Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ One Half a Wing and a Prayer: Fly me to the Moon ❯ Attitude Adjustment ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Notes: Ranma and Sailor Moon are property of true artists with more creativity (and money) then me. I am using them without permission, but trying to handle with care…sort of. There is violence, bad language, and adult themes and situations. You know…the fun stuff.
Still for Janice, who hasn't left me yet for some strange reason…
Reader Note: If you haven't read One Half a Wing and a Prayer, go do that first. Otherwise you may be spinning your wheels here.
Lo, and the fans assembled from far and wide, bound by the Net.
And many spoke so, “Let us gather these passages so that all may know them.”
And others replied, “Archive that fucker.”
-Creation of the Multiverse, vol. 73
Alexis Nightbane was many things, a shopaholoic, a party girl, and a ravenous sex demon. She was a free spirit, and it was due in no small part to the attitude of her new brother who was the rebirth of her old sister, Ranma Saotome.
So naturally when the pigtailed martial artist took his two girlfriends out for a daytrip into one of the more metropolitan areas of Tokyo she couldn't help but snoop after him. Part of it was that she found his interactions with the hot and brainy Tendo girl and the barbaric but sexy Amazon to be just hilarious.
Another part was that she and the oldest of the Nightbane sisters, Despair, were taking turns silently body guarding him.
The demonic Guild that the sisters, until recently, belonged to had yet to send more people after the tenacious gender malleable Saotome, but that wouldn't last long. And Alexis agreed with Dizzy, Ranma was good, but not ready to take on the Guildmaster should he become involved.
Now tight red leather moved with the slightest sound as the bubblegum pink haired demoness glided from rooftop to rooftop following her otherworldly senses as she shadowed her odd relative.
She had felt the rise in energy when Ranma had switched genders and entered the café below, and chuckled lightly at the redhead's insatiable sweet tooth. She had also seen them leave, followed rather poorly by a group of teenage girls. She had held back as Ranma, Nabiki and Shampoo gave them the slip and had chuckled again as the girls on the street below scrambled to try and find the martial artists again.
She was getting ready to continue onward when she saw a flash of metal out of the corner of her eye and looked closely. Ranma was being stalked by another party.
A young man with a long brown ponytail was using a moderate amount of stealth to follow along the rooftops as well. He had not yet seen Alexis, and moved quickly after the redhead and her lovers. The demoness held back again for only a moment and launched into the air after him.
After a short distance they came to a large park and Alexis was distracted from her new prey when Ranma and company were suddenly attacked out of nowhere. But her attention was drawn back to the boy when he unclipped a large, battle ax like baker's peal off his back and crouched low, waiting for an opportunity to strike.
“So, Genma wasn't lying. You are here,” the boy whispered. “And you do turn into a girl, don't you Ranma. Too bad really, but this is where you and that fat fool get yours for destroying my life.”
“Sorry cutie,” Alexis said aloud as she landed behind him, “but no one goes after my bro and gets away with it.”
One Half a Wing and a Prayer: Fly Me to the Moon
Developed by dragon_man180 and tirsis
Written by Seth
Chapter 2: Attitude Adjustment
Ranma was stunned for a moment, but that passed quickly as her wayward father launched into a series of attacks. She realized that unlike the last time they had fought Genma was not trying to make a point here, he was going for the kill.
Glancing quickly she took in her lovers and saw that Shampoo was slowly rousing but Nabiki was still out from the surprise attack. Focusing back on Genma she let her demonic healing take care of her knife wound while she closed her stance.
She asked simply, “Why? After everything that's happened why come back?”
“You were an investment, Boy,” Genma said with a growl as he shifted his new knife into a reverse grip. “Ten years of my life I put into you, investing in the future. I made you into a weapon, one that I could sick against any that would come after me. One I could marry off and use to live in luxury for the rest of my life. But you went soft on me, Boy. You showed weakness at the springs, hesitating when I attacked. You showed weakness with those Amazons, letting them pull you away. I am ashamed of the unholy cur you have let yourself become. And I will fix this now.”
