Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Soldier, Sailor, Jedi, Sith ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
At the edge of Imperial space, Admiral Nelson paced the command deck of his flagship, the Imperator-class Star Destroyer Retribution. His fleet, the 33rd Battle Fleet, the Scourge of Chel Nasin, sat arrayed around him, TIE fighters screaming through space, providing starfighter defense. His flag lieutenant stood near the flag communications console; hovering was more like it, waiting for the message from Bastet that she'd found her target, and eliminated him.

Nelson was of the new generation of flag officers, with a distinct distrust for all things Jedi. Even acknowledging the Emperor's pet Sith lords caused him to grit his teeth. The only Sith that actually managed to earn Nelson's respect was Vader; but then all Fleet personnel help a begrudging respect for him. There were rumors told in dark corners of Fleet recreational facilities about members of Vader's naval staff that managed to piss him off being asphyxiated without the Dark Lord touching them.

The coded message arrived, and the flag lieutenant saw to its decoding. "Sir," he said, "message from Bastet."

Nelson stopped his pacing and walked over to the communications console. "Leave us," he ordered the comm tech. The tech stood and left, headed for alcove just behind the bridge, for a cup of caf. Nelson had his own mercurial temper, and was wont to space inefficient or inquisitive crewmembers. The Admiral read the message, and smirked. "So, Bastet has found her target, but not yet eliminated him. Such inefficiency. Perhaps it's time we motivated her, hm?

"Lieutenant, when the communications tech returns, encode the following message: 'Received your report. Will be standing by; if target not eliminated within the next 72 Standard hours, the fleet will be deployed. Acknowledge when received and mission accomplished.'" Nelson strode back towards his command chair.

"Yes sir."


Setsuna found Ranma in the gym, after school, going through drill after drill. Some of the drills the Senshi of Time recognized, others she didn't. She sat on the bleachers, watching the Jedi Master at his task, as he moved seamlessly from an armed kata to unarmed and back again. As he began his cool down exercises, Setsuna applauded. "Ranma, what happened last night? The only times I've seen you practice this hard was when you had something on your mind."

The reborn Jedi Master looked at his flame from the past, as he took a drink of water. "What do you remember of your time on Coruscant?" He asked, knowing full well the answer.

"I remember all of it. I recall following you to the Jedi Temple on numerous occasions as Master Yoda or Master Windu called you to task about past relationships that seemed to explode in your face." There was a smile on the Senshi of Time's face as she said it. "I also recall your Padawan; a female Catian...Bastet was her name?"

"I see your memory is as excellent as it has always been. Yes, she was my Padawan, and it seems I did something totally out of character, even for me."

"Do I want to know," Setsuna asked.

"If I didn't tell you, you'd probably use the Gates to look into my past." Ranma sat down next to his emerald haired love. He took a deep breath and let the Force guide him on what he was about to say. "My family, Tarquin's family that is, was strong in the Force, with each generation getting stronger. Do you know why that is?"

Setsuna shook her head. "No, but I assume it has something to do with the Old Code."

"Insightful as ever, Suna-chan," Ranma replied. "It does. My ancestors would take on a Padawan of the opposite sex, train them, and with other members of my family who were Padawans were of age and strength, arrange their marriage for them. That is how the Lim family not only grew in strength but could be a force to be reckoned with if we, as a family, turned to the Dark Side. But the Council also recognized our potential as combat leaders and diplomats, because we incorporated such talented Jedi and their skills in our families. Similar to what Musabetsu Kakutou Ryu does with martial arts."

Ranma ran a hand through his dark hair. "It was before the Trade Federation's occupation of Naboo, and your arrival on Coruscant, when it happened. Bastet and I were assigned to Ord Paladrin to resolve a diplomatic dispute between two planets in the system. We resolved the dispute, it was something petty like trade tariffs between the two planets. Well, during the post-treaty reception," Ranma sighed, "Bastet and I...kind of found romance in each other's arms, when we had left the reception and returned to our quarters." Setsuna raised a delicate green eyebrow at his confession. "We kept quiet about what had happened between us when we returned to Coruscant. It was only after I returned from visiting my family on Dantooine, had I learned that Bastet had been disowned by her family for what we did.

