Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Heart of Ice ❯ Starting over and introductions ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

`So I begin again…At least they gave me a good house and plenty of money to live on….' A young girl thought as she began to unpack things from the boxes that had piled up. Her light brown hair was done up in a high ponytail and had several braids hanging down from it. She wore a black tube top shirt and black flared jeans. Around her waist was a sheath that only a glittering silver handle could be seen. A golden chocker adorned her neck that had seven charms hanging from it. A gold ring was placed on one of her fingers, the sennen eye clearly visible on it. A gold charm bracelet also with seven gold charms from it jingled slightly when she moved.

"You know Star, you could get out her and do this to." She said as she put a clock up on the wall.

~Alright. ~ Came the mental reply.

A golden glow emanated from the golden items and a fox demon emerged. The other was identical to that of the girl except that the demon had a set of white fox ears on her head and a long white fox tail.

Together the two began to unpack and after what seemed to be an eternity, they had almost completed the task. A duel monsters deck lay on the table that was promptly picked up by the girl in black.

"So Rose, are you going to compete in the Duelist Kingdom tournament, you've already got your invitation and dueling gauntlet." Star said as the girl called Rose but the cards in a little holder that was hooked to her belt.

"Of course, I'm never one to turn down a challenge." Rose replied.

"The boat leaves in two days, you should also pack for that." Star replied.

"I know. Though my only concern is, what if TJ and the others are there, I mean they were all into Duel Monsters and it is possible that they came here and also received an invitation." Rose said sighing as she sat down at the table.

"You shouldn't worry you're self, my little light, you are an excellent duelist and if they are there, I'm sure that you will overcome any challenge in your way." Star replied smiling softly at her other half.

[Two Days Later]

Rose stood at the dock waiting to board; she had a few bits of her homework with her so she could work on it if she had time to. She had of course packed everything but most of it was in her soul room.

Finally she moved forward and was allowed to board the ship that would take her to Duelist Kingdom. She dropped her stuff off at her room and headed out to the deck.

Cliff Hanger!!!!

Next time: The encounter between Rose and her so called mother.