Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Silent Warrior: Revolution ❯ Finding a Sense of Self Identity ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“Siblings shouldn't fight each other. Sagittarius, Libra, snap out of it! Weapon Ruby, you manipulate hearts and trample those who love you. I can't forgive you for something like that. In the name of Avalon, I will punish you!”
Silent Warrior: Revolution
Episode 72: Part Three of Self Identity
“Weapon Ruby,” Wiseone calls, appearing as an image on the bridge of the Death Star. “Weapon Ruby, your future has two paths. One is a path of victory that will lead to glory. The other is the path of defeat that leads to darkness and death. The only way to succeed is to kill the Little One and the Brother Soldiers.”
“Don't tell me what I already know!” Weapon Ruby yells. “Because it has come to this, I'm willing to put everything out there!”
Finding a Sense of Self Identity
The guys, the cats, Virgo, and Aries, are all at the Masaki shrine raking leaves. As they're doing this, they're also roasting marshmallows over a fire.
“I can't believe we tried to destroy such a beautiful place,” Virgo says to Aries. “These guys were so great to help us.”
“Yay, this is fun!” Timmy says, jumping in the leaves.
“Don't even think about it you little fungus!” TJ yells. “We spent all day raking these, and not for you to just come and mess them up. You could grab a rake and help too!”
“Look who's talking!” Timmy shoots back. “You only came over here because Styve said they were making real smores.”
Ignoring TJ, Timmy goes and gets a marshmallow from the fire.
“You got a leaf in your hair,” Ares says, taking it out. “You have good hair Timmy, you have to take good care of it.”
“Save some of it for me,” TJ says.
“TJ, it's not right to take things from kids,” Tyrone comments.
“The others will be done soon anyways,” Damon adds.
Timmy proceeds to eat the whole thing, and then burps in TJ's face. TJ gets mad and starts chasing him around the yard.
* * *
On the ship, Libra and Sagittarius are watching the group laugh and have fun.
“Look at them, mingling with those humans,” Sagittarius snorts. “The very best of the Chaos Inferno's warriors frolicking with inferior beings.”
“I can't believe they chose that over being with us,” Libra complains. “Are you going to do something about them too? At this rate, our loyalties will be questioned.”
“You two aren't going to turn traitor too, are you?” Weapon Ruby asks, walking into the room.
“Of course not,” Sagittarius answers, “we're here to do our job.”
“If you want your sisters back, you're going to need something powerful to change them, just like Silent Warrior did.”
Weapon Ruby then brings out a sword which looks a lot like the Sword of Destruction, except instead of a black blade, it has a red blade.
“This is the Sword of Power,” he explains. “Use this to kill the Brother Soldiers, find the Little One, and get back the traitors.”
Libra reaches for the sword, but Sagittarius snatches it up.
“Since I'm the strongest, I should get it,” she claims.
“This sword will increase your power. If you fail, you'll have no place to return to.”
Weapon Ruby leaves, and the two ladies look at the katana style sword with its red blade.
“You sounded so confident,” Libra says. “Are you sure you can handle this?”
“I bet my whole wardrobe on it,” Sagittarius answers.
“Are you insane? If you fail, you won't be able to come back. It would be unacceptable to suffer any more humiliation to this family.”
“I know this, Libra. You just make sure you do nothing to hinder me.”
“You've never even had a good plan! I'm the one who's been having the awful time.”
“Don't get me started child. I'm the one who has the bad luck of having worthless sisters like Virgo and Aries, and even you!”
“I feel the same way!”
* * *
Everyone's done working, and they are relaxing, eating the marshmallows.
“If you keep eating so much, you'll get fat,” Damon says to TJ.
“What does it matter to him?” Styve asks. “It's not like he's trying to get any girls anyways. Being insensitive and unaware of himself is how he got dumped in the first place.”
TJ gets mad, but before he can argue, Tyrese tells him that eating so much at one time can make him tired.
“A high school student's job is to study hard,” he is saying. “Shouldn't that be enough to make you watch your diet?”
“Ignore Rese,” Damon sighs. “You know how you can get into trouble if you eat too many?”
“Yea, your stomach's trumpet will sound,” Tyrone says.
“Everybody can kiss my ass; I don't care, no matter what happens,” TJ barks.
He bites down as the room gets quiet, and a ripping sound can be heard.
“How embarrassing,” Timmy sighs.
