Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Naruto Shippuden Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon Shippuden GT: Grand Tour ❯ In and Out of the Virtual Rabbit Hole ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
We’ve come to big chapter ten, but it doesn’t mean that the story is close to being over, folks! Anyway, the crossovers that I have put in my story have a role to play even if it is a ‘minor part’ everyone. Anyway, like I mentioned in the previous chapter, the Daikari, Davis/Kari romance, is confirmed in which you can get the ‘backstory’ behind that. With that, I don’t hate TK and in fact, I don’t want to bash him at all, but in plenty of stories, heroes go through an ‘element of tragedy’ in their story and in my mind, despite their fights in the anime and Davis getting TK’s name wrong, Davis and TK are good friends. And while not the best friends like Ken is with Davis, I think that Davis is good friends with the other Digidestined and in my story, for Davis to get stronger, he needs to overcome the loss of a good friend.

I DON’T own Naruto, Sailor Moon, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, all of the Digimon seasons, Sword Art Online, Yu-Gi-Oh R/GX/5Ds/Zexal, Pretty Cure, Dragonball Z/GT, Code Lyoko, Tron/Tron: Legacy, Accel World, Sonic the Hedgehog series, and anything/anyone that comes from these and other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Sailor Moon is owned/licensed by Naoko Takeuchi and its various studios and publishers, Naruto is owned/licensed by Masashi Kishimoto, Yuuto Date, Jump Comics, and Studio Pierrot, Dead or Alive is owned/licensed by Team Ninja, Temco, and Tomonobu Itagaki, Ninja Gaiden is owned/licensed by owned/licensed by Team Ninja, Temco, and Tomonobu Itagaki, Digimon is owned/licensed by Toei Animation and its various directors, including Hiroyuki Kakudo, Yu-Gi-Oh is owned/licensed by Kazuki Takahashi, Toei Animation, and Studio Gallop, Yu-Gi-Oh GX is owned/licensed by Naoyuki Kageyama, Studio Gallop and its various directors, Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds is owned/licensed by Katsumi Ono and Studio Gallop, and Sword Art Online is owned/licensed by ASCII Media Works, A-1 Pictures Inc., and its various directors/publishers including Reki Kawahara and Tomohiko Itô!

Warning: This story contains intense violence, blood, gore, and death, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including mind-control and brainwashing, mild to explicit bad language, and X-rated limes, lemons, and other adult themes/situations!

Second Warning: Some to a lot of OOC (Out of Character) actions and mannerisms in this whole story!

Age of characters starting this chapter:
Tsunade Senju: Age 55, but physically, she is 27 years of age
Minato Namikaze: Age 27

Sailor Moon Shippuden GT: Grand Tour

Chapter 10: In and Out of the Virtual Rabbit Hole

Within Cherry Hill Shrine, the Sailor Scouts are assembled together and discussing the current situation.

Amara asks Trista, “So, Queen Serenity’s lover, the father of our princess and her sister, wants to revive Queen Serenity using a ‘dangerous power’ kept in check by these ‘Duel Dragons’ which were the original forms of the Signer Dragons before the Crimson Dragon took them under its wing to fight Red Nova and the other Earthbound Immortals, right?”

Trista says, “Yes, but the Duel Dragons are also under a ‘curse’ from this ‘dangerous power’ causing the corruption that’s happening to our princesses and Naruto. The only one to purify them is to use a purified Duel Dragon or a Signer Dragons infused with the power of the Crimson Dragon.”

Lita says, “Namely Davis-san.”

Ami says, “It would seem so, Lita-chan.”

Mina asks, “But what about Sakura?”

Amara says, “We can’t be absolutely sure that her Duel Dragon has been purified, Mina.”

Michelle says, “There is also the matter of who gave it to her. This person knew that giving her the Duel Dragon would awaken her as Sailor Sun.”

Trista says, with a nod, “And they knew that by doing this, they could risk the end of the universe if the clash of Sailor Sun and Sailor Moon happens. Remember, Sailor Moon and Sailor Sun are like Yin and Yang. They are similar, being Sailor Scouts of the Twilight…”

Mina asks, “Sailor Scouts of the Twilight?”

Raye says, “She means that Sailor Scouts of the Light AND the Darkness, Mina.”

Lita asks, “Huh? Sailor Moon, a Scout of Darkness and Light! But she…”

Ami asks, “Lita-chan, how is a solar eclipse?”

Lita’s eyes widen and Hotaru responds, “When the moon hovers in-between the Earth and the Sun.”

Trista says, with a nod, “Yes. That’s the true nature of Sailor Moon as a Sailor Soldier of Life. Sailor Moon doesn’t represent the Earth’s moon through it is the center, she represents all of the ‘satellites’ that encircle their planets. And the moons of the universe can shine light in the darkness, but they can also bring shadows.”

Mina asks, “But the sun brings light onto worlds? How can it bring darkness?”

Amara asks, plainly, “What happens when sunlight ‘strikes’ a person?”

Mina says, with a giggle, “That’s silly, Amara! They make…” Mina’s eyes at what Amara is implying and she says, “… a shadow.”

Trista says, with a nod, “That’s right, Mina. Both Sailor Sun and Sailor Moon are Soldiers of the Twilight and Warriors of Life. However, Sailor Sun brings life in the day while Sailor Moon does the same at night. Similar yet different. The moon is usually peaceful and serene, but it can bring incredible destructive power.”

Ami says, “Since the moon can control weather and tides due to its position. And the sun brings light, but its radiation can cause damage to human body and the heat that it brings can kill living beings.”

Trista says, nodding her head, “That’s their nature, Ami. Together, they maintain balance, but if the two of them fought each other, because of their natures, the balance will be thrown off and they could bring about the end of everything.”

Amara says, “That makes it a grave threat similar to Kaguya, Sasuke, and Orochimaru.”

Trista says, with a solemn tone, “However, the horrible truth is that only Sailor Sun has the power to stop Sailor Moon because of their nature which is the reason that whoever awoke Sailor Sun knew this.”

Lita asks Raye, “Did the fire tell you anything?”

Raye then gives a slight blush, turns away quickly, and she replies, trying to make sure that she sounds calm, “Not a thing, Lita-chan.”

Mina asks Raye, “What’s wrong, Raye?”

Raye responds, sounding a bit annoyed, “Nothing, Mina! I-I was just remembering something about Meatball Head… Something that made me laugh…” Raye says, a bit solemnly, “And it causes me to hurt not to see that smile that we know.”

Plenty of the other Sailor Scouts become solemn and Ami says, “We are all horrified to see Serena in this fashion, Raye.”

Lita says, “She is completely not like herself.”

Amara says, “She has lost much of her memories, the loss of her prince keeps replaying in her mind, and that promise that she made to him engrained in his mind combined with the corrupting influence put on her… It isn’t surprising that our princess is completely not herself. To be honest, I’m not sure if she will ever be the same even if we get all of her memories back. She suffered a horrible tragedy.”

Michelle says, with a solemn tone, “It’s true.”

Mina says, “However, it doesn’t mean that we can stop fighting! We have to get our princess and our best friend back!” The other Sailor Scouts nod their heads in agreement and Raye is glad that she didn’t have to bring up what she saw in the sacred fire in which she blushes causing her to remember that she saw herself with Serena and Naruto, making out, a dark violet upside crescent moon on her forehead, and a voice telling her an alluring tone that she won’t be able to escape her desires any longer.

(In another world; on the meanwhile)

(Sword Art Online ‘Swordland’ music starts)

Within the digital/virtual realm known as Rainbow Gardens, there is a battle as Kazuto, in the form of Sword Art Online ‘avatar’, Kirito the Black Swordsman, is fighting in an intense sword battle with Sailor Moon, in her ‘SAO Black Swordsman form’, while Asuna, Rika, Keiko, the Digidestined, their Digimon partners, Sailor Sun, Renamon, Sailor Milky Way AKA Jun Motomiya, Davis’ elder sister, and Lopmon are watching in which Lunamon, Sailor Moon’s Digimon partner, is watching from the trees and hiding as best as she can.

As they continue to clash swords, Kazuto says, with a smirk, “You have gotten better.”

Sailor Moon says, “I don’t want to fight, but if I am to fight, it is a means to an end! An end where there is too much for me to lose!” Sailor Moon then attacks with incredible speed and Kazuto is forced back onto the defensive immediately and he is BARELY holding Sailor Moon back.

