Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Soldier, Sailor, Jedi, Sith ❯ Chapter 13 ( Chapter 14 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
EarthForce Headquarters
Lunar Royal Palace
Located under Tycho Crater
In the past several months since the arrival of the civilians, the grounds of the former seat of government for the Solar System had taken a new life. Children of all species were playing in the courtyards, lovers walked hand in hand (or other appropriate appendage), while merchants from Earth hawked their wares. Tibanna gas was found within the stormy skies of Jupiter and Saturn, and embryonic mining stations had sprung up on the two gas giants. Ore processing stations were being built in the asteroid field, between Mars and Jupiter. And the superstructures of eight Golan-II defense stations orbited between the Earth and the Moon, under construction. A certain odango-atama had moved out of her parents' house in Juuban, and into the royal apartments. But, as the more things change, the more they stay the same. "Give me back my manga, meatball head!"
"Don't be such a meanie Rei, I haven't read this one yet," Usagi whined.
In another part of the Palace, Ranma sat reviewing the latest intelligence reports. "Well," he said, "It looks like the Empire's been quietly building their forces." He slid the image flimsies to Admiral Gerrod.
"If you call a 19 kilometer long Super-class Star Destroyer ‘quiet'," the Admiral replied with a dry chuckle. "It's a shame we couldn't get better imagery of the surface. I'd love to see what kind of forces Criofan's got arrayed on the surface."
"A couple of legions of stormtroopers at least," Ranma replied. "Besides what the Revenge and smaller Star Destroyers can carry, there is what the few Acclamators in that one image can carry. And that's not counting the regular Army."
"Sithspawn," Gerrod muttered. "So we're basically out numbered, and out gunned."
"Just like in the early days of the Clone Wars," Ranma replied.
The intercom chimed. Apparently, some enterprising engineer discovered Star Trek, and decided to emulate the intercom whistle off the fictional USS Enterprise. "General, I have General Hammond on the line."
"Put him through, Lieutenant." There was a momentary crackle of static, and the commander of SGC appeared hovering over the desk. "General Hammond, what do I owe the pleasure?"
"General, I just wanted to let you know that we've completed computer testing on the Prometheus, and she'll be launched from Area 51 for her shakedown cruise. We'd appreciate an escort, just in case the Empire gets squirrelly."
"Certainly General. Admiral Gerrod, we can detach a few ships for Earth's first interstellar-capable starship?"
"I think I can find a few ships for an escort. General Hammond, how far are you planning on going?"
The hologram hovering over Ranma's desk turned to face the commander of the EDF. "No farther than Pluto, Admiral. We want conduct a shakedown of the ship's systems before we test out the hyperdrive. And if the systems checkout, we'll be running the hyperdrive up to jump to Barnard's Star in two weeks."
Gerrod nodded. "I'll have a pair of Dreadnaughts and a pair of corvettes standing by in orbit over Nevada."
"Thank you, Admiral. The security is most appreciated."
Another voice could be heard, out of range of the holo transmitter, but within audio pickup range. "You know General; I still think we should have called her the Enterprise. After all, it is the name of NASA's first space shuttle."
"Jack, the decision was made by the Pentagon months ago. Maybe one of her sisters will get the name," General Hammond said, to the officer out of view. "General, we'd like the escorts over Nevada at 1200 hours, UCT. The Prometheus will be launching at 1400 hours, UCT."
Gerrod hid a smile, while Ranma answered. "You'll have your ships, General. EarthForce CINC, out." The Jedi terminated the connection with Cheyenne Mountain. "When SGC is ready to test their hyperdrive, we'll provide a larger escort."
"What are you thinking, General?"
"Oh, maybe six to eight Star Destroyers and an equal number of Dreadnaughts and corvettes. I doubt Criofan would be stupid enough to attack us within our own solar system, but once we break the Kupier Belt, and enter interstellar space, all bets are off."
"Of course, Ranma. Now, I have a question about these deployments around Sol…" And with that, Ranma and Admiral Gerrod got down to business running the fleet.
Low Earth Orbit
Over Nevada
1130hrs UCT
The four ships promised by Ranma and Admiral Gerrod pulled into a station-keeping orbit over Area 51. On the bridge of the EFS Hiryu, Captain Yoshino stood from his command chair. "Status," he called.
"Sir, we have just entered station keeping over the assigned coordinates," the helmsman reported.
