Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Path of Discovery ❯ CHapter 14 ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Soft, white, warm... Where am I?... Hiei blinked as he looked down on himself. He had reverted to his green skinned form that was full of eyes everywhere on his body. How long was I out? Am I dead? Is this how the afterlife is? He heard a soft moan and turned around in the ether. He gasped.

Not very far from him, Makoto was floating. She was beautiful, she was wearing some sort of gauzy dress and in her back were a pair of translucent wings. She looks like an angel... thought Hiei, and look at me, I look like something that crawled out the pits of Hell. Maybe, maybe we're too different to be together. I'm from the darkness and she is from the light, I see it now...

As Hiei thought and started to feel moody, Makoto's eyes fluttered open. She was startled at first by Hiei's appearance, the green skin and the eyes over his body. But she recognized him nevertheless, she floated towards him. Nani? she thought, I'm floating?

Hiei looked back at her in panic when he saw her coming to him. He turned around. "Don't look at me!"

"Hiei..." whispered Makoto. "What's wrong?"

Hiei still looked away from her. "What's wrong?... I'm a freak, a demon, a monster... And you're an Angel... the opposite of me..."

"I don't believe that Hiei..." said Makoto. "I don't care what you look like..."

Hiei looked back at her. "But... I'm horrible... I never wanted you to see me like this..."

"Hiei... I was attracted by the way you looked when I first saw you, I admit it. But I always vowed I wouldn't let myself be attracted just with appearance. I got to know you better and found out I felt good next to you... talking to you, being with you. Hiei, I think I'd love even if you looked like a frog..." She got closer to him as she talked, he didn't back away.

"Well... I'm already green..." he pointed out. She giggled as she hugged him. Hiei felt himself tumbling in a sea of emotion, he never felt so much love around him. He realized Makoto was the source and that the love was directed to him. He was stunned and unknowingly the wall he had erected around himself, the one that kept his emotions hidden crumbled like a snow castle in the summer sun.

Makoto was hugging him when she felt it. It started as a small shy admittance but it grew as his arms encircled her. She felt the way he cared for her. His emotions ran over to her like bush fire. She smiled, she knew deep inside, he had strong emotions. Emotions he didn't let out, for fear of rejection, of abandonment. Makoto held him tightly, she understood those emotions all too well. Before meeting Usagi, she was like that afraid to get close to someone. Afraid she would loose them or that they would leave her all of a sudden. But for some reason she couldn't explain, she knew Hiei wouldn't do that to her.

Hiei felt weird, like something in him was changing. He blinked as he realized he was holding on to Makoto. He was about to move his arms away from her when he felt it would make her sad, like he was abandoning her. Instead he held her even closer as she shivered in his arms. Hiei looked back up at her with his ruby eyes and once again they were mesmerized by each other's gaze. They got closer and kissed.

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"We have to do something!!!" Fighter shouted, worried at Yaten and Kurama. Maker did the only think she could think of, she switched her visor on and started to use her VR interface to study the phenomenon. As she linked with Mercury, they both set out to find out all they could from these pools. In their mind, it was the only way to set their friends free.

Fighter saw what they both tried to accomplish so she stayed near them. She would protect them and Keiko of those who had attacked the Reikai Tantei.

Keiko looked at Fighter and almost couldn't believe it. But when she saw Yaten transforming into a woman, she couldn't doubt. Before her stood Sailor Star Fighter, Seiya Kou... It could be no other. And behind her with Sailor Mercury, Sailor Star Maker, none other than Taiki Kou. They looked so much like the Idol Singers, there could be no denying it.

Kuronue joined in the fray with Endymion as he battled Kooriryu. He didn't like to gang up but Kurama, his old friend had disappeared into the ReiWyrm's maw. They had to save them but he doubted those who attacked would make the rescue easy.

Venus and Mars grabbed hold of Yukina as she rushed to where Hiei had disappeared. "NOO! HIEI-SAN!" she yelled, she didn't know why but something deep in her made her feel that the loss was too great.

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Yaten openned her eyes, she felt warm, protected as strong arms held her. She blinked at the sheer whiteness of the place. She turned her head but she hadn't needed to see to know that it was her love, Kurama that held her so. But instead of the red hair youth, it was the 500 year old Youko that embraced her.