The others are shocked and Asuna, Rika, and Keiko yell out in unison, “Kirito!”

Agumon says, stunned, “She is on fire!”

Hawkmon says, “I have to say that Agumon’s statement is accurate.”

Davis says, with a serious tone, “She’s gotten better. Much better.”

Kazuto thinks in his mind, “Oh, shit! She has really improved!” Kazuto continues to barely block Sailor Moon’s sword attacks which are coming at incredible speed in which she managed to graze his cheek which clip off like data particles, but Kazuto winches and stumbles back as if he got a regular bleeding cut. Sailor Moon then swings her Dark Repulser, which is glowing with a powerful light, right at Kazuto and he blocks with both of his swords, but when the blades clash, there is a massive shockwave that sends him skidding back 15 yards!

Tai says, stunned, “What power!” Kazuto looks at Sailor Moon, who has a completely out of character stern and determined look in her glare, and he tries to step forward, but he looks down to see his knees shaking.

Kazuto thinks in his mind, “Incredible. Such power.”

Asuna says, stunned, “Kirito-kun.”

Keiko says, shocked, “I can’t believe it.”

Rika says, stunned, “Geez, this… is a complete mismatch.”

Sailor Moon says, “Look, let’s this end before it get out of hand. I don’t want to hurt you.”

Kazuto responds, “That’s big talk coming from you or have you forgotten that day when you invaded the Data Squad virtual mainframe?” Sailor Moon glares at him and he yells out, “Didn’t you see your friends, the Sailor Scouts, shedding their tears for you and what you are becoming? Or have you become numb to their pain?!”

Sailor Moon yells out, out of character irritated tone in her voice, “You jerk! Why do you think that I wanted to keep them out of this?! You don’t know a fucking thing about me!”

Kazuto retorts, “Then give me a clue.”

Sailor Moon says, with a glare, “You want a clue, pal? Fine!” Just then Sailor Moon closes her eyes and her broach glows in which the scene starts to change all around the ground.

Yolei asks, confused, “What’s going on?” Soon after, the whole scene ‘transforms’ into the Moon Kingdom before its destruction.

Mimi asks, “Lovely, but where are we?”

Matt says, his eyes widening, “I think that I know, but I don’t believe it.” When everyone looks where Matt is looking at, they gasp to see the Earth in front of them.

Ken says, surprised, “That’s the Earth, but it can only mean that we are… on the moon!”

Rika asks, shocked, “The moon?!”

Sailor Moon says, “The moon of the Silver Millennium.” When everyone looks at Sailor Moon, her golden crescent moon sigil is glowing and then everyone sees Queen Serenity, Princess Serenity, and Hinata’s ‘past self’, Princess Freyja Serenity.

Keiko says, awe-struck, “They are so lovely.”

Davis says, “That’s Sailor Moon’s ‘royal self’, Princess Serenity.”

There are gasps and Sailor Milky Way says, “That’s right. It is when Sailor Moon was our ‘royal cousin’, Princess Serenity, the heiress to the throne of the Moon Kingdom, the one with the silver hair is Queen Serenity, Davis’, Sakura’s, and my aunt in our past lives, and that’s Hinata-san’s past life, Princess Freyja Serenity.”

Asuna says, “They are… beautiful.”

Sailor Moon responds, “That we are. We, of the Lunarian royal family, are blessed with physical looks that are only rivaled by those of the Venusian family in which males are among the most handsome in the universe and the females are the most lovely maidens that there ever was and will be. Desired by all, but only ‘gifted’ to our proven soul mates. My mother was King Geminios, last of the Black Moon family, and who’s ‘love affairs’ was frowned upon by many in which he was sealed away and our mother tricked to believing that he had been sent away. She let it happen out of fear of ‘family curse’. Queen after queen have fallen in love with the man that have bonded to their hearts and spirits only to have them torn away with death. My mother was so afraid of Geminios-papa suffering the same fate and her hands covered in his blood.”

There are plenty of gasps and Mimi says, “That’s horrible.”

Matt says, “Sailor Pluto explained that to us.”

Sailor Moon says, “My mother was not the only one into ‘forbidden romance’. You see, we, of the Moon Kingdom, are also gifted with long lives and life-long youth. We live for at least one thousand years.”

Keiko asks, awe-struck, “One thousand years of life?”

Rika says, stunned, “And life-long youth? Wow!”

Sailor Moon says, “We have watched over Earth and with me, I had found the one that captured my heart.” Just then the image shows Princess Serenity and Prince Endymon together in an embrace and Sailor Moon says, “I, the princess of the moon, have fallen in love with the noble prince of Earth… my prince… Endymon.” Princess Serenity and Prince Endymon share a kiss and there are more scenes with Princess Serenity with in the Inner Scouts and Prince Endymon and Princess Serenity with Hagoromo, Indra, and finally, Asura, in which Sailor Moon says, pointing to Asura, “That’s Asura, son of Hagoromo, also known as the Six Path Sage, ancestor of the Senju and Uzumaki clans, Naruto’s ancestor and his previous life.”

Sora asks, “That’s Naruto’s past life.”

Mimi says, with a smile, “He looks pretty good.” Sailor Sun looks solemnly at Asura while she glares at Indra causing Sailor Milky Way to put her hand on her shoulder and Sailor Milky Way gives Sailor Sun a reassuring smile.

Sailor Moon says, “Asura, Endymon, and I were the best of friends and they were happy times, but those times were to end.” Soon after, the scene turns into the day of the destruction of the Moon Kingdom and everyone gasps at the scene in which Sailor Moon says, “But those times were to end. The Negaverse and Metallia, manipulating the people of Earth, attacked and destroyed our peaceful home. Only Endymon was unaffected and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t stop them. His generals betray him and he tried to fight for our kingdom, but he fallen in battle and I had joined him… in death. But it wasn’t only the Moon that died that day.” Just then the scene show the ‘golden kingdom’ with the sunflower garden destroyed in which it showed a blank eyed Sailor Milky Way, in a fuku similar to Sailor Moon’s first fuku, collapse to the ground, a golden armored prince that looks a lot like Davis shatters like glass, and Sailor Sun launching a rage filled assault on Indra in which Asura is fighting against him.

Sailor Sun closes her eyes with tears coming down them, Sailor Milky Way puts her hand to her heart, and Davis and Kari embrace each other in which Tai asks, “Davis? Kari? Jun? Sakura?”

Matt says, “They are remembering, Tai.”

Joe says, “I think Matt’s right. They are remembering. And by the looks of it, Kari may have a part of in the Silver Millennium too.”

Keiko says, with tears in her eyes, “This is horrible.”

Sailor Moon says, “However, Queen Serenity sent us all to new lives in the future on Earth to hope to have new happiness, but it wasn’t to be, however, Queen Serenity felt that I, as her daughter, would have the strength to end the nightmare and make sure that Earth doesn’t end up like the Silver Millennium. Hiding the fact that Sailor Moon and Princess Serenity would be one and the same, she had sent Luna, one of two felines from the planet Mau and served as royal advisors and put in stasis, making them one of the few survivors of the Silver Millennium, to Earth to find Sailor Moon and to protect the Moon Princess, not knowing that they are one and the same in order to make sure that I gained enough strength to prevent the Negaverse from doing to Earth what they did to the Silver Millennium. And once again, I was reunited with my love as Darien Shields, a young man who had lost his parents when he was, but a boy, and his memories along with him. His only clue was a dream of me or of Princess Serenity as the ‘princess within’ called out to him and said to ‘set me free’ which actually meant to awaken that part of me that was Princess Serenity. We came back together and after the Negaverse was beaten and we had our memories back, it seemed like a fairy tale ending, but we were wrong as there were more battles to come and tragedy just around the corner.” Soon after, the scene switches to Tokyo and they are inside of Odiaba Park.

Matt says, “This is Odiaba!” Just then hear signs of battle and everyone looks to see Naruto, in his Six Path Grand Senjutsu Mode, Tuxedo Mask, and the Sailor Scouts, in their Eternal Shinobi Sailor Scout forms, fighting against Kaguya.

Rika says, “Hey, it’s that Naruto guy! He looks different, but I know those whiskers!”

Sora asks, “But who is that woman?”

Davis says, “Kaguya.”

