Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Silent Warrior: Revolution ❯ Timmy's Secret: The Power of the Future ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“The scariest things are earthquakes, thunder, tornados, and Droidos! I can't stand thunderstorms; how dare you use them as a weapon! Enough with the rumbling and flashing! In the name of Avalon, I will stop your tempest!”
Silent Warrior: Revolution
Episode 64
The four females, known as the Dark Lady's, are on the Death Star, arguing with each other.
“It's so hot,” Virgo complains.
“What do you guys think about this lipstick?” the sister with green hair asks. “I'm thinking about bringing the color of the dead into fashion for the summer.”
“Black is the color of darkness. It's the color of funeral mourning clothes. Black is the color sprinkled with taint.”
“And your point is?”
“It looks wonderful on you!”
“With this ribbon, I'll bewitch the men and make them wait on me,” Libra flaunts, tying a yellow bow in her brown hair.
“Gold is too gaudy,” Aries yawns. “And dear younger sister, your mascara is too thick.”
“I think you should reconsider your make up a little. Don't be so impertinent just because you're the oldest. And what's with that outfit in this hot weather? Are you hiding your skin with your clothes because it's irritated?”
“You're always so rude to me!”
“I still say that I should be getting most of the missions because I'm the prettiest,” Virgo complains.
“Yeah right, if anything I should be out there,” the one with green hair says. “Everyone knows that since I'm the youngest I have the most potential.”
“Knock it off Sagittarius,” Aries yells. “Since you're the youngest you should be staying here.”
“I agree,” Libra chimes in.
“Oh shut up Libra,” Virgo yells. “You just want her make up and nail polish.”
“And why not; I have the most beauty out of all you sisters.”
“Ladies please shut up!” Weapon Ruby says, coming into the room. “I have an idea about how we can catch the Little One. He hates thunder, so how about we create a Droido that controls weather, that way when he gets scared he'll shoot off that V-Beam?”
“What a great idea,” Sagittarius says. “And I have the perfect Droido for it. Droido Stormy, come with me.”
A Droido with a bass drum for thunder and hair dryer for wind shows up. Weapon Ruby smiles and tells her to get to work.
Timmy's Secret: The Power of the Future
TJ is running home from school, upset because it was a clear day and then out of nowhere it began to rain. TJ gets home and calls out for Krystalyn.
“She's not here,” Prometheus replies, coming down the stairs.
“Well can you find me a towel, I'm soaking wet,” TJ complains.
“No, you have to go pick up Timmy from school.”
“Why can't someone else do it?”
“Your mother went shopping with a friend, and Henri isn't here. Besides, he's your responsibility.”
At Timmy's school, Timmy is waiting outside with some other kids. They start crying because their parents are late, and Timmy tells them to cheer up. The parents show up and they leave Timmy. Soon he is left all alone, and he begins to cry for his father. He then has a flashback to him playing with his mom and dad in the rain. Their faces are blocked out in his memory. On the other side of town, TJ is walking towards the school in a rain coat.
“Please stay quiet thunder,' TJ says to the sky.
A loud crash and flash then appear across the sky.
“Ahh, I hate thunder!”
“I guess they forgot about me,” Timmy says to Lion-O. “I guess I'll just head home by myself.”
Timmy gets off the curb and starts to walk away, by himself. TJ finally arrives at the school, and no one is there. He decides to call home to see if someone picked up Timmy.
“No, Timmy's not here,” Prince says, answering the phone. “How did you manage to lose him?”
“I didn't lose him, he must have gone off by himself,” TJ says.
“Well find him or else mom is going to kill you.”
“But I've already been looking for 20 minutes!”
TJ hangs up with Prince, and continues to look for Timmy, when he runs into Ashley. Thunder crashes again, and he jumps into her arms.
“TJ you can't do this,” she says, letting him go. “We're not together anymore.”
“Ash, Timmy is missing,” he says, ignoring her comment.
“We've got to find him. I'll help,” she says, running off.
“She's still a nice person, no matter how cold she is towards me, and for that I still love her.
Damon and Tyrese are in a coffee shop across the street, when they spot TJ and Ashley running around.
“It looks like they're getting along ok,” Damon says.
“If they have so much time to be running in the rain, they should be studying,” Tyrese comments.
Styve and Tyrone then show up, and the four are surprised they all met in the rain like this.
“We had come in to get out of the rain. Looks like you guys did too,” Tyrone comments.
“I figured I could do some reviewing for calc, bio, Spanish, English, and world studies,” Tyrese says.
