Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Utena, Revolutionary Girl Fan Fiction ❯ Ohtori Moon ❯ Chapter 6- Welcome to Ohtori ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: Damn. I'm sorry everyone. I had finals and then my health rapidly declined again. I'm going on much more intense medicine soon, and hopefully I'll make a full recovery soon. This chapter took me forever to write. I hope it came out alright. I've been having a lot of trouble expressing myself lately. I hope you enjoy though! And thanks for all the reviews!

WARNING: SLIGHT YURI AT END OF STORY. In Sailor Moon, Usagi has the strange ability to be attractive to both genders. (Mamoru, Diamond, Haruka, Seiya) And in Utena, Juri certainly likes a girl (Shiori). I was inspired by the scene with Juri and Utena at the fountain. I figured things might have gone differently if Utena said something different. Well, this is what happened. And it's nothing like sex, just a small kiss. But who knows what will happen tomorrow! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Actually, I do. *Evil grin*

Well, here's the chapter! Enjoy! And review!

Oh, and I don't own either series. I'm just exercising freedom of speech, eh?

*Usagi pops up* That's some freedom alright!

*Me* Heh heh, creative liscence?

*Usagi just glares*

And here's the chapter! *Gulp*

Chapter 6- Welcome to Ohtori

"This isn't fair… How am I supposed to make friends if I don't even have a dorm near them?" Usagi complained to no one. She headed up the stairs, sighing and dragging along her bags. "At least Touga said I'm always welcome there. That gives me some hope…"

Usagi smiled softly as memories of that morning returned to her.

"Thank you so much Touga. I really owe you for this," Usagi chirped, walking briskly next to the handsome red head.

"It's alright, I needed to speak to some people here anyway. Besides, I wouldn't want you to get lost," Touga teased gently.

Usagi stuck her tongue out at him, to which he simply chuckled softly. Usagi tried to fix him with a stern glare, which only prompted further laughter. Finally, Usagi gave in to the inevitable defeat and began to giggle herself.

"I'm sorry, Usagi," Touga said softly, regaining control of himself.

"Iie, it's alright," Usagi shook her head with a soft smile.

He stopped in front of an open office, and smiled at the girl beside him. She glanced inside and then to the man at her side. "This is it," he told her. "You'll be alright from here. I'll see you later, Usagi."

With that, the tall redhead continued down the hall. Usagi smiled softly at his back and then headed into the office.

Usagi sighed as she arrived at her dorm room. She opened the door and sighed. She put her bags down in a corner of the surprisingly neat room.

"This stinks." Usagi groaned. She already felt lonely.

"Touga's busy, so what can I do? Who else could I hang out with today?" Usagi slumped to the floor, pondering her options. "Aha! I'll go find Anthy. Touga said she's usually in the rose garden, so…"

With that, the white moon rabbit bounced out of her room, not noticing the soft chuckling from her closet.

Wakaba was annoyed. No, Wakaba was very annoyed. Everyday he did this to her. Every day, she waited.

"Where is he? We're gonna miss the bus!" Wakaba groaned, standing up straight and putting her hands on her hips. She looked around desperately for him.

"Eep! Look out!" A voice cried out a bit too late.

Wakaba turned just in time to be barreled over by a blond bunny. Wakaba quickly regained her breath, and looked at her assailant.

"I'm sooooooooooo sorry! I didn't see you until it was too late!" Usagi cried, sitting up and offering the girl a hand.

"It's alright, I've been known to do that myself a couple of times. It's probably just karma getting back at me," Wakaba laughed. She saw the girl visibly relax and smile.

"Thanks, I'm Tsukino Usagi, and I'm new here," Usagi chirped, helping Wakaba stand.

"Nice to meet you, Usagi-san. I'm Shinohara Wakaba," Wakaba replied just as cheerfully. "I was waiting for my boyfriend, but he's apparently ditched me again. If you want, I'll show you around."

"You have a boyfriend? It's terrible that he'd ditch you like that. But if you don't mind, I'm terribly lost," Usagi rambled, smiling happily.

Wakaba giggled. "Yeah, but it's alright. Maybe we'll run into him, come on. I think I know where he is, actually…"

"Then we can knock some sense into him, leaving you to wait like that!" Usagi giggled.

Wakaba smiled and nodded. "I like you already, Usagi-san!" Wakaba chirped.

"Just call me Usagi, Wakaba-san," she smiled and held out her hand.

"Wakaba's fine too," She smiled and shook the girl's hand. " Now let's go knock some sense into my boyfriend, shall we?"

Usagi nodded and giggled, following the cheerful girl. The pair radiated warmth and happiness as they traveled across the campus. Wakaba pointed out a few important student and teachers to Usagi as they walked briskly towards the basketball courts.

"There she is!" Wakaba sighed. "I shoulda known."

"She?" Usagi blinked.

"I call her my boyfriend as a joke. We're actually best friends. Her name's Tenjou Utena, and she's the `prince' of this academy. Everyone thinks she's really cool," Wakaba explained.

Usagi giggled. "She's really good to take on the whole basketball team like that. And win."