Sailor Moon responds, “That’s right.” When everyone looks at Sailor Moon, she says, “We knew that she set a trap for us, but we thought that we had managed to learn her into our trap, however, instead, we found that we had fallen for hers, hook, line, and stinker.” The events then show Naruto and Tuxedo Mask getting sealed in Kaguya’s artificial moon and Kaguya using it to cast her Infinite Tsukuyomi and Sailor Moon says, “Naruto and Tuxedo Mask were sealed in that ‘artificial moon’ and we were trapped in her ‘dream world’ doomed to be drained and enslaved by her ‘dream world’, but Naruto and my love made their escape and then he made his ultimate sacrifice.” The scene then switches to the aftermath of Darien/Prince Endymon using the full power of the Rinnegan and Golden Crystal enhanced by Naruto’s power and his final moments with Sailor Scouts and Naruto with him and they witness what happened on that day over two years up to the moment when Prince Endymon turns into particles of golden light.

There are multiple gasps and Asuna says, “This is horrible.”

Sailor Moon says, with tears in her eyes, “This is my tragedy. All of my hopes and my one true dream of marrying my one true love… destroyed. By burning out his ‘star seed’, his ‘inner star’, there is no chance for him to ever be reborn. He is gone forever.”

Keiko says, solemnly, “Sailor Moon…”

As the scene shows Naruto, in his Six Path Grand Senjutsu Mode, rocketing to battle with Kaguya, Sailor Moon says, “I had fallen into the same path as the other Moon royals before me and I have lost the man that I loved so much in two lifetimes. My world crumbled apart and that happy life was destroyed in which for the first time, I had felt emotions that I never experienced before.” Sailor Moon’s eyes then gain an uncharacteristic dark look and she says, with her tears begin more like tears of anger, “I learned what it truly means to feel anger and rage… and the desire to truly kill someone!”

There are multiple gasps and Kazuto thinks in his mind, “Those eyes…” The scene then shows Sailor Moon’s rage filled attack on Kaguya and Naruto then stopping her.

Sailor Moon says, “That’s what Naruto did the greatest thing for me. He saved me from myself. He stopped me before I fell into the pit of anger and rage and had my heart consumed by darkness. And for that, I owe him an immeasurable debt.” The scenes fade away and Sailor Moon says, with a determined tone, “Most of my memories are gone and all that I know now is a name… Serena Tsukino.”

Mimi asks, “Serena Tsukino?”

Sailor Moon responds, “That’s the name of that I hold in this life.”

Matt says, “Wait! Tsukino?!”

Tai asks Matt, “You know something Matt?”

Matt says, “Yeah. There is this top photographer and magazine editor that goes by the name that goes by that name.”

Izzy says, his eyes widening, “And he has a family consisting of his wife, Ikuko, his younger son, Shingo, and their daughter, Serena.” Izzy then displays the screen and showing a picture of the Tsukino family and they gasp when they see the picture of Serena.

Yolei says, looking at the picture and Sailor Moon, “That… That’s you!”

Sailor Moon says, “Yes, but while I feel in my heart I know them, I don’t remember a single thing. And I don’t know anything about myself! Who is Serena Tsukino? What is she like? I only have bits and pieces! Serena Tsukino is a complete mystery to me!” There are looks of surprise and Sailor Moon says, “And this is the price that I paid. My memories, my life, my love… I have little left. All I do know is that I must protect Naruto and I must fulfill the promise that I gave to my love. I promised that I would protect this world!” As a strong aura surrounds Sailor Moon, she says, in a strong and powerful tone not heard in her before, “And that’s why you can’t beat, Kirito-san! You had fought for survival and the survival of those around you! I fight for more! I fight for billions… untold numbers across the universe! I fight to protect their hopes and dreams and to make sure that they will never suffer my fate! I will never let my tragedy happen to anyone else ever again and no one will stop me especially not you!” Sailor Moon’s Dark Repulser charges with power and she zips over to Kazuto in which she swings her blade forward and Kazuto tries to block with his swords, but the instant that Sailor Moon’s sword slams into his swords, they shatter into pieces much to the shock and surprise of everyone else especially Kazuto who is then thrown into a tree by the sheer force of the shockwave created from the attack and he gasps out as he slams into the tree’s trunk causing the tree to collapse as he slumps into the ground.

Asuna yells out, horrified, “Kirito-kun!”

Kazuto grunts out, “No, Asuna-chan… stay back…”

Rika shouts out, “What are you saying, Kirito? You just got your ass handed to you!”

Sailor Moon says, “This fight is over, Kirito-san. Don’t try to fight me as if you understand me and my pain. If I was a stronger and better Sailor Scout, it was my selfness at letting the desire for wanting a ‘normal life’ when I knew that I could never have a ‘normal life’ over my responsibilities as Sailor Moon. You can never understand the burden that I bear.” Sailor Moon puts her swords back in the sheaths in her back, but Kazuto is thinking about what happened during his two years in SAO especially what happened on the first day and the Moonlight Black Cats.

As Sailor Moon turns away, Kazuto’s voice says, “You’re wrong!” Sailor Moon turns back and her eyes widen as Kazuto is giving off a powerful aura as he is struggling to his feet. Kazuto says, “You may be right that I don’t know anything about you, but it is the same for you when knowing about me! When that death game started, I abandoned the only friend that I made and fought just for my own survival… a ‘beater’ who could save his own people… people died… because of my mistakes… my selfishness… and I will be fucked if I let you make the same mistakes that I have!!” Just then Kazuto’s sword completely restore themselves and with incredible new speed, he gets right in Sailor Moon’s face and she barely is able to draw a sword to block Kazuto’s attack, but this time, she is sent skidding back about twenty yards before stopping.

(Sword Art Online ‘Swordland’ music ends)

Rika yells out, shocked, “No way!”

Asuna says, awe-struck, “Kirito-kun…”

Keiko says, amazed, “Kirito…”

Matt says, shocked, “Whoa!”

Tai says, amazed, “You aren’t kidding, Matt.” Sailor Moon and Kazuto then face each other, but both of them then sense something and they leap out of the way of a fireball that explodes and creating a massive flame in front of them in which Sailor Sun creates a barrier to protect everyone else from the attack.

Yolei asks, “What was that?” Just then a figure comes out of the shadows and it is revealed to be a SkullMeramon.

Hawkmon says, “Oh my goodness, Yolei! It’s a SkullMeramon!” But then Jadeite teleports seemly out of nowhere and unleashes a powerful attack at Sailor Moon.

Jadeite yells out, “I have you now, princess!” Sailor Moon gasps as she has no time to defend herself, but Lunamon then appears and creates a shield that negates Jadeite’s attack.

Sailor Moon shouts out, stunned, “Lunamon!”

Lunamon responds, “I won’t let you harm my partner!”

Jadeite shouts out, “Then you can die with her!”

Sailor Moon responds, fearfully, “No, Lunamon! You can’t! I can’t bear to lose…!!”

Lunamon then responds, straining to hold back Jadeite, “You won’t lose me! Believe in me, partner! Believe in me, Sailor Moon! Serena! Have faith! Hope once again for a new happiness and a new future, partner!”

Sailor Moon’s eyes widen and she thinks, “Hope…”

Just then a male voice says in her mind, “That’s right, Sailor Moon. I can’t have my successor moping around. You are the new hope that will bring new life along with Davis. Believe in the future. Have hope once more, Sailor Moon.”

Sailor Moon mentally gasps and Jadeite yells out, “There is no future for her!” Just then a BlueMeramon, a blue version of Meramon appears, and unleashes another set of flames, blue ones this time, right at Sailor Moon.

Davis shouts out, “Hey, watch out!”
Kari yells out, “Look out, Sailor Moon!”

As Sailor Moon looks at the flames, a familiar male voice tells Sailor Moon in her mind, “Be the hope for a new future, my love.”

Sailor Moon’s eyes widen and she thinks in her mind, “Darien-kun?” Just the flames slam into her and Lunamon engulfing in a massive explosion of flames and causing everyone to gasp in shock while Jadeite laugh evilly.

Kazuto yells out, horrified, “Sailor Moon!”

(Back with the Sailor Scouts; at this moment)

Returning to the Sailor Scouts, they gasp in shock as their Eternal Shinobi transformation ‘devices’, which look like golden kunai with the crystal orbs from their previous transformation wants attached to the end of the kunai, are glowing.