"Threat board is clear, Captain. The Stingray's taken position forward, the Scorpion's at our 7 o'clock, relative, and the Valiant's off our starboard side." The tactical officer looked back at his board. "I also have contacts within the atmosphere. ARC-170s out of Edwards; looks like they're on training flights."
"Very good. Communications, signal Dreamland Control. Advise them we are in position to escort the Prometheus. Also advice the Scorpion and Stingray to descend and take flanking positions as she ascends to space."
"Aye, sir."
In a concealed drydock below the dry lake that based Area 51, sat Earth's first interstellar starship. Built on a platform of liberated technology, the Prometheus was supposed to be like stealing fire from the gods. But then the Rebels arrived, and gifted the Earth with the wonders of their technology. The cranky Earth-designed hyperdrive was replaced by a spare one designed by Kuat Drive Yards, and much more user-friendly to operate; her sublight propulsion would allow her to keep up with just about any of the former heavy Imperial warships. Weapons were changed over from modified conventional naval artillery to quad lasers, concussion missile batteries, and turbolaser turrets.
The ship itself hadn't changed in design, but some things never change. Already the designs for her sisters, the Daedalus and Odyssey, were changing to meet the newer technologies available.
Sitting in the center seat of the bridge, Colonel Jack O'Neill was listening to the predeparture litany over the intercom. "Are we ready yet?"
"Yes sir. Fusion reactors online. We have full power, sir."
"Clear signal along the departure corridor; LA Center has rerouted all traffic out of our departure vector. Area 51 Departure confirms our clearance; the Scorpion and Stingray are hovering at 10 thousand."
"It's about time. Helm, take us up."
"Yes sir." The helmsman advanced the throttles of Earth's first space-borne battlecruiser, and the ship's repulsorlift engines fought against gravity. For a few moments, it seemed that gravity would win, but the advanced technology provided by the Rebels overcame that obstacle. The Prometheus floated silently out of her underground hangar, and into a climb, the two corvettes assigned to shepherd her into space taking flanking positions. The American starship slipped quietly into orbit, with no hiccups, bugs, or other nasty surprises. "Orbit achieved," 1Lt. Wegner said, as the remaining EF ships slipped into formation.
"Very good. Lieutenant, plot a course to the Kupier Belt Proving Grounds. Communications; transmit our course to the Hiryu."
"Course laid in sir," Wegner replied.
"Message from the Hiryu sir. ‘We'll see if your ship will do as advertised.'"
"Nice of them to care," Jack muttered. "Engines ahead, two thirds."
Two weeks of extensive systems shakedown and impromptu wargames proved that the design and additions were quite valid. Even the squadron of Earth-built X-wings carried on the Prometheus was extensively tested in the depths of space that marked the edge of the Sol system—with one exception.
"Colonel," Captain Jessica Rand called, "I'm receiving a signal on an unidentified FTL channel. The translator program can't make heads or tails of the language; but it does sound urgent."
That piqued Jack's interest. He stood and walked over to the station. "Could be a stray signal out here on the far end of nowhere. Have you contacted one of our escorts?"
"Yes sir. They can't make heads or tails of it either."
"Let's hear it."
"Yes sir." The audio speakers gave a quiet whoosh, and then filled melodic, if occasionally harsh tone.
The protocol droid assigned to SGC to make First Contact missions easier tilted his head. "Sir," V-3PO replied in a prissy, British accent, "I am fluent in over six million forms of communication. This is a language that is not in my databanks."
"Great," Jack drawled, as he returned to the center seat. "Who's on Blackbird duty?"
"Captain Steven Hiller, sir," LTC Quest, the ship's CAG, replied.
"Jessica, do we have an origin for this signal?"
"We do, Colonel: 40 Eridani." She pulled up the starcharts. "It's a trinary star system 16 light-years from Earth; three planets, with one possible life sustaining planet detected by long-range sensor sweep from EFS Nemesis. No Stargate; therefore never visited by SGC."
"Alright then. Looks like it's inhabited then. And possibly under attack. Launch the Blackbird."
"Yes sir." She hit the intercom. "Portside flight deck, prepare for Blackbird launch."
Down in the portside ready room, one of the aircraft handlers stuck his head inside. "Captain Hiller? You've got a mission."