"The Council called me to the carpet, and chewed me out for what happened. They stripped me of my rights to take on a Padawan and to mediate disputes, and let me languish as a diplomatic escort. Until you arrived, Setsuna, my life was dead, trapped in limbo; a limbo that I caused."

"Ranma," Setsuna said, placing a hand on his shoulder, "it wasn't your fault. Nor was it Bastet's fault for what happened between the two of you. You were, after all, two consenting adults."

"Yeah, I know. But the problem is that even though we were consenting adults, according to Republican law, Catia has a different set of standards. And in one moment of passion, we violated those laws, Bastet was cast out of her clan, and, in effect, thrust her towards the Dark Side." The pigtailed Jedi Master looked at his old flame and current coworker. "I want to help restore her to the Light, 'Suna. If I can do that, I'll have vindicated myself, even though there is no longer a Jedi Council."

Setsuna smiled. Tarquin had a martyr complex after his fall from grace with the Council, and it seemed to carry over to Ranma as well. "Ranma, before you do, why don't we reintroduce you to your family?"

"That, my dear, sounds like a good idea."


In a different part of Tokyo, Nerima to be exact, Bastet was watching a potential pupil in his daily, if not hourly, fights. "My pigtailed goddess! You've come to me at last!"

Ryouga-onna looked at the samurai wannabe, then at Akane and shrugged. "Because of you, Kuno, I've seen Hell! DIE!" After Ranma left Genma at Jusenkyo, the panda had chased after his wayward son, knocking the Lost Boy into the Nyanniichuan, then convinced the amnesiac boy-turned-girl that he was his father.

"Very well, my pigtailed goddess, if you will, I shall consent to date with thee."

"Kuno, how many times do I have to tell you that I'll never date with you!"

Unfortunately for the Catian Sith Lord, she watched her pupil get pummeled into a bloody mess by Ryouga-onna's combat umbrella. She shook her head. "So much potential in both, but I think one will be easily persuaded to join my cause." She moved back into the shadows, and continued to watch.

"Let's go get you some hot water, Ranma," Akane said.

"You two go on ahead," Nabiki said. "I'll take care of Mr. Samurai-wannabe." Nabiki picked up her phone and dialed Emergency Services. She had to chuckle to herself, as she waited for the police and ambulance to show up. Akane and Ryouga seemed to actually get along, and there may even be hope for the two in the future.

Bastet arrived at Nerima General Hospital and Trauma Center as dusk gathered. She walked through the main entrance and scoffed to herself at the level of medical technology that this mud ball of a planet had. Even a backwater like Tatooine had significantly more advanced medical facilities than Earth. Proving that she'd been a student of the Lim School of Computer Hacking, she found where her potential pupil would be.

Slipping into the room proved to be no problem, and since the patient was from a relatively notable family, it was a private room. "Tatewaki Kuno," she asked the bundle of bandages lying on the bed.

"Mmmf," the bandages replied.

"I come to offer you my services," she asked. She did a quick Force scan, and noted that the bundle of bandages had a significant potential in the Force, and was already using a rudimentary form of the Dark Side.


"I can instruct you in ways that will win you your 'pigtailed goddess'. I can teach you how to use your powers, Kuno-san. All you have to do is allow me to instruct you, and pledge yourself to my cause."

"Mmmf, mmmf, mmmf, mmmf!"

"Very good. I will meet you at Furinkan, two weeks from now. That should allow you sufficient time to heal yourself."


"You may call me 'Mistress Bastet', my young apprentice." Bastet left the room, and quietly left the hospital.

"Mmmf. Mmmf."

"Kuno-san," the nurse said, as he walked in, "it's time for your enema."



In front of a modest house, in a modest residential area not far from Juuban High, Ranma and Setsuna stood in front of the gate. Ranma was anxious, but not nervous. The last time he'd felt this way, as Tarquin, was before his test to move up to Master. Setsuna noted the pigtailed Jedi's anxiety as well. "Nervous, Ranma," she asked.