He was beautiful, eyes closed with silver hair, much like her own, flowing down along his strong elvish like face. He now had silver fox ears pocking from his head, she smiled, such cute ears. She felt so tiny in his arms, like she was a child. To him, she thought, I must be; I am so young compared to him. She raised a hand to stroke his sleeping face.

As soon as she touched him, his eyes snapped open and she was scrutinized by golden eyes. She took her hand away, afraid all of a sudden, he looked at her as though he didn't recognized her. "Ku-chan?..." she called in a frightened voice.

The Youko blinked and his face softened, he smiled. "Yat-chan..." he said in a much lower pitch that Shuuichi. He looked down at her, he hadn't recognized her at first, she was dressed in a gauzy dress much like the clothes he wore as a Youko. In her back she had a pair of feathery, gossamer wings, she was breathtaking and her appearance had left him starring. She broke the spell as she talked to him and he focused on her face. She shimmered like a star, no like an angel. He hugged her fiercely against him.

"Gomen, Koibito, I didn't want to startle you." he told her, softly soothing the silky silver hair, kissing her neck.

"Ku-chan..." she softly repeated, all hints of fear gone. She held on to him, it felt so nice to be held by him. "Where are we?"

"I don't know, Koibito... I don't know..." he whispered, holding unto her more closely.

"I don't care, if I'm with you then it's all right. As long as we're together, Ku-chan, I don't fear anything..." she whispered. She tipped her head toward him, they closed their eyes and kissed.

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Kurama, Hiei, Yaten, Makoto... no way... NO FRIGGIN' WAY! Even though his body had been battered, Urameshi Yuusuke rose. He was mad, no furious at what had happened. His friends had disappeared, he wasn't fast enough to help them. Anger fueled his power and his aura started to flare up again. My spiritual energy is coming back? he thought. I'm no longer being drained.

He went to Kuwabara, the tall boy was coming to, Yuusuke also felt his Reiki coming back. "My strength... it's returning... but why?" asked Kuwabara.

"I don't know but we must find out, our friends life might depend on it." replied Yuusuke.

Fighter saw Yuusuke and Kuwabara coming to her. From the corner of her eyes she saw something move. She turned and saw a big slug like creature, Keiko saw it too and made a face. From what it seemed, the slug had come from Tiakko. It had pincers in the front of its head, Fighter found the creature peculiar, and turned around to tell Maker.

Keiko screamed when she saw the creature recoil and spring in the air. Its aim was true and it lashed on to the back of Fighter's neck. Fighter's eye flew open and she screamed.

"What now?" asked Yuusuke, he and Kuwabara rushed to help Fighter. She was screaming holding on to her head. Keiko was trying to pull the creature off when Fighter pushed her away.

In her sapphire eyes glowed the ember of pure anger. Fighter looked at the two boys rushing her as she trembled with righteous anger. Her voice seemed dipped in blood as she screamed.

"YOU!!! YOU'RE RESPONSIBLE! IT'S YOUR FAULT YATEN DIED!!! IF KURAMA DIED!!! YOU KILLED THEM!!! YOU KILLED KAKYOKU-SAMA!!! YOU! YOU!! YYOOOOOOOOOOOU!!!" She yelled with such venom in her voice that Yuusuke was taken aback, he saw how her eyes were glazed over.

"She's possessed..." Yuusuke whispered to Kuwabara, who, of course, freaked.

"OH MY GOD!!!!!"


As Fighter called her attack she was stopped by another black leather clad senshi. Yuusuke gasped, the young girl was Yaten's exact copy, if you don't count the hair which was bright red. Fighter screamed incoherently as she turned her attention to the one who just prevented her attack. Maker and Mercury gasped as they saw Fighter.

Yuusuke was trying to come up with a way to stop Fighter when plants rose up from the ground and surrounded Fighter. She was pinned down and cursed at everyone, demanding she'd be free.


Yuusuke spied a silver hair youth that walked towards them, clutching his head. The red hair girl ran to him.

"SHIRO-KUN!!! What's wrong?" asked the red haired Healer.

