Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Path of Discovery ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
DAMN! Keiko is nowhere to be found!" said Yuusuke as he entered the temple fire room. He got dirty looks from many of the Senshi. He shut up quickly when he saw Rei concentrating before the Sacred Fires.

Kiku was agitated but remained calm in Kurama's arms. He was crying, worried sick about Yaten. Kurama was, too, but he was trying to stay calm for the little kitsune's sake. But inside him his blood was boiling, enraged by the kidnapping. Those cowards, he thought, they took away those we loved to get at us. There will be hell to pay when I am face to face with them, he promised. They will pay if they ever harm one hair on Yaten's head.

Hiei was in one corner shivering with hatred. He would rip the spleen of the creature that took Makoto away, he swore. He stood in the darkness so that nobody could see that his face was locked in a rictus of hatred, his red eyes burning. Kuwabara's hands were pulled into a fist and you could see by his expression that he was ready to explode the face of who ever took Yukina away.

Suddenly, the fire burned brighter indicating that Rei was getting a reading from the fire. All eyes were on her as she peered into the sacred fire. For several minutes all was deadly still, even Kiku had stopped crying and was looking at her.

Seiya and Taiki watched, worry etched on their features when Rei took a deep breath and the fire returned to a more normal rate.

"I saw" she whispered, "three figures. One looked like a humanoid tiger. The second one was a woman. She wore a bronze dragon design on her clothes. And lastly I saw a small man, on his shoulder was perched a bird..."

"Was he wearing a headband with a red stone?" asked Yuusuke.

Rei looked at him puzzled. "Yes... but the stone was blue not red..."

"You know who kidnapped them Yuusuke-kun?" asked Seiya. Kurama started to growl, his hand curled into a fist.

"It's impossible... they were all dead." he said, Kiku looking at him with a strange expression on his small face.

"There's more..." continued Rei. "There were figures behind them and by the look of things I'd say that they were dead..."

"It seems..." Hiei's voice was a slow growl. "That someone has decided to reform the Shiseiju..."

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Makoto came to in a dark and dank dungeon. She shook her head and groaned.

"So you're finally awake, Mako-chan?" asked a familiar voice.

"Yaten-kun?... Where are you?" she asked trying to peer into the darkness.

"Just in front of you... I'm chained to the wall..." he replied.

"Makoto-san..." said Yukina. "They took you, also?"

"But why? I don't understand... I mean I get the idea that me, Yukina and Yaten-kun got kidnapped because we were in love with someone of the Reikai Tantei. But you... it makes no sense..." said Keiko tugging at Yaten's chains.

"I had gone to wake up Yaten-kun for dinner." said Makoto. "Maybe I interrupted them before they could get away with Yaten-kun..."

"Maybe..." Keiko replied then she groaned. "It's no use, Yaten-kun, the chains won't break... Now you see why I told you it was a bad idea to be with Kurama..."

"Listen Keiko," started Yaten, trying to stay calm but her nagging was starting to get on his bad side. " I love Kurama and he loves me... End of story!"

"If he really loved you he would have prevented this..." Keiko replied hotly.

"Oh Yeah??? I didn't see your beloved Yuusuke seeing that coming, either, you know. Would you say HE doesn't really love you...?" Yaten was starting to be mad and his tongue lashed out when that happened. Makoto shook her head. She hoped this would be over soon.

"Please, don't compare us with your abnormal relationship!" replied Keiko miffed.

"Ab... ABNORMAL????" screamed Yaten. "Listen, girl. Who died and put you in charge of match-making?... Abnormal... Ku-chan and me... I've never been so insulted in my life."

"I'm... I'm sorry. That came out all wrong... I didn't mean to..." Keiko started. "But to think that the Idol of so many girls is gay. Well..."

"Okay. Listen well because I won't say it again... I... AM... NOT ... GAY!!! Because I'm a gi..."

"YATEN!" screamed Makoto, just in time before Yaten could blow his cover. She started to pull on Yaten's chains. She yanked a couple of times and she succeeded in pulling the anchor out of the wall. Yaten was free. He still had chains on but at least he wasn't tied to the wall anymore. As he thanked Makoto, the other two girls looked at Makoto.

"Wow... You're strong..." said Keiko.