"Gotcha," he replied, as he stretched and grabbed his flight gear, before heading to his ship. The Blackbird was an interesting concept, driven by the need for information on a battlefield, and good old fashioned human ingenuity. Some bright engineer at Lockheed's Skunk Works got the idea to mate an X-wing fuselage with only two short wings on a 120 degree arc off the centerline. Four standard Incom fusial thrust engines were buried at the wing root, the inlets and exhausts for the engines had sensor baffles, to keep their sensor signature small. But what really set the Blackbird apart was her hull. Every square inch of hull was carbon fiber panel, making her very stealthy; almost invisible to even the Imperial-grade sensors of the EarthForce Imperators. The astromech beeped that it was ready for the flight, as Hiller climbed into the cockpit and spun up the engines.
"Control, Blackbird 29, ready for launch."
"Roger Blackbird 29. You are cleared for launch." The reconnaissance fighter shot out of the forward facing bay into space. Moving away from the carrier, Captain Hiller activated the fighter's hyperdrive, and with a flicker of pseudomotion, the stealth fighter shot into hyperspace.
40 Eridani A
A few hours later
The mottled "sky" of hyperspace gave way to star lines which, in turn, reverted back to stars, as the Blackbird dropped out of hyperspace. "Alright, let's get sneaky," Steve said, as he shut down the interior lights. "Raptor, shut down the external lights." The little droid behind the cockpit complied, and extinguished the fighter's running lights and his own visual indicators. The course taken prevented the Imperial ships to detect the fighter's hyperspace signature, but was the shortest one from approach to departure.
As the fighter came around the Class K1V orange star, Raptor flipped on the reconnaissance pod. CCD cameras began capturing the force arrayed around second planet. "Holy God," Steve muttered, even the droid whistled in shock at the size. 15 Impstars, 10 Vicstars, 5 Dreadnoughts, and a lone Interdictor sat in orbit over the planet. The electronic intelligence suite in the nose recorded Imperial communications on the planet, indicating the presence of Acclamator-class Star Destroyers being used as troop transports.
Pressing his luck, Steve cruised closer towards the fleet, keeping an eye on his threat indicator. At 20 thousand kilometers, the board was yellow, indicating that the mass of Imperial sensors were close to defeating the fighter's carbon fiber skin. "Raptor, you got that exit vector plotted?" The droid whistled an affirmative in reply. "Engaging hyperdrive. Man, I have got to get me one of these," he said, as the fighter shot back into hyperspace.
Jack was still sitting in the center seat when the Blackbird finished landing on the Prometheus. With the recon data downloaded, he shook his head. "So much for a little pleasure cruise. Jessica, get me General Lim's office."
"Yes sir." Captain Rand looked up from her screen. "Colonel, the General's not in his office."
"Get me his quarters then. This is so hot, can't wait."
"Yes sir."
The main viewscreen flared to life, showing a slightly irate Jedi Master, and his green-haired wife in the background. "Colonel O'Neil," Ranma said.
"General, sorry to disturb you like this, but we've got some intelligence that's just too hot to sit and wait."
That piqued his interest. "Go ahead, Colonel."
"We received what was apparently a distress call, so I launched a Blackbird. It seems that the Imperials have invaded a neighboring star system with 15 Impstars, 10 Victories, and an unknown number of troop transports."
"Thank you, Colonel. I'm ending your shakedown, and request that you to EarthForce Headquarters as soon as you arrive at Tycho Base. I'll inform General Hammond of your change in orders. Transmit the data on a secure channel, so that we can begin planning a relief mission."
"Understood, General. Prometheus out."
Ranma walked into his office the next morning, nodding to the various officers and enlisted personnel in the headquarters building. There was a lot on the Jedi Master's mind since the bombshell that Criofan hadn't been idle. At least he didn't implement Base Delta Zero, he mused. That's something that we can use against him, if we can throw his forces of the planet.
"Sir, Colonel O'Neil and Admiral Gerrod are waiting for you in your office. I have General Hammond on channel 3 for you as well," his yeoman said, as he walking into his outer office.
"Thank you, Chief," Ranma replied. "Admiral, General, Colonel." The two officers in the office, and in a hologram nodded, as Ranma sat down behind his desk. "Have you had a chance to review the report?"
"Yes sir. That looks like a good portion of Criofan's force right there," Gerrod said. "If we can take it down, that'll be less for us to have to mop up later."
"Admiral, that force is about the size of what you got right there on the Moon," General Hammond countered. "If we go in with the full EDF, what's going to be left to defend Earth from Admiral Criofan, if he should decide to attack Earth?"
