Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Utena, Revolutionary Girl Fan Fiction ❯ Ohtori Moon ❯ Changes ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: Wow! I feel loved! I guess people really enjoyed the first chapter. I decided to put this out early. I plan on updating every Saturday. This is going to be a long story too, so I'll be writing it for quite some time.

Just a note, in this chapter, it's been a few months since Usagi met Touga. You'll see what happened. Let me know what you think, k?

I forgot the disclaimer in the last chapter! Oopsies! Um, I don't own any characters. I just own the plot. So don't sue, ok?

And please review! I write faster and better when I know people like my stories!

Chapter 2- Changes

The stale air of tension surrounded the cheerful blond. She began to worry as all the other students finished their tests and handed them in until she was completely alone, except for the teacher.

It was just her and geometry. The final question, the one question Usagi couldn't figure out for the life of her. She closed her eyes and relaxed, then looked at the problem again and began to struggle through the proof. She sighed as she finished. She looked it over one more time, just to be sure she didn't make any silly mistakes.

Satisfied, she stood and walked up to the teacher. She smiled shyly and handed her the paper. Ms. Haruna gave Usagi an encouraging smile. Usagi felt a little better as she turned and headed for the door.

"Wait, Usagi," Ms. Haruna called.

Usagi stopped dead in her tracks. She bowed her head and turned around, expecting to be yelled at for something. That, or the teacher already knew she failed.

"Don't worry, Usagi. It's not bad. I'm actually very happy," Ms Haruna said with a small smile.

Usagi sighed in relief and turned around and walked back to the desk. She smiled at Ms. Haruna.

"I'm very impressed with your progress. You went from worst student to within the top 5 in a few short months. And you've become a model student. I'm extremely proud of you. And I hope I'm not prying if I ask what brought this great change on?" Ms. Haruna asked.

"A lot of things, but… To keep it short, there's a school I want to transfer to. I've already made friends there. They really encouraged me. They believed in me when no one else did. And they were right. I'm actually hoping to get in this year," Usagi looked down at her feet, blushing slightly.

"That's wonderful, Usagi! I'm happy that you got what you needed to be as successful as you should be. If I can help, I'd be glad to. Though I must admit, I'm a bit sad to see you go now that you've become such an amazing student. But what school has tempted you so?" Ms. Haruna

"Well… Don't laugh when I tell you, ok?" Usagi asked shyly.

"I wouldn't dare, Usagi," Ms. Haruna assured the girl.

"I want to go to Ohtori Academy…" Usagi trailed off, blushing again.

"That's wonderful, Usagi! And, with your current grades, it shouldn't be too hard. However, to make certain you get in, I'll cut a deal with you," Ms. Haruna offered.

Usagi's eyes lit up with excitement and she nodded for Ms. Haruna to continue.

"I'll write you a letter of recommendation if you received an 95 or better on this test. That way you'd be sure to get in. Sound fair?" Ms. Haruna asked.

Usagi let out an excited yelp, and actually hugged her teacher.

"Oh, you're the best, Ms. Haruna! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Usagi cried happily.

"You're very welcome, Usagi. Besides, it's the least I could do to reward your excellence this year," Ms. Haruna assured her. "Now you better hurry, you've got studying to do if you want to be caught up to everyone at Ohtori!"

"I will, Ms. Haruna! Thanks again!" Usagi waved as she practically skipped out the door.

Ms. Haruna smiled and shook her head.

"That girl's going places. Where, I don't know, but… Anyone with that much energy and focus could accomplish great things," Ms. Haruna mumbled to herself.

"Indeed. There are many plans for her," a deep voice informed.

"Ah, Touga. It's gat to see you again…" Ms Haruna smiled and leaned back.

He smiled at her, closing the door to the room behind him and walked up to her desk.

"I trust you've been well, Haruna-sensei," Touga purred, leaning close to her.

"Of course, but word has it that you've been a bad boy Touga. Perhaps you're here to repent?" Ms. Haruna leaned back in her chair and smiled seductively.

"So very tempting, but I am here on business today. Perhaps later tonight, if you wouldn't mind me visiting?" Touga suggested, sitting on her desk. He took the time to admire the young teacher's body for a moment.

"You should come teach at Ohtori, Haruna-sensei… I'm sure things could be quite… enjoyable," Touga purred.

"Are you here to try to convince me to teach at your school, Touga-kun," She teased.

"No, but you can't blame me for trying," he laughed.

"No, of course not. I don't really want to leave here. But if you could drop by tonight, it's been a while," Ms. Haruna placed her hand on his knee, looking directly into his clear blue eyes.

"Trying to distract me from my job now? I wonder which one of us is more naughty?" Touga grinned and stood. He leaned over; placing his hands on the arm rests of her chair. His hair formed a veil around them. His lips stopped a breath away from hers.

