Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Utena, Revolutionary Girl Fan Fiction ❯ Ohtori Moon ❯ Chapter 3- Shopping ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: I'm soooooooooo sorry this is late! I went away for a long Easter weekend, and I tried to e-mail myself this story, and I thought it worked. But, when I got to my friend's house, I found out it didn't. And that he didn't have word anyway. Oi. So, please forgive me. I'll try to get the next chapter out on time, k?

This one is a little short, just cause of the nature of it, but next chapter will be more… interesting. ;-)

BTW, I'm still in need of a beta reader, if anyone's interested in helping me out.

And, thanks to everyone whose reviewed! I REALLY appreciate it! It keeps me motivated to kick the fiancé of the compy and write.

Disclaimer: Standard disclaimers apply.

Chapter 3

Usagi blushed as Touga pushed in the chair for her. She felt so torn. He was sweet, kind, and romantic, but yet she couldn't forget what Motoki had warned her about. She smiled as Touga sat across from her.

She glanced around the cozy café. It was decorated with warm colors, and many booths along the walls. It was well lit, and the smell of pizza filled the air. It was quiet, and not too crowded. They were seated in a slightly darker corner of the café. Usagi could see out the window from where she was.

"I've heard you've been doing exceptional, Usagi. I even talked to your teacher today. She only had glowing comments about you. I'm glad you listened to me," Touga smiled, and reached across the table to take Usagi's hand.

Usagi fought back her blush, and nodded.

"I'm happy too. My life has been so much better since I've gotten my grades up. People are actually treating me like a person now," Usagi laughed, but there was seriousness behind her eyes.

Touga was surprised by her comment. She sounded much more mature, but yet still so innocent.

"I don't think it's just your grades, Usagi. I think people see so much potential in you, and they don't want it to be wasted. Like before, I saw how well you played that video game. It's clear that wherever you want to go, you get there. You simply must want it. That's a gift not many people have," Touga said thoughtfully.

"But I only want simple things. It's the little things in life that make me happy. I love video games, good friends, fun trips, and perhaps school now. I don't need fame or fortune, even if it would be fun. It's nice to dream of things, but what I have now is enough," Usagi said, smiling. She laughed innocently. "I guess I sound like a silly school-girl, huh?"

Touga shook his head, a tiny smile on his lips. "Not at all, Usagi. I think you are by far wiser, and also happier, then most people could ever dream to be. Even me…" Touga trailed off and looked down at the menu for a moment.

Usagi blinked, and wondered what she had said to affect him so deeply.

"You know, sometimes I feel like this life is a gift; just to be another person, another part of the crowd. I like to dream of being someone like Sailor V. But I sometimes wonder if that's a life that I'd be happy living. Maybe it's just as wonderful being average as it is to be special…" Usagi said, remembering the Sailor V movie. She looked at Touga who was watching her with great interest. "Um… I'll just be quiet now…" She said softly.

Touga shook his head. "No, I find what you're saying rather interesting. I simply hadn't expected such insight from one so young and innocent," he clarified.

Usagi smiled and shook her head. "I don't even know where it came from. But I really did mean what I said," Usagi looked down at her menu. She blushed as her stomach grumbled in anticipation of a well-deserved meal.

Touga laughed and shook his head. "You should make sure you get enough to eat, Usagi. You wouldn't want to get weak now, would you?"

"I do eat enough, it's just… It goes through me so fast!" Usagi tried to defend.

"Would you care for something to drink?" An older-looking waiter asked, looking to Touga.

Touga glanced at Usagi, and grinned.

"Two strawberry milkshakes," he answered. The waiter nodded and walked away.

Usagi blushed, but smiled. "How did you know I liked strawberry milkshakes?"

"You seem like the type," Touga laughed.

"But you got one too," Usagi stuck her tongue out at the red-haired bishounen.

"I never said I wasn't the type. In fact, I love strawberry milkshakes," Touga replied. He smiled and picked up his menu.

Usagi picked up her menu and glanced through the items. She didn't know what to choose, everything looked so good.

"How about pizza?" Touga interrupted her mental debate.

Usagi blinked. "Huh?"

Touga shook his head with a small smile at the cute blond across from him. "You looked like you were told to choose between two people to live and die. I figured I'd offer a suggestion."

"Oh! I'm sorry. Pizza sounds really good!" Usagi chirped. Her stomach joined in, offering a loud rumble.

"I see everyone's in agreement. What do you like on your pizza, Usagi?" Touga asked, with an amused smirk.

"Um… Is extra cheese ok?" Usagi asked.

Touga nodded. "We'll split an extra cheese pie then." He leaned back comfortably in his chair and brushed back his long red hair.

Usagi looked down, feeling her heart begin to race. She couldn't help but admire the handsome Student Council President. His eyes met hers for a brief moment, and Usagi saw something flash in his eyes that she never saw before. Sadness. It was gone almost before she realized what it was. She smiled brightly at him, her eyes never leaving his.

The waiter cleared his throat, causing the two to blink. They looked away from each other and Touga faced the waiter.

"One medium extra cheese pie," He said, back into his usual confident self, seeming unconcerned with the moment before.

Usagi blushed and folded her menu. She handed it to the waiter who nodded and left. She continued looking down, until her blush began to fade. She could feel Touga's eyes on her.

Touga brooded inside, chiding himself for being so careless. He refused to let anything show on the surface. But somewhere deep inside himself, he felt drawn into her innocent blue eyes. He decided to keep even his eyes shielded from this seemingly harmless girl.