Ranma looked at Gerrod. "General Hammond raises a valid point, Ger. If we send the entire fleet, we're leaving Earth stripped bare. I want you in command here, anyway. You have a flair for fighting defensive battles that was unsurpassed during the Clone Wars. I'm taking 3 of our 4 Impstars, Serenity Dominant, Wild Stallion II, and Saturn; along with the ten Vicstars named after the planets here. That leaves you a majority of the force centered around the Republic.
"I'm also taking 13 corvettes and ten dreadnaughts. General Hammond, with your permission, I'm taking the Prometheus along as well."
"Of course, General; the consideration that we'd have to defend Earth as part of the EDF was why we built her in the first place. Colonel, stay out of trouble."
"When do I ever stay out of trouble, General," Jack replied.
"Will you be bringing the Senshi, General?"
"Of course. Those girls have been too Earthbound as it is. And besides, Usagi's mission is two-fold. She's the titular head to her mother's empire, such as it remains, so it would serve her to go out into space on occasion; and she'll be the diplomatic point of contact for the natives of this system."
"Are you really sure that's wise, General," Gerrod asked.
Ranma smiled. "They'll either like her automatically, or they'll just sign on to shut her up." The other officers chuckled at that. Clearing his throat, Ranma grew serious, as he began to issue orders. "General Hammond, ensure that a system-wide CAP is in place. Don't let the Imps surprise you."
"Yes sir."
"Admiral Gerrod, make sure you position your ships within five minutes of any point in the system to support the fighters on combat patrol, with mutual support. All shore leaves are canceled, commencing in one hour. I'll have my aide draw up the list of ships that will be supporting the counterattack.
"Colonel O'Neil, how quickly can the Prometheus be ready to put back to space?"
"I need time to load stores and refuel, General. 24 hours at the most."
"You have eighteen. Gentlemen, the upcoming fight may not be a critical battle like Coruscant, or Midway, but it in it's own right. The Empire is dependent on a finicky trick of temporal and quantum mechanics. Our supply lines are in our own backyard, as are our potential allies. We bloody the nose of the Empire in the next few days, and it may be enough to send him reeling. We lose, and we lose the galaxy. I do not intend to lose.
Lunar Royal Palace
Located under Tycho Crater
In the past several months since the arrival of the civilians, the grounds of the former seat of government for the Solar System had taken a new life. Children of all species were playing in the courtyards, lovers walked hand in hand (or other appropriate appendage), while merchants from Earth hawked their wares. Tibanna gas was found within the stormy skies of Jupiter and Saturn, and embryonic mining stations had sprung up on the two gas giants. Ore processing stations were being built in the asteroid field, between Mars and Jupiter. And the superstructures of eight Golan-II defense stations orbited between the Earth and the Moon, under construction. A certain odango-atama had moved out of her parents' house in Juuban, and into the royal apartments. But, as the more things change, the more they stay the same. "Give me back my manga, meatball head!"
"Don't be such a meanie Rei, I haven't read this one yet," Usagi whined.
In another part of the Palace, Ranma sat reviewing the latest intelligence reports. "Well," he said, "It looks like the Empire's been quietly building their forces." He slid the image flimsies to Admiral Gerrod.
"If you call a 19 kilometer long Super-class Star Destroyer ‘quiet'," the Admiral replied with a dry chuckle. "It's a shame we couldn't get better imagery of the surface. I'd love to see what kind of forces Criofan's got arrayed on the surface."
"A couple of legions of stormtroopers at least," Ranma replied. "Besides what the Revenge and smaller Star Destroyers can carry, there is what the few Acclamators in that one image can carry. And that's not counting the regular Army."
"Sithspawn," Gerrod muttered. "So we're basically out numbered, and out gunned."
"Just like in the early days of the Clone Wars," Ranma replied.
The intercom chimed. Apparently, some enterprising engineer discovered Star Trek, and decided to emulate the intercom whistle off the fictional USS Enterprise. "General, I have General Hammond on the line."
"Put him through, Lieutenant." There was a momentary crackle of static, and the commander of SGC appeared hovering over the desk. "General Hammond, what do I owe the pleasure?"
"General, I just wanted to let you know that we've completed computer testing on the Prometheus, and she'll be launched from Area 51 for her shakedown cruise. We'd appreciate an escort, just in case the Empire gets squirrelly."
