Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Shot Heaven ❯ Winds of a Betraying Heart ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Whirling from her position as she heard the noise, Kagome stared around, almost erratically. She kept twitching, as though waiting for someone. At that moment, she gave a sigh of relief as a familiar figure stepped out. “Inuyasha! You came for me.” Inuyasha said nothing. He didn't even look up at her. Frowning a little, she stepped forward. “Inuyasha?” A growl had her stepping back. Swallowing Kagome took another step back. “I know your mad Inuyasha, but it wasn't my fault.” He growled once more, not even looking at her.

Looking back over her shoulder, she looked for something to help her just in case. “Where are Miroku and Sango?” Inuyasha said nothing. Taking another step back, her hand found the jar of jewel shards. She clutched them tightly. They had so few, most of them in Naraku's grasp.

Suddenly, laughter filled the clearing. She turned around swiftly in fear. It sounded evil. She realized only after a few moments that it came from Inuyasha. “Your soul is mine Miko.” His voice was rough, and she knew it was his demon side. “Sit!” Nothing happened. Inuyasha laughed again. “That doesn't work on this body anymore.” She took another step back. She watched as he lifted his head. “Inuyasha…?”

It couldn't have been Inuyasha. It was the same face and eyes, but everything was different. His demon markings were there but they were black instead of red. His eyes were still gold and yet they were far colder than anything she had ever seen. For a moment, her soul stuttered before them. His hair was the same, but it seemed smoother and silkier. His ears were still there as well but there was black on them.

“I am not Inuyasha. Inuyasha is no more.” Kagome stumbled back against a tree. “You took over his body!” She was afraid now. The Inuyasha look-alike laughed once more. His laughter made her skin crawl. “No. Inuyasha has become me. The dead woman is no more for she tried to take him over. Now you will die as well for trying to tie him. The slayer attempted to protect that little monk when he tried to exorcise me. He also paid the price. As for the rodents, they were smart enough to flee.” Kagome swallowed. This was Inuyasha. It had to be. Then his demon had taken complete control and his human side was no more.

“I won't let you kill me. I still have my duty to complete.” He laughed once more, this time making Kagome flinch. “I my dear sweet Kagome do not care. Inuyasha no longer exists and he is now my-self.” This one seemed to think a lot of him-self. She almost snorted. “And who are you?” He smirked as though he had been waiting for those exact words. At that moment, the wind began to blow fiercely around them. “I am Kirai.” He then lunged for her throat.

Without thought, Kagome flung herself to the side and began to run. The wind pushed her along, as though helping her. She didn't dare look back. She could feel his evil aura behind her and moving toward her quickly. She closed her eyes briefly, begging to the gods to send someone to save her.

Sesshomaru moved along the path silently. The wind had picked up a lot. It shoved him this way and that, almost trying to lead him. Getting tired of battling it, he allowed himself to go the way the wind was directing him in. Soon enough, he took in the scent of his half-breed brother and yet it was different. It was stronger and darker. The lighter scent of his Miko was with him as well. He was about to turn away when he recognized that she was frightened and his brother's aura was attempting to destroy hers. As he turned a bend in the path, something ran into him. He stared down at the Miko.

Kagome looked up at what she had run into. Her body stirred into a fire. She didn't understand. The memory of her dream that she had that seemed like millenniums ago came to her. It drugged her, causing her limbs to become heavy. Sesshomaru's cold eyes flashed in recognition. She figured that he knew who she was and who she traveled with. She looked back, realizing why she had run into him in the first place. She shivered as she felt his aura circling.

Sesshomaru touched her aura and recognized the spicy scent of arousal. The moment he met her, his dream from a few weeks ago came back to him. The woman had continued to haunt him by the fact that he knew he could never claim her as his. Her aura was almost exactly the miko's aura though. He looked away as he felt his brother circling.

“Leave, Sesshomaru. Please, this isn't your fight.” Kagome's voice was soft as she made herself stand. Her Miko blazed around her. She had never felt this whole before. She knew though that her soul had not returned yet. It was nearby though. She realized that Kirai must have been able to hold on to it somehow. She moved toward the edge, clenching her fists. “Come out and face me!”

Laughter echoed around them. “So now my little Miko pretends to be brave. I thought this might happen. I was hoping it would. The youkai will not interfere though. This is between you and me Miko.” Kagome glanced up at Sesshomaru. He studied her for a long moment. If indeed this was happening, and his brother was going to destroy this human then he would claim her as his. He spoke quietly. “I will await your decision Miko. This Sesshomaru shall not interfere unless you ask for it.” Kagome gave a grateful smile.

Turning back, she moved forward a few steps. Sesshomaru's aura wrapped around her own, strengthening hers in a way she had never imagined could be possible. She felt far stronger and more in control of her abilities than ever before. “He will not interfere, Kirai.” Her voice was calm and soft, but it was loud enough. “Good.” In that instance, Kirai stepped into view. Tetsaiga was in his hands. He tossed the weapon to the side in contempt. “The weapon is useless so I shall have to kill you with my bare hands.”

Kagome remained in place for what seemed like years. Kirai paced around her, mocking her as his dark aura tried to find a crack in her own shields. His mind battered against her, attempting to take her own mind from her. Kagome had learned early to shield her mind so that no one would ever break in. Frustration made him angry, but he refused to attack just yet.