"Fighter... (ugh) Someone took over her mind... She's trying to break free... I'm trying to help..." said Shiro.

"That bug!" said Keiko. "That must be it!!! It jumped in the back of her neck."

Maker rushed to her sister writhing on the ground. With the help of Yuusuke and Kuwabara, they held Fighter still enough for her to check Fighter's neck. When Maker pushed away the ponytail she fought the nausea she felt.

The pincers of that slug were deep in Fighter's skin. Blood was trickling from the wound and the slug had started to produced a disgusting yellowish brown gel like substance. Fighter started to scream and try to buck out of Maker's grasp. Maker swallowed hard and grabbed the loathsome creature.

Fighter screamed trashing even more, Shiro fell to his knees also yelled. "PULL IT OUT!!! PULL IT OUT!!!" He screamed his face contorting in pain, Shiroi was near him, supporting him.

Maker fought the bile that rose in her throat and pulled at the creature. It started to shriek in unison with Fighter. Maker didn't relent, she saw the pinchers starting to slowly pull out of Fighter's wound. She pulled harder, she would not see defeat from such a loath full creature especially when Fighter's mind was at stake!

The creature finally let go of Fighter's neck and writhed in Maker's hand. She tried to hold on to the slippery slug but it twisted out of her grasp. Maker tried to grab it back and screamed in horror when she saw the slug jump to Mercury.

"REIGUN!!!" Yuusuke blasted the thing to kingdom come. Everyone rushed to Fighter's side.

"It... It tried to..." gasped Fighter.

"Hush... It's okay... It's dead..." said Mercury, tending to the wounds in Fighter's neck.

"What the hell was that?" said Kuwabara. None had an answer.

"I don't know..." started Keiko. "But I know it came from him." She pointed to Tiakko's corpse. They looked on as their friends had subdued Muraku and Kooriryu.

"Look behind their necks," started Maker. "I'm sure you will find one of the creatures we found. I don't think their actions were their own..."

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As they broke from their kiss, Makoto and Hiei saw a lone figure standing in front of them. She was a Sailor Senshi, but one Makoto never encountered before, but she seemed familiar. Her fuku looked like the one Eternal Sailor Moon wore except she had no wings. Her collar was navy blue with silver trimmings, her shoulder pads were turquoise. Her three layer skirt was black, turquoise and light blue.

"Who are you?" asked Hiei.

"Someone you knew long ago..." she told them. "I was known unto another name but now I am Sailor Gaia! The Senshi of Rebirth!"

"Sailor Gaia?..." repeated Makoto. "Are we dead? Are we supposed to go into another incarnation?" asked Makoto, holding on to Hiei. She didn't want to loose him, so close after having found each other.

"Iie... You are not dead, nor am I here to give you another incarnation. Rather I am here, to make you remember your old one..." In her hand appeared a golden crystal ball.

"What do you mean, our past lives?" asked Hiei.

"Both of you are old souls that were reborn. You were destined to meet again..." Sailor Gaia's voice trailed off into nothingness as the crystal ball glowed in a blinding light.

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Kurama was holding on to Yaten when this Sailor Senshi appeared before them. He asked her who she was and she replied.

"I am Sailor Gaia, the Senshi of Rebirth and I have come to help you relive your last days in the Silver Millennium..."

"Nani? The Silver Millennium?..." as she repeated these words, Yaten had the vague memory of a Castle made of Crystal.

"You are starting to remember Yaten, but Kurama needs more help." Her golden crystal ball glowed again illuminating all.

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When they both opened their eyes, Makoto and Hiei were in a bedroom. They were startled by chambermaids that stormed the place. They realized the women couldn't see them, they opened the windows and let the sun in.

"Princess Indra... Indra-sama..." called one of the woman, to the woman sleeping in the bed. Hiei gasped, he had seen that woman before, in a dream. The young woman stirred.

"I'm awake, Innana-san..." replied Indra gruffly.

"My!... Princess, why such a frown?" asked the maid.

"Because today, will be announced to the court my 'official' engagement to Lord Kormac." Indra replied as she was helped out of her nightgown and into her dress. "An arranged marriage, my father, King of Jupiter arranged with the Lord of America, Lord Tuulan."

