Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ a strange storry trans from ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer…same as before…I don't own them and I don't have anything so don't sue!!!! But if I did Rowen would be mine!!!! And thank you silver for the idea it helps a lot…okay now enjoy the fic

*******30 minutes latter********

Every one except Ryo and Jason are in the living room of the RW house. Silver and I are catching up on stuff and getting to know the other people around us. John is taliking nonstop and silver tells me she has a mallet with her and is willing to hit him with it. Cye is in the kitchen cooking something and Kento keeps trying to get in there and taste the food. While talking to silver, I start looking for my meds. I thought about this cause I only had one dose and I wanted it to last me as long as possible.

In the woods Ryo had little trouble locating Jason because he kept talking and talking even though no one was there. Ryo waist no time and tries to get Jason to walk in his own…but that does not work. He then picks Jason up and caries him while he kicks hits screams and bites Ryo who was at the moment trying to keep his cool and not hurt Jason. After a lot of fighting Ryo finally makes it back in the house with Jason in his arms. "Wow Jason what have you don?" I ask as soon as I hear them come in.

"I don't have to do what you say." Jason retorts as Ryo puts him down.

"Jason you had better listen to me…or I will find some way to get a hole of your mother and we are good friends too." I remind him sharply.

"You are not friends with her." Jason tries to argue.

"Say would any of you like some food?" Cye asks referring to us and the others in the room.

"Food?!?!?!?!?! Yes please!!!!! And thank you!!!!" I shrike forgetting about Jason at the moment.

"Thank you very much I would like some too." Silver adds trying to remain calm.

"But we shouldn't do that you don't know where it came from." John complains.

"John ssshhh…..this may be our chance to eat….and these people are kind enough to share with us I think we should take them up on their offer or go hungry." I explain to him.

"So you mean if we don't eat here we don't get anything." John repeats like I never said anything.

"So you girls want something…and what about John..?" Cye repeats trying to get the names straight.

"Okay…" John answers trailing off."

"Would you like to go sit at the table?" Rowen asks me.

"Sure thing lead the way…do you know what Cye made…?" I ask him afrid of how to ask myself…and not sound rude or anything.

"I don't know…but just ask yourself…I know that Cye won't mind….I told him you were blind I hope you don't mind." Rowen replies pulling out a chair and I sit down in it. Rowen takes the seat next to me and says, "Here he comes just ask…don't be afrid." And he gives my shoulder a squeeze.

"Cye…………uh……what did you make……? I finally chock out.

"Chicken and rice… don't have to be afraid to ask me anytime….I know if you can't see you like to know what is in front of you…don't you." He replies calmy.

"Thank you." I says above a whisper.

"Say that wasn't so bad, now was it. I will be here if you need me." Rowen tells me taking my free hand and just letting me know he was there.

"Thank you Rowen for being so nice to me...I know I just met you and it hasn't been that long but I am glad I can count on you." I tell him squeezing his hand.

Hay what do you think?" Cye asks when sees that half of my food is gone and Kento is not in the room to steel it.

"its great thank you again." I reply sounding a little more like my normal self.

"Hey SM how are you?" Silver asks coming into the room and taking a seat on the other side of me."

"Fine thanks for asking." I answer with a chuckle.

"Cye this food is good thanks." Silver says after taking a bite of the food in front of her.

"I am glad you both like it. What do I do about your friend Jason?" Cye wans to know sitting down across from silver.

"Just wait hin out that is al you can do." I say taking another bite of food.

"Ow why did you do that???!!!" Jason suddenly yells.

We jurush in to find that Ryo hit Jason because Jason touched him in the wrong place cause he doesn't keep his hands to himself. Jason tying to hit back and missing badly and I am told by silver that Ryo looks like he is going to do it agan. John is laughing making things much worse then they already were, and Sage and Cye have to renRyo which isn't working very well. Kento takes this time to steel the food left on the table. Silver uses her fairy powers to make rope appear and she helps me restrain Jason. Just to make this day even more interesting, a woman and a young boy walk in. "Oh we have guests…are they staying the night?" The woman asks as If this is normal.

