Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Lightning Meets Dragon ❯ how interesting it doesn't seem like i named this chapter... ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

a buzzing sound is heard in the backround and hurried footsteps are coming closer....

Suddenly Enzeru No Yami is seen prancing across the room waving her arms like a bumble bee making the buzzing sound

her muse comes into view with a giant fly swatter making shushing noises to the readers she sneaks up behind our beloved author (ME!) and swings and .... misses, she continues to chase me around, Makoto is seen with her face in her hands "um, she's been baking again, chocolate overload, please continue reading the story, we'll try to get her off the walls and ceiling."

A swat and a curse are heard in the distance, our beloved author has escaped the fly swatter again































~Primary muse~

From the last chapter

Kunzite shakes off the pain as the clones disappear. "You'll pay for that oh she of the wimpy storm clouds." I had to think of a new plan; this one definitely wasn't working. I couldn't just wait for him to tire…or could I?

Chapter 13

This chapter will be done totally in Hitomi's POV because I'm not planning on returning to Gaea in this chapter.

~Crystal Tokyo, Earth~

Everyone had safely arrived from Fanelia's castle and some of the Royals looked distinctly sick. But of course time/space travel in the blink of an eye usually did that to you.

I noticed the room blur for a moment before we disappeared and reappeared in this other room, I noticed that the sun was very bright even though it..was..night? Now I was really confused, I started looking around me. We were in a room made of crystal? Where were we?

"Welcome to my kingdom, its called Crystal Tokyo. I am Neo-Queen Serenity of the Neo Silver Millennium alliance." I turned to look at the source of the voice, it was a beautiful woman who couldn't have been much older than I was and yet she had white blonde hair and looked so serene, so wise. She turned to me; "You must all have questions, would you please all follow me to my council room? It's a little more comfortable then standing up in my main reception hall. Setsuna and Minako would you please get Ami, Rei, Haruka, Michiru, Hotaru and Endymion? Oh and do check if Chibi-Usa is up from her nap will you? I haven't had a chance to check on her all afternoon."

"Of course Neo-Queen Serenity." Setsuna and Minako answered together before they left. I looked out the window and gasped as I saw the moon in the sky, the normal moon that I grew up with. I put my hand over my mouth.

"Are we on Earth?" I asked with awe in my voice, the rest of the Royals looked at me in confusion.

"Yes you are actually."

"But it didn't look like this when I left! I mean there was pollution, and skyscrapers and Japan had an empress not a queen." Van came up and grabbed my elbow and held me as I shook. Neo-Queen Serenity did not look angry at my outburst.

"Many things have changed in the many years you have been gone."

"I've only been gone for a single year!"

"Maybe to you but this world and galaxy have been through one hundred in the one you have been through."

"But how? And then how is Makoto basically the same age as she was when I left last year?"

"Let me explain when we get to the council room, you'll probably want to sit down for the explanation." I nodded numbly and Van put his arm around my waist and directed me to follow Neo-Queen Serenity. I tried to get as physically close to him as I could get, making sure that at least he was still the same. Dependable, honest and the man I fell in love with. The doors to the main council room opened and I saw a huge table with many chairs around it. Several woman were already sitting in chairs with the Roman (AN1) symbols for the planets on them, each chair had a double sitting on the right hand side of each as if it was for God's right hand. (AN2) These were left empty and there were a series of chairs with the crests of each of the Gaean countries as well, the women were all whispering quietly. The occupied seats were across from the table from the Gaean seats. It was all very odd, the chairs decorated with the Fanelian crests were sitting next to the head of the table where two chairs that were decorated with golden crescent moon's. "Please have a seat." She gestured to the table and we all sat in the seats marked with the appropriate crests, the women all ceased their whispering. And I had to admit some of them LOOKED familiar. Especially the two sitting in the seats marked for Uranus and Neptune, I could swear I had seen the two of them somewhere before. "You wished for answers Queen Hitomi." Her question caught me slightly off guard.

"Yes, I don't understand how so much time has past while I've been gone. What happened?" I felt Van's arm wrap around my waist, I leaned into his embrace.

"Well," Neo-Queen Serenity stood and took off a locket that she was wearing on the front of her dress, a bright crystal somehow flew out of the locket. "Over a eleven hundred years ago there was a kingdom called the Moon Kingdom…" (AN3) "…And with the birth of the heir to Crystal Tokyo we all became immortal, and have been left in total peace." If I had been standing up I would have fallen over, that was way out there even for me, considering I was the Queen of a country on a planet that shouldn't exist.

"But what about negotiations? Don't you have trouble with all the different worlds?"

"Considering the leaders of the other world's are my inner and outer court, I don't have any problems." She was interrupted as a few more women including Setsuna and Minako ran into the council room, they all bowed quickly, apologized for their lateness and took their seats, all in under a minute. The doors slowly opened and a man with black hair and wearing a purple tuxedo walked in with a small pink haired child in his arms. She was adorable she reached out her small chubby arms to Neo-Queen Serenity when the man sat beside her in the throne,

"Momma!" Neo-Queen Serenity reached and took the small child into her arms,

"Hello darling, did you have a good nap?" She smiled as the child cuddled into her breast and closed her eyes. "This is the heir to Crystal Tokyo, my daughter Princess Small Lady Serenity but we all just call her Chibi-Usa."

"She's adorable, I just hope that when Van and I have children they are just as cute." I looked at Van out of the corner of my eye, how would he react… In fact he just tightened his arms around me and whispered in my ear,

"Kids would be fun, but I like having our peace and quiet don't you?" He started kissing my neck.

"Van stop it! You know it takes a few weeks for hickeys to go away!"


"So it's embarras…" I knew it was pointless to argue with Van and it didn't feel extremely awful in fact it was turning me on feeling his lips massage my neck and his tongue move in complex patterns on my skin. I turned my head to break his hold on my neck long enough to place my hands on either side of his head and kiss him passionately (AN4). After a few minutes I could hear the interrupting coughs but tried to ignore them and I realized that I was kissing Van in front of several dozen Royals. I finished the kiss and slipped back into my chair, I hadn't noticed that I had slipped onto his lap while we were kissing. I didn't notice the grin on his face. Neo-Queen Serenity had this look on her face that said very clearly, 'Endymion we haven't kissed like that in years.' and the look on Endymion's face said 'oh sh*t now I'm in trouble.'

AN1- are the symbols of the planets Roman or Greek? I'm pretty sure that they are Latin but I'm not sure…

AN2- this is actually from Tomb Raider when Powell and Lara are talking and she accuses him of being in the illuminati it's a very good book and movie.

AN3- No I'm not going to tell the whole story of the moon kingdom, I do have a life you know, if you don't know about it you can go to almost any Sailor Moon Web site and look it up. Or you could email me but I don't recommend doing that my muses somehow check my email before I get to it and delete what they think is uninteresting. It's an awesome junk mail filter though.


And to answer what ALL of you are thinking I am PURE evil, you know I wouldn't be this evil if you all reviewed...coughhinthintcough

Sorry that this chapter is so short but I had to post something and I really really really need reviews to get me to finish this story I'm losing my motivation… Really I'm not kidding here This story won't be finished without a whole bunch of reviews trust me there's this new story that I want to start posting I've already got a whole bunch of handwritten pages.

Ja Ne!

Enzeru No Yami