Wakaba nodded, leaning against a wall, watching as her best friend once again destroyed the basketball team.

Usagi stifled a laugh as Utena was surrounded by adoring fan girls who were happy to offer her drinks and towels.

"She's quite the hero," Usagi joked.

"You bet. And she's my boyfriend, and don't you forget it!" Wakaba laughed.

"I won't!" Usagi mock saluted.

"Oh Wakaba! I'm sooo sorry!" A gentle voice called to the two girls as a pink-haired girl jogged towards them.

"It's alright, Utena. I was just showing Usagi here around. She's new to the school too," Wakaba explained.

"It's nice to meet you, Usagi. I'm Tenjou Utena. I just got here a few months ago," Utena explained offering her hand.

Usagi smiled brightly, and grasped the other girl's hand. "Tsukino Usagi! Nice to meet you too."

"Let me go get changed and then we'll meet for lunch in our usual spot, ok?" Utena asked her friend. "You're welcome to come too, Usagi."

"Thank you!" the blonde chirped happily.

"You're welcome," Utena laughed softly, the blonde's cheerfulness infecting her easily.

"Come on Usagi, I'm starved!" Wakab said grabbing Usagi's hand.

"Me too!" Her statement was accentuated by the loud grumbling of her stomach. All three girls laughed cheerfully.

The bright light shimmered on the ground, dancing with the shadows in the company of three very hungry girls.

However, only one was eating. The other two were blinking in pure shock at the speed with which the blonde girl ate.

"Woah! Better slow down Usagi!" Wakaba stifled a giggle.

"I can't help it! I missed breakfast today at Touga's. I got lost again!" Usagi protested. Wakaba gasped and then gapes at Usagi.

"You were at Touga-sempai's mansion?" She asked disbelievingly.

"Just last night, I got my new dorm assignment today. There's been a few complications since I switched in mid-year," Usagi explained before munching on a snadwhich.

"But… Touga's rather well known for… um… being a playboy…" Wakaba said, rather surprised.

Usagi shook her head and giggled. "It wasn't anything like that. He's my friend. He's been helping me out. Besides, what would a great guy like him see in a clutz like me?"

"You shouldn't say such things. You're a great girl. You're so bright and cheerful, and have a way of making people happy," Wakaba insisted.

"I second that," Utena added.

"Thanks guys, but still, it's not like that between us. But, promise not to tell anyone?" Usagi mock glared at the other two girls, daring them to not promise.

"Alright, we promise, right Utena?" Wakaba answered.

"We promise," Utena nodded.

"He is taking me to the student ball on Friday. BUT, that's only cause I beat his challenge…" Usagi said blushing slightly.

"Oh really?" Wakaba leaned closer, eyes wide.

"He said that if I could improve my grades enough to get accepted into Ohtori by the end of the semester, he'd take me to the Student Ball. And well, here I am, and he even insisted on buying me a dress," Usagi's eyes widened as she realized what she said and her hands flew up to cover her mouth.

Wakaba giggled evilly. "My, my, my… I've never heard of him being so… generous."

"Awww, Wakaba, be easy on the girl. Maybe she's actually able to reform his playboy ways," Utena said smiling softly.

"And that's the day Nanami likes someone else," Wakaba scoffed.

A soft beeping came from Usagi's watch. "Uh oh! I better get going, it's getting late, and I have to finish cleaning my lonely dorm… I got the whole darn building to myself."

"That sucks. Well, we're in the North Dorm, room 313 if you ever need us. Hope to see you again soon, Usagi!" Wakaba said happily.

"Same here! I'll see ya around!" Usagi chirped as she hopped up and headed off.

"So, it's about time you explained yourself, missy," Wakaba said glaring at her companion.

"Well, about being late… I couldn't just back down, ya know…?" *Gulp* "Or not…"

Usagi sighed in relief as she finally managed to find the beautiful rose garden. The sweet smell relaxed the girl, bringing back feelings of safety and comfort. The soft sounds of nature and voices mingled with the cool air brushing past her. Usagi smiled brightly and closed her eyes, simply enjoying the moment.


Usagi's eyes snapped open at the vicious slap. She looked around and saw Saionji standing over Anthy, who was holding her cheek. Usagi's eyes narrowed as she saw Anthy stand and begin to speak.

"Quiet, Anthy," Saionji all but growled.

"But…" she protested weakly.

Even as she opened her mouth, Saionji lifted his hand. Usagi saw this and jumped in the way, blocking his hand. Saionji frowned in annoyance.

"How dare you hit a defenseless girl! Just what kinda guy are you?" Usagi demanded, eyes flashing angrily.

"How dare you interfere, wench. I will do as I please with Anthy," he replied, pushing Usagi out of the way. He took a step towards Anthy

The blonde instantly was on her feet and blocking his way again.

"I won't let you hurt my friend!" Usagi scowled at the green haired man before her.

"Learn you're place, girl," Saijonji snarled as he lifted his hand to strike the blonde who dared to defy him. As he tried to strike, he found his hand grasped by a stronger one.

He turned to glare at the offender, and upon seeing him, backed down.