"OH. You just loosened it enough for me to pry it loose." Makoto lied. Even when untransformed Makoto had an uncommon strength. "Where are we anyway?... Besides a dungeon..."

"We're in the Makai..." replied Yukina, who was peering from the window.

"So this is where Hiei... and Kurama come from?" asked Makoto.

"And I also..." replied Yukina.

"Tough looking neighborhood..." said Makoto as she looked outside. The landscape was bleak, black trees lining a gray skies.

"There are beautiful places in the Makai. You'd be surprised..." replied Yukina.

"All the places in the Makai I have been to, looked like that." added Yaten. His fingers went nervously to his ring. He gasped. "My RING!"

"What's wrong, Yaten?" asked Makoto.

"They must have taken my ring..." replied Yaten. "The ring that Seiya and Taiki gave to me and Kurama..."

"I have a few rings," started Makoto. "I have them all. Maybe you forgot to put it on or you took it off when you slept..."

"No, I always have it on me." He said, fishing into his pocket to no avail. The ring was nowhere to be found.

"I bet you took it off at Haruka's place, Yaten..." replied Makoto putting her hand on Yaten's shoulder. Keiko looked at them puzzled. It's almost as though Yaten-kun has been here before, she thought, but when? And why? And the way Makoto was acting around him. This was more than a girl being friends with a guy. It's almost as though they are hiding something, but what? I don't know. Things have been weird ever since Yaten-kun came to our school. Starting with Hiei breaking up with Kurama, only to have Kurama fall in love with Yaten... And Yaten knowing he was a Fox-Spirit and almost finding that normal... And what did he mean by I'm not gay... He's a guy if he is in love with another guy, doesn't that make him an homosexual? I mean, unless he's really disillusioned but I don't think that's the case. Also, what did he mean he could take care of himself if he got attacked? He was helpless now like all of us... Only he and Makoto don't seem too troubled by that...

As Keiko was pondering those questions, three beings came to their cell door. Keiko gasped when she saw one of them. He was a man- tiger and looked menacing.

"What is it? The lodging is not up to your expectations?" said the smaller of the three. "Perhaps you would like bigger accommodations?" He asked with a sneer. They all stayed silent, knowing all too well that an answer would be met by sarcasm.

"Looks like the little boy managed to get free..." The woman of the group said.

"Who are you and what do you want from us?" demanded Keiko defiantly. I've got to admit, Yaten thought, she's got guts.

"Who we are," growled the Man tiger, "is none of your concern. But know that if your loved ones don't come and fight us, you'll die. Either way, we have what we wanted..."

"And what might that be?" asked Yaten with slanted eyes.

"Revenge..." The three of them said at the same time. They turned around and left them.

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Seiya headed for bed. The Reikai Tantei had agreed that they could escort them to the gate they would take. But the senshi also promised not to cross the portal at the same time the Reikai Tantei did. He didn't like this, but Kurama had talked to both him and Taiki.

"If it is revenge, I do not want Yaten harmed... If you come along with us, they might decide to kill the hostages. That's why I'm asking you to stay... I know you are worried about Yaten and I assure you I am as worried if not more. Also, could you please take care of Kiku-chan for me... I can't take him with me..."

Kurama's words rang in his head. He peered into Yaten's room. So that Kiku would calm down, Kurama was lying down with him in Yaten's bed. Kiku was sound asleep but even if his eyes were closed, Seiya knew that Kurama was still awake. He couldn't sleep. After a while he opened his eyes. When he saw Seiya he closed them back again. He doesn't want me to worry, Seiya thought as he closed the door and went into his bedroom. We have to find a way, thought Seiya, if Kurama were to die... Yaten would... be heartbroken... no, much more than heartbroken I'm afraid.

Seiya lay down and closed his eyes. I won't be getting much sleep myself, he thought. But sleep he did, because he had a dream.

Seiya and the others were by a beach. Everybody was happy and had a good time. He saw Kurama and Yaten together in each other's arms looking more in love than ever before. Yaten was a woman and Kurama was twirling her as they danced. Taiki was doing the same with Ami. They too seemed so much in love. Others were dancing also. Rei was with Yuushiro. Minako was dancing with Jadeite. Even though the music was rhythmic, Michiru and Haruka were dancing as though it was slow.

