Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Lightning Meets Dragon ❯ The battle Begins...Part two ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

From the Last chapter

Neo-Queen Serenity had this look on her face that said very clearly, 'Endymion we haven't kissed like that in years.' and the look on Endymion's face said 'oh sh*t now I'm in trouble.'

Chapter 14

The battle Begins…part two

'Okay so I have a plan now, whether or not it's a good plan isn't the question because I'm pretty sure it isn't. Kunzite is overconfident in his powers but he does have a weakness…' "Supreme Thunder crash!" The attack hit him fully in the chest, and he flew back several feet before disappearing and reappearing in front of me. He punched at my face but I grabbed his fist and twisted his wrist, he yelled in agony and tried to punch me with his other fist. I grabbed it as well. "Game over loser. Jupiter Oak Evolution!" He started spinning around with me as the attack started cutting into his body, I let go of him and let the full force of my attack hit him repeatedly. He screamed as his body was torn apart and he exploded. One down 175 to go…crap. I ran over to my men, "RETREAT!" My order was followed without question swiftly, except for twenty or so that stayed to defend me, thankfully they all stayed behind me. Not really wanting to face the youmas directly but too loyal to leave. I raised my arms above my head, "Jupiter Oak Evolution! Supreme Thunder Dragon!" These swift attacks would destroy several dozen of the youmas but drain me of my energy, I could hear the sword battle taking place in mid air above me but I knew that I could do little to help my beloved…my beloved who was dead. How did he come back? Only for revenge? If that was so then he would leave right after attaining his goal without a second thought, he probably was the same man I fell in love with and married but… there was Allen. He seemed like the kind of guy who had experienced loss like I have and I think that in time I could grow to love him, in fact I think that I am starting to love him already…

BANG the attacks hit the youmas and disintegrated at least 125 of them, I must have put a lot of energy into the attacks. I heard many other energy attacks of many of the planets, in my haste it appeared that I had summoned one of the coalition units destined for Crystal Tokyo maybe it was for the best the planets needed skilled and weathered warriors to train the little ones. Not those peppy instructors that had never seen a battlefield. The youmas were decreasing steadily 5…4…3…2…1…0! They were all destroyed now I could turn my attention to the two 'men' literally battling for my affections, how nauseating.

~At the other battle~

"She will be mine or no one else's!" Ko cried to Shinosaki

"She is a person not an object, by realizing this I won her heart. If I had not died she would still be mine, she will one day choose another to rule by her side in my place. I will not stop fighting until I am sure that person is not you!"

"You are only I spirit, do you think you can do anything against me? All you have is a sword and no body! If I destroyed the sword then your spirit would dissipate into nothingness and she would be mine for all eternity!" Ko lashed out against the sword hilt itself and it started to come to pieces,

"You gave me the best idea, you see when you hit the hilt you hit the raw power of my sword. It matters not if I die because I am already dead, you on the other hand will be flooded with agitated Jovian power, in other words you've lost and you will pay with your life for attacking my wife and kingdom. I love Makoto, you are in my thoughts always." Shinosaki blew her a kiss before retracting into the sword as it exploded Ko screamed as the energy entered his body and he exploded as well. My people and everyone in the galaxy were safe.

"I will always love you Shinosaki, may your spirit forever be at peace. Move out! Back to the barracks all the dead will be buried in his or her native homelands and the wounded will be cared for on Mercury. I will be in Crystal Tokyo to direct negotiations, General Kanzi you are in charge until I get back." After hearing several hundred, 'Yes my Queen's' I disappeared in a flash of green light appearing in the thrown room just two meters from my throne 'I hate this chair' was my only thought. Gasps were heard around me but I ignored them.

"I trust the battle is over?" Neo-Queen Serenity asked.