Lita asks, “What’s going on?”

Amara says, “Sailor Moon.”

Raye says, “Amara’s right. I can feel it. It’s Sailor Moon. Something has happened.”

(Returning to Rainbow Gardens; A brief time afterwards)

At Rainbow Gardens, the flames from BlueMeramon can be seen from far distances in which we find Sailor Star, Naruto, and another Agumon, but this one larger and has boxing gloves on his hands in which there is a golden glow coming from Naruto’s chest and another glow from Sailor Star’s broach.

Agumon (N) asks, “Hey, boss, why is your chest glowing?”

Naruto asks Sailor Star, “Hinata-chan?”

Sailor Star says, concerned, “It’s Serena! I can feel it too! We have to hurry!”

Naruto nods his head and he says, “Follow us, Agumon!”
Naruto and Sailor Star race off in which Agumon (N) responds, “Hold on, boss!” Returning to the battle, it seems like Sailor Moon and Lunamon were burned to a crisp by the flames and many of the others had horrified looks like Jadeite laughs evilly, thinking that he has killed Sailor Moon.

Jadeite says, with an evil smirk, “Hopefully, mistress Kaguya will forgive me once I bring that Naruto brat to her.”

But Davis notices a glow from his left hand and he says, looking at it, “My Crest of Life!” Plenty of the others look to see a crystal-blue symbol of Life on Davis’ left hand and then the blue flames turn into a twister as rainbow lights come out from the twister.

Jadeite asks, stunned, “What?” Just then the twister of blue flames vanishes in an instant leaving Lekismon and Sailor Cosmos herself!

Yolei asks, shocked, “Sailor Moon?”

Sailor Milky Way says, awe-struck, “That’s not Sailor Moon.”

Davis says, “I remember this! This is from my dream! Sailor Moon’s ultimate form: Sailor Cosmos!”

There are multiple gasps and Mimi asks, stunned, “Sailor Cosmos?!”

Just then a ghostly image of MagnaAngemon appears by Sailor Cosmos and Tentomon asks, shocked, “MagnaAngemon?”

Matt asks, confused, “TK?”

MagnaAngemon tells Sailor Cosmos, “Sailor Moon… Sailor Cosmos, you are the hope of the future. It is why the spirit of my partner and I leave you our power… the power of the Digidestined of Hope… in order that you can complete Davis’ power… you are the new Digidestined of Hope, but you are also the Digidestined of Life along with Davis… Sailor Cosmos, the hopes and dreams of many rests on you and many others including Davis… ensure that from our deaths… will come new life…” Sailor Cosmos’ D-3 digivice appears, the Crest of Hope then appears, and goes into the D-3 causing the digivice to transform into a vertical rectangle shape with a silver and white body with a slot by the screen on top of the device with another slot on the roof of the device.

When the device lands in her hands, Lekismon asks Sailor Cosmos, “Partner?”

Sailor Cosmos says, “Thank you, MagnaAngemon. I’m not sure if I am worthy, but I will keep your memory alive! I will keep hope alive!” Sailor Cosmos blazes with a powerful new aura that creates a massive wind in which she shouts out, as the new digivice displays the words ‘Perfect Evolution’ on the screen, “DNA Full Charge!” She slams her hands into the top of the device and a beam of energy goes into Lekismon.


“Lekismon Digivolve to… Crescemon!”

End Digivolution

With the end of the Digivolution process, in place of Lekismon, there is a taller version wearing silver and black armor with a black armored face mask, multiple rods coming out of her back, silver and black crescent moon shield in her left armored hand, a staff with a crescent moon blade on top, and same armored boots on her feet.

Digimon Analyzer (Crescemon’s voice)

“My name is Crescemon, the ultimate form of Lunamon, I am a loyal beast-warrior Digimon of the moon, and my graceful looks hide my powerful Lunatic Dance and Ice Arrows to shine the light of the moon to send my enemies back to darkness!”

Tentomon says, “Lunamon have just Digivolved to Ultimate!”

Cody says, amazed, “She gained the Crest of Hope.”

Ken says, “And the Crest of Life, but I don’t get it!”

Yolei asks, “I thought that a crest could only have one possessor! How can both she and Davis have it?”

Sailor Cosmos says, strongly, “Let’s do it, partner! Together!”

Crescemon responds, “Got it, partner!”

Ice Arrows!

Crescemon unleashes multiple ice arrows that impale SkullMeramon and he roars out in disbelief as he turns into data particles in which Jadeite growls in anger at this, but he then notices Sailor Cosmos gained ten huge and fluffy rainbow colored feathered wings and after she floats high into the air, she charges right at Jadeite. Jadeite unleashes a barrage of black crystals at Sailor Cosmos, but she easily dodges them.

Cosmos Starburst Elements!

Sailor Cosmos creates ten orbs with the Kenji for fire, water, wind, lightning, earth, wood, ice, metal, light, and darkness and unleashes them at Jadeite which unite into a powerful dragon of rainbow light causing Jadeite to scream out in extreme pain and agony as it hits him leading into a massive explosion while Crescemon then takes down BlueMeramon, who turns into a data particles soon after.

The others are amazed and Mimi says, “Incredible.”

Matt thinks in his mind, “TK, why did you choose her? Is it because that like you, she was scarred by the darkness, or is it something more?” Sailor Cosmos then glows as she transforms back into Legendium Sailor Moon while Crescemon goes over to her partner.

Crescemon yells out, “We did it, partner!”

Sailor Moon says, with a smile, “We did, partner.” Sailor Moon then looks at her new digivice, which is attached to her left bracelet, and she puts her hand over her chest in which she feels an immense warmth for a moment before it fades away for the time being.

Just then Naruto’s voice booms, “Sailor Moon-chan!” Everyone then looks to see Naruto and Sailor Star arrive on the scene.

Sailor Moon says, “Naruto! Star!”

Sailor Star asks, “Are you okay, onee-chan?”

Sailor Moon responds, with a warm smile, “I’m fine, Hinata.”

Just then a voice yells out, “Hey, boss!” Everyone looks to see Agumon (N) running over.

Kari asks, surprised, “Another Agumon?”

Gabumon says, looking over at Agumon, “He looks different from the Agumon that we know.”

Sailor Moon asks, surprised, “An Agumon?”

Naruto says, with a grin, “Yep! This is my partner!”

There are surprised looks and Tai says, “This guy is a Digidestined now!”

Sailor Moon asks, “Where is your digivice?”

Naruto says, nervously, “Mine isn’t like yours.” Naruto then displays an orange version of Sailor Moon’s brand new digivice and Sailor Moon gasps as she displays her new digivice in which Naruto asks, “Hey, yours is like mine now!”

Sailor Moon says, pointing to Crescemon, “Yeah, I got it when Lunamon became Crescemon.”

Sailor Star asks, looking at Crescemon, “That’s little Lunamon?!”

Crescemon responds, “Yep, but I’m Crescemon. Thanks to Serena gaining new strength, I was able to go ultimate.”

Agumon (N) says, amazed, “Wow! Your partner must be strong!”

Crescemon says, with a proud tone, “She is!”

As the others look on, TK’s voice rings out in Davis’ mind, “Davis…”

Davis thinks in his mind, surprised, “TK?”

TK’s voice responds, “No ‘TC’ or ‘TV’, Davis. Geez, you must really be out of it. Anyway, thanks for taking care of Kari. We were childhood friends after all. However, your power as the Digidestined of Miracles and one of the Digidestined of Life isn’t complete. Both crests are fueled by the other crests and give power to those crests in return. Hope can create Miracles, but Miracles can create new Hope. That’s why you are different from the other Digidestined since you represent all of the crests at once. You need to bring Sailor Moon back from the darkness. She has my crest and her very own crest. But in order to do so, you need to overcome your darkness. If you don’t, all will be lost.”

Davis thinks in his mind, “No pressure, huh?”

TK’s voice replies, “This is the last time that I can talk to you, Davis… The future is in your hands…”

As he feels TK’s ‘presence’ fades away, Davis thinks in his mind, “Overcome ‘my darkness’, huh? Easier said than done, but I have to do it for everyone’s sake.”