“You've lost it,” Ranma whispered. “You're just a coward and a bigot who got caught when his scheme backfired. You blame everyone but yourself.”
Genma roared, “SHUT UP, BOY!”
The large, cloaked man charged, and Ranma had to move quickly to block a shin kick followed by an elbow strike that extended to attempt to stab her again with the silver blade in his hand. She countered by flexing his elbow backwards, but her father was already flipping in place to reverse the pressure and struck with his free hand, attempting to pin a spirit ward on her chest.
She released his arm and heaved with her wings, giving her breathing room for a second. But instantly Genma was on her again, leading with his knife. She ducked low, but his stab turned into a slash and almost got her wings as she flattened herself to the ground and rolled away.
The attack continued, and Ranma had no chance to even begin an offensive. Feeding ki to her body as she had been taught by Happosai, she slowly increased her speed to match and surpass Genma's. Now all she needed was an opening.
Ami finally found their query once again, a weak signal originating from the park that focused and grew as they approached. Quickly the girls moved as Rei felt the hair on the back of her head stand on end.
“Whoa,” exclaimed Minako, “what's going on? Even I can feel the bad mojo around here.”
Ami looked down at the Mercury computer, “The energy level is spiking, but it's unlike anything I've ever seen before. There is a great deal of positively charged energy, almost as much as us when we transform. If she is an enemy, then that redhead girl may already be feeding, and this is the spillover.”
Rei nodded, hand reaching into her purse and fingers closing on a small stack of spirit wards and spoke, “We have to stop this.”
“Are you sure?” Usagi asked in a small voice. “We have no idea what's going on. And Setsuna said we were all done with fighting invaders.”
Makoto grunted, “She's been wrong before. She backed the Outers during the…well, the thing with Hotaru. You were right then and she was wrong. Besides we're supposed to be the defenders of humanity.”
With a resigned sigh, Usagi nodded, and with practiced ease the enchanted ornament containing the Silver Crystal was in her hand.
“All right, everyone! Let's do it!”
The opening came suddenly and only for a heartbeat, but having trained under Master Happosai for the past month, and with Cologne even longer then that, Ranma was more then ready to exploit it.
Pushing off hard with her wings she jumped into the air and spun her body as Genma attempted to sweep her legs. Instead of coming back down however, the redhead hovered for a second as Genma came back up and let a leg lash out, backed by all the ki she could muster and impacting his head.
It knocked the bigger man off balance, and in that instant Ranma came down, delivering another kick to his gut on the way as she landed in a crouch. Not slowing for an instant Ranma jumped up again, firing a double tap of hard punches followed by an uppercut that pushed Genma back and gave her room to attack.
“You're slower, old man,” Ranma yelled as she ducked a clumsy counter and chopped at Genma's wrist, scattering the wards. Before she could attack his dagger hand the older Saotome regained his balance and deliberately fell, rolling away and kicking out hard at Ranma, catching her in the shin and forcing her to discontinue the attack.
“I will end this farce,” growled Genma as he rolled to his feet and got ready to attack again.
Ranma was done playing around, however, and gathered hellfire in her hand.
“You created this mess,” she told him, “and just like always you ran from responsibility. Maybe I should have Nabiki do a little checking, find out if there's anything else you've run from.”
For a moment Genma had a hint of fear in his eyes, but it was pushed aside by anger as he brought his hand together to unleash another of his forbidden attacks. He had already used the Way of the Silent Thief to stalk the boy, so it was no great thing to use the other half of the dangerous art.
Before he could rake his fingers through the air however, Ranma attacked. Blast after blast of demonic power shot from her palms and the big man was forced to once more abandon his attack to evade wildly.
