Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Utena, Revolutionary Girl Fan Fiction ❯ Ohtori Moon ❯ What are the odds? ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ohtori no Tsuki/Ohtori Moon

This is an idea I've tried repeated to write about with little success. Now, I think I've got something. This is a story set before Luna finds Usagi. And also before Usagi meets any of the other senshi or Mamoru. It's gonna get twisted, and it's gonna rely more on Utena for plot then Sailor Moon, however there are things that come into play. But you'll see.

Here's how it all begins. And please bear with me. I know Touga is not just a nice guy (despite being so damn hot! lol). There's a reason for what he's doing. But I won't spoil it. Let's just say End of the World knows more about a certain blonde then she knows about herself.

Oh, and reviews are much appreciated!

Chapter 1- What are the odds?

Soft sunlight dimmed by the shine of her golden locks, trailing far behind her. Her school uniform flowed around her in the strong winds. It was bitter cold and the sky looked as though it would unleash its fury onto the poor girl as well.

Usagi sighed; she knew she deserved worse for this. Her first test, and she failed horribly. She squeezed the crinkled paper in her hand, and struggled onward. She pushed through the still crowd, rushing to get home.

Her mind was captive to the harsh words of her teacher, and everyone laughing at her. She felt so frustrated and angry, with herself more then anyone. She walked with the force of her self-hatred, not even noticing she was alone.

Nor did she notice the car that was racing towards her. She lifted up her head in shock as she heard the horn. Her feet lost all their momentum, and she was stuck in place. Her heart pounded as she saw the car seem to slow. She was all but blinded by the headlights.

"Look out!" A voice cried, and Usagi felt herself knocked aside by a strong body.

She watched as the car sped past her as a red blur. Her heart was still pounding as she attempted to regain her breath.

"Are you alright?" Usagi shook her head and looked at the person who saved her.

She blinked.

He was gorgeous. Her long crimson hair flowed over his broad shoulders. His clear blue eyes seemed to pierce her, causing her to once again loose her breath. She managed to nod in answer to his concern.

He stood and offered Usagi his hand. She blushed and took his hand. She stood and brushed herself off. She picked up her book bag, not realizing she dropped her test.

"You should be more careful, Little Rabbit," He said softly. He leaned down and picked up the crumpled paper and looked at it.

"My… Not your favorite subject, is it?" He asked.

Usagi turned beet red, and tried to snatch the paper. The man dodged, and smiled.

"Now, now. Don't worry; I'll give it back. But why did you do so poorly?" He asked her, walking onto the sidewalk.

"I'm just a failure and a crybaby," Usagi said dejectedly. She looked down and sighed.

The man walked up to her and lifted her chin, bring his face close to hers.

"You sound like that's what everyone treats you as, not what made you fail. You shouldn't let others make you fail, Usagi, was it?" he purred softly.

Usagi's heart began to race again, as color rose in her cheeks once more.

"Why should I believe in me, when no one else does? Besides, how could I do well when all I hear is yelling, and people only push? It doesn't matter what I want, just as long as I live to someone else's standards. I hate it," Usagi sighed, and sat down on a bench.

The man sat down next to her. And squeezes her shoulder lightly. He gave her an encouraging smile.

"I believe you could. And besides, this test shows that you have no standards of your own. What do you truly want, Usagi?" he asked her gently.

Usagi stopped and thought for a moment. So many images floated through her mind. She had so many ideas of what she wanted, but she couldn't find one that was just perfect.

"I want to be happy," She said, still lost in thought.

"Why don't we take a walk, Usagi?" He stood and offered her his hand once more. "And by the way, my name is Touga, Touga Kiryuu."

Usagi smiled and took his hand. "Nice to meet you, Touga-san."

Touga smiled and shook his head. "Just Touga is fine, Usagi. Let's go."

He lead her towards the train station, chatting idly with the blond bunny. Usagi's mind was racing with thoughts of the handsome men beside her. Once at the train station Usagi began to worry about what Touga's intentions were.

"Touga…Where are we going?" Usagi asked, cautiously.

Touga laughed and brushed his hair back.

"I want to show you my school. It's a private school, but they take in excellent students from public schools sometimes. It's a very beautiful school, and I'm proud to say I'm the student council president there," Touga informed her.

Usagi's eyes widened when she heard that.

"But why would you want to show me this school? I'd never get in!" Usagi insisted.