Everyone sighs and is not surprised.
“I guess in the end, we all think alike,” Styve says.
“But one of us is missing,” Tyrone notes.
“TJ is good for nothing, so he's the exception!”
* * *
Underneath the coffee shop, in an alley, Timmy is sitting down complaining about the rain. He then pushes Lion-O's nose and a projection appears.
“Dee, I want to go home,” he says. “I want to return to the future with my father.”
“Don't be so weak; you know that's not possible right now,” Dee replies.
“But I can use the Key of Chronos like I did before.”
“While it is true that the key will allow you to travel through time, it's too dangerous to use it thoughtlessly, Little One. Please be patient.”
“I don't care, I want to go now!”
“I know you must be scared, but we need the Dark Crystal, the Zinzuishou, in order to save your father.
The image disappears, and then thunder crashes very loudly. Timmy complains and runs into the lower level of the coffee shop.
“Crystal Key of Chronos, please activate and take me back!”
He pulls out the key that's around his neck, and beams of light start appearing from it.
“What is this?” Styve asks.
“Oh no, my textbooks!” Tyrese cries.
Upstairs, the gravity disappears, and the guys start to float around. Tyrese tries to grab all his books and notes. Styve flies up and hits Tyrone in the crotch.
“Hey watch it!” Tyrone cries out.
“What is going on here? Outside, everything is normal,” Tyrese states, looking out a window.
“This isn't the time for complicated topics, Reese! All I know is, you guys better figure something out,” Tyrone says, floating down.
“I'm embarrassed my head hit your…” Styve starts.
`No fair, you can fly,” Damon complains.
Downstairs, Timmy wonders why he can't go home, and he begins crying again. This time, his symbol lights up, and the V-Beam appears.
“Found him, the little brat,” Sagittarius says, spotting the beam.
TJ and Ashley also see the beam and go running towards it. Stormy appears in the building, and Timmy stops crying.
“Found you now, Little One,” she says. “And there's no where for you to go since there's no gravity in here.”
“What are you, stupid?” Timmy asks. “I can fly you moron.”
Timmy starts to fly away, and Stormy chases after him. TJ runs into the building, and then immediately starts to float in the air.
“What is going on?” he asks, stabilizing himself with his flight ability.
Timmy and Stormy end up upstairs, and the guys notice them. Before they can do anything, Stormy pulls out her hair dryer and blows them all against the wall.
“Avalon, Dark Crystal, Power!”
Stormy continues to blow the hair dryer, when the dagger strikes.
“Who's there?” Timmy asks.
“I'm an agent of justice who doesn't like when people mess with nature. I'm a soldier who likes to preserve the peace. I am Silent Warrior! So you're the one responsible for the sudden storm. The scariest things are earthquakes, thunder, tornados, and Droidos! How dare you disturb this peaceful city with your loud racket, and terrorize small children. It's unforgivable, and in the name of Avalon, I will deliver punishment!”
Stormy hits him with the hair dryer and he's blown back.
“Ring of Hope, with its soul burning bright. Relinquish this sword, its power, its might!”
Silent Warrior pulls out his sword just as Stormy beats her drum and sends lightning towards him. The sword reflects the energy, but there's not much Silent Warrior can do.
“Star Slinger! If a drum is used correctly, it can bring excitement into one's life. But a drum used for evil, well…Star Shower!”
Yellow LightStar uses her other attack which shoots a shower of stars, and breaks the drum.
“Lyger: Sword of Destruction!”
Stormy is destroyed, and Silent Warrior collects the gem.
“Looks like you've failed,” Virgo says to Sagittarius across the street. “What are you going to do now?”
“I'm not going to fight now,” she replies. “Something weird is going on in that building.”
“What is going on here?” Silent Warrior asks. “Where's the gravity?”
“I can explain that,” Timmy says.
He floats down and pulls out his key. Suddenly, the gravity returns, and the guys fall from the ceiling.
“What is that thing?” Damon asks, going up to Timmy.
“It's mine, leave it alone!” he replies, putting it away. “I just want to go home.”
“Well, where are your parents?” Tyrese asks.
“My parents are where my mom and dad live.”
“Where are you from though?” Styve asks, rolling his eyes.
“Timmy, if you tell us, we can help you,” Silent Warrior says.
The guys start to come towards him, when Yellow LightStar throws her card.
“That's enough you guys,” she says. “Everyone has something they don't wish to talk about. When he's ready, he will tell you.”
Timmy takes her hand, and they walk down the street. Silent Warrior looks at them as the two go off to take Timmy home.