“It wasn't me,” TJ protests.
“Well whoever it wasn't, it stinks,” Tyrese comments.
Before anyone else can start, they all notice a light in the sky.
“What's that light?” Styve asks.
“Quickly, someone get Timmy out of here!” Tyrese yells.
Virgo pushes Timmy out of the way of the light, and she and Aries get captured.
“Now you stay right here until the danger is away, ok?” TJ asks Timmy, putting him in a closet.
He then runs outside and leaves Timmy alone.
“I've got to find Silent Warrior,” Timmy says. “He can save Virgo and Aries. It's my fault they got captured…”
He gets out of the closet, and gets to the door. Before going out he sees the guys all standing in a circle.
“That was definitely the enemy,” Tyrese says.
“Then we've got no time to lose. Dark Fire-Dagger Power!”
“Dark Ice-Dagger Power!”
“Dark Lightning-Dagger Power!”
“Dark Dagger Power!”
“Avalon, Dark Crystal Power!”
As the guys transform, Timmy watches in the doorway, hidden by the door.
“Every time the enemy has shown up, I've done some analysis,” Dark Sabre says, pulling out his computer. “I can pin point their location in just a few moments.”
After a few clicks and beeps, Dark Sabre finds them, and the group runs off.
“I can't believe…what I just saw,” Timmy says, shocked. “I've got to follow them.”
* * *
At the same construction site from the big battle earlier, Aries and Virgo are encased in an energy bubble.
“I doubt those Brother Soldiers will come to save these worthless traitors,” Libra says.
“What's going on here?” Virgo asks, waking up.
“You two have been very bad,” Libra says, floating up to them. “But that's ok because we're going to change you back.”
“Don't get too close to them, they may try something sneaky,” Sagittarius says, appearing. “This sword I have has power beyond imagination. I can feel it giving me all sorts of power.”
“I want to try some too.”
When Libra reaches for the sword, Sagittarius knocks her back.
“I've already been betrayed by two sisters; I don't know if I can trust you either. Now, former sisters, tell me where the Brother Soldiers and the Little One are.”
“Listen to me,” Aries starts. “Weapon Ruby has been clouding your mind with false truths and bad ideas. Stop fighting the Brother Soldiers, they can help you.”
“Wow you guys really did get some good brainwashing done didn't you?” Libra laughs. “Come on, use that sword and change them back already. When we're done with you, you won't even remember those Brothers.”
The five daggers then strike before them, and the soldiers appear in shadow.
“Aren't your beliefs incorrect?” Silent Warrior asks. “We fight for the sake of this planet, its kind-hearted people, all living things, and the ability to be happy and joyous.”
“You guys are the ones being tricked,” Dark Warrior says.
“Listen to what your sisters have to say,” Dark Knight continues.
“These two are important friends to us,” Dark Sabre says.
“So give them back to us, or prepare for battle,” Dark Blade finishes.
“We will punish you, in the name of Avalon!” they all conclude.
“You make me laugh,” Sagittarius cackles. “Dark Thunder Attack!”
“Let's see if you can beat my lightning. Dark Lightning Bolt Jolt!”
Sagittarius's attack defeats Dark Knight's attack and the guys get blasted.
“That Sagittarius; you can always count on her for a good cat fight,” Weapon Ruby laughs, appearing unnoticed. “Too bad for her and Libra, that when their services are finished…”
“She's a lot stronger than before,” Dark Knight notices.
Dark Sabre does a scan on her and the sword.
“It's that sword she's holding,” he relays. “It's giving her some kind of power. That thing isn't even of this world!”
“Then let's try a combo attack and get that thing away from her. Dark Shaded Sickle!”
“Dark Celestial Fires Release!”
Sagittarius easily doges both attacks with amazing speed, and then attacks with her power from the sword.
“It's time to die!” she says, getting ready for another attack.
“Sagittarius no, don't do it!” Virgo yells. “Weapon Ruby is just using you for his plans.”
“What rubbish are you trying to spit now?” Libra asks, floating up to them. “Don't tell me you're still thinking of getting in our way. I'll be damned if I have to listen to this dribble any longer. Sagittarius, dispose of this trash.”
“I was just thinking that!” she smirks.
Sagittarius blasts the two in the bubble, as well as Libra who's standing next to them.
“What are you doing?” Libra screams.