"Very. What if Mom doesn't like what I've become, or..."

Setsuna placed a finger on her lover's lips. "Relax, Ranma. You are the Republic's version of the samurai. And that right there will make you seem more than you are to your mother.

"Shall we?"

Hesitantly, Ranma reached out and pressed the doorbell. He began a relaxation technique while waiting, although he occasionally looked at the person that was his soulmate. The door opened, and Makoto opened the door. "Lim-sensei, Meiou-sensei," she said, startled that her gym teacher and guidance counselor (and the Senshi of Time) were here.

Setsuna took over. "Makoto-san, we'd like a word or two with your mother."

"Ah, sure, come on in," Makoto offered. "Mom! We have company." She led the two teachers into the living room.

Nodoka walked out of the kitchen, and stopped short when she saw the spitting image of her son...if he were at least ten years older. "R-Ranma?"

Ranma turned and faced his mother. "M-Mom?"

Nodoka rushed over and grabbed her son returned from the land of the missing into a bear hug. "Oh, my manly son has returned to me!"

Makoto sidled up to Setsuna. "What's this all about, Setsuna? And don't give me that 'You can't know for the future' line."

"Your gym teacher is your brother, Makoto," Setsuna replied, watching Ranma being spun around by his mother.

"Are you sure?"

"Think about it, Makoto. There are technically only three schools of Musabetsu Kakutou: the Happosai, Saotome and Tendo Ryus. On his first day your gym teacher announces a fourth: Lim Ryu."


Setsuna smirked, in that annoying way of hers. "Search your feelings, Makoto. You know it to be true." All that was missing was the rasping mechanical breathing. Ok, so Setsuna was a closet Star Wars otaku. After all, she'd lived on Coruscant, and wanted to know just how accurate Lucas made his "science fiction" hexology with what she knew. Hopefully, she thought, his predictions in the last episode were accurate.

Makoto closed her eyes for a moment, and reached out with what her mother had been teaching her to access as chi. Ranma felt the resonance and smiled. "Congratulations, imouto-chan. You've just taken your first step into a larger universe."

Both Nodoka and Makoto looked at Ranma. "What do you mean, Ranma," Nodoka asked, "by a 'larger universe'?"

"Mom, how much do you know about my training under Pops?"

Setsuna got this "I'm so cool, liquid nitrogen couldn't melt in my mouth" look, when Nodoka answered. "I know about the more abusive techniques and the multiple engagements. I ended the private investigation when I filed for divorce. Why?"

Ranma motioned for everyone to sit down, before he did so. "There is this valley in the Bayankala Mountains of China called Jusenkyo. There are well over a hundred springs, each with their own tragic tale. Some are permanent; others change when hit with the right water temperature. I fell into one of the older permanent springs, Spring of Drowned Warrior from the Stars. I believe I'm also the only one to fall into that spring, but that's not important right now.

"What is important, Mom, Mako-chan, is that I merged with the spirit that dwelled in that spring. He was a Jedi Master, and with guilt by association," Ranma smiled with that, "so am I."

Nodoka looked at her son, turned man. "What exactly is a 'Jedi Master'? And why haven't we heard about it before?"

"That, Mom, is a tale that spans thirty millennia. But before I begin with that, can I get something to drink?"

Makoto, recovering from her face fault, ran into the kitchen and grabbed the tea set. "Here ya go, Ranma," she said, handing him and the others a cup of tea.

"Thanks, sis," he said, taking a sip. "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..."


AN: Stop here? Sure, why not.

There's been some question about my use of the wormhole as a temporal/time travel plot device, and here's my answer: Astrophysicists have "theoretically" proven that a wormhole, if stable, is only a positional creation, in that it allows near-instantaneous travel between one part of the universe to another. My contention is that until it can be proven otherwise, a wormhole makes for a great plot device in the temporal/time travel sense. Besides, right now, even the existence of actual wormholes is pure speculation and science fiction.