Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Lightning Meets Dragon ❯ The battle Begins...Part one ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

From the Last chapter

"What worlds does Lady Setsuna represent?" Hitomi started to ask but her voice was drowned out by one of the walls exploding in showering everyone with dust. It looked like someone else had joined the party.

Chapter 12

The battle Begins … part one

The dust started to settle and the first thing that happened was that most of the Gaean princesses started to scream. It hurt my head to listen to them and I had more important things to worry about. The fifty youma warriors stepping out of the hole in the wall for example. Or the pompous looking general that was floating above them. He was defiantly from the NeoNegaverse (AN1). The blonde hair, the uniform, if I wasn't mistaken that looked like a clone of Jedite.

"I am Kunzite, a direct descendant of Jedite the first General of Queen Beryl. I follow my the orders of my king and my king only."

"Trying not to make the mistake that Jedite made? Of course at that time Jedite was a little insane, being taken over by pure evil does that to you. Are you a little insane as well? Of course it's very rude to talk about my brother-in-law like that." Kunzite gaped at me so I played my trump card. "My name is Makoto Kino-Miyake, Queen of the Jovian Empire and Neo-Queen Serenity's councilor of war. And last but not least…" The skirt off of my dress melted away to show my eternal fuku and my hair was pulled magically up into it's usual ponytail and the mask formed upon my face. "I'm Sailor Jupiter, warrior of protection. I helped to destroy Queen Beryl, many years ago."

"How is that possible? Queen Beryl was defeated over two centuries ago. And only the Queen of Pluto has the ability to become immortal as the defender of the time gates."

"Lady Setsuna isn't the only one as you have been deceived to believe. Everyone in the Neo Silver Millennium can become immortal, if the proper requirements are completed. I've been immortal since Sailor Galaxia was defeated." I waited for his reaction getting none I decided to help him out. "You might want to close your mouth and tell me what your demands are. That's usually the next step in an attack."

He snapped his mouth shut and pushed his shock and fear down, smirking slightly he crosses his arms. "Well Sailor Jupiter or not there is only one of you and over fifty youma as well as myself. Face it little girl, you're outnumbered and outmatched. And don't expect me to go easy on you just because my ancestor's whore was one of your pathetic lot. It just makes me loathe you all the more."

"Whoever said it was just her against you all." Minako steps out of the shadows in a white ballgown, which quickly changes into Sailor Venus's uniform. "Your ancestor's whore as you called me is right here"

He visibly started to sweat but tried to hide it the best he could. "Oh please. From what I've heard you're a hopeless ditz and it's still only two against fifty youma and me. And I'm not as much a pushover as Jedite was."

"For the record, the captain of Neo Queen Serenity's royal guard isn't a ditz. And of course we aren't alone. I have two hundred soldiers waiting in the time gates to be summoned." I said with a visible smirk.

"I'm not exactly quivering in my stylish yet affordable boots here ladies. You're bluffing."

"Did I mention that I trained these soldiers myself? They all have at least twelve years of training. In the senshi warrior arts"

"Oooo I'm scared. You think I can't call for reinforcements too? Besides which, you pathetic senshi are always worried about others getting hurt, I don't have that liability."

"I don't think I know you can't get them as fast as I can. Setsuna now please." A huge door appeared in the center of the ballroom all of the royal guests backed away from it as it swung open amidst the fog that appeared out of no where. Sure to my word two hundred soldiers in Jovian green came marching out and waited at attention for my orders. I turned to Jedite with a smirk. "Who said my soldiers will be hurt."

"I wasn't referring to your soldiers. He grinned evilly as he charged a negabolt. " I was referring to your pathetic 'innocents'" He hurled the negabolt towards a man with long blond hair and a sword strapped around his waist.

"SHIT!" I called upon my sword and it intercepted the negabolt before it hit Allen.

Kunzite used my distraction to pour negaenergy over my soldiers, stunning them momentarily. "Haven't you learned the rules by now? Evil doesn't fight fair"

"Take no prisoners, kill all these bastards. No mercy"

He laughed, laughed at me! "Aww how cute, Sailor Jupiter is angry. Fat lot of good it'll do you! He released another negabolt, this time at a girl with long blonde hair. Millerna.