Usagi and Mamoru were also dancing, but they were waltzing. Usagi wore a gauzy-like lace gown. She looked like a Princess. Mamoru was wearing a lavender tuxedo. They seemed so happy that Seiya smiled in spite of himself. He wanted to go dance but he had no one to dance with. He heard a giggle and saw Makoto and Hiei hand in hand rejoining the others. They started to dance, too. Seiya found the image funny, The smaller Hiei dancing with Makoto, but he couldn't laugh. Instead he felt great sadness. His friends, they were all dancing, all of them. Even Mamoru's generals, Yuusuke and Kuwabara were dancing with someone, all of them that is; except him.

Seiya felt sad and couldn't help it as a tear flowed from his eye. Then as Usagi and Mamoru danced they passed before a mirror. Their reflection twisted until Seiya saw Redi smiling at him. Seiya wanted to go dance with her but he was rooted in place and he saw her gliding towards him. Without stopping, she escorted him away from the party.

Seiya heard the music change and a voice started to sing as they moved. He could hear the song clearly in his head and they seemed to mimic what was going on in the song.

We left the music behind and the dance carried on
As we stole away to the seashore
We smelt the brine, felt the wind in our hair
And with sadness you paused.

Suddenly I knew that you'd have to go
Your world was not mine, your eyes told me
Yet it was there I felt the crossroads of time
And I wondered why.

Seiya saw Redi moving away from him. On the waves, Pluto was standing there. Redi was moving towards her. Seiya called to Redi but he no longer had any voice. He could see Redi's smile as she advanced towards Pluto. A gigantic door materialized next to Pluto and with a movement of her staff, the door swung open. Seiya saw a unicorn with wings looking at Redi when the song continued on.

As we cast our gaze on the tumbling sea
A vision came o'er me
Of thundering hooves and beating wings
In the clouds above.

Turning to go I heard you call out my name,
Like a bird in a cage
Spreading its wings to fly
"The old ways are lost" you sang as you flew
And I wondered why.

Seiya was helpless to stop her when he saw her get on the Pegasus' back. Spreading its wings it bore her back into the doorway. Pluto looked on Seiya with an emotion mixed of sadness and of joy. Before he could ask her what she was doing there, she vanished also; leaving Seiya alone.

Seiya closed his eyes and when he opened then back again, he was exactly where he was when his dream started. Seiya felt a sadness enter him as he watch his friends. He sank to his knees on the sand, tears flowing from his eyes. He felt numb with an inner pain that was striking his heart. He bled from a wound no one could see he felt as though this wound would bring his downfall. His vision blurred as the tears filled his eyes.

Then he felt a gentle pressure on his shoulder, someone had knelt beside him. She wore a perfume that smelled of Jasmine. The scent soothed him. "May I have this dance?" she asked him. Her voice was warm and caring, wise and young all rolled into one. He nodded, blinking his tears so he could look at her. She helped him up and he felt himself moving toward the dancers. He first thought there would be no place, but as they proceeded a place was made for them. Seiya saw Taiki and Yaten smile at him, a smile that told him more than with words how happy they were for him. Seiya, smiling, turned around to face the person who asked him to dance.

"GOOD MORNING UNCLE SEIYA!!!!" Kiku choose that exact moment to wake Seiya, who, dazzled, sat up in his bed, blinking. A dream. It was all a dream, but it felt so real even though there were weird elements in it. What did it mean? Seiya was taken out of his reverie by Kiku who was jumping up and down on his bed. Taiki's head peered in the doorway.

"Maybe we should keep him." he kidded. "He seems to be more reliable than an alarm clock..."

"Yeah..." replied Seiya as Kiku was giving him a big hug. "But you think we are ready to keep a small child?"

"I doubt it, but if he's attached himself to Yaten, what choice do we have?" replied Taiki as he was brushing his hair. He was tying his ponytail when Kiku asked to be combed, too.

Kurama arrived fully clothed and told Taiki he would take care of combing Kiku. With one hand he put Kiku on his hip, who was giggling and having the time of his life. They headed for the living room.

"It's almost uncanny the patience he has with Kiku..." thought Seiya out loud. Taiki nodded, smiling, and went to get dressed.