"But you should be happy, Indra-sama. Your father only thought of your wealth fare..." said a maid as she brushed Indra's Chocolate brown hair.

"HAH! HAPPY???" sneered Indra. "Happy about what? An arranged marriage, for an alliance between Earth and the Silver Millennium. I'm nothing more than a pawn of Court Intrigue... What did my training as a Sailor Senshi gave me if I only end up in an unhappy marriage."

"Will you go against your Father's wishes?" asked another maid.

"No... Father is dead and I am honor bound to his word." said Indra sadly.

"He will arrive shortly, with one of his friends from the Makai. A fledging Lord that fled the Makai as the forces of evil started to consume it."

"The Makai... They were once our allies." whispered Indra. "Now they have cut all bridges, what could have gone wrong?"

"I think your Father and Queen Serenity, wanted to prevent the same thing from happening by arranging your marriage, your Highness." the maid replied.

Makoto and Hiei saw the sadness etched on the woman's face.

"Who is she?" she asked, Hiei was surprised.

"You do not feel her ki... She's you... Your past incarnation, Princess Indra of Jupiter..." Hiei replied in a strange voice as though he was remembering something that had come to pass long ago.

"Me?" whispered Makoto. They were whisked away from the scene and appeared in a rose garden. "My house... on the Moon..." breathed Makoto as she looked around. Princess Indra, wearing the regalia of Jupiter was standing next to an older woman unto which she bore a strong resemblance.

In the garden was a procession of Official and Queen Serenity herself was escorted by Lord Kormac.

Both Makoto and Hiei blinked "Nephrite?" Princess Indra lifted her hand and Kormac kissed it. Her face was blank as if resigning herself to her faith, for the good of the Silver Millennium.

The scene shifted again and they were in was appeared to be a stable, a very huge one. Indra was crying bitterly, he doesn't love me she cried bitterly. He's in love with a Earth Lady, stupid law, we have to get married anyway. I'll never know what true Love is...

"Alloo?" said a deep voice, Indra thinking it was a stable boy, barked an order to be left alone.

"Hn! Where the heck am I going to put my dragon then?" the deep voice replied as the man came into view, he was of normal height black hair, strong build, he wore a black armor and on the breastplate was chiseled a Silver Dragon. Makoto gasped, it was Hiei.

"Ha!... Gomen I was just leaving..." Indra got up fast and was passing when he stopped her.

"Your Highness?... You were here?" he said "Your mother was looking frantically for you."

"Let her worry..." she looked at him and she felt like a thunder bolt had struck her. The man in front of her gasped, falling prey to the same fascination. "Who... who are you?" she finally was able to say.

"My name is Ryu... Ryu Norite, of the Royal Order of the Lunar Dragonet..."

Hiei and Makoto are then fast forwarded into events, they see Indra sneaking off to see Lord Norite. They share passionate kisses in hidden spaces, afraid of being discovered. They ride upon his black dragon, they pass wondrous time together. "And so Princess Indra of Jupiter fell in love with Lord Ryu Norite." they heard Sailor Gaia's voice again. "They were happy but none could know of their relationship. They passed many happy days together, until that fated day were Destiny called..."

Makoto and Hiei were next in the biggest ballroom they had ever seen. Makoto was filled with a sense of dread, she knew about this place. This is where...

Princess Indra was been summoned on a private balcony. There Ryu was waiting for her. As soon as she arrived, they started to dance, alone unseen by anyone, or so they thought. They were still dancing when they shared a kiss. A dark figure hovered over them, it held a shield and a sword.

"So... my 'friend'" Kormac said his voice sounded like it was dipped in poison. "I see that you betrayed our friendship. What else have you shared with my future wife? Have you shared her bed also?" Kormac's voice was dark and accusing.

"KORMAC!" yelled Ryu, already he felt an evil around his long time friend. "I'm sorry, I love her, Kormac..."

"You deceitful little man..." said Kormac enraged. "You shall pay with both your lives for this affront." A dark sphere of dark energy sprang from his fingertip. Ryu pushed Indra away and took the full brunt of the attack. He screamed as Kormac dove with his sword and sunk his blade in his stomach.