"Yes my Queen, we took minimal loses but there are many injuries. I have ordered the injured to Mercury for the top medical care available and I shall start forced retirement next week. When my back is up for it." The Gaean monarchs were all confused, so Ami decided to enlighten them,

"Soldiers that are trained by Makoto are somewhat unwilling to leave her service so she makes them a deal, they don't have to retire if they can defeat her in three stages of combat, hand-to-hand, sword, and elemental attacks it's very rare that someone defeats her. Anyone that does is automatically made a general and is in total control of all the military training, it is a great honor to be accepted into this elite few."

"How many exactly are in this 'elite few'?" A Zaibachian lord had the nerve to ask me this question.

"Well as far as I know there are fifteen" the lord smirked, "Which considering the size of the forces that I've tried to send into forced retirement would only be about…" uh I hate math, luckily the math queen was already doing the calculations,

"0.00000000015%" the smirk fell rather ungracefully off of his face. "Or 1.5 billionths of a percent. It's a very impressive record. (AN1)" The conversation around the table turned to alliances and politics it looked like Gaea would become immortal very soon, I noticed this look on Ami's face she and I made eye contact and I realized what she was thinking. She had a feeling that Hitomi was pregnant, it would be an interesting break for the three of us if Hitomi was examined by an actual doctor.

"Hitomi how would you like to see how Tokyo has changed? We could even take a trip out to Kamakura Bay and visit your parents… I'm sure they'd love to meet your husband." I winked at her and she understood my hidden meaning. She placed her hands on Van's shoulder and smiled very prettily at him,

"You wouldn't mind if I took a look around would you Van? I'll be back later and then we can go see my parents!" Van's defenses were weakening,

"Anything you like love, I'll talk to you later I know how you miss your parents." Hitomi kissed him full on the lips,

"Thanks love I'll see you later!" Hitomi rose from her chair and headed toward the doorway, I also rose and quickly walked to meet her. We both exited the room and waited for Ami to make an excuse about overseeing the wounded soldiers and joining us in the hall. When she finally did I turned to Hitomi and asked,

"How would you like to be examined by a real doctor?"

"I'd love to, it would be a little more comforting than just being looked at by healers there's very little technology involved and they really can't tell me what's happening or even what the sex of the baby is. I'm absolutely dying to know!"

"Then let's go to my office and take a look. I'll even get some pictures for you to take to show Van."

"Thank you so much Ami is it?"

"Yes that is correct. Well we aren't getting any younger!" The three women giggled and started running towards Ami's office. Now the only real problem on any of their minds was how Hitomi was going to tell Van that he was going to be a father, and how he would react of course.

~In the council room~

Van was staring at the door with a confused look on his face,

"Is something wrong King Van?" Neo-Queen Serenity asked

"I don't think that Hitomi was telling the truth about seeing the city, besides I suspect that she has something important to tell me. Merle tells me that after I leave in the morning for council meetings that Hitomi is frequently sick. I'm not sure what that means but I will find out." He was so busy looking at the door that he didn't see the knowing looks passed between the ladies sitting around the table.(AN2)

AN1-I made up the numbers so sue me, math was never my strong subject at least not since grade six.

AN2-Okay even though he's a guy I won't make him totally clueless to what's 'wrong' with Hitomi he has to at least see the fact that something isn't totally right. At least in my fic he will.

AN3-I hope you all didn't have a heart attack when you saw that I got around to updating, I do realize that I haven't updated in a long time for the following reasons:I was bitten by the writer's block attack bug so I was helpless without inspiration I've been under some stress lately with personal stuff that I don't even understand I just had a French exchange student spend some time with me, she left a little while ago and she seemed to bring some inspiration to me I was robbed! Someone stole my backpack(which was returned to me) and my calculator (which had around twenty pages of ideas for my next story stored on it) was missing and my cd player was stolen as well. So I wasn't exactly in the mood to write since I'm down over three hundred dollars and I felt so freakin' violated. Please forgive me for my lateness, I'm planning to finish this story up in the next few chapters.

FYI- I will start posting my new story when this one is finished, I hope you all will enjoy it it will have a split in it where it will become two stories but start the same and probably end the same.

Ja Ne!

Enzeru No Yami