"I was simply taking you up on your offer, my dear Touga," Ms. Haruna breathed, her heart racing.

"I'll be sure to stop by tonight…" Touga trailed off as he let his lips meet hers in heated kiss. He slid his hand down the front of her. He stopped to fondle her firm breasts, and felt her moan into the kiss. His hand continued down slowly, until it reached her thighs. Slowly moving up the inside of her leg, under her skirt, Touga felt her start to move into the touch.

Touga broke the kiss and moved back. Ms Haruna moaned in protest, but said nothing. Her eyes were glazed with passion for the red head.

Touga turned around and picked up Usagi's test and smiled. It looked correct, however, he couldn't take any chances. He picked up Ms. Haruna's red marker and placed a 100 on the paper.

"Don't worry about writing the letter. It's already been taken into consideration in her admissions," Touga said. He grinned at the teacher.

"And don't worry. I'll be there tonight. And perhaps, not alone either... You've done very well, Haruna-sensei. The End of the World thanks you," Touga said, straightening up.

"It was my pleasure, Touga," Haruna breathed, trying to get herself together.

"I'm sure," Touga let out a small laugh. He waved as he opened the door and walked out.

Haruna took a deep breath. "I do hope Usagi will be alright. I know I'm not," she whispered as she set about grading the rest of the papers.

Usagi smiled as she stood outside of the Crown Arcade. It had been weeks since she had last set foot inside this sanctuary of hers. The place had not even changed. And her favorite game, Sailor V, was inside, waiting faithfully.

"Why not, I earned this," Usagi said as she entered the building.

Usagi felt at ease with the world, all things familiar comforting her recent stresses with school. She headed further into the room, and found what she was looking for.

"Motoki-nii-san!" Usagi called out cheerfully.

"Usagi-chan, is that you?" Motoki asked, surprised.

"The one and only!" Usagi chirped.

"I was getting very worried! I haven't seen you in a long time. Are you alright?" Motoki asked, concerned.

"I'm fine. I've actually been working REALLY hard at school. In fact, I'm in the top 5 now!" Usagi rambled excitedly.

"Wow, that's great Usagi! I'm so happy for you! What brought on this sudden change?" Motoki questioned.

"Well, I made some new friends at a private school and I loved that school, and my friends really encouraged me. I took their advice and really tried hard, and I ended up doing really well, but that meant I couldn't come here for a while," Usagi explained.

"I understand. It's important to get a good education. These must have been some great friends. What school is it?" Motoki wondered, leaning against the counter.

"Ohtori Academy!" Usagi chirped happily.

Usagi watched as Motoki paled. He opened his mouth then closed it. He looked as if Usagi had actually hit him.

"Motoki, what's wrong?" Usagi asked, worriedly.

"Usagi, come with me for a second," Motoki said quietly.

Usagi nodded and followed him into the back room. Motoki made sure no one was watching and closed the door.

"Usagi, are you sure that you want to go there?" Motoki said, his back to her.

"Yes, I've been working for it all year. It's been driving me to strive to be better and better," Usagi said softly.

"I won't tell you not to go. I even have another friend who's currently attending high school there. But I do need to warn you about that school," Motoki turned around and walked up to Usagi.

"My sister went there. I loved the school, and thought it was beautiful, and so did she. She loved it at first. But then strange things began to happen. She got caught up in the affairs of the Student council. She left the school after an accident with a sword put her in the hospital. She never returned after that. She decided to study abroad; I think in part to stay away from the people in that school. To this day she has never explained what happened. No one ever mentions that place. I told my friend this story too, but he said it was just something he had to do," Motoki explained.

"That's terrible. But the school looked so peaceful. And I met some of the Student Council. In fact, it was Touga Kiryuu, the Student Council President, and Anthy who convinced me to do better in school," Usagi insisted.

Motoki sighed and shook his head.

"You're going there because of him, aren't you?" Motoki asked, already fearing the answer.

"Not exactly… At first, I was. I thought he was super-cool and really handsome. But now, I realized that I am someone. It means a lot to me now to do well. And also, Anthy inspired me as well. She was really nice to me. And the roses were so beautiful…" Usagi trailed off.

Motoki saw the happy, dreamy face of his surrogate sister. The memories stung him like they were yesterday. But yet, he felt something different. He knew Usagi would be alright.

"Usagi, you're a wonderful girl, but you're also so innocent. Never loose that. I just hope you be careful of Touga. He may be handsome, but he's no prince. He's broken many, many hearts. I don't want you to be one of them," Motoki put his hand on Usagi's shoulder and looked into her eyes. He saw her shock and knew she would at least consider his words.

"He is very charming, but… I noticed when he showed me around campus all the girls were glaring at me because he was so close to me. I just thought everyone had a crush on him… Maybe it's more?" Usagi wondered, sitting down on a chair.