"I believe that if you really wanted to, you could get in easily. You would just need a reason to want to get in," Touga replied.

Usagi blushed. "How is it that you've only known me for an hour, had to save my life, seen that I've failed the first test of the year, and am rather klutzy, and yet you believe in me more then anyone I've ever known?" Usagi asked softly, looking at her hands.

"Look at you, you have so much energy, all you need is to apply that energy. I would love to see someone so beautiful become successful, and happy," Touga replied, brushing a stray lock of his hair back.

Usagi smiled. "I never would have guessed I'd have made such a wonderful friend today," She said happily.

Touga looked surprised for a moment, then smiled softly at her.

"And I never would have guessed I'd have met such a beautiful and kind Little Rabbit," he said, looking deep into her eyes.

Usagi blushed and opened her mouth to reply when the train stopped.

"We'd better hurry, this is the stop," Touga said quietly.

Usagi followed Touga off the train. She looked around at the old city they were in.

"This is beautiful," Usagi gasped.

"This is the City of Ohtori, the school is just over this way," Touga said, turning Usagi towards the beautiful white stone walls of the school.

Usagi followed him through the gates to the school. She looked in awe of the beautiful buildings that were scattered across the campus. She felt Touga's hand on her shoulder, and looked up at him.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" he asked, grinning.

"It's incredible! This is really a school?" Usagi questioned, in disbelief.

"Yes, it is. Let me show you the rose garden," Touga said, placing his arm around Usagi, guiding her in the direction of the garden.

Usagi blushed and followed Touga through the school. She tried to hide from the evil stares she received from the many girls who watched the student council president pass with a new girl beside him.

"You're quite popular, ne?" Usagi asked quietly.

Touga simply laughed.

"Don't worry about them. They wouldn't dare hurt you. Things like that don't happen here," Touga assured her.

Usagi nodded but still couldn't help but feel the hatred directed towards her. She tried to ignore the stares and focus on the school. She saw trees, playgrounds, and well-kept fields with students of all ages eating lunch. She noticed everyone wore the same uniform, no matter what age. She felt strong, looking so different, from her hair to her uniform to her height, she felt like she stood out immensely. And it didn't help to have what was most likely the most popular man on campus walking with his arm around her.

Remembering Touga, she looked around and noticed the glares had slowed somewhat. She looked around and noticed someone else who stood out. Usagi couldn't see over the crowds but caught a quick glimpse of a cute boy who was swarmed by many girls. Usagi giggled despite herself.

"What's so funny?" Touga asked, curiously.

"Oh, that poor boy over there is swarmed by girls, and he looks like he's going to have a heart attack," Usagi said, mirthfully.

"Ah, that would be Miki. He's the local boy genius, and also a member of the Student Council. He is quite popular among the older girls because he's in many college level classes," Touga explained.

"I almost feel like someone should save him right now," Usagi mumbled.

"Don't worry, Jury will protect him if the crowd gets too unruly," Touga teased.

"Jury?" Usagi blinked. "Who's that?"

"Another member of the Student Council, she's a very strong woman, not many would dare to cross her path. However, her and Miki seem to be good friends, despite their age difference," Touga clarified

"Perhaps more then friends?" Usagi grinned mischievously.

"Perhaps," Touga laughed.

Usagi smiled and unintentionally leaned a little closer to Touga, while looking around the campus. Touga smiled down at the curious little Bunny, and shook his head lightly.

"Kawaii," he thought aloud.

"Huh?" Usagi asked, stopping. She looked at Touga surprised, yet happy.

"Your name does truly suit you, Usagi. You are rather cute," Touga teased with a small smile.

Usagi blushed brightly.

"D-demo!" She began, stepping back slightly, and looked away from his enchanting blue eyes.

Touga took one large step towards Usagi and softly lifted her chin.

"Don't be afraid. I was simply complimenting you. I'd never hurt such a cute little rabbit," Touga purred.

Usagi's heart was racing, being so close to him. She attempted to speak, but no words came out. Touga smiled and placed his hand on the small of Usagi's back, leaning just a little closer.

"My, my, Touga. Have you no shame?" a deep voice called out.

"My dear Saionji, I'm simply showing this girl around campus. She's interested in attending, right Usagi?" Touga winked at her.

"H-hai!" Usagi insisted, her face still beat red.