"Certainly General. Admiral Gerrod, we can detach a few ships for Earth's first interstellar-capable starship?"
"I think I can find a few ships for an escort. General Hammond, how far are you planning on going?"
The hologram hovering over Ranma's desk turned to face the commander of the EDF. "No farther than Pluto, Admiral. We want conduct a shakedown of the ship's systems before we test out the hyperdrive. And if the systems checkout, we'll be running the hyperdrive up to jump to Barnard's Star in two weeks."
Gerrod nodded. "I'll have a pair of Dreadnaughts and a pair of corvettes standing by in orbit over Nevada."
"Thank you, Admiral. The security is most appreciated."
Another voice could be heard, out of range of the holo transmitter, but within audio pickup range. "You know General; I still think we should have called her the Enterprise. After all, it is the name of NASA's first space shuttle."
"Jack, the decision was made by the Pentagon months ago. Maybe one of her sisters will get the name," General Hammond said, to the officer out of view. "General, we'd like the escorts over Nevada at 1200 hours, UCT. The Prometheus will be launching at 1400 hours, UCT."
Gerrod hid a smile, while Ranma answered. "You'll have your ships, General. EarthForce CINC, out." The Jedi terminated the connection with Cheyenne Mountain. "When SGC is ready to test their hyperdrive, we'll provide a larger escort."
"What are you thinking, General?"
"Oh, maybe six to eight Star Destroyers and an equal number of Dreadnaughts and corvettes. I doubt Criofan would be stupid enough to attack us within our own solar system, but once we break the Kupier Belt, and enter interstellar space, all bets are off."
"Of course, Ranma. Now, I have a question about these deployments around Sol…" And with that, Ranma and Admiral Gerrod got down to business running the fleet.
Low Earth Orbit
Over Nevada
1130hrs UCT
The four ships promised by Ranma and Admiral Gerrod pulled into a station-keeping orbit over Area 51. On the bridge of the EFS Hiryu, Captain Yoshino stood from his command chair. "Status," he called.
"Sir, we have just entered station keeping over the assigned coordinates," the helmsman reported.
"Threat board is clear, Captain. The Stingray's taken position forward, the Scorpion's at our 7 o'clock, relative, and the Valiant's off our starboard side." The tactical officer looked back at his board. "I also have contacts within the atmosphere. ARC-170s out of Edwards; looks like they're on training flights."
"Very good. Communications, signal Dreamland Control. Advise them we are in position to escort the Prometheus. Also advice the Scorpion and Stingray to descend and take flanking positions as she ascends to space."
"Aye, sir."
In a concealed drydock below the dry lake that based Area 51, sat Earth's first interstellar starship. Built on a platform of liberated technology, the Prometheus was supposed to be like stealing fire from the gods. But then the Rebels arrived, and gifted the Earth with the wonders of their technology. The cranky Earth-designed hyperdrive was replaced by a spare one designed by Kuat Drive Yards, and much more user-friendly to operate; her sublight propulsion would allow her to keep up with just about any of the former heavy Imperial warships. Weapons were changed over from modified conventional naval artillery to quad lasers, concussion missile batteries, and turbolaser turrets.
The ship itself hadn't changed in design, but some things never change. Already the designs for her sisters, the Daedalus and Odyssey, were changing to meet the newer technologies available.
Sitting in the center seat of the bridge, Colonel Jack O'Neill was listening to the predeparture litany over the intercom. "Are we ready yet?"
"Yes sir. Fusion reactors online. We have full power, sir."
"Clear signal along the departure corridor; LA Center has rerouted all traffic out of our departure vector. Area 51 Departure confirms our clearance; the Scorpion and Stingray are hovering at 10 thousand."
"It's about time. Helm, take us up."
"Yes sir." The helmsman advanced the throttles of Earth's first space-borne battlecruiser, and the ship's repulsorlift engines fought against gravity. For a few moments, it seemed that gravity would win, but the advanced technology provided by the Rebels overcame that obstacle. The Prometheus floated silently out of her underground hangar, and into a climb, the two corvettes assigned to shepherd her into space taking flanking positions. The American starship slipped quietly into orbit, with no hiccups, bugs, or other nasty surprises. "Orbit achieved," 1Lt. Wegner said, as the remaining EF ships slipped into formation.
"Very good. Lieutenant, plot a course to the Kupier Belt Proving Grounds. Communications; transmit our course to the Hiryu."