"I am needed elsewhere." he said wiping his sword on Ryu's Gala clothes. "I will not kill you Indra... my... 'dear'. I will far more enjoy you watching your lover die of a slow and painfull death." He floated away and Indra heard screams as the Forces of Metalia stormed the Castle.

"In... Indra..." gasped Ryu.

"Hush, don't speak... Keep your strength... I'll fetch a healer." Indra said she was about to rise when Ryu stopped here.

"None can do a thing now... I feel my life draining away..." Ryu told her, he was pale, so pale. "Kormac is a great warrior, there is no cure from this wound <ugh>!"

Indra cried she could do no less, her love was dying, he fell unconscious and she took a resolution.

"JUPITER STAR POWER! MAKE UP!" She yelled and rushed into the fray, she fought valiantly, but Metalia blasted her full power into the Castle and Sailor Jupiter was thrown across the room and crashed into the glass balcony doors. Bloody and broken, deep gashes on her skin she fell like a rag doll next to Ryu.

They both looked at each other and both whispered their love. With their remaining strength, they kissed one last time. There was a great white light as Queen Serenity sealed Metalia and sealed everyone who fell into the future.

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Yaten and Kurama opened their eyes they were in a beautiful rose garden. Not every far from it they saw a Palace that seemed to be made of Crystal. Yaten gasped when she saw a man pruning and tending the roses with the utmost care. She glanced to Kurama and then back to the Gardener, they are... he's... Kurama... she thought for herself. They whirled around when they heard a voice.

"I AM NOT MARRYING THAT MOON PALACE COURTIER AND YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!!!!" Screamed a platinum blond maiden, her long hair held in a single braid. She turned to face an older woman who slapped her. Kurama gasped that maiden, he felt, it was Yaten... Yaten in a past life.

The maiden held her reddened cheek as the woman told her in a cold voice. "I have it up to here with your childish tantrums, Wren. It's about time you acted like a Princess and not like a spoiled brat. You have to marry him and it is your duty as heir to Healer to make sure this alliance with the Moon Kingdom is a success. You will have to learn to control your emotions, and stop acting like a baby but like the Crown Princess of Healer."

"YOU NEVER ASKED ME MY OPINION!!!" Wren yelled back.

"You have no choice, daughter..." and with that the woman turned and left her.

"I HATE YOU! I WISH I WAS NEVER BORN A PRINCESS..." Wren ran in the opposite direction, the Gardener saw the older woman's head hung low.

"Forgive me, my daughter..." she whispered, but the Gardener was able to hear. "But I have no choice, we must gain the Silver Millennium alliance or else we are doomed..." She cried bitter tears as she walked away.

The gardener heard whacking sobs, he tried to ignore them. He was after all only a lowly servant, he used to work in the Gardens of the King of Earth but when Princess Serenity's passion for roses grew, he was sent here to tend them. Roses grew with great difficulty on the Moon.

The wails of the girl intensified, she was crying her heart out and the gardener found her couldn't let her cry like that. It pinched something deep in his heart to hear her cry so. He got up and went to her, if only to see if she was all right.

Wren cried, nothing was making sense anymore. Her mother and father had sent a marriage for her with some fat, boorish old man. The man looked like an Hentai, the way he had looked at her as though she was a slab of meat. He scared her, she didn't want to be married to such a man. She blinked when she saw a rose bud in front of her face.

"Do you know what make roses bloom? It's when a lovely Princess smiles at them..." said the gardener.

Wren looked at the gardener with her eyes still blurred with tears. "Bullshit!" she spat in a very unladylike manner. The gardener blinked, then laughed, taken aback by the Princess's blunt honesty. She glared at him and he stopped laughing.

"Gomen, gomen..." he started. "I just never thought you'd give me an answer like that... You are right it sounded like bullshit, but hey you never know have you ever tried to smile at a rose to see what would happen?"

She looked at him, she didn't know what it was but she couldn't keep the frown. She didn't feel like crying anymore also. What wrong with me? she asked herself and in spite of herself, she smiled.

What happened next made her eyes bulge. The rose was blossoming right before her eyes and she was the first to smell the delicate perfume. "How did you do that?" She asked, and she looked into his handsome face clearly for the first time. Her heart started to beat faster, her hand were getting sweaty and her eyes were drawn to his lips.

