Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Heart of Ice ❯ The Call of the Pharaoh ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Call of the Pharaoh

The next day the boat arrived at Duelist Kingdom and everyone left the boat. Quicker than Rose thought, they reached the castle where Pegasus was waiting for them.

He spoke on about how they were the best of the best and that when the fireworks went off the duels were to commence.

Rose made her jacket appear and put it on. It was long, almost like a black trench coat. The only difference from her other jacket, was that this one had no sleeves. She buttoned the three buttons at her waist before walking off just as the fireworks shot into a multitude of colors into the sky.

Within five minutes a boy was running behind her calling out a challenge. The ground shook as a duel stadium erupted from the earth. Both players took a side and laid down their star chips and dueling decks. The duel was quick and Rose stepped down the victor, now with four star chips.

"How did you beat me so easily?" The boy asked.

"Skill kid. Your deck is unbalanced and therefore you lost." Rose replied emotionless as she walked away.

~Rose, you didn't have to totally humiliate him. ~ Star's voice echoed through the corridors of her mind.

**I know Star, but I'm just so frustrated over what Trista's done, that it's hard to hold back. ** She replied.

~Try to hold back though. Which reminds me, the Pharaoh should be near, we should call him tonight, when it's dark. ~

**You're quite anxious to meet him again, even though he doesn't remember. ** Rose stated as the sun began to set.

~You could say that. ~ Came the reply.

Rose walked over to a cliff's edge and stood looking out at the ocean as Star suddenly materialized next to her, a violin in hand. A glistening flute made of emerald appeared in Rose's hand as the duo walked a short distance from the cliff.

Both instruments were raised and they began to play an ancient song. One that had not been played in five thousand years.

[At Yugi's Camp]

"Do you guys hear that song?" Yugi asked listening to the melody.

"What song?" A girl with chestnut colored hair asked.

//Yugi, I've heard that song before, let's go see who is playing it. // A mental voice said to Yugi.

"Hey guys, I'm going to be right back." Yugi said before running into the forest.

The spirit of the Millennium Puzzle took over and followed the song. He reached the cliff and saw two girls; one dressed entirely in black and the other was enchantingly familiar. The second was dressed in white, a set of white fox ears adorned her head, and a long white fox tail blew in the wind as the two danced. Their instruments slowly faded away and the song stopped.

"Pharaoh Yami, so you came." Star said.

"How do you know my name?" The former Pharaoh asked.

"We know many things, but the question is, do you remember who she is?" Rose asked quietly, gesturing to her companion.

"I only remember that you're Star and that you were once under my care after you were thrown out of the city because you were a demon, that song you played was one you used to play everyday." He replied.

Star smiled softly, "However soon after you were sealed into the puzzle I was sealed into the fusion items, and became known as the Fusion Guardian. Pegasus has the fourth item, we only have three."

"How is it though that you are able to take a form if you do not have all four of the items??" Yami asked.

"I have enough power on my own in order for her to sustain a form for quite a long time." Rose stated, gazing at the former Pharaoh.

"And you are?" Yami asked.

"Rose." The other replied calmly.

"There is so much that you do not remember, it's a shame really, but in due time you will remember. For now we will leave you in mystery. Until next time we meet." The two said together, before Star faded away, and Rose walked off into the distance, leaving Yami standing there.

Next time: A battle with a wolf and an unfinished duel. Words between a mother and daughter and some tears.

Okay so that's the third chapter. The song I mentioned in there is called "The World" And it's from .Hack//Sign which I do not own. However, If you want to hear the song, leave a note in the review and put your e-mail address and I'll send it to you as soon as I can.

By the way Star and Rose are mine as well as a bunch more character's I'll be introducing in later chapters.

Review please!!!!!!!!! I really appreciate those who already have!