"Course laid in sir," Wegner replied.
"Message from the Hiryu sir. ‘We'll see if your ship will do as advertised.'"
"Nice of them to care," Jack muttered. "Engines ahead, two thirds."
Two weeks of extensive systems shakedown and impromptu wargames proved that the design and additions were quite valid. Even the squadron of Earth-built X-wings carried on the Prometheus was extensively tested in the depths of space that marked the edge of the Sol system—with one exception.
"Colonel," Captain Jessica Rand called, "I'm receiving a signal on an unidentified FTL channel. The translator program can't make heads or tails of the language; but it does sound urgent."
That piqued Jack's interest. He stood and walked over to the station. "Could be a stray signal out here on the far end of nowhere. Have you contacted one of our escorts?"
"Yes sir. They can't make heads or tails of it either."
"Let's hear it."
"Yes sir." The audio speakers gave a quiet whoosh, and then filled melodic, if occasionally harsh tone.
The protocol droid assigned to SGC to make First Contact missions easier tilted his head. "Sir," V-3PO replied in a prissy, British accent, "I am fluent in over six million forms of communication. This is a language that is not in my databanks."
"Great," Jack drawled, as he returned to the center seat. "Who's on Blackbird duty?"
"Captain Steven Hiller, sir," LTC Quest, the ship's CAG, replied.
"Jessica, do we have an origin for this signal?"
"We do, Colonel: 40 Eridani." She pulled up the starcharts. "It's a trinary star system 16 light-years from Earth; three planets, with one possible life sustaining planet detected by long-range sensor sweep from EFS Nemesis. No Stargate; therefore never visited by SGC."
"Alright then. Looks like it's inhabited then. And possibly under attack. Launch the Blackbird."
"Yes sir." She hit the intercom. "Portside flight deck, prepare for Blackbird launch."
Down in the portside ready room, one of the aircraft handlers stuck his head inside. "Captain Hiller? You've got a mission."
"Gotcha," he replied, as he stretched and grabbed his flight gear, before heading to his ship. The Blackbird was an interesting concept, driven by the need for information on a battlefield, and good old fashioned human ingenuity. Some bright engineer at Lockheed's Skunk Works got the idea to mate an X-wing fuselage with only two short wings on a 120 degree arc off the centerline. Four standard Incom fusial thrust engines were buried at the wing root, the inlets and exhausts for the engines had sensor baffles, to keep their sensor signature small. But what really set the Blackbird apart was her hull. Every square inch of hull was carbon fiber panel, making her very stealthy; almost invisible to even the Imperial-grade sensors of the EarthForce Imperators. The astromech beeped that it was ready for the flight, as Hiller climbed into the cockpit and spun up the engines.
"Control, Blackbird 29, ready for launch."
"Roger Blackbird 29. You are cleared for launch." The reconnaissance fighter shot out of the forward facing bay into space. Moving away from the carrier, Captain Hiller activated the fighter's hyperdrive, and with a flicker of pseudomotion, the stealth fighter shot into hyperspace.
40 Eridani A
A few hours later
The mottled "sky" of hyperspace gave way to star lines which, in turn, reverted back to stars, as the Blackbird dropped out of hyperspace. "Alright, let's get sneaky," Steve said, as he shut down the interior lights. "Raptor, shut down the external lights." The little droid behind the cockpit complied, and extinguished the fighter's running lights and his own visual indicators. The course taken prevented the Imperial ships to detect the fighter's hyperspace signature, but was the shortest one from approach to departure.
As the fighter came around the Class K1V orange star, Raptor flipped on the reconnaissance pod. CCD cameras began capturing the force arrayed around second planet. "Holy God," Steve muttered, even the droid whistled in shock at the size. 15 Impstars, 10 Vicstars, 5 Dreadnoughts, and a lone Interdictor sat in orbit over the planet. The electronic intelligence suite in the nose recorded Imperial communications on the planet, indicating the presence of Acclamator-class Star Destroyers being used as troop transports.
Pressing his luck, Steve cruised closer towards the fleet, keeping an eye on his threat indicator. At 20 thousand kilometers, the board was yellow, indicating that the mass of Imperial sensors were close to defeating the fighter's carbon fiber skin. "Raptor, you got that exit vector plotted?" The droid whistled an affirmative in reply. "Engaging hyperdrive. Man, I have got to get me one of these," he said, as the fighter shot back into hyperspace.