"Don't. Touch. Her," Touga glared at his "best friend."

"She interfered between Anthy and I," Saionji countered, snatching his hand back roughly.

"And one could hardly blame her. You're treatment of her is disgraceful. Go now, we'll talk later," Touga instructed.

Saionji snorted but began to walk away. He paused and looked at the blonde, who was glaring at him, while standing next to Anthy protectively.

"Mind your own business, for he won't always be there to protect you," Saionji warned quietly before stalking off.

"Are you alright, Usagi?" Touga asked, coming up to the bunny.

"Yeah, I'm fine, how about you, Anthy? I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner," Usagi said, looking at the girl's slightly red cheek.

"I'm alright. You didn't have to do that, Usagi," Anthy said softly.

"Of course I did! I won't stand for anyone hitting someone who's defenseless. It's unforgivable. You shouldn't have to take that Anthy. Just tell him to get lost," Usagi said, putting a hand on the taller girl's shoulder.

"I couldn't do that, I have to do as he says," Anthy replied.

"No you don't. No one belongs to another person. Everyone was born an individual, with the right to choose. No one has to put up with that. Besides, a pretty girl like you could have any guy, right Touga?" Usagi said with a small smirk.

"Perhaps," Touga said quietly. "But…"

"Usagi, I'm engaged to Saionji. I must do as he says…" Anthy said, sounding almost defeated.

Usagi stood there, blinking. Her mind came to a complete halt.

"But…" Usagi sighed and shook her head. "I don't understand what you see in him, but I'll respect your decision. But I won't allow him to simply throw you around like a rag doll."

Usagi paused, her face softening. She stepped closer to the dark skinned girl and wrapped her arms around her, pulling her close before whispering, "If you ever, EVER need someone, I'll be there. I promise. Just call, and I'll be there, my friend." Usagi pulled back and smiled softly at the girl.

"Usagi… Thank you," Anthy said, with a small smile. "I'm afraid I must go though, thank you for your help Touga-senpai, Usagi." She bowed before turning and leaving.

"You're quite impressive, Usagi," Touga said with a soft laugh as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "You're got a good and pure heart."

Usagi looked deep into his eyes and saw a small spark. She smiled brightly at him, turning around to hug him. "And if you ever need me, I'll be there in a heartbeat. I promise." She pulled back, eyes sparkling in the fading sun.

Touga's breath caught in his chest as he stared at the girl in front of him. He managed to smile softly before nodding. "Thank you, Usagi."

She nodded and grinned. "I better get back to my lonely old dorm, I'll see ya, Touga!" the bunny chirped as she turned and headed down the path.

Another watched as the red head shook his head, before a look of pain crossed his face. However, it was gone almost as quickly as it came. Touga turned and walked in the other direction to his mansion. The other person simply turned and followed the bunny.

Usagi had stopped on her way to grab some wildflowers to brighten up her dorm. She held the flowers close, smelling them as she entered the deserted building. Her footsteps echoed loudly as she climbed the steps to her floor. She began to hum softly, as she opened the door to her dorm.

"Hello, Usagi," a soft, femine voice greeted.

"Eeeep!" Usagi jumped with shock, and dropped the wildflowers in shock as she stared at the beautiful woman in her dorm.

She moved gracefully towards the blonde, her curly red hair swaying softly with her movements. Her eyes glitter dangerously, while her face held no expression.

"I'm Arisugawa Juri, pleased to finally meet you," She said, standing in front of the girl.

"Tsukino Usagi. Hi," the blonde said, still trying to get her nerves back.

"On behalf of the Student Council, welcome to Ohtori. You're quite the character to draw so much attention so soon," Juri said, leaning on Usagi's small table.

"I know. I can't believe how much everyone's helped me settle in. Everyone's so nice here. Well… Maybe not that Saionji guy, but otherwise everyone's been really great!" Usagi said happily, walking around to her bed and sitting down on it.

Juri shook her head, "Things aren't as simple as they seem here Usagi. The wrong people are noticing you. You should be careful. Especially around Touga."

"What do you mean?" Usagi questioned, biting her lower lip in confusion.

"I mean," Juri pused off the table and sat next to the girl on her bed. "That Touga has broken many, many hearts. You've been spending a lot of time with him. You should at least be aware of his nature."

"It's not like that. We're just friends. Besides, he could have any girl he wanted, why would he settle for a blonde ditz like me?" Usagi said softly, looking down.

"Because you have something unique, that no one here believed existed…" Juri leaned close to the girl next to her. She could feel the warmth radiating from her as Usagi's face began to turn pink. "You have a gentle innocence. You're pure and good…" Juri closed the distance and softly brushed her lips upon the other girl's cheek. Then she stood abruptly, startling the blonde once again.

"Be careful, Usagi. There are those who would gladly take that from you," Juri warned over her shoulder before walking out of Usagi's room.

Usagi blinked in shock as the color slowly began to fade from her face. "What a day…" Usagi said, still shocked.

Usagi pulled out her diary from under her bed, shook her head and walked over to her desk and began to writer down the crazy events of her day.