Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mythical Senshi ❯ Chapter one “2020” ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter one “2020”
~~Someone's POV~~
It is the year 2020 and the old Sailor Senshi are dead and gone. That just leaves the others and me to deal with invaders. Who am I? I am Keiko Hisakino, 16 years old. I may seem normal to you, but I'm not as are my friends and co-workers. Where do I work? I work at the Space Guard Alliance otherwise known as the SGA. Why does a girl of 16 work at a place that protects from space invaders? Well I'm one of they're secret weapons. I am Sailor Phoenix, the Mythical Senshi of Mars and fire. My friends and co-workers are also Mythical Senshi. There is Ryuka Busatano, Sailor Drow, the reincarnation of Sailor Saturn, Asami Sendono, Sailor Peryton, the reincarnation of Sailor Pluto, Yuna Namino, Sailor Mermaid, the reincarnation of Sailor Neptune, Hitomi Sorano, Sailor Pegasus, the reincarnation of Sailor Uranus, Sano Aibino, Sailor Nymph, the reincarnation of Sailor Venus, Nariko Hekirekino, Sailor Dragon, the reincarnation of Sailor Jupiter, Sayuri Aisuno, Sailor Gryphon, the reincarnation of Sailor Mercury, and Freya Mikano, Sailor Angel, the reincarnation of Sailor Moon. “Miss Hisakino are you paying attention?” I heard someone ask.
I glanced up to see my teacher, Mrs. Zhang, glaring right at me. She had written something on the board that said something about the history of Star City. That's where we live, the Mythical Senshi and me. It used to be Neo Tokyo when Sailor Moon became queen of the moon, but then when she died it was changed to Star City. “Yes Mrs. Zhang,” I replied though I was bored out of my mind.
“Then maybe you can tell me the year Neo Tokyo was changed to Star City?” Mrs. Zhang asked me.
I wanted to laugh right out loud, but I settled for a smirk. I knew this one like the back of my hand. “That's easy. There are two years. The first would be 2014 around December 31st before the countdown to the New Year and 2015 of January 1st. On December 31st it was announced, during the evening, that during 2015 Neo Tokyo would be called forever more Star City.” The rest of the class was in awe of me. Not many would be smart enough to use both years in they're answer for fear it might be wrong. But I could care less about it. Besides I had patrol to think about later tonight. Yeah each Mythical Senshi is told to go on patrol every night and tonight was my night.
“Very good Miss. Hisakino and wise choice in backing it up,” Mrs. Zhang said as she turned back to the board.
Just then I sense someone staring at me. I picked up my pocket mirror from my desk and acted like I was applying lipstick to my lips, which I don't need, but I tilted the mirror so I could look to see who is staring at me from behind. My answer comes in the form of Yusei Taisho. He is one strange guy with his silver hair and dark gold eyes. But hey who am I to say that he is strange when I am strange myself. “Heh look at little miss perfect trying to spy on Taisho,” came a voice beside me.
I put my mirror down. Why did Mikoto Ziyi have to be so annoying? I glared at the dark blue haired and brown-eyed girl beside me. “Shut it Mikoto. Why are you being so childish by tattling on me? We ain't in pre-school anymore so leave me alone.” With that said I turned back to watch Mrs. Zhang write more facts on the board. That was when Mikoto started hollering at me. I didn't listen to a single thing she said and just kept my eyes on the teacher. I saw Mrs. Zhang tense up and I knew that Mikoto was in trouble.
“Miss. Ziyi head directly to the principles office now!” Mrs. Zhang ordered. Mikoto got up in a rage and stormed out the classroom door. Everyone in that class let out a sigh of relief. Everyone hated Miss Mikoto Ziyi because she was the daughter of a very wealthy family who owned most of Star City and she was a stuck up bitch.
Just then the bell rang and we were released. I raced outside and once there I called out for my hoverboard. A hoverboard is just like a skateboard, but the hoverboard uses air to get around and you can do better tricks on it. Plus if you owned a hoverboard no one could claim it was theirs since your own hoverboard is suppose to respond to your voice alone. My board zoomed over to me and I hopped onto it. “Let's hit the skies,” I called out. My board knew what I meant and took off. My black hair that came to my shoulder blades blue in the wind and my blue eyes were filled with excitement.