Ranma was controlled fury as the fireballs impacted around Genma, only his evasions keeping his skin intact. Soon Genma found his options limited and his back to a tree. Away from the fight he also saw that Shampoo was once more on her feet and helping Nabiki up as the psychic girl regained her focus.
In a few moments he knew that the girl would begin an assault on his mind, an assault he could do little to defend against. But he had planned for this by luring the other one here. Now if only the brunette cook would act.
“Time to finish you,” Ranma said coldly and charged up a large blast as her red eyes burned into the man she once had called father.
A bolt of raw elemental energy blasted out of nowhere and almost impaled Ranma. If it hadn't been for her senses suddenly going wild she never would have been able to dodge out of the way in time. As it was the arrow of fire magic did impact her orb of Hellfire and with a flash of light both attacks canceled each other out.
Ranma yelled out, startled by the aid given her father, “What the fuck?!”
“The park is a place for relaxation and nature, not for tormenting the innocent! I am the beautiful warrior, Sailor Moon, and in the name of the Moon, I'll punish you!”
Ranma blinked as five girls in abbreviated and stylized sailor uniforms stepped out of the woods and posed dramatically, the blond that had spoken pointing at the redhead and locking eyes on her with righteous fury.
The demoness blinked, and after a moment blinked again.
“Again,” she said simply, “what the fuck?”
The blond started again, “We are the Sailor Senshi, and we won't let you hurt that innocent man.”
“Innocent my well formed buttocks,” Ranma yelled. “This lousy son of a bitch has tried to kill more times then I can count! He's been in jail more often then that! And he attacked the two most important people in my life, and you want to protect him?!”
Seeing an opportunity, Genma countered, “Don't listen to her! You have to act now or she'll corrupt more humans!”
“You slimy basterd, I outta…”
The heart shaped blast from the second blond in the group impacted at the ground where Ranma was standing, but the redhead took to the air and swooped forward, intent on taking the fight to these newcomers.
She yelled as she dove in, “You did not just shoot that orange shit at me!”
The Sailor Senshi scattered as Ranma swooped down, aiming a kick at the lead blond, but a brunette in a green trimmed uniform knocked her out of the way and took the brunt of the kick on crossed arms. Ranma landed and spun and the brunette blocked again.
Evaluating, Ranma saw her current opponent was skilled at a basic level and had the presence of mind not to take her eyes off her opponent, but was nowhere near fast enough to counter.
Moving with purpose Ranma swung wide and let the taller girl attack. Using a forearm block Ranma batted a strong punch away and was inside the green skirted girls guard. A snap kick to the jaw sent the taller girl into the air and was followed by a reverse kick that sent her into a tree.
“Not bad,” Ranma concluded as the Senshi struggled to stand after the attack, “but as Granny would say, you're about a hundred years too early to tangle with me.”
“Then try this! MARS…FLAME…”
Ranma darted forward, feet dancing along the ground and gave the red trimmed Senshi two quick rabbit punches to the gut followed by an uppercut that almost knocked her out of her high heels.
Using the follow-up from the punch to gain altitude, Ranma hovered in the air and smirked down at her attackers, “Attacks aren't very good in a high speed battle if you have to announce them. Maybe you five should give up and go back to your cheerleader squad.”
The orange trimmed blond that had attacked before was already on the move, dodging a haphazard pattern across the field as a long chain of metal hearts formed in her hands. Halting abruptly she let her arm shoot forward and the chain lashed out, trying to entangle the air born demon girl.
Ranma simply let her wings fold again and dropped to the ground, one hand reaching around under her silk shirt to her back where she felt the comforting leather she kept there.