Just then everyone hears clapping and a male voice says, “Well done, Sailor Moon.” Everyone whips their heads to find none other than Akihiko Kayaba, in his SAO avatar of Heathcliff, is looking at all of them from the sky.

Asuna says, stunned, “Commander…”

Philia asks, “What is Commander Heathcliff of the Knights of Blood?”

Rika says, “I guess that you didn’t hear that he is actually Akihiko Kayaba, the guy that trapped us in SAO!”

Philia asks, surprised, “What?”

Kazuto says, “Liz is right, Philia. Heathcliff is just the avatar of Akihiko Kayaba, the man that trapped us in SAO.”

Philia gasps in shock and Tai asks, with a sneer, “What does he want this time?”

Heathcliff responds, “What do I want? To be honest, what I want to see is very simple. I want to see her again.”

Yolei asks, “Her?”

Heathcliff responds, “Sailor Cosmos.”

There are multiple gasps and Davis asks, “And why do you want to see her?”

Heathcliff replies, “Curiosity.”

Sailor Moon asks Heathcliff, “And if I refuse?”

Heathcliff asks her, “Have you forgotten what your partner has asked of you? Or the hopes of those that died in SAO?” Sailor Moon’s eyes widen as Heathcliff appears with incredible speed and swings his sword at her head in which Sailor Moon remembers the feeling that she felt when she transformed into Sailor Cosmos just a few moments ago. Her two crescent moons, golden and dark violet, transform into her Cosmos sigil and she is engulfed in a twister of silver flames forcing Heathcliff, Sailor Star, Naruto, Agumon (N), and Crescemon to leap back and when the ‘silver flames’ dispel, Sailor Cosmos emerges once more in which silver sparkles spreading all over the area.

Agumon (N) says, amazed, “Whoa! She has changed her looks!”

Naruto says, “It is more than that Agumon.”

Sailor Cosmos says, “I haven’t forgotten Kayaba.”

Heathcliff says, “Forgive me, Cosmos, but there is someone that wishes to talk to me.” Heathcliff then turns his attention to his right in which Leafa, with her sword pointed at Heathcliff’s face, is glaring at him.

Leafa asks, “So, you are the monster that stole two years of my brother’s life? The one that stole the lives of ten thousand and murdered close to four thousand?”

Heathcliff responds, in a calm manner, “I will not make excuses, but yes, I am Akihito Kayaba, the one response for what happened what you know as SAO incident. You are Kirito’s younger sister, Suguha.”

There are multiple gasps and Kazuto thinks in his mind, “Why am I not surprised that Kayaba knows about my family?”

Leafa tells Heathcliff, glaring at him with an intense anger, “Then you know that I am beyond pissed at what you did. Do you know how it felt for us? For mom and me? As we just watched our brother day after day, lying in bed, and wasting away knowing that one day, he could end up dead in front of us like your other victims! You used their love of games and desire to go into a new world of possibilities to trap them in a nightmare while their families and friends could only watch their bodies decay and fear that the next day that they would find them dead!”

Heathcliff responds, “I ask you: If a person doesn’t care about trapping ten thousand people in a virtual world for his own dream, does he mean that he values human life?” Heathcliff then turns to walk away and Leafa, with a fit of anger her expression and a glint of power in her eyes, attacks Heathcliff, but with incredible speed that makes him seem like teleporting, Heathcliff easily avoids the attack.

The others are shocked and Tai yells out, “What speed!”

Davis says, “He was never this fast before.”

Heathcliff responds, “You have to remember that this isn’t SAO or any game, but this is a ‘virtual world’. However, unlike the virtual games, there are living breathing worlds, but unlike the real world, this is a world of endless possibilities. Remember how Davis overcame my game with his will? This world is similar. If you have the will, the possibilities are endless. There are no limits and there are no absolutes.”

As Heathcliff prepares to leave, Leafa responds, angrily, “Hey, jerk, we’re not done here!”

Heathcliff replies, with a plain tone and smile, “I believe that we are. You don’t have the ability or power to stop me from leaving. Unless one gains one’s ‘true wings’, they can’t truly fly.”

As Heathcliff turns away, Leafa thinks in her mind, “True wings?” In her mind, Leafa remembers the day that Kazuto or his mind was trapped in SAO along with close to ten thousand others, seeing her cousin and adoptive brother lying in his hospital bed, her rage towards VRMMO, playing ALO to find out why Kazuto loved MMO games and such, falling in love ALO, his adventures with Kazuto in ALO, and this stuff made her feel that rage towards VRMMO was unjustified since while it could hide people’s true natures and reality, it could allow them to experience things that they felt were fantasy like she did in ALO. To go beyond your limitations and it was people like Kayaba and Sugou that made VRMMO evil by using them for their own selfish purposes and destroying people’s dreams. And she felt completely helpless while her brother was stopping people like that.

Just then a female voice in her mind asks, “Do you truly want to fly?” Leafa then gasp as she finds herself in her own mind and she then looks to see a female figure in front of her causing her eyes to widen when she sees the figure. The female figure gives a warm smile and extends her hand out to Leafa in which she hesitates for a moment, but Leafa takes the hand. Back ‘outside’, Davis, Kari, Sailor Cosmos, Naruto, Sailor Star, Sailor Sun, Sailor Milky Way, Kazuto, Asuna, Rika, and Keiko get a ‘feeling’.

Rika thinks in her mind, “What was that weird feeling?” Everyone then sees Leafa gaining a strange aura.

Kazuto asks, surprised and concerned, “Sugu? Sugu?!”

When Kazuto prepares to go over, Sailor Sun stops him and she says, “Don’t go near her!”

Kazuto asks, “What are you doing?” A massive wind that hits the area and everyone looks to see it come from Leafa herself in which Kazuto screams out, “Sugu!” Just then a twister of fire, wind, earth, water, lightning, light, and dark energy comes out seemly under the ground to engulf Leafa causing Kazuto scream out, shocked, “SUGU!!”

Keiko asks, confused, “What’s going on?” However, Heathcliff looks on with interest as the ‘elemental twister’ disappears as quickly as it appeared and out of the twister, a brand new Sailor Scouts takes the place of Leafa.

This brand new Sailor Scout had Suguha Kiriguya’s black hair, but it was in Leafa’s hairstyle with a rainbow colored flower shaped headband keeping it tied up, on the top of her scalp, there is a gorgeous crown with what looks like the solar system inside and connected to the crown, there is rainbow sigil in the form of the Milky Way galaxy on her forehead, her eyes are bright green like Leafa’s eyes, she has deep and full dark pink lips, she has a white metal choker with a rainbow jewel in the shape of the Milky Way in the center of the metal choker, she has a white version of Sailor Galaxia’s armored fuku with a pearly white-silver mixed with gold heart-shaped broach, a rainbow Milky Way jewels attached to it, imagines of a knight, samurai, ninja, and a majestic eagle on the broach, and eight crystal-blue wings coming out of the heart broach, green colored armored shoulder pads, green colored armored elbow pads, black fingerless gloves with leaf green version of Sailor Galaxia’s bracelets over her wrists with large diamonds in the center of the bracelets, white armored kneepads, and golden version of Sailor Jupiter’s high-heeled boots on her feet. She has a pair of samurai swords attached to her armored skirt and coming out of her back are beautiful huge and fluffy crystal blue feathered wings that seems to shimmer in the sunlight.

Everyone is shocked by this newest event and Kazuto asks, “No way! You mean that Sugu is…?”

Sailor Sun says, finishing, “A Sailor Soldier. And one of the most powerful of them all even beyond Sailor Moon and myself.”

There are of plenty of looks at Sailor Sun and Kari asks, “Beyond you and Sailor Moon?”

Sailor Sun says, “Yes, but not Sailor COSMOS since she is in the same ‘class’ as her. She is a Sovereign class Sailor Soldier, an elite class of Sailor Soldier since many people could confuse them with deities.”

There are gasps and Matt asks, stunned, “Deities?”

Sailor Sun responds, “Isn’t that what I just said, Ishida? Her name is Sailor Celestial, the Sailor Scout of all astrological bodies in the universe which means in short, stars, asteroids, comets, black holes, planets, and galaxies.”

There are stunned looks and Kazuto says, awe-struck, “Sugu…”

The new Sailor Celestial looks over herself and she asks, amazed, “Is this… me?”