"This stops now. 'Supreme Thunder Dragon!'" I released a huge amount of energy at the youma ranks that were being thinned out by my soldiers, i threw my sword to absorb the negabolt attack thrown at Millerna. Kunzite disappeared and reappeared to grab my sword as it was flying back towards me.

"Can't have that it deflects my attacks. Although it is pretty, you can't use it to protect the innocents in this room anymore."

"Setsuna! Get them all out of here! Minako go with them and make sure no one attacks Crystal Tokyo while they are there!" I smirked at Kunzite "I can't protect them while they are in this room but I can protect them when they aren't here." He twirled my sword in his hands.

"Lovely craftsmanship, my lord will be most interested in adding this to his collection."

I fumed; he had my husband's sword. What could I do? I saw a flash of light as the Royals disappeared. I looked back at my men and saw they were slaughtering the youmas effortlessly with minimal casualties. "Return that to me. You shouldn't mock the dead."

He grinned coldly at me. "Of course I should. I should do all possible to destroy you." He glanced at my sword. "Let's try a little experiment." He pointed the sword at me and channeled a negabolt through it. "How many times can I fire negabolts at you with this before it shatters from the negative energy?" On the second bolt the sword was wrenched from his grasp, of it's own will. He glared at me in astonishment. "Neat trick." He resumed levitating. "My lord we need more youma down here! Well then the sword has gotten too big for it's britches." He started firing negabolts at my sword. Suddenly the sword was surrounded by a silvery green aura and all the negabolts dissipated on contact. He grimaced. "You know I don't think I like that sword." He hurled a different kind of negaenergy at my sword. "Capture!"

The sword started spinning until it was going so fast that it was a moving blur and cut through the energy. "I'm not responsible, I did tell you not to mock the dead. You can't capture something that is empowered by the soul of its former owner." I looked around. "And with the appearance of no more youma it looks like your lord has deserted you."

"Fine keep your trinket. And the soul inside of it. Not that it will do you any good." He smirked as he landed on the floor among the Jovians. "Nice to see you, hi thanks for coming to your death. Nice party don't you think?" He grabbed one of my soldiers. "Ever felt a thousand kilowatts of negative energy coursing through your body? Here try it." He fired a negabolt into the Jovian at point blank range before levitating up leaving a charred corpse behind.

"You bastard! Your fight is with me. So fight." I called my sword down and it landed softly in my palm. I slid into a ready position. He laughed harshly.

"I told you already. Evil doesn't fight fair." He wound up and hurled a high voltage negabolt at Sailor Jupiter. I put my sword in front of me to divert or possibly to absorb the attack. But it was too much power and I flew back several feet, hitting my head on the floor. That hurt. He smirked cruelly as he charged another bolt.

"Good, it was meant to." He hurled another bolt at the fallen Jupiter when, The bolt suddenly stopped and Kunzite falls to the ground. A loud booming voice is heard.

"You were not to harm her!" He cowered at the voice

"I meant not to harm her master, but to knock her unconscious so I could bring her to you..."

"I Don't Care" the voice boomed. "Your orders were clear, kill the Royals from Gaea, destroy her support but leave her intact. You seem to however be full of failure. Just like Jadeite."

"But master, her forces are strong and they outnumber us, if I had more youma.... perhaps?" Kunzite whimpered cowering in fear at punishment from his master.

"Pathetic" the voice spat, "fine if you need Youma to fight your battles then here, take them. But I myself shall come with them." Kunzite smiles evilly as 300 youma appear in a shimmer of light, at their head a twisted and dark man; he grins sadistically "Hello Makoto. How is your husband...oh wait that's right. I killed him, how silly of me to forget."

I got off the ground and struggled to stand upright "You Bastard!" Tears started running down my face. "How could you? WHY?"

Ko's features softened as he looked at Makoto longingly "Because I love you..." Suddenly his face screws up again and his eyes become hard "And he was not worthy of you! If you are not mine then you will not be with anyone! I love you Makoto, and I will kill everything you love until you love me too."

"You don't know what love is, I would have considered meeting you if you hadn't killed my husband or attempted to kill my friends."

Ko laughed insanely as a sword appeared in his hand "But Makoto...if I hadn't killed your husband then you wouldn't be available. Therefore I must kill everything you love so that you can only love me"

"Do you listen to yourself when you speak? What you are saying is preposterous. I would never love someone that destroyed everything else I love. Someone like that isn't capable of love and cannot be loved in return."