Usagi finally looked up at the handsome smile of the Student Council President. She smiled and began to speak again. "So, Touga, how have you been the last few months?"

"I've been alright. It's been very busy this semester. And I've been keeping my eye on you, as well. I'm very happy to see how far you've come. I knew you could do it," Touga said quietly.

Usagi smiled shyly and blushed. She sipped her drink. The two continued to chat amiably until after they finished the pizza.

"I'm stuffed. That was a great pizza! Thank you so much, Touga!" Usagi chirped.

Touga smiled at her as he handed a credit card to the waiter. "You're very welcome, Little Rabbit. Are you ready to leave?"

Usagi nodded and stood up, picking up her book bag.

Touga signed the receipt and handed the pen back to the Waiter, and put his credit card away. He flashed Usagi a brilliant smile. "Shall we?" He offered his arm to Usagi.

The bubbly blonde giggled, and hooked her arm around his, blushing slightly. He led her out of the small café and into the bustling center of the Juuban District. He lead her past the many shops until he came to the Juuban mall. He opened the door for her, and smiled.

"Ne, Touga, why are we at the mall?" Usagi asked curiously, as she entered.

"Well, the Student Ball is on Friday, so I figured you could pick out a dress now. I know you've been too busy in your studies to have found time for shopping," Touga teased playfully.

"But… I don't have enough money to buy a new dress," Usagi blushed and looked down.

"I insist on paying. Consider it a present, for all you hard work," Touga said, leading the girl into a very classy, and extremely expensive boutique.

"I couldn't, you've already bought me lunch, and paid for my game. Besides, I might not have even been accepted yet!" Usagi protested, trying to pull Touga back out of the store.

Touga laughed and reaching into his pocket, and pulled out a letter. "This is why I'm here today. I'm personally delivering this to you. I also pulled some strings to get this put through early," he said, handing the blushing girl the letter.

Usagi opened the letter carefully and read the words quickly. And read them again. And once more to be certain. Finally, she looked up at the handsome man in front of her, who nodded.

Like a rainbow breaking through the dark clouds after a terrible storm, a smile broke out on Usagi's face as she cried in happiness. She jumped and hugged the surprised, yet amused red-head.

"I can't believe it! I made it! Oh, thank you soooooooooooo much Touga! You're the best!" she cried as she hugged him tighter.

He responded by wrapping his arms around, and holding her to him for a minute. "Congratulations, Little Rabbit," he purred into her ear. He felt her tense ever-so slightly, but still hug him tightly. Finally, she loosened her grip on him.

She looked down, and tried to wipe her tears. Touga lifted her chin and brought his face close to hers. He gently wiped the tears away, and leaned closer. He smiled inwardly as Usagi blushed and began to close her eyes.

The clerk cleared her throat, causing the blonde bunny to jump back in surprise. She turned and faced the clerk, looking guilty and blushing furiously. Usagi didn't notice the quick glare Touga gave the clerk.

"May I help you too?" She asked politely. She gulped inwardly when she saw the look the man gave her.

"Yes, there's a Student Ball at our Academy on Friday, and we'd like to look at your ball gowns," Touga replied just as polite. His previous fury held deep within his fiery blue eyes.

"What size are you, Miss?" the clerk asked politely to the still blushing blond.

"Size 7," Usagi said quietly.

"What color would be appropriate for this Ball?" the clerk continued to question while going through the racks of dressed.

Usagi was about to answer, when Touga interrupted.

"White would be appropriate," he glanced at Usagi and smiled.

"What about this dress?" The clerk held up a two-piece white dress. The top had pearls along the neckline, and the sleeves were thin, soft, and translucent silver silk. The bottom had a layer of the thin silver silk over the thick white silk. The waist had a strong of pearls with a moon dangling from it.

"Try it on, Usagi. Let's see how it looks on you," Touga insisted.

The clerk handed Usagi the dress, and she stepped into the dressing room. Sounds of some struggling escaped, causing Touga to shake his head and smile. Finally, the sounds died down and Usagi emerged from the dressing room.

Touga sucked in a deep breath, caught off-guard by the petite girl's beauty. Usagi stepped out with unusual grace. Her silvery-white silk of the dress flowed around her like water as she approached the playboy, and turned so he could see the back. The color brought out silvery highlights in her blond hair, as the pearls seemed to have a soft blue hue that made Usagi's sky blue eyes shine. The bell sleeves made it look as though she had wings. The sparkle of the silk gave the girl a beautiful aura. Overall, she looked perfectly ethereal.

"We'll take it," Touga said, stepping towards the beautiful princess before him.

Usagi blushed as he handed the clerk the credit card. Before she knew it, he was right before her.

"You look like an angel, Usagi." He breathed. "You'll be the star of the ball."

Usagi shook her head, and met his eyes. "You really think so?"

"I know so, Usagi," he assured her.

Usagi blushed and nodded, and returned to the dressing room to change back. A few moments later, she emerged back in her school uniform. The clerk took the dress and wrapped it carefully in the box before handing it in a bag to Touga. He smiled at Usagi and wrapped an arm around her, leading her out of the store.

They continued walking past stores until Usagi asked, "Touga, where are we going?"

He smiled at the cute little bunny beside him. "You need shoes to go with your dress, of course," He winked at her.

Usagi blushed and shook her head. "No, it's alright. You've already done so much for me, Touga."

"It's nothing at all, Little Rabbit," He teased, leaning closer to the blushing blonde.

Usagi blushed and opened her mouth to argue, but Touga placed a finger on her lips, leaning close enough the feel the warmth radiate off of her. He felt her breath catch, as her eyes locked on his.

"I insist."