Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ There's No Way to Explain Love ❯ Jade Eyes ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I guess this story was started sooner than I thought. Bad moods = sloppily written chapters from me. But if I start a new story, it won't matter much. (Woohoo, another cheesy title!)

Disclaimer: I, The crazy One, do not own any or all of the characters from the animes of Sailor Moon or Weiß Kruez. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. The only thing I own is the plot.

Warning: Happens at no specific point in time in the series. OOC-ness. Deals with suicide. Slightly altered timeline.

Rating: PG-13


There's No Way to Explain Love







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Usagi gazed down contemptuously at the crashing waves below. A malicious smirk formed on her cherry lips. How she wished she could just jump and end it all. But no. That would be too easy. The crystal would bring her back no matter what. The waves continued crashing against the rocks abruptly jutting from the land. Creating a serene picture, with the sunset painting a multitude of brilliant colors across the surf. The only thing to finish off the masterpiece would to be to jump, to her death.

But she had made a promise, to numerous people in fact, that no matter how much she wanted to, she wouldn't commit suicide. She wasn't saying her life was so bad that she had to end it right now, she just didn't like where destiny had put her in life.(Neither did she like where Fate had weaved her in the tapestry of Life.) Usagi looked once more at rocks below and sighed, pushing some golden strands away from her face, an unconscious act that signaled she was annoyed.

Slowly walking back to the path she had strayed from, she thought more on why she had come to this park in the first place.

Oh yes, Rei.

All her problems in life seemed to be started some way or another from the senshi of fire. No, she didn't hate her dearest friend. She just disliked the way she had to talk about her faults like she had not come a long way.

Usagi had taken lessons from Minako on how to walk a little more gracefully. The fellow blonde senshi had also given her a few philosophies to think on. For instance, "Grace isn't just in the walking, talking, and posture. Grace is also how you think of yourself, and when you think of yourself. Do you think of yourself, past tense, present tense, or future tense? Usagi, you think future tense. You don't pay attention of what's going on around you, you think of what's going to happen tomorrow. That's why you never look at your feet, because you like to keep your head up, and look on the bright side." They had shared a few tears for that one. Each in their own thoughts on how much they were alike. Minako had drastically changed Usagi for the better.

She had also gotten a tutor for school. She just didn't want to use Ami like that, so she broke it to her gently. The ice senshi still helped her study on occasions though. Due to the tutor she had passing grades, and even made the honor roll one semester. However her tardiness, had not changed, still leaving her with bad comments from teachers. (Of course, it wasn't her fault all those times Luna didn't wake her up!)

Rei had reprimanded Usagi once she told her about the break-up with Mamoru that was not just her fault. Though the raven-haired priestess never was convinced that it was mutual agreement. She had come to realize that he was her first love, but that's all he was. Rei had some pretty nasty things to her, saying it was all her fault. However, she had to admit, she gave the girl the impression it was her fault… She loved Rei no matter what she said, just today, it was not called for.

"Geeze Odango Atama, first you break up with Mamoru, now your already going after Motoki?" Rei said in disgust.

Usagi never knew her friend could be so… so cruel. "For your information Rei, I was just flirting, and Motoki knows that it's harmless, he's just a friend. And that'll never change." Usagi couldn't hide the hurt in her eyes nor voice when she spoke. The tremble in her lip gave her away.

"Kami, you are such a baby, and you are going after guys only after a week from Mamoru!"

"Rei!" Usagi cried in disbelief. "I thought I told you, it was mutual between us that though we loved each other, it just wasn't meant to work out?"

"But it is meant to work out Odango! How dense can you get?"

She shouldn't of let the words get to her as much as she had. Rei had called her worse, it was just under the circumstances, her friend should have been comforting her. Her brother had been hospitalized by a bike accident, and she felt Rei was the only one who might understand the pain she was feeling. However, she had been wrong. For once she had made a flirtatious wink at Motoki, Rei had blown up in her face. Honest to God, Usagi was confused as to why the senshi of fire had been that mad at her…Unless… she has a crush on Motoki? Usagi giggled evilly, a plan formulating in her mind.

Usagi arrived at her apartment at little after six. She threw her keys on the coffee table next to the door, kicked off her shoes and plopped on the sofa. Luna crawled in her lap, rubbing against her master in welcoming. "What's the occasion Luna?" She asked softly.

"No occasion."

"Saa, if you say so." Usagi chuckled. The usually bubbly blonde pushed her out of her lap and stretched the kinks out of her body. Going to the kitchen she got out leftover Chinese from who knows when stuffed in the back of her fridge. Tentatively she opened the lid and sniffed, deeming it not moldy she stuck it in the microwave and grabbed a pair on chopsticks in anticipation.

No cooking tonight!

The girl grabbed the food impatiently before it finished and munched on it thoughtfully. She guessed she'd have to put her plan into action tomorrow. Once finished with it, she chucked the box in the trash and yawned. Moving to her bedroom she searched through her wardrobe till she found some suitable pajamas. Throwing on the bunny pants and white tank top, she snuggled under the covers for a blissful night of channel surfing insomnia.

In the shower the next morning the blonde was wondering the point of pajamas if a quarter of the people in the world were insomniacs. Sighing in her growing frustration and tiredness, she stumbled out of the shower to stare in the steamy mirror.

This was the part of the day she feared. Looking at herself after a sleepless night. I need to go to a doctor soon, she thought tiredly. Wiping the condensation from the mirror, she took one look at her face and groaned. Her eyes weren't shinning like they usually did, the bags under her eyes had increased in size, and she was starting to wrinkle.

Maybe that was the shower's doing… Evil shower…

Opening the medicine cabinet she plucked a clear liquid from inside, and coated a little over her bags and then brushed over some powder. Once they were efficiently concealed, she rummaged wildly through her closet for the perfect outfit. Grinning as she pulled out hipster jeans and white halter, she moved to model it in front of her body length mirror. She needed to thank Minako for getting it for her. Shrugging, she tossed the clothes on, grabbed her keys and made her way to the parking garage of the apartment complex. Her grin widened when she saw her baby.

A black 2003 Kawasaki EX- 500 NINJA.

She started the bike and grinned crazily as the engine purred to life. She always loved to ride, it was like being free of her destiny. A frown marred her beautiful features as she wished she could be free. Shaking off the reoccurring thoughts, Usagi rode out of the garage, letting the wind whip her hair all over the place. A year ago, she found out why Haruka loved racing so much. The adrenaline rush it gives you is unlike anything else.

She came to a stop in front of a flower shop she hadn't visited. Mainly because of it's popularity. She sighed dejectedly as she noticed they weren't open yet. Maybe the visit to Minako would come sooner than she thought. Starting her bike again she sped off.

Jade eyes watched her every move inside the safety of the Koneko no Sumu le.

Oh yes, I made Usagi an insomniac. I truly am a cruel authoress, well, not that bad. But if I have insomnia, she should too! Anyway. Anyone want me to continue? Anyone at all? Sorry, I forgot the name of the shop….