"Oh but you're wrong Makoto, I can love...I just don't deal well with competition." Ko suddenly snaps his head around and glares at Kunzite "Stop floating there and kill the Jovians!"

"NO! I won't let you!"

Kunzite blinks then nods and cries "Kill the green clad bozos my youma!" and having said that floated down into the battle and continued to issue high voltage negabolts into the Jovian army.

"Power of my world, elements of protection defend my people 'Supreme Thunder Dragon!'"

Ko smirks "Now now now, none of that! Negative Shield!" he yelled as a black wall blocked the dragon "I am not so easy to get by my love." He levitated down and faces Makoto "You wish to save them? To help them you have to beat me."

"Setsuna get them out of here! I know you are watching the battle. Please."

Ko glanced at the air "Don't bother Time witch, none are safe anymore no matter where you take them my youma are poised to strike all the planets in your pathetic alliance at my command." I watched as nothing happened.

"You want a fight? Then I'll give you one." I moved my sword into an offensive stance and prepared to attack. But I found that I could not move what the hell? I started to panic what was going on? The sword in my hand started to glow an offensive green light and removed itself from my fingers. It floated down beside me and was grabbed by a being of pure green light...that was wearing Shinosaki's armor?

Ko smirked "So you've come for a rematch eh green boy? Well c'mon frog prince, bring it on." and saying that draws his own sword as it crackles with black energy.

A gentle hand pushed me back and Shinosaki's familiar voice filled the air, "Go save our people my love. They won't last much longer. I will always love you."

"Shino-chan, I will always love you as well. Always and forever."

Ko rolls his eyes "How sweet, I'm getting cavities. Kiss your night light goodbye Makoto because he ain't coming back no more."

I looked back at Shinosaki before running down to where my soldiers were being defeated. "Supreme Thunder Dragon! Sparkling Wide Pressure!" I threw the attacks at the youma and their ranks were thinned immensely. "Looks like your soldiers are more pathetic than you are Kunzite."

Kunzite grits his teeth "You might think that but I will prove you wrong." he says as he disappears then reappears behind you, kicking you in the back then disappearing again "It's very hard to hit what you can't see."

"I fought your namesake over two centuries ago, at least he was a challenge." I closed my eyes and concentrated on his evil energy. "I don't need to see you to hit you." A ball of lightning gathered in my hands. My eyes flew open and I spun around to face Kunzite. "Sparkling Wide Pressure!"

Cursing he dodges it "Gotta be faster than that, Negaclone attack!" he cried, as several more of him appears "Which of us is real Jupiter?" Kunzite and his clones raise their hands and fire negabolts at her. All the Kunzites smirk as they fire more negabolts at you "C'mon Jupiter, or are you just a second rate wash-up without your precious Sailor Moon and her stupid hunk of silver rock here to protect you."

I flip out of the way of the attacks and the negabolts hit the clones, leaving the real Kunzite stunned. "Well well isn't that interesting. You feel the pain of your clones. That must have hurt."

Kunzite shakes off the pain as the clones disappear. "You'll pay for that oh she of the wimpy storm clouds." I had to think of a new plan; this one definitely wasn't working. I couldn't just wait for him to tire…or could I?



This chapter was go written by Patrin Sakura a friend of mine from school and the rpg I play in. He's also going to co-write the next chapter so if you want it up faster you could irritate him until he makes me write the next chapter. Patrin wrote the parts for the villains while I took the senshi, assorted people and Shinosaki. And about Shinosaki? You'll see more of him in the next chapter.

Ko Kuchikukan means 'Great Destroyer' (THE VILLAN)

AN1- Is that what I called it before? I'm too lazy to go and search for what I had called it so… just correct me politely if that isn't what I called it before. Thanks.

You should all know the drill by now, reviews make me type faster! Not that I don't type fast now but I could type a lot faster than my usual 45 WPM! And this is a huge chapter it is over 2600 words. And just think the next chapter will be a lot like it. And another thing I'm going to start a new story as soon as this one is wrapped up. I think I will call it 'A Daughter's Duty' It will be just about escaflowne and it will bear simularities to Noriko Hoshino's 'What's a Girl To Do?' You could start by R&Ring it while you wait for my story to come out.

Ja Ne!