“You ridiculed me time and time again, but seeing you like this now puts a smile on my face,” she responds. “As long as I have this sword, I am invincible! Eventually, I could even pass Weapon Ruby, and be at the top of our clan! I have no need for a woman like you, who could betray me at any moment. And most importantly, no more sisters means no more hand me downs!”
Sagittarius fires another bolt, blasting the other three sisters, and breaking the bubble. Dark Blade and Dark Knight run to catch Virgo and Aries, while Libra floats down.
“I can't believe I'm being attacked by my own sister!” Libra moans.
“Are you going to be alright?” Silent Warrior asks.
“You would care about my condition, even after what we were going to do? What are you trying to pull?”
“It's only natural to be concerned about someone who's been hurt.”
“Is that how you do things in this world?”
“It's called affection,” Aries explains. “It's something that we never experienced thanks to Weapon Ruby.”
“I've missed you both and all your pretty lipsticks,” Libra cries.
“Good, you're all together, you can all die together too!” Sagittarius cackles. “It's easy for worthless scum to all get along together. But not anymore; now this is a one sister show!”
“You've got to get that sword away from her,” Libra states. “It's making her ten times as worse as she normally is.”
“Just try and do it, Brother Soldiers!”
“Dark Mist Paralyze!”
Dark Sabre uses his old attack to create a shadow over everything.
“Dark Shaded Sickle!”
“Dark Lightning Bolt Jolt!”
With his sickle, Dark Warrior knocks away the sword, and Dark Knight blasts her back. The girls then go running to her.
“I hope you're happy now,” Sagittarius complains. “Now we're all traitors.”
“Oh Sagittarius, we know it was the sword making you do all those things,” Aries says. “Deep down, we know who you really are, and that's why we're able to forgive you.”
“Well, look what we have here,” Weapon Ruby says, appearing in the sky. “It's too bad the show's over now. Thanks for getting all into one place for me; it's easier to kill you like this! You all were nothing but pawns; pawns that can be easily replaced. Sagittarius, you missed the greatest power of the sword: its ability to open pockets in space and time!”
Weapon Ruby then looks at the sword, and it begins to glow. A hole then opens up under it, and it begins to suck everything in.
“Those who deceive together, die together!” Weapon Ruby says, leaving.
The guys brace themselves as they start to get sucked in.
“Maybe I can stop it,” Sagittarius says. “I still have some of the sword's power in me.”
She uses her attack, but nothing happens. She starts to get sucked in, when a whip catches her.
“Stop hogging the spotlight,” Libra says to her.
“Hold on,” Aries yells, grabbing her hand.
“We always fight, but that's what sisters do,” Virgo says, grabbing her other hand.
“You would save me, after trying to kill you?” Sagittarius asks.
“If even one of us is missing, we can't call ourselves the Four Dark Sisters!”
“What are we going to do?” Silent Warrior asks, holding on to a street sign.
“That sword is an exact replica of yours,” Prometheus says, hanging on his shoulder. “You've got to go in there and stop it. But don't' take too long, or else you could get stuck in time and space somewhere.”
Crying the whole way, Silent Warrior jumps into the portal with Prometheus.
“Cool, it's like I'm floating,” he says.
“This is no time to look around!” Prometheus yells.
Silent Warrior spots the sword, and wonders what he should do.
“Call upon your power Silent Warrior. You have to negate the evil energy.”
Closing his eyes, Silent Warrior concentrates on the sword. He then begins to glow.
“Sword of Power before my sights, I call upon you in this fight. Seek this strength that sets you free, and seek your new master, which is me!”
The sword glows very brightly, and then there is a blinding flash of light. The light shoots up from the ground, and the Brothers wonder what's going on. When the light fades, Silent Warrior is standing where the hole was, with the sword in his hand.
“You did it!” Athena sighs. “You used your own power to transform this sword, and now you have two swords.”
“Silent Warrior, do you think you can turn these two also?” Aries asks. “I think they're ready.”
“Dark Crystal Cleansing Power!”
As Silent Warrior uses the crystal, Timmy is in the background watching everything.
“I can't believe TJ is the Silent Warrior,” he says to Lion-O. “And, he's got the Dark Crystal!”
* * *
“I can't believe that not only did I lose, but now Silent Warrior has my sword!” Weapon Ruby screams in his ship. “At least now I know who has the Dark Crystal. It won't be long now…”