“You really have guts there, Blondie,” she smiled, “attacking someone like me with a whip. But let me show you how it's done!” With a jerk she freed the coil from it's holder under her shirt and let her own whip fly. The end struck home on the Senshi's wrist and the chain of hearts was let go and faded away to nothing. Ranma spun, taking a step forward and lashed out again. This time the whip struck across the blonde's stomach and she was jolted back. Continuing her spin, Ranma launched into the air again and covered the distance remaining, grabbing the orange trimmed Senshi by the neck between her legs and using momentum to spin further, lifting the girl off the ground and pulling her into a tight circle that wound up with her flat on her back being choked out by Ranma's powerful thighs.
Green was still down, red was out cold on the ground and orange seemed to be passed out. Ranma slowly got to her feet and looked at the two remaining Senshi with narrowed eyes. Blue took a step forward and placed herself between Ranma and the blond leader of the group. A noble gesture, to be sure, but it was futile against the angered succubus.
Glancing back Ranma saw that his father had long abandoned these girls. Not a surprise at all, leaving someone in the lurch when things were going badly. She'd have to hunt his fat ass down later. Beyond that Shampoo and Nabiki were walking over, also looking put out by the assault.
“All right, where's that asshole Genm?,” Nabiki growled as she approached. “This time I'm gonna rip his nuts off...and then turn his brain into chunky salsa!” She glared at the two remaining Senshi and asked with venom in her voice, “You bunch are STILL following us? I thought we got away from you when we ditched you in the ally?”
The blue one stammered out, “We don't know…”
“It gets better,” Ranma added, “they`re the ones that let the panda get away.”
“But we…”
“That aiding fugitive, right?” Shampoo looked for confirmation from the other two, and they nodded. “In China that means bad, bad things should happen to them.”
“Considering that Genma is a wanted man here too that means we could turn them over to the police,” Nabiki chimed in. “Add in assault and battery and these cheerleaders are looking at jail time.”
Ranma shrugged, “Assuming the cops here are better then the glorified tour guides we have in Nerima.”
She paused and then cracked her knuckles, “Or I could continue to beat the shit out of them now?”
Ranma caught movement out of the corner of her eye and reacted instantly, catching a rose out of mid air as it was thrown like a dart at her. She looked back along its flight path and saw a tallish young man wearing a tuxedo, top hat, opera mask and cape. She felt her stomach drop like an anvil when the oddly dressed man spoke.
“Sailor Moon, do not be intimidated by these creatures of darkness. You have strength of heart that can overwhelm them if you just believe in yourself.”
Ranma, Nabiki and Shampoo shouted back, “SHUT UP, KUNO!!!”
The force of the yell, and a telekinetic shove from Nabiki, was enough to knock the formally dressed boy out of the tree he was perched in. The martial artist's nodded in satisfaction and turned back to their opponents, only to see the blond running to check on the downed penguin with a comical, soap opera like expression of adoring concern on her face.
“Tuxedo Mask, are you all right?!”
Ranma groaned, “Oh for the love of…oh, whatever.” The redhead casually tossed a fireball at the panicky blond and sent her flying into la-la land. They sighed in relief and turned to see the blue haired girl, the last Senshi standing, with wide, scared eyes. She was rapidly typing on a small device and almost shivering with the amount of anger focused on her directly.
“Texting for help,” asked Nabiki. “That's not really going to do any good.”
“No,” stated the blue haired girl, just holding on to the edge of calm, “but that is a good idea. I'm trying to discover just how powerful you all are. There is no way a yoma with two enticed humans should be this strong. There has to be a reason.”
Nabiki smirked, “At least one of you uses your head. Too bad you don't see the whole picture.”
“And that is?”
“I'm no ordinary girl, as your amateur oracle should have told you. Shampoo here is an Amazon warrior and champion of her tribe.” The Tendo girl put her arm around a frowning Ranma's waist, “And Lover girl here is probably the only reincarnated rebel demon from the Guild to ever exist.”
The girl took this in, holding her ground even if the three before her were not making any hostile moves. She glanced down at her palmtop computer and took in the readings in less then a heartbeat.