"It's my gift." he told her. "But all it needs is a smile from you to work so easily..." What am I saying? I'm flirting with a girl who is half my age. He looked down on her, but by the Gods, she is beautiful... and a Princess, I cannot... But passion rode away with his reason and they shared a kiss that soon multiplied into many.

My first kiss, Wren thought as she felt tears of joy gather in her eyes. I love him, I know it now, I could never love another. They broke the kiss when they heard another of the court princess search for Princess Wren by calling her name. She rose blushing and started to run toward the call, she stopped and turned around.

"What's your name?" she asked.

"Silvanus..." came his reply, already his heart stung from being separated from her.

Yaten and Kurama held each other tightly they now understood why their love was so deeply rooted. As they kissed, the scene became a blur. "Princess Wren saw her lover Silvanus anytime she could." Sailor Gaia's voice was heard. "Always hidden and feared of being discovered." They saw images where Wren and Silvanus were almost discovered. Then they saw Wren disguise herself as a young boy and going to a party where all the servants of the Moon attended. "Needless to say this gave Silvanus quite a reputation, but he didn't care." They saw Wren kiss Silvanus as she was dressed as a stable boy, people gave them outraged glances. "Unfortunately, fate would separate them forever... until they would be reborn..."

The scene opened once more in the Rose Garden near the Castle. Silvanus looked at his Princess in regal dress dancing with courtiers, she was smiling but her knew it was just a facade as she looked in his direction with sad eyes. Oh, I wish... I wish I could go there and dance just but one dance, he looked down. Alas, that was not to be.

Silvanus spied movement in his garden and curious he investigated. It was the man Wren was supposed to marry, he was speaking with dubious looking persons.

"Her mother wants to call off the wedding!" the fat man said. "If I pledge loyalty to Metalia, will she give me Wren? I don't care what happens to the rest, I only want her."

"But of course..." said one of the man. "All you have to do is make sure all the defenses of the Palace are down when we attack."

"It's already done..." replied the fat man.

Silvanus was shocked. We are been betrayed, I must tell the Queen! He rushed out of his hiding place and ran to the Castle, Wren saw him running in the steps when she saw men raising a crossbow in his back.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" she screamed as she rushed to him. Silvanus was almost at the top of the step when the crossbow bolt struck him in the back. He collapsed and was rejoined by the two Royal Cats.

"Oh MY! Please don't move!" said Luna. "We'll get help!"

"N... No time!" Silvanus coughed blood. "We are under attack, warn the Queen before it is too late! Don't worry about me... GO!"

Luna and Artemis ran as fast as they could to warn Queen Serenity. Unfortunately, even with Silvanus' sacrifice, destruction wasn't averted.

"SILVANUS!!!!" yelled Wren, crying. She reached him as he tried to smile to her.

"Don't cry... don't cry..." He told her soothingly as she turned his body around. "Or else the roses won't bloom..."

She looked outside and saw the rose bushes start to wither and die. Rose petals flew in the wind as a eulogy to the one who took such good care of them.

"My only regret..." he told her in a whisper. "Is that I'll never be able to look into your eyes of touch your soft hair..." His eyes closed, he was drifting towards the Great Sleep.

Wren with tears in her eyes, took the dagger he used to prune the rose bushes. With one hand holding her braid, she cut it off. Her cut hair settled near her face like a crooked square cut. She took her braid and lovingly placed it on him like a funeral shroud. She bend over and kissed his lips, he was still breathing but death wasn't far she knew.

"THERE SHE IS... DON'T HARM HER!" said the man who betrayed the Moon Kingdom. "SHE'S MINE!"

"I'll never leave you my love..." she whispered. She looked at the man at the bottom of the stair with a glassy look. "You cannot have what you do not own..."

She kissed the blade that she used to cut her hair and turned the blade on herself. She hear the man yell down the stairs. It didn't hurt, she was surprised as she floated down on the body of her beloved.

"I will be always be with you, my once and only forever love." she whispered with her last breath.

"My love, always and forever..." he whispered back. Just then Queen Serenity unleashed the ultimate power of the Ginzousho and all went white.