He at last attacked, going for her side. Kagome immediately spun out of the way, feeling his claws nick her side. She lashed out sending a small ball of purification at him, but he leapt up into a tree to avoid it before dropping back on her. Kagome immediately rolled out of the way and grabbed Tetsaiga on her way. Unsheathing the blade, she held the dulled edge toward him. He laughed in contempt. “You think that silly rusty blade will destroy me girl? It will be the last thing you hold.” Kagome growled. “Not if I can help it.”

As he charged, she pushed her Miko energy into the weapon like she usually did with her bow and arrows. The blade pulsed once before it ignited in Miko fire. When the fire died the weapon was transformed. Without thought, she swung clumsily at him. Crescents of Miko energy flew at Kirai. Surprised, he managed to only dodge 3 out of the 5 crescents. He growled as he landed back on the ground. Kagome panted heavily. The weapon was extremely heavy for her. She wouldn't give up though.

After a few minutes of tense silence, Kirai darted forward once more. Kagome brought the sword up to block the claws coming down on her, but she didn't have stable footing. He shoved and threw her back into a tree. It was at that moment that Sesshomaru growled softly. He flexed his own claws, wanting to tear this creature apart. He realized that this was not Inuyasha. Inuyasha would never do this. Not to mention he could smell the scent of the slayer and monk on him still. It was their blood. Death hung around him like a cloak and he could tell this creature enjoyed.

Kirai began laughing as Kagome forced herself to rise. She was bleeding in a few places, and she knew she had broken at least two ribs. It was hard to believe. “What are you laughing at? I'm not dead yet!” She yelled it and as she did so, she swung Tetsaiga in a downward stroke. Kirai dodged the crescents effortlessly. “I am laughing at you.” He darted forward and buried his hand in her stomach. Kagome gasped in pain as he traced her skin. Cuts broke out where he touched, and her blood fell to the ground. No one noticed that as her blood touched the ground, flowers of a snow-white color appeared. They looked to be roses and yet they weren't.

Tears flowed down Kagome's cheeks. “Why?” Kirai chuckled. “Because I thought you would be so much better Goddess. How could you of all people have been the Goddess of the night, reborn as a human? The prophecies were wrong.” He threw her and she slumped against another tree. “What prophecy?” Her voice was choked. Kirai chuckled and settled before her, glancing at Sesshomaru warily. He realized then a barrier was around him and he nodded.

The wind picked up around the area, but no one noticed. Whispers echoed through the wind. They echoed the prophecy as Kirai spoke. “A Goddess fallen in the night, to be reborn in dawns pure light. To walk the path of a mortal's flesh and live the pain and hurt of soul. To bring together souls of old, to defeat an evil beast of ancient times brought back to life, to right the world from the shadows.”

Kirai's voice died. At that moment, the barrier around Sesshomaru fell and he surged forward. He tackled Kirai in anger, burying his claws deep within him. Kirai fought back just as viciously. Kagome stared blankly ahead. It was then she heard the wind. It was whispering the prophecy once more but this time it continued. There was more. “When love has betrayed, she will find another. To bring her true face to show the world and resurrect the ones she holds. On the night of full moon's light her flowers shall spread in the darkened world, bringing peace and love to all. Saving those that cannot be saved and bringing love and ending betrayal.”

Kagome then saw the flowers around her. Suddenly she understood as she watched a drop of her blood bring forth a silver flower. Closing her eyes, she reached out, drawing on the auras and the remaining souls of her friends that remained in this world. She pulsed once. She then pulsed once more, Tetsaiga with her.

Sesshomaru snarled as a black barrier surrounded him. He wouldn't be able to save her. He had to have her. She was his! She was his to protect! She was his to have! No one would ever harm her. He watched Kirai smirk. He then watched as Kirai walked over to Kagome and lifted Tetsaiga.

Kagome opened her eyes at last. They were calm and peaceful. It was meant to be. She now truly knew who Sesshomaru was. He had been the one in her dreams. He was the one she truly loved. “I love you… Sesshomaru…” As she said his name, Kirai buried Tetsaiga into her chest. Sesshomaru let out an enraged howl as the barrier broke completely and Kagome slumped over. Kirai began to laugh manically. Before Sesshomaru could attack, Kagome's body pulsed loudly. This made him come back to his senses immediately.

Eyes fixed on Kagome, he ignored Kirai. It was then that he realized that the wind was blowing strongly through the battle-made clearing. It was lifting bits of her blood and carrying them throughout the land. He watched as, slowly at first, silver flowers began to sprout. It was when Kagome began to glow silver that Kirai stopped. He then noticed the flowers. He gave an enraged howl, attempting to attack the light that covered Kagome. Sesshomaru was frozen in place. Kirai could do nothing to the light. It repulsed his aura and found cracks in his aura. It slowly began tearing his shields apart.

As the light died, Kirai was curled up on the ground clutching his head. His shields were completely broken. Sesshomaru suddenly found himself able to move. He found himself walking to the light, passing by Kirai with no more than an indifferent glance. As he reached it, he found a whole Kagome in his arms. Her ears were a lot like his, but she still looked human. Her eyes opened to reveal starlit eyes. A smile appeared in them. “Sesshomaru… Take me home…” He turned to look at Kirai. The creature was pitiful. Sesshomaru rose into the air as the wind blew. It blew around them in joy and laughter. He no longer felt Naraku's taint on the earth anymore either. He looked around and saw silver flowers as far as the eye could see.

A figure came into view before him and she bowed, laughingly. “Be happy with the Night Goddess Sesshomaru. Treasure her always for all will treasure her for the gift of life she has given to all this night.” The figure was swept away in a burst of wind. Sesshomaru then turned to his castle. He stared down at Kagome for a long moment. `She is mine…'