Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Lightning Meets Dragon ❯ A ROSE?! ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN- *looks around and laughs nervously* it's been awhile since I've tried to update, I've just been so busy with work *makes throwing up gesture* and school and guy troubles *repeats gesture twice more. * But I'm back and trying to write this chapter without any crib notes that I carry around with me at all times… or at least in my work uniform. In other news my muses have been away they seem to take a lot of trips when is down… strange coincidence isn't it? Without further ado ch. *searches for ch. #* 7

Chapter seven


From the last chapter

"I killed her husband and that flirt thinks that he will win her heart? We'll see about that. We will see." He disappeared into the night not leaving a trace that he was there, except for the single white rose with drops of red blood on it.

~Dining Hall, Fanelian castle~

Everyone looked up as Allen and Makoto entered the hall and took his or her seats. Van looked as if he wanted to ask where they were but Makoto was faster.

"You have lovely gardens Lord Van, the roses and lilies are especially beautiful. I've never seen such variety."

"Thank you we have very lush soil in Fanelia, and the gardeners work very hard on the gardens." The council was in the dining hall and one of the council members said

"Lady Makoto…" A soldier rushing in to the room cut him off.

"Lord Van one of the soldiers was found unconscious in the gardens, we may have an intruder in the castle."

"When was he found?" Van asked with concern in his voice

"About five minutes ago Lord Van."

"Was there anything around him? Something that didn't belong in the garden?" Makoto asked.

"I remember a rose, it was unusual. I've never seen a rose like it."

"What was so unusual about it? Did someone bring it in?"

"To my knowledge no one has touched it and it was white with red drops on it that looked like blood." Everyone at the table looked confused except for Makoto I hit her fit against the table being careful not to tip it.


"What's wrong, Makoto?" Allen asked

"He's back and this time I'll finally finish what he started."

"Who's back?"

"The murderer of my husband, his trademark was a white rose with drops of blood on it. It was also covered in a poison that could put anyone that touched it into a coma."

"POISON! How do you know all of that!" One of the advisors shrieked.

"Because 1) he told me himself and 2) I was in a coma for two weeks because I touched a bouquet of roses that he sent me."

"Is there a cure?" Van asked quickly

"Yes and luckily I have some in my room. If you'll excuse me I'll go get it." Van nodded and Makoto left quickly to her room. Once inside she contacted Setsuna and asked her to get some of the antidote from Jupiter's royal gardens. She also told Setsuna that she would take care of the guy herself.

~Setsuna's POV~

"He acted much sooner than I thought he would, Well Makoto I hope you are ready for what you will face. Be careful young one." She whispered in the time gates.

~Makoto's POV~

'Well the b@stard is finally back, now he'll see what a pi$$ed off widow can do. My love I'll avenge you, I promised I would.' I quickly grabbed the vile of liquid and rushed back to the dining hall. "Have him drink this, he doesn't have to drink it all just a sip is enough." 'I'm still waiting Ko, I'm still waiting.' I fell into my musings thinking of the best way for him to die, publicly of course. He did too much to my people to receive any less. I noticed Allen waving his hand in front of my face.

"Makoto, Makoto are you okay?" I snapped back to reality

"I'm fine, I was just thinking."

"About what?"

"Nothing important." I frowned "If he left his trademark then he must know I'm here. Well he's in for a surprise if he'll think he can surprise me." I smiled at everyone around me. "Shall we all get back to dinner? It's probably getting cold."

"That's a good idea Makoto." Van said as he walked back to the table with his arm wrapped loosely around Hitomi's waist.

'I swear Ko your blood will flow… by my hand.' I smirked before returning to my seat and meal. The minimal dinner conversation continued.

"Lady Makoto how long have you been a Fanelian citizen?" the advisor from before asked.

"Two or three years my father was born here and asked me to come live with him after…" I bit my lip to keep the tears from coming unbidden. Seeing my reluctance to continue, Allen quickly changed the subject. I mouthed a thank you to him and continued eating.

~After Dinner Sparing Room~

Allen challenged me to a duel after dinner, shocking Van's entire council, I of course accepted politely and Van's entire council just HAD to watch as if they didn't have anything better to do. So there we were facing each other sword's drawn, since I didn't know his style I allowed him first attack as before I went on the defensive. Before he drove me back two feet I changed tactics, locking swords with him and pushing him back. I must have used too much power because he stumbled back several feet before recovering; I took the advantage and started pushing him back. Twenty minutes later we were both where we started, no one having the advantage, we broke apart after one last sword lock and I rushed at him, he moved to block and I flipped over his head, anticipating this move he quickly turned and locked swords with me again. With the swords locked I performed a sweep kick, knocked his feet out from under him and pointed my sword at his neck declaring me the winner. I placed my sword back in its sheath and offered my hand to pull him up. He accepted and we finally looked back at our audience, they were in shock! Van's council was anyway; the others just looked impressed. I looked out the window and saw Jupiter sparkling in the distance, how I missed my home but I knew that with Setsuna over seeing it, it would be fine. I also noticed that it was getting late. I curtseyed to the council and assorted members of royalty. "It's getting late I think I'll turn in. Good night to you all." Everyone said their good nights as well and filed out of the sparing room, only Allen was left with me. He offered to walk me to my room and again I accepted.

"That was some pretty incredible fighting, I didn't think you would use a sweep kick it was the one attack I wasn't prepared for."

"Well I like to use all aspects of my training and sweep kicks are part of my style. Thanks for the compliment; you're very good yourself. How long have you been training?"

"I've been training for a good portion of my life, the sword was a way of focusing my rage, I lost my family at a young age and only recently gotten my sister back."

"So we've both lost someone close to us, here's my room. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Of course, good night Makoto." He kissed her hand and walked to his room. I stared dreamily out of the door for a moment and then got ready for bed. Maybe getting ordered to protect the Royals of Fanelia wasn't such a bad thing after all…

AN- I'm stopping it there wow 1300 words including my top AN's! This is longer than most of my chapters but I don't believe in cliffhangers, *hears cheering in the background* I find them cruel to the readers, readers should read the stories because of a good plot not because of a cliffhanger. Well until next chapter Ja Ne!