When Seiya came out of his room, Kurama was asking Kiku what he wanted for breakfast.

"Anything, except oatmeal..." Kiku made a face when he said oatmeal.

"How about this?" Kurama showed him a box of cereal. Kiku beamed.

"Yeah! Capt'n Krunch!" He was jumping on his chair in anticipation as Kurama poured the cereal in his bowl and added some milk. Seiya looked up questioningly at Taiki who was frowning.

"What's wrong?" asked Seiya.

"Probably nothing..." replied his sibling. "But don't you find it odd that Kiku knows about oatmeal and Capt'n Krunch?"

Seiya shrugged. "He's a kid..."

"Maybe, but I don't think they would have cereal in the Makai now, would you?" Taiki said as he walked to the table. Seiya frowned. That was true. How would Kiku know about a morning cereal in the Makai? Maybe there were demons stealing stuff from the Ningenkai and taking it to the Makai, he thought.

Taiki was pouring himself a bowl of cereal and asked Kurama if he wanted any. Kurama nodded and Taiki proceeded to pour him a bowl. When he placed the bowl before Kurama, he saw that he was looking all over the place.

"What's wrong?" asked Taiki.

Kurama looked at him embarrassed. "It's my ring, the one you gave Yaten and me. I can't find it. I don't remember taking it off, but when I woke up I realized I didn't have it any more... I never take it off... Where could it be?"

"Maybe you took it off somewhere and forgot about it. It's probably at Haruka's house. You took it off and put it on the counter yesterday. That's where it probably still is... Don't worry about it!" Taiki reassured him.

"Yeah... Most likely..." replied Kurama. But I'm so sure I had put it back on... He shrugged, I probably thought I did.

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"So do we have a deal?" said the man as he faced the five women.

"I think so... what you offer is honorable. We will convey your proposition to the Council and I will personally send a messenger to inform you," said the woman who seemed to be their leader.

The man bowed before the golden clad woman. "A pleasure doing business with you. I will wait patiently your envoy." As he stood up a portal opened behind him. "Sayonara... miladies"

When the man disappeared, the leader of the women said to the one on her right. "Karasu... Inform the Council I will be going to see them..."

"Hai!" The woman answered and she disappeared.

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Hiei woke up, not that he had slept that much during the night. He rose from Makoto's bed. He had slept there hoping that maybe she would come back. She didn't. Without her, the apartment seemed sad and empty. Already he missed her, the way she would talk to him, the cute smile she had when she gave him something to eat, the way she would look at him before she would kiss him. He missed her. He sighed as he looked at her things, cursing himself to have himself be smitten by her.

He wasn't afraid for her. He knew she was strong. But those who had taken her away from him had better beware. He was no man to forget a thing like that. I will find you Mako-chan, don't you worry about it. I will see to it that those who hurt you pay for their crimes.

He opened the balcony door and leaped to the meeting. "I will not let them hurt you, Mako-chan!"

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Yuusuke was getting out of the house. His mother was sleeping her alcohol away. As soon as he got out, he started to run toward his objective. Grim faced, he started to glow with an inner power that was fueled by his anger.

"Hang on, Keiko... I'm coming!"

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Kuwabara had just finished writing the kanji for 'vengeful retaliation' on his new white trench coat. He put it on and looked himself in the mirror. He took a bandana on which was written 'Spirit' and tied it to his brow. He would make them pay. I, Kuwabara, will make them rue the day they though of kidnapping the sweet and gentle Yukina. They are dead meat!

He left the apartment he shared with his family and ran to the portal. Arriving at the end of the street, he pointed to the sky.

"As the sky is my witness I, Kuwabara, vow to rescue you Gentle Yukina. I will not let them treat you with disrespect!"

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Kurama had stopped along the way in a park. The very park where Yaten and he confessed their love. As Seiya, Taiki and Kiku waited for him, Kurama broke twigs and secured them in his hair. He took a small branch from the bush where Yaten and he hid. Then, kneeling before a rosebush, he plucked one blossom.

"Yaten... Even if I have to go to Hell and back, I will do all that I can to keep you safe, Koibito..."

End of Part 9

The song is "The Old ways" sung by Loreena McKennitt from her album The Visit.