As I zoomed through Star City I stole glances around myself. In this time with enemies coming from outer space you never knew who or what would be coming at you next. Suddenly I felt my cell phone going off in my pocket so I answered it. It was my mom. “Are you off to work?” my mom asked me.
“Yeah. Got a lot to do tonight. I'll try not to work late,” I told her. She had no idea that I was part of the Mythical Senshi. No one in my family knows that I am a Senshi.
“All right honey. See ya later,” she said. I said my goodbye and hung up the phone. I put the phone in my pocket as I came upon the base of the SGA. The SGA base was right in the middle of Star City, but the base looked like any other building around it yet underneath the latest technology is working day and night to keep an eye on Earth at all times.
I passed the guard's booth and flashed him my pass. Every member of the SGA must have this pass on then at all times when inside the SGA otherwise you can't get to certain area's if you really needed too. “Evening Phoenix,” he said to me as I hopped off my board.
“Same to you Hideki,” I said back as I entered the base. I entered an elevator and pressed the down button. Phoenix is my code name. Each one of the Senshi has one. Soon I was at the floor I wanted and made my way to the control room. That is where everything is over seen in the SGA and it is over seen by Mr. Norinaga or Chief Norinaga to us Senshi.
“Good evening Phoenix,” Mr. Norinaga said to me when I approached him.
“Hey Chief. I was going to get some food before I head out on patrol,” I told him
“Very good. They have the Pasta Bar tonight,” He told me.
“Sweet. See ya later,” I called to him as I left. I made my way to the mess hall to see Ryuka Busatano and Asami Sendono sitting at a table eating pasta. Asami has black hair and gray blue eyes. (Asami's hair looks like this -> 58) Ryuka had purple eyes and brown hair. (Ryuka's hair looks like this -> Heart-82772026) “Hey girls,” I called to them. I glanced over to see Freya at the counter getting stuff to eat. “Second or third?” I asked Asami sitting down at the table.
“Her 5th,” Asami answered. She wore her favorite deep red business suit and black heels. She is in charge of Star City's medical department. She was and this is the best doctor around and no one has been able to top her and she is just 24 years old.
“But isn't it good that she eats a lot?” Ryuka asked. Ryuka wore her favorite purple t-shirt and jean shorts along with violet sneakers. Ryuka's parents were the best lawyers in all of Star City. Even though she is 13 she can still be naive at times.
“Yes but it all depends on what she eats, which means mostly junk food,” I said. Asami nodded as Freya came skipping over to us with a huge plate filled with pencil point noodles covered in a strange pink sauce that I recognized right away as alfredo marinara.
“Hey Pyro,” Freya called to me. She loves to call me that for some unknown reason although it feels right. She had violet hair and dark blue eyes. (Freya's hair looks like this -> 210559) She wore her favorite pink t-shirt and white skirt along with black loafers. She is our leader and holder of a mythical gem called the Silver Crystal. It is said that if it were ever to crack and shatter then its host would die as well. Her parents own a very popular restaurant downtown that all the Mythical Senshi love to eat at. The restaurant is called `Moon Girl'.
“Hey Angel,” I said fooling with my necklace that always hung around my neck since I was 6. (Her necklace looks like this -> 5)
“I heard Mikoto got sent to the principle today,” Freya said starting on her food.
“Yeah right from Mrs. Zhang's class. If they got ravioli's I'm gonna get some then go out on patrol,” I said getting up from the table.
“I got a question Keiko. Why do you always play with that necklace of yours?” Freya asked me.
“Because it brings me luck whenever I wear it and it's very special to me,” I said. What I didn't tell them was a boy I once knew gave it to me. That was before we moved and I lost contact with him plus I never knew his name. They did have some ravioli's so I got them with alfredo sauce just before heading out to go on patrol. How was I suppose to know that I would soon come face to face with my old friend once again and be on a team with?
Too be continued…