Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Utena, Revolutionary Girl Fan Fiction ❯ Thorn of the Rose ❯ Enough ( Prologue )
Thorn of the Rose
Usagi was going to have to cry herself too sleep that night like she always did. How could she not when her entire life was based on the loss of her friends and relationships of abuse and turmoil?
Mamoru was a strong man, she had soon realized after he had first hit her. The slap had stung true, but even worse was that their future daughter Rini (A/N yeah I am callen her Rini I don't like chibi) had been present. "Da-ad" She had sobbed before running into her room.
Now Usagi's body was racked with sob's as she let loose the lock on the door that held her memories. Things had been perfect after the defeat of chaos. Yes she had mourned the loss of chibi-chibi (A/N I hear that in English they call her Trinity or Trini) but she had lived and had thought everything was going to be fine.
Boy had she been wrong. Now her only friend was the outers and Hotaru. Thank Kami for them or else she might have already have committed suicide!
Suddenly Usagi stopped crying. She had had enough!
"Mom" She called down from her room.
"Yes dear?" Her mother answered.
"You said you wanted me to take a look at that private school brochure?"
Utena sat on the front steps of the Academy patiently waiting for Wakaba as always.
"Ms. Tenjou? I presume?" The soft voice of the school councilor Asked .
"We would like you to the new `Meet and Greet' program, this means that you will tour and generally `hang out' with your assigned knew student. Would you like to?"
Utena barely heard a word she had said but nodded anyways.
"Great!" Thee lady said beaming.
"Your first assignment is tomorrow she is a Ms. Tsuko Usagi."
"M'kay" Utena replied.
A/N) Just remember I am Notorious as the biitch who will stop writing if you stop reviewing! Check out my other stories under DemonzBride!