Sailor Celestial couldn’t believe the feeling of power flowing through her and Heathcliff asks, “It seems like you have gained your ‘true wings’, but what will you do with them?” Sailor Celestial then snaps out her stupor over her transformation and looks at Heathcliff with a deadly serious look in her eyes in which she then zips over to Heathcliff at incredible speed and draws one of her swords like a samurai causing Heathcliff to be BARELY able to block it with his shield causing a powerful shockwave that cracks the ground around them.

Sailor Celestial responds, “What will I do with them? I’m going to kick your ass that’s what!” Sailor Celestial tells Heathcliff, “You know, I used to hate VRMMO because they took someone precious to me away and ripped the heart of my family and in my mind, they hide people’s true selves and reality. However, when I got into ALO, I realized that while it can hide, it can also reveal what’s deep inside to. VRMMO can create new worlds of possibilities and do things that you have only dreamed of like flying through the sky with your own wings. It can be a place where dreams can come true, people can fly to new heights, and while it can hide people’s true selves, it is also possible for them to reveal what is deep inside because people also hide what’s deep inside in reality. They can become villains or they can become the true heroes and heroines! Now, I see that it is people that like you that abuse these possibilities for your own selfish gains like when you trapped all of those people including my big brother in SAO! You took these dreams and turned them into a living nightmare! You and Sugou have made people afraid to spread new wings and fly!”

Heathcliff responds, “I have. I have also opened ‘Pandora’s Box’ and unleashed the evils, but now, it is up to you, others, and most of all, Sailor Cosmos and those like her.”

Sailor Celestial asks, “What do you mean?”

Sailor Cosmos, using the ‘wisdom of Mercury’ from Ami/Sailor Mercury, asks, shocked, “Wait! Are you saying that SAO was an attempt to force me to awaken? Or was it to create a new set of heroes?”

There are looks of surprise and Heathcliff responds, “What are four thousand minds over four billion or even four trillion lives? In terms of survival of living beings, it is just numbers.”

Sailor Cosmos roars out, strongly, “People aren’t just facts or figures, Kayaba!” Sailor Cosmos creates a twister with her power, her pigtails flying in the air, and she yells out, “Don’t you dare try to justify your heartless actions in that matter? People have hopes and dreams! Dreams and hopes that you snuffed out! Over three thousands of them, Kayaba! And that’s what I promised to protect!”

Heathcliff responds, “Can you? If you want everything, you will end up with nothing.”

Sailor Cosmos responds, “I don’t want everything! And I will protect everyone especially from sickos like you!” Just then Elucidator and Dark Repulser appears in her hands and she charges at Heathcliff in which he leaps away and draws his sword and the two of them clash causing sparkling of light to form when Sailor Cosmos’ swords hit Heathcliff shield or sword, but at one point, Sailor Cosmos was open and Heathcliff took the opening, however, Naruto appears and uses the Star Saber to shatter Heathcliff’s sword to pieces.

Naruto tells Sailor Cosmos, “Hey, Cosmos-chan, you aren’t alone in this! We are here with you!”

Sailor Star says, with a nod, “That’s right, Serena-onee-chan.”

Naruto says, with a determined tone, “I don’t remember much, but I remember a promise. I remembered that I would find the way to true peace that I would find the answer to the ‘cycle of hatred’ in my world. I also made a promise to a very close friend from two lifetimes that I would protect the princess that he loved so much. I also swore to make sure that no more mindless death, destruction, and tragedy and I would make it a reality, believe it!” Naruto then slams the Star Saber into the ground, creating a wave of energy, and Heathcliff leaps high into the air to avoid the attack, but Sailor Star is on him and she uses her Gentle Fist to shatter his shield in which Sailor Celestial and Sailor Cosmos take this moment to bisect Heathcliff in half, however, he smiles warmly before vanishing into data particles.

When they fly down and land by the others, Kazuto asks, “You felt it too?”

Sailor Celestial says, “Yeah, it wasn’t the real asshole.”

Tai asks, “Huh?”

Sailor Cosmos says, “That wasn’t the real Kayaba, but a ‘clone’ of some kind most likely linked to the real Kayaba.”

There are gasps of surprise and Tai asks, “What’s his game this time? This is really unusual for him. I mean: He was hiding under a guise, but he wasn’t hiding in the background as Heathcliff, remember?”

Davis says, with a nod, “I gotcha, Tai.”

Cody says, nodding his head, “From what we remember, this is unusual behavior for him.”

Ken says, “I agree.”

Yolei asks, “Who cares? What’s the point of trying to understand that madman?”

Sailor Sun responds, “To know how to stop them before they can try anything like what Kayaba and Sugou did before.”

Kazuto says, “That’s a good point. And I may have an idea on what Kayaba is doing.” When everyone looks at Kazuto, he says, “If the whole universe has gone to plots, how can he find ‘his Aincard’? I don’t think that castle is the one that Kayaba is truly looking for or if it is, he desires to protect it.”

Matt says, “In short, he wants to keep his precious castle safe.”

Sailor Celestial says, with a sneer, “Asshole.”

Sailor Cosmos then transforms back into Sailor Moon and Kazuto asks, “Do you want to continue?”

Sailor Moon says, “I don’t want to fight unless I have to, Kazuto-san.”

Agumon (N) comes over and he says, “Wow, boss! You are really strong! I’m glad that I got a partner like you!”

Naruto says, with a grin, “Glad to be partners, Agumon.” Naruto and Agumon (N) give each other a fist bump.

Agumon (N) asks, looking at the others, “So, what do we do with the rest of them boss?”

Sailor Moon says, “Let them come with us to our gateway home.”

Tai asks, “You have a gateway home?”

Sailor Sun asks, “How do you think that they got here in the first place, Kamiya?”

Kari tells Philia, with a smile, “Now, you can finally go home, Philia!”

Philia responds, amazed, “Home…”

Kari asks Philia, “Is something wrong, Philia?”

Philia responds, while shaking her head, “No, Kari.” However, Kazuto and quite a few others suspect that there is something else.

Sailor Milky Way asks, “So, where is this gateway home that you have set up?”

Sailor Star says, “In the community that Kari and Davis have been staying for the time that they have been here.”

There are surprised looks and Davis asks, “How do you know about the place that Kari and I have been staying?”

Sailor Moon, Naruto, and Sailor Star give smiles and Sailor Sun retorts, “How do you think bro?”

Davis deadpans and he replies, drolly, “Good point, sis.” Soon enough, Sailor Moon, Sailor Star, Naruto, Agumon (N), and Crescemon head off and the others follow soon after them.

(At the North Pole; on the meanwhile)

Within the Negaverse base, Black Zetsu is looking at a screen showing Jadeite’s demise or seeming demise by the hands of Sailor Cosmos.

Kaguya’s voice booms, “That fool! He has awoke her! He has brought back that wench’s power as Sailor Cosmos! Sailor Cosmos has been reborn!”

Black Zetsu responds, “While that’s true mother, I don’t think that she is using her full potential.”

Kaguya asks, curiously, “What do you mean, Zetsu?”

Black Zetsu replies, “Forgive me for bringing back bad memories, mother, but remember what happened over two years ago? Now, compare to what we see now.”

Kaguya is silent for a moment and she responds, “You have a point, my son. She seems to be powerful, but she has yet to unleash her full potential.”

Black Zetsu says, with a sly tone, “We still may have a chance to get back your power from her, mother.”

Kaguya responds, “That’s true, Zetsu. However, we must remain cautious. I’m still weak and it makes me more irritated every single day.”

Black Zetsu says, “I know, mother. It pains me to see you like this and they will pay for what they have done to you those years ago.”

Kaguya says, “Indeed, Zetsu. I will have Hagoromo rolling in his grave as a squeeze the life out of Asura and Indra with the Moon Princess to join him and Queen Serenity in the afterlife!”

(Returning to the virtual world; Later on)

Within what looks like an old fashion community, we find a lot of humanoid beings in which we find regular looking human beings mixed in with humanoids with animal-like traits, namely, animal-like ears coming out of their scalps instead of human ears, animal-like tails, and a few other animal-like features like whiskers coming out of their cheeks, Digimon of almost all shapes and sized, and even humanoid Duel Monsters including Harpy Lady and such. Deep within the community, we find ourselves at a hotel where Kazuto and Asuna are relaxing with Asuna sitting on Kazuto’s lap.