He looked at the tall man with deep green hair, and a proud air. He held a katana in one hand. He frowned at Usagi, but simply turned around.

"I'll believe that when I see it," Saionji grumbled and walked off. "I don't have time to waste here."

"This is the rose garden, Anthy Himemya, also on the student council, takes care of this garden," Touga said, as he opened the gate.

Usagi gasped as she entered. The roses were in full bloom. All different colored roses, the little gilded garden was completely full of amazing roses.

"This is amazing!" Usagi whispered in astonishment. She walked in and looked around a bit, and saw a girl with purple hair watering the roses.

"Anthy," Touga called to the girl.

"Hai?" The girl turned around and smiled softly.

"Anthy, this is Usagi. I'm showing her around campus, I hope you don't mind if I show her the garden as well," Touga put his hands on Usagi's shoulders.

"Of course not. Konnichi-wa Usagi-san," the girl bowed, smiling at her.

"Konnichi-wa, Anthy-san. You can just call me Usagi, everyone else does," Usagi insisted.

Anthy nodded. "Alright then, Usagi. Do you like my garden?" She tilted her head slightly.

"It's breath-taking! The flowers are truly incredible. You're really responsible for all this?" Usagi stepped towards the girl, excited.

Anthy laughed softly.

"Yes, I always take care of the roses," Anthy nodded, smiling at the innocent girl.

"Sugoi!" Usagi clapped her hands. "You deserve an award or something for these amazing roses!"

Touga and Anthy laughed softly.

"You're too kind, Usagi," Anthy said gently.

"No, you definitely deserve one!" Usagi insisted, nodding furiously.

"Are you planning on attending Ohtori Academy, Usagi?" Anthy asked.

Usagi frowned.

"I'd love to… but I can't…" Usagi blushed.

"Nonsense, Usagi," Touga persisted. "I believe you could easily. I think you could qualify by our second semester."

Usagi opened her mouth to deny it, but Anthy interrupted.

"It would be wonderful if you would attend, Usagi. The campus could use someone as cheerful as you," Anthy added, smiling brightly.

Usagi sighed in defeat.

"I already feel more wanted here then at home. I guess it couldn't hurt to try, but I can't promise I'll succeed," Usagi surrendered.

Touga smiled and rested his arm on her shoulders.

"Just promise to do you best. That is all anyone could ask of you," Touga said softly.

Usagi looked at her two new friends, and straightened herself up.

"Alright, I'll do it. Thank you both. You've really helped me a lot. I'm very grateful, and hopefully I'll be here for Spring," Usagi said with confidence.

"I'll take you back to the train, Usagi," Touga said, giving her shoulder a light squeeze.

"Thank you Touga," Usagi chirped. She followed Touga to the door.

"Take care, Usagi!" Anthy called

"You too, Anthy-san!" Usagi smiled to the girl, then headed out of the beautiful rose garden.

Touga smiled at Usagi. He placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I know you'll succeed. If you ever need help, just stop by. You're welcome any time," Touga told Usagi.

"Thank you so much, Touga. You've really brightened my day," Usagi said shyly.

"Anytime, Usagi. But could I ask one thing of you?" Touga stepped closer to the blonde.

"Um… Sure," Usagi said, color once again staining her pale cheeks.

"May I have you number? Just in case I need to get in touch with you, of course," Touga insisted.

Usagi blinked and nodded. She took out a small piece of paper from her book bag and wrote her number on it. Touga smiled as he took the paper from her, and placed it in his pocket.

Usagi smiled back at him.

"You'd better hurry, or you'll miss the train, Usagi," Touga said.

"Good bye, Touga. Thanks again!" Usagi called as she hopped onto the train.

She took a window seat and glanced through the crowd. She smiled brightly when she saw Touga wave to her. She waved back, and the train began to move. She continued to wave till she could no longer see the handsome red-haired prince who saved her that day.

Usagi burst through the front door, ignoring her little brother, darting right into her room. She heard her mother call her, but she couldn't stop herself.

"Sorry mom, I gotta study! I have a test on Friday!" Usagi shouted as she opened her text book.

"Let's see…" Usagi began as she started reading her history book.

Usagi's mom opened the door, to make sure it was Usagi who came home, and not some alien. She gasped at the sight of Usagi deep into her books, and promptly collapsed.

"Whatever God has heard my prayers, thank you. And please help her to study well!" She mumbled as she picked herself up off the floor.