"Yes mia we have guests but I am not sure about all night though." Sage answer not losing his grip on ryo.

"Sage and Cye why do you have Ryo like that?" The little boy asks.

"To keep him from killing one of our guests…Yuli." Sage replies as he and cye continue to hold Ryo back.

"Well it is late so lets make plans just in case and we will inform their parents about what happened." Mia says putting some stuff in the kitchen not noticng that both Ryo and Jason were being restrained in some form or another. Ryo calsm down and Sage and Cye let him go but Silver and I kept a close eye sort of speak on Jason. Who didn't seem ready to let up anytime soon. Cye stops Kento from eaithing everything and we somehow get Jason into the kitchen to eat. He continues to resist but soon he gives up and decides to eat what is in front of him. Silver, John, and are still tired from walking around in the woods for what could have been for hours. But this however, doesn't stop john from talking nonstop. "John, can't you ever stop talking, I have a huge headache." I ask him politely trying not to loose my temper, which was very thin at the time.

"SM are you alright?" Silver asks me conserned by the way I sounded I guessed.

"Yea I will be if I can get rid of this hadache." I reply just noticing the medicine in my had, then I ask, "could someone please tell me where I can find something to drink? I need to take something."

"Sure wait here and I will get something. Do you like coke?" Rowen responds getting up from where he was.

"Yes, thanks I love it." I answer quietly again.

"Now we have to discuss sleeping arrangements." Mia States rather calmly.

"But we can't stay here, we must go to school." John says thinking like as if it was the early morning and we were just a little late for classes.

"John from what I am hearing, it is a lot latter then we thought and we need to spend the night at least. I am sure we can call our parents and we will be sent home in the morning." I explain on the verge of screaming.

"Now I have enough rooms for two of you to not have to share a room. The other two will have to share a room. So who is going to be sharing a room."

"Jason and I can share a room and the girls can have rooms to themselves." John voluntaries.

"I don't mind sharing a room, as long as I have my own bed." I reply and then add, "I don't care either way, you do what you think is best mam."

"Same here." Silver echoes.

"Well John and Jason have decide to chare a room, they and you and Silver will have room to yourselves.

"Here you go SM>" Rowen says handing me a glass of coke.

"Thank you." I reply being polite and poping the little pills into my mouth. "I should be fine in about 30 minutes or so."

"Now it is 11:00 p.m. so we should all get some sleep." Mia suggests.

"Shouldn't we call our parents first?" John asks.

"Yea, we can try. But bed after that alright." Mia says sounding a little annoyed.

We all tried our parents and john and Jason had success, but silver and I didn't. John and Jason's parents said from the idea they were getting from the location they would not be able to pick them up…..but then again john said his mom sounded almost distant and it sounded like she was another place or something. And I end up talking to Mrs. Sweeret Jason's mom, and I got the same kind of thing from the phone. And for Silver and I we got nothing. "now bed and you will have to sleep in your clothes and we will get you something for tomorrow." Mia says after we were all finished with the phone .

That night after Rowen had led me to my room, or rather the room I woke up in earlier that day, and everyone else had gone to bed. I had a vistor. Isat up when I thought I heard the sound of a fimlar voice. I can see nothing so I think that this voice is just in my head and I lie back down and try to forget about the voice, but it has other plans. I sit back up and call out to the voice ,"Pluto is that you?" I ask trying to keep my voice low as not to wake the others.

"Yes, Sailor Moon, It is me….but I am not back for good yet….you and silver_stargazer have a job to do here.

"What about John and Jason?" I ask.

"They are here by mistake and I can not bring them back..they will have to go back when you do." She tells me.

"Well then can you tell me more about my mission then?" I ask detemid to get some kind of answer from her.

"No, I am afraid not, but stay strong." She tell me as she leaves…

With that I lie back down and try to get some much needed sleep.

A/N: wow a new record for me *dances around the room * I am so happy I already to post this chapter. *claps her hands * okay …. Now when my friends and I first arrive it is abot10;00 at night..just to clear things up …see you in the next chapter TTFN