Asuna says, “This is so beautiful.”

Kazuto says, with a smile, “Yeah. A living breathing world made of digital information. And you can feel that it is alive. It is completely different from SAO and ALO.”

Asuna says, with a nod, “I know. All of the people here are alive, Kirito. They aren’t NPC in a game. They are living breathing beings.”

Kazuto says, with a nod, “And what kind of beings there are. There are Duel Monsters, Digimon, humans, and human-animal hybrids. I thought that you would see only those kind of people in anime or manga.”

Asuna says, with a nod, “I thought so too. I have to admit that I thought that the ‘doggy people’ were kind of cute.”

Kazuto says, with a smile, “I’m not sure that those guys of the ‘canine persuasion’ would like you calling them ‘doggy people’ especially since some of them look more like wolves.” Asuna giggles and Kazuto smiles at her giggle, but Kazuto then can’t help to think about what happened earlier on with his adoptive sister and her transformation into Sailor Celestial in which he gains a serious look.

Asuna asks, concerned, “Is something wrong, Kirito?”

Kazuto responds, coming out of his stupor, “No, I’m okay.”

Asuna tells Kazuto, with a sigh, “Kirito…”

Kazuto says, with a smile, “I guess that I can’t keep anything from you, huh? We’ve been together so long, you know me all too well.”

Asuna says, “And don’t you forget it.”

Kazuto sighs and he says, “It’s okay, Sugu.”

Asuna responds, understanding, “It’s about her becoming a Sailor Scout, isn’t it?”

Kazuto says, with a nod, “And knowing her and her ‘instincts’, like it or not, she is going to be involved in the battle against those people that we heard about. Kaguya, Sasuke Uchiha, and Orochimaru. Those that are after Sailor Moon and her comrade.”

Asuna asks Kazuto, “Kirito, do you remember what we saw with Sakura and Jun?”

Kazuto responds, “You mean the vision about ‘me’ fighting against Sailor Sun and you looking like one of her ‘royal guard’?”

Asuna says, “I guess that we have a life back then too.” Asuna says, with a smile, “And we were quite the ‘rogue’ back then too.”

Kazuto gives a nervous smile and a male voice says, “It seems like you two are cozy.” Kazuto and Asuna look to see Davis and Kari coming over to them.

Kazuto asks, “What’s up, Davis?”

Davis responds, “The portal is set up and ready to go.”

Asuna asks, curiously, “Already?”

Davis says, with a nod, “Yeah, but our destination is back into Data Squad headquarters.”

Kazuto says, “Figures that Sailor Moon wouldn’t let us into her ‘home’ so easily.”

Kari says, “We thought that she was ‘getting better’, but I can’t be so sure.”

Kazuto says, “Sorry if this nasty, Kari, but you can’t expect someone to just ‘snap back’ to ‘old self’ like that if at all. Not what she has gone through.”

Asuna says, “And you had to challenge her like that.”

Kazuto says, “Sorry, but you heard the voice that day when she invaded Data Squad’s virtual mainframe.” Davis, Kari, and Asuna look at Kazuto and he says, “I think that it was her ‘mom’, Queen Serenity, begging us to try to stop before she destroys herself or destroys who she really is. It is going to be easier said than done.”

Kari says, with a solemn nod, “I know.”

Kazuto says, “Anyway, Philia must be glad that she is finally going home.”

Davis and Kari give slight nervous looks and Davis says, “Actually, there is a problem with that bro.” Kazuto and Asuna give confused looks and sometime soon after, the whole massive group is assembled in which Izzy is using his laptop with camera pointed at Philia.

Keiko asks, stunned, “So, Philia-san can’t return with us?”

Izzy responds, with a nod, “I know so, Keiko-san. Whatever force virtualized her, it caused an ‘error’ to appear in her data making it impossible for her to cross the gateway and is turned back into flesh and blood.”

Matt asks, “Not that I’m not thankful for that not happening to us, why didn’t it happen to us since we went through an unstable gateway?”

Izzy says, “I’m not exactly sure, but any attempt to force Philia-san through might cause her to break down at a cellular level and in short, she would die.”

Philia becomes solemn and Kazuto tells her, “Do not worry, Philia-san. We will find a way to get you home.”

Philia responds, “Thank you, Kirito-san.”

Sakura tells Sailor Moon, “Are you okay letting us go especially with Suguha-san?”

Jun says, with a smile, “She is quite the Sailor Scout.”

Leafa gives a cheeky smile and Sailor Moon replies, with a smile, “It’s fine with me. Good luck to you all.”

Sailor Moon, Sailor Star, and Naruto create an open portal and step aside in which Matt asks her, “My brother gave you his crest and you are continuing this?”

Sailor Moon says, with a slightly dark serious stare, “I am. I think that this is the only way to make sure that they will never feel my despair.”

Tai asks, “Even if it drives you into darkness?”

Davis asks Naruto and Sailor Star, “What about you two?”

Naruto says, “Wherever Moon-chan goes, I follow. I have few memories and all that I have isn’t good in my mind in which I have a promise to a very close friend even though I’ve only known him for a few weeks before he died a hero. And I never go back on my promises believe it.”

Sailor Star says, “Naruto-kun is my strength and Serenity-onee-chan was and still is my sister… my family like my family as Hinata Hyuga. I will go where they go. I will fight for a new and better world my way even if it comes into conflict with my comrades.”

Sakura says, “Then you know this that ‘family feud’ is far from over, Hinata.”

Davis says, “Let’s go, everyone.” Soon enough, Leafa, Keiko, Rika, the Digidestined, their Digimon, Renamon, Lopmon, Jun, and Sakura go through the gateway in which Kazuto carries Asuna bridal style knowing that her weakness will return once they return to the ‘real world’.

(Later on; Back in Tokyo)

Returning to Tokyo, the Sailor Scouts are waiting outside of the front of Raye’s temple shrine home.

Mina asks, confused, “What are we doing here?”

Just then Luna (F) and Artemis come out of the shadows and Artemis says, “We got your call as soon as we did.”

Luna (F) says, “I take it that you sensed what we did.”

Amara says, “A new wind is forming.”

Lita asks, “What do you mean?”

Trista says, “Our answer has just arrived.” Everyone looks up and they gasp to see Sailor Sun, Sailor Milky Way, and Sailor Celestial fly down in which Lopmon gets off of Sailor Milky Way while Renamon appears from the shadows.

Raye asks, “New Sailor Scouts?”

Mina says, looking at Sailor Milky Way, “Wait! You’re Jun!”

Sailor Milky Way responds, “That’s right. But I’m also Sailor Milky Way, Sailor Soldier and heiress of the precursor kingdom known simply as the Milky Way Kingdom. I’m also the ‘royal sister’ to Sailor Sun.”

Trista tells Sailor Celestial, “It has been a long time, Sailor Celestial.”

The two Lunarian felines gasps and Artemis shouts out, “You mean that’s Sailor Celestial, Sailor Scout of all of the astronomical bodies in the universe?!”

Mina asks, “Astronomical bodies?”

Amara responds, “Artemis means everything. Comets, stars, asteroids, black holes, planets, and galaxies. In short, everything in the universe.”

There are gasps from Hotaru and the Inner Sailor Scouts and Trista says, “She is a Sovereign class Sailor Scout that’s the equal to Sailor Cosmos, Sailor Moon’s ultimate form.”

Hotaru asks, amazed, “Sailor Cosmos’ equal?”

Sailor Celestial says, with a smile, “Status wise anyway, Hotaru.”

Renamon says, “Her identity in this life is Suguha Kirigaya.”

There are more gasps and Lita yells out, stunned, “No way! Kirito… I mean Kazuto’s sister?!”
Sailor Celestial says, with a smile, “That’s me.”

Raye asks, “How did this happen?” Soon enough, Sailor Sun, Sailor Milky Way, and Sailor Celestial along with Renamon and Lopmon explain about what happened in Rainbow Gardens.

When they are done, plenty of the Sailor Scouts are wide-eyed and Trista says, “I thought that happened.”

Mina says, “I don’t get it. If Serena became Sailor Cosmos…”

Raye tells Mina, “Mina, she isn’t going to become Sailor Cosmos and bam: She is going back to normal.”

Trista says, “However, what the spirit of Takeru Takashi may have reignited the light with our princess’ hear and it has given us new hope: The hope that she will heal and return to that bright light that we know her.”