The girl with long blue hair had a muscle density greater then any normal human but still moved with an easy grace. This would probably give her massive strength and spoke to years of conditioning. She also bore two magical signatures, one that seemed to be an almost feline overlay of her aura and the other…
A dark sigil, a brand, between navel and groin glowed faintly on her screen, but unlike any dark brand she had seen before it was not feeding of the girl's life energy.
The brown haired girl scanned as having a Psi reading equal but different to her red skirted friend. She was more powerful but less focused then the shrine maiden. The brunette also had a dark brand, and again it did not take one erg of energy from the girl.
The redheaded demoness…
Power, raw and untamed, flowed through her. But what made Sailor Mercury's eyes widen was the fact that the power was coming from two cores. A demonic ball of hellfire where her heart was and a bright bundle of life energy that seemed to occupy the same space. It was impossible for the two energy types to coexist, but it was happening right in front of her.
She also saw on the screen that the Outer Senshi had responded to her silent distress signal and would be here in moments. All she had to do was stall.
“Let's say for a moment that you are not under this demon's power,” Mercury stated calmly. “How do you explain the man she was attacking?”
The redhead growled, “Genma? He attacked first. I was defending myself and my loved ones from that nut. Last time I ran into him he almost killed Shampoo with a knife in the back. Before that he cheated during an official match.”
“Don't forget he's tried to kill you more then once, and tortured you a lot over the years. Isn't he such a wonderful father?” Nabiki added with heavy sarcasm.
Mercury blinked, “Your father? But he read as normal human.”
“Nothing human about him,” Ranma said darkly.
“Ranma mean that even as demon girl she have better heart then Panda-man,” Shampoo said in her musical voice as she gave the redhead a comforting hum from behind.
“Never the less,” Mercury continued, “a demon was attacking a human. From an outside standpoint only one conclusion could be drawn.”
Nabiki's smirk flattened, “So you're a racist then?”
Ranma shrugged, “Let it go, Nabiki, she wouldn't understand. Besides we already have enough Bad guys out to kill us, we don't need a bunch of trigger happy cheerleaders gunning for us too.”
“You too soft sometimes, Ranma,” Shampoo scolded. “How often you leave enemy behind to attack later? I know you fight for reason, but sometimes you just stupid like that.”
“I am what I am,” the redhead said simply.
She turned to walk away, confident that the blue skirted Senshi was too confused to attack. The redhead was about to spread her wings and take to the sky once more when once again her warrior trained senses alerted her to an incoming attack.
The large ball of yellow energy dug a furrow into the ground where Ranma had stood. It was almost too close, and the demoness could feel the destructive force pass beneath her. She looked up to see two more of the sailor suited warriors entering the battlefield. One was tall and lean with a scowl on her slightly masculine face. The other was petite with an air of aristocracy about her.
Nabiki sighed, “Oh goody goody. More flirts in skirts.”
“I don't understand,” Sailor Saturn said from the tree line. “Why can't we go and help Uranus-papa and Neptune-mama?”
Sailor Pluto was fighting a large grin, but managed to maintain her calm, “This needs to play out. The Inner Senshi have been for too complacent, and this will be a good wake up call for them. Your parents, while aggressive enough, need to understand that not everything can be solved with brute force. It's a lesson in humility, if you will.”
“So the girls out there are not bad guys?”
Pluto did let a smile slip out then, “Oh, far from it. But they are an absolute terror to those who choose them as enemies.”
Saturn nodded as a pout of concentration formed on her face, “I still feel like I should be helping somehow.”
“Trust me, this will be entertaining.”
Saturn looked up at the older woman and for a split second thought she saw the Time Guardian's red eyes faintly glow.
To be continued…
Endnote: Took forever, I know. And it's a little short, I know. Truth is this is a bridging chapter, one that will set things up for the true nature of this story. Next time the Senshi beat down concludes and they learn just how small their wars have been. Until then, KILL THE EMO, LONG LIVE METAL!!!