then cocks her head to the side to get a better look at Inu, "You don't like me do you?" Yep, just like Usagi.

"Like you?! You are nauseating to even look at bitch!" Inu bellowed.

Oh no, I feel a "submission" session coming on. Sure enough.No not yet.but it is coming soon, I can tell.

"Hey," Kagome starts pointing at herself, "I am Kaogme, not Kikyou, understand?"

I blink, would Usagi think of herself that way? That she is Usagi not Princess Serenity of the Moon Kingdom?

"So why can't we at least try to be friends?" Kagome asked, causing me to return my focus to Inu and her.

For a moment Inu is silent but then he snorts, "You're an idiot. Whoever you may be I will do anything without mercy to take the Shinkon no Tama."

"Ah, but do remember that if you decide to run wild again all I have to do is say "sit"."

Oh no.


"Ah I, oh I am sorry I forgot that that happens if I say it!" Kagome apologized immediately but Inuyasha didn't seem to be in a very forgiving mood.

He grumbled and left us to finish lunch by ourselves. Not that I really cared but Kagome looked very crestfallen.

Later we returned to Kaede's hut only for me to be called aside by the old miko.

"Come here, Ami-san, there is something that I need to discuss with you."

Meekly I followed the miko to the vegetable garden behind her hut. Before I could blink the old woman had me helping her up root herbs and turnips.

"So you say that you come from a different time, like Kagome-san and possibly another world as well?"

"Yes, miko-sama." I replied as I pulled up a plump turnip and tossed it into the basket.

"And you also say that you are human but somehow you managed to obtain the body of a kitsune sometime between your leave from your world and your entrance into ours."

I nodded, trying to avoid the dirt that the miko was kicking up with the garden hoe.

"Interesting to say the least." Keade said softly.

"Miko-sama, I was wondering. Would you know of any way that I can change back into a human?" I asked.

The miko stared at me before chuckling softly, "My child, I fear that even if there was a way to change you back to normal it would do you more harm than good. There are many demons and humans in this world whom could and will use you to their advantage. In this form you can better protect yourself."

"I know that miko-sama, but I just feel so.awkward even afraid of myself in this form. Yesterday I was trying to pick a fight with Inuyasha and I believe that I would have killed Kagome-san if Inuyasha hadn't cut into my back." I confessed.

"That maybe true; but Ami-san listen to me when I say that once you overcome those obstacles I believe that you will be much safer in this world if you remain a kitsune at least until we can find a way to return you back to your proper time and world. You have two things going for you as of now, you are a full blooded demon with no land to your name so more than likely you yourself won't be challenged by other demons. Secondly you are a nine-tails kitsune, a good luck omen to both demon and human alike, so only a fool would want to harm you intentionally."

I digested these words and tried so hard to take them to heart but I couldn't help being afraid within my own skin.

All I could think about was what horrors my own body was capable of. Images of that gapping hole within the demon centipede ran through my head, only they were replaced with random images of Kagome whom looked a lot like Usagi for some reason.

Before we left the garden Kaede stopped me.

"Since you are on your own "quest" so to speak I hope that you won't mind if I entrusted Kagome's safety in your hands. There will be many wicked souls whom will be after the jewel, and you know that I would rather eat my own legs than trust her in Inuyasha's hands even with the rosary spell on him."

Here it comes. I am charged with the safety of another human being. Just like thousands of years before, to before I came here. Without hesitation I smiled, while thinking "Here we go again"

"I promise, Keade-sama. I shall protect Kagome and the Shinkon no Tama with my life."

Hey why not, I am a senshi after all. Besides what good does it do me to have more lives than a cat if I don't put them to good use?