"My sister told me a lot about what happened with members of the student council. Anthy is… Something of a prize, they all win in these strange duels. She would be engaged to whomever won the duel. I don't know why they do this, or why she allows herself to be tossed around like that, but… You'll see, I suppose," Motoki sighed.

"Why would they all duel? They seem to get along so well, at least… I thought they did…" Usagi said curiously.

Motoki reached into his pocket and pulled a small object out. He looked at Usagi and reluctantly took her hand.

"This is what leads them to fight. It also grants you certain privileges and rights. You will see its purpose when you get there. I know that if Touga wants you in, you're practically already accepted. Just be careful of the duels, Usagi. I know you can be clumsy, and they fight with real swords. I don't want you to end up like my sister," Motoki explained as he pressed the ring into the girl's hand.

Usagi stood and hugged Motoki.

"Thank you for caring. I'll be careful. But I can't just give up my dreams. No matter what happens, I'll always be me, ne?" Usagi said encouragingly.

Motoki shook his head and smiled.

"You're a truly amazing girl, Usagi. I know you'll be alright, but there is one thing I want to ask of you," Motoki said, his tone very serious.

"Of course, Motoki," Usagi nodded enthusiastically.

"If you are ever in trouble, or anything happens, I want you to find my friend. She lives on the campus. Her name is Utena Tenjou. She's a great person, very athletic, but she'll be there if you need her. I'm gonna let her know you'll be there. Just promise me you'll find her if you need to, ok?" Motoki asked.

"Of course. I might even try to find her sooner, just to so I have more friends. Can't hurt to have someone to turn to in need, ne?" Usagi said happily.

"Thank you, Usagi. I feel a lot better knowing you can turn to her. We've been friends for a long time. I know you two will get along," Motoki said, relieved.

"I am glad you care so much about me Motoki. But don't worry. I'll be alright, besides, I'll be back here to visit! If anyone messes with me, I know I can turn to you. You're like a big brother to me," Usagi smiled brightly.

"And you're like a second sister. I'm also very happy that you're doing so well. In fact, I'll treat you to a free play of Sailor V," Motoki said, opening the door to the back room.

"Really? You're the best, Motoki!" Usagi cried happily as she followed him out of the room and into the main part of the arcade.

Motoki laughed and put in the coin for the game, and stepped aside for Usagi.

"Yay! I hope I still can play!" Usagi said as she took the old controls and waited for the enemies to appear.

Motoki smiled and shook his head. He knew she'd have no trouble getting her skills back. He turned around and decided to check up on the other patrons.

Usagi struggled with the controls at first, her hands slowly remembering what they had to do. She was so absorbed in the game she didn't realize the lives that were disappearing as she struggled to get further in the game.

Usagi cursed when she realized that it was game over unless she could find a coin in 20 seconds or less. Instantly the girl struggled to find the coin that would save her. Suddenly, a coin magically was placed in for her.

"Oh, Motoki, it's ok. I'll pay- Oh!" Usagi looked up and realized her savior was not Motoki.

"Don't worry about it, Little Rabbit," Touga purred, grinning at catching her off guard.

Usagi blushed brightly and quickly turned back to the game. She let thoughts of a certain bishounen leave her mind as the all-too familiar game began to come back to her. She began to conquer level after level until she met her match with the final boss.

"Oh man, I was so close!" Usagi complained.

Touga laughed.

"You like games, don't you, Usagi?" He teased, grinned mischievously.

"Definitely! They're so much fun!" Usagi chirped happily.

Touga shook his head and laughed at her sheer innocence.

"How are you doing, Usagi-chan?" Motoki called as he came around the corner. He froze as he saw Touga standing close to her.

"Touga," Motoki nodded, distant but politely.

"Ah, Motoki was it? Good to see you again," Touga smirked. "I trust your sister has recovered from that unfortunate accident."

Motoki bite his lip, but did not reply. His eyes, however, spoke more then words could ever. Touga stiffened, and then turned to Usagi.

"Usagi, would you care to join me for dinner?" Touga asked, giving her a reassuring smile.

"Alright," Usagi said.

She glanced at Motoki; he looked at her and gave her a look that said, "Just be careful!" Usagi smiled and nodded, and then looked at Touga.

"Shall we, than, Little Rabbit?" Touga purred.

Usagi nodded again and followed the tall bishounen out of the arcade. She turned and called to Motoki.

"See you later Motoki-nii-san!" Usagi chirped right before she left.

Motoki sighed and shook his head. He felt like breaking something, but kept his cool.

"First my sister, now Usagi… If that bastard hurts her, I'll make sure he pays," Motoki growled under his breath before going back to work. But for the rest of the day, he was worried about the cheerful, innocent blond who was now in the clutches of a dark secret. A secret he didn't know if she could handle.