Jack was still sitting in the center seat when the Blackbird finished landing on the Prometheus. With the recon data downloaded, he shook his head. "So much for a little pleasure cruise. Jessica, get me General Lim's office."
"Yes sir." Captain Rand looked up from her screen. "Colonel, the General's not in his office."
"Get me his quarters then. This is so hot, can't wait."
"Yes sir."
The main viewscreen flared to life, showing a slightly irate Jedi Master, and his green-haired wife in the background. "Colonel O'Neil," Ranma said.
"General, sorry to disturb you like this, but we've got some intelligence that's just too hot to sit and wait."
That piqued his interest. "Go ahead, Colonel."
"We received what was apparently a distress call, so I launched a Blackbird. It seems that the Imperials have invaded a neighboring star system with 15 Impstars, 10 Victories, and an unknown number of troop transports."
"Thank you, Colonel. I'm ending your shakedown, and request that you to EarthForce Headquarters as soon as you arrive at Tycho Base. I'll inform General Hammond of your change in orders. Transmit the data on a secure channel, so that we can begin planning a relief mission."
"Understood, General. Prometheus out."
Ranma walked into his office the next morning, nodding to the various officers and enlisted personnel in the headquarters building. There was a lot on the Jedi Master's mind since the bombshell that Criofan hadn't been idle. At least he didn't implement Base Delta Zero, he mused. That's something that we can use against him, if we can throw his forces of the planet.
"Sir, Colonel O'Neil and Admiral Gerrod are waiting for you in your office. I have General Hammond on channel 3 for you as well," his yeoman said, as he walking into his outer office.
"Thank you, Chief," Ranma replied. "Admiral, General, Colonel." The two officers in the office, and in a hologram nodded, as Ranma sat down behind his desk. "Have you had a chance to review the report?"
"Yes sir. That looks like a good portion of Criofan's force right there," Gerrod said. "If we can take it down, that'll be less for us to have to mop up later."
"Admiral, that force is about the size of what you got right there on the Moon," General Hammond countered. "If we go in with the full EDF, what's going to be left to defend Earth from Admiral Criofan, if he should decide to attack Earth?"
Ranma looked at Gerrod. "General Hammond raises a valid point, Ger. If we send the entire fleet, we're leaving Earth stripped bare. I want you in command here, anyway. You have a flair for fighting defensive battles that was unsurpassed during the Clone Wars. I'm taking 3 of our 4 Impstars, Serenity Dominant, Wild Stallion II, and Saturn; along with the ten Vicstars named after the planets here. That leaves you a majority of the force centered around the Republic.
"I'm also taking 13 corvettes and ten dreadnaughts. General Hammond, with your permission, I'm taking the Prometheus along as well."
"Of course, General; the consideration that we'd have to defend Earth as part of the EDF was why we built her in the first place. Colonel, stay out of trouble."
"When do I ever stay out of trouble, General," Jack replied.
"Will you be bringing the Senshi, General?"
"Of course. Those girls have been too Earthbound as it is. And besides, Usagi's mission is two-fold. She's the titular head to her mother's empire, such as it remains, so it would serve her to go out into space on occasion; and she'll be the diplomatic point of contact for the natives of this system."
"Are you really sure that's wise, General," Gerrod asked.
Ranma smiled. "They'll either like her automatically, or they'll just sign on to shut her up." The other officers chuckled at that. Clearing his throat, Ranma grew serious, as he began to issue orders. "General Hammond, ensure that a system-wide CAP is in place. Don't let the Imps surprise you."
"Yes sir."
"Admiral Gerrod, make sure you position your ships within five minutes of any point in the system to support the fighters on combat patrol, with mutual support. All shore leaves are canceled, commencing in one hour. I'll have my aide draw up the list of ships that will be supporting the counterattack.
"Colonel O'Neil, how quickly can the Prometheus be ready to put back to space?"
"I need time to load stores and refuel, General. 24 hours at the most."
"You have eighteen. Gentlemen, the upcoming fight may not be a critical battle like Coruscant, or Midway, but it in it's own right. The Empire is dependent on a finicky trick of temporal and quantum mechanics. Our supply lines are in our own backyard, as are our potential allies. We bloody the nose of the Empire in the next few days, and it may be enough to send him reeling. We lose, and we lose the galaxy. I do not intend to lose.