Sailor Sun says, “You know that it is only a spark and a spark that you need to ‘ignite’ to turn it into a flame.”

Amara asks, “So, why are you here?”

Sailor Celestial responds, with a determined tone, “I want to learn how to be the best Sailor Scout that I can be… So, Asuna-san will never become one.”

There are gasps and Sailor Milky Way says, “Asuna-san was once an elite member of the royal guard of the Sun Kingdom and most likely, a princess of her kingdom and a Sailor Scout.”

Sailor Celestial says, with a determined tone, “But big brother and Asuna have already been through enough with SAO and ALO. It’s time that I step up now.”

Raye, Amara, and Sailor Sun sense someone and Sailor Sun says, “Our new friend hiding in the shadows can help all of us with that.” There are looks of surprise as Sailor Sun, Raye, and Amara look to one area and the same cloaked figure that gave Sailor Sun Moonlight Rose Dragon (2400/1800) appears.

Renamon says, “You are the one that gave my partner Moonlight Rose.”

The cloaked figure removes her hood to show none other than Molly Baker and Mina asks, stunned, “Molly?”

Molly responds, “Hi, Mina.”

Sailor Sun says, “You had something to block your cosmic energy from being detected from the others.”

Molly says, taking out an what looks like a large golden key with a heart-shaped diamond at the top of the key with a rainbow five pointed star imprinted in the diamond, “My name is Molly Baker. I am the Sailor Soldier protector of all of the Star Seeds, from when they first ‘shine’ to their ‘final shine’, and the ‘seeds of life’ in the universe: Sailor Nebula.”

There are more gasps and Lita asks, “You awoke Sakura as Sailor Sun? Why?”

Molly gains a determined and powerful look that’s unlike the kind and gentle girl and she responds, “Unlike you, I will do what it takes to protect this universe and I will get my best friend in two lifetimes back. In both lifetimes, I made the mistake of letting duty separate the both of you especially when I found out that Serena was Sailor Moon and after I had awoken when Kaguya attacked Earth.”

There are surprised looks and Amara says, “Kaguya’s attempt to put us in her Infinite Tsukuyomi and our prince’s sacrifice caused you deeply suppressed Sailor Soldier power to awaken.”

Molly responds, “I have and I have been waiting for this day for over two years. I’m sorry to have kept this from you, but I have been training to prepare for this.”

Amara says, “The battle with Kaguya.”

Molly says, “And more. And now, it is time for you to receive your Legendium powers.”

There are multiple gasps and Lita asks, “You mean the same powers that Serena and Sakura have?”

Sailor Sun retorts, “What do you think that she meant Jupiter?”

Molly says, “But it is just a means to an end… It is just a stepping stone because we need to go from Legendium to gaining the LEGENDARY Sailor Scout power.”

Trista gasps and she yells out, “But that’s not possible! It is said that only the first Moon Queen ever gained THAT level of Sailor Soldier power.”

Hotaru asks, confused, “What do you mean?”

Trista responds, “It is a legendary Sailor Scout power that said that once a Sailor Soldier obtains it that they could easily destroy this whole solar system with ease.”

There are multiple gasps and Molly says, “In order to get back Serena and stop Kaguya, Orochimaru, Sasuke, and the ‘dark force’ manipulating Geminios-dono, we are going to need to achieve that power.” The Sailor Scouts of the Moon Kingdom look at each other and Molly thinks, “And hopefully it will allow me to make sure that you, girls, don’t fall under the same darkness warping Serena, Naruto-san, and Hinata-san.”

(Elsewhere; around the same time)

Joining up with the Digidestined and their Digimon partners, they are meeting up with Ryu, Ayane, Kasumi, and the Leaf ninja in which Davis steps forward.

Jiraiya asks Davis, “Are you sure about this kid?”

Davis responds, “Don’t call me kid, you perv!”

Jiraiya says, annoyed, “Hey, I’m not a pervert!”

Yolei asks, “Then what are you?!”

Jiraiya says, with a proud smile, “I’m a SUPER pervert!”

There are plenty of deadpanning looks and Matt asks, nervously, “Is this guy really supposed to be some kind of legendary ninja from another world?”

Tai says, drolly, “Good question.”

Tsunade says, “I’m asking that question every day.”

Jiraiya does an anime face fault and he yells out, “Tsunade!”

Minato tells Davis, “This isn’t going to be easy, Davis-san.”

Davis responds, “Who said anything in life is easy, Minato-dono?”

Yamato says, “Wise words.”

Davis says, with a serious tone and determined tone, “If I have the power to do something, then I’m going to fucking master it no matter what it takes. If I’m supposed to have the ability to save everyone, I’m going to take it. I’m not going to let the tragedy of SAO happen ever again. I’m not going to let heartless nutjobs take and use people’s live like that ever again!”

The Digidestined are amazed by Davis’ words and the tone in which Kari says, “Dai-kun…”

Kakashi says, “You remind me of Naruto, Davis-san. Maybe we have a possibility to win…”

Davis responds, with a very determined tone, “No, there is no ‘possibly win’ for me. I have to win. I WILL win and protect everyone!” Just then Davis erupts in a powerful aura that creates a powerful wind around him, amazing everyone else, even Veemon, and the golden-red sun sigil appears on his forehead as his eyes show strength and determined that’s clearly our Digidestined of Miracles.

As plenty of the Leaf ninja look at Davis, an image of Naruto with his determined look in his eyes appears by Davis and Ino thinks in her mind, “Naruto.”

Shikamaru thinks in his mind, “Troublesome. Davis-san is Earth’s ‘incarnation’ of Naruto. It is no wonder that he is a ‘third savior’.”

(At another location on Earth; around this same time)

Joining up with a fully recovered Sasuke Uchiha, he senses something and he looks up into the distance and in his mind, an image of Sailor Moon, Sailor Sun, Naruto, and Davis appears in his mind.

When the image fades away, Sasuke says, “Challenge accepted, Daisuke Motomiya.”

(Rejoining our Moon Princess; at this moment)

Back in their headquarters, Serena, Hinata, and Naruto also senses something and their eyes widen as baby Rini sleeps in her crib.

Geminios asks, “Is something wrong?”

Hinata says, “No, Geminios.”

Geminios asks, “Are you sure about this, my hime?”

Serena says, with a nod, “I have to, dad. I really don’t want to, but I need to. TK pasted down his will to me and I can’t let his life… his death… be in vain. I have to give people a new hope no matter what it takes.”

Geminios asks, “Even if it means going against your guardians because of your beliefs?”

Serena says, “I don’t want to, but with… fiends like Kayaba, who took away two years of Venus’ and Jupiter’s lives, and Kaguya, I can’t be weak. I need to be strong for everyone.”

Naruto says, with a nod, “Serena-chan is right. I promise that I would create a better world that NO ONE would ever go what I went through and going through the ‘cycle of hatred’ that has created nothing, but death, destruction, and a divided world.”

Hinata says, nodding her head, “I need to be stronger for Naruto-kun, Serena-onee-chan, and the world. To unite my clan, create a better clan, and a better world, I need to be strong for everyone.”

Seeing the determined looks on their faces, Geminios says, “Then let’s begin your training. I have the hyperbolic time chamber ready to go and during this time, since Gaea has now open to the rest of the universe as whole since the space-time storms were dispelled over two years ago, I have gathered much information as I can thanks to my ‘observers’ in which you can learn various jutsu from all over Gaea.”

Serena says, “Thanks, dad.”

Naruto says, “Believe it.”

(At an unknown location; during this same time period)

Within a dark place, there is a figure looking at an orb displaying what has been happening since Black Zetsu had forced Sailor Moon and Naruto to awaken from their over two year slumber after that they had fought and defeated Kaguya, Madara, and Sasuke.

The dark figure says, with a sinister red glow from its eyes, “And it begins.”

And that’s the chapter, everyone! We have reached the tenth chapter and things are starting to heat up with brand new Sailor Scouts coming into play, brand new worlds, and our heroes and heroines preparing for the ventures ahead in their own way, but their enemies are also moving on ahead and like I said, Kaguya, Sasuke, and Orochimaru are going to be the ‘main opponents’, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t going to be others and they are going to cause plenty of ‘chaos’ ahead. Later and best wishes, Crossover Fans!