Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ [MSTing] 9-Ball Dreams ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
(And give yourself a severe case of eyestrain)

(The future isn't what it used to be....)



(A Sailor Moon Lemon Crossover MSTing)

MSTed From the Desk of Megane 6.7

This is a MSTing of a work of fiction created by another author.
Use of copyrighted and trademarked material is for entertainment
purposes only; no infringement on the original copyrights or
trademarks held by Best Brains, Inc. is intended or should be inferred.

Any random mention of certain anime characters, song titles, scenes
from movies, etc. are the property of their respected creators/distributors/etc.
Just covering my own ass here folks....

"Sailor Moon" is the property of Naoko Takeuchi and all the
distributors of her work.

"9-Ball Dreams" is the property of Mr_Jazz and he's welcome to it. I
do not intend to offend him for making fun of his work like this but I
figure it's only a matter of time before someone does. Think of this as
another form of C&C. It's all meant in good fun. ;)

(Note: The original unMSTed version of "9-Ball Dreams" can be found at
"A Sailor Moon Romance". See link at the end of the MSTing.)

Warning: This fic contains some sexual content. If you are offended
by such material, simply delete it and it's gone. If not, enjoy!

* * *

(Door 6: It slides open on both sides..)

(Door 5: It's made of beads. They explode out towards you, and you
move on..)

(Door 4: It falls toward you, missing your foot by inches.)

(Door 3: It's a castle gate, that rises into the ceiling..)

(Door 2. It's solid black marble. An Akahn floats from behind you and
touches the door. The door vanishes.)

(Door 1: It splits in four ways, twice.)

(Door .7: A beam of golden light erupts from the floor. You walk into it.)

Joel emerged from the light into the theater with Tom in his
arms, Crow emerging a moment later and following close behind.
Stepping over the air grate that prevented Tom from entering the theater
on his own, Joel placed him down on one of the theater seats and sat
next to him, Crow sitting on his right.

>* * * *

Joel: <singing> There's a starman waiting in the sky... He'd like to come
and meet us....

Crow: Who? Jeff Bridges?

>Ami cried out in lusty pleasure as Vincent probed her womanhood with
>his highly skilled tongue.

Joel: So it's a tongue of all trades then?

Tom: But enough about the impending doom of Serena and Mina, let's
get back to the sex!

Crow: Woo hoo!

>She let her head snap back and groaned as she felt herself coming close
>to orgasm.

Crow: All she needs now is the cigar.

>"It's funny," Ami said between lusty gasps of air, "that I came here for
>a pool lesson, and now I'm being fucked on a pool table.

Tom: Yeah, who would've figured something like that happening in a
lemon, huh?

>Aren't we lucky we're the only one's in here."

Crow: <Vincent> Not really, I like to be watched when I do it.

Joel: <Ami> Oh... well, we kinda are in a sense.... <winks in your direction>

>"You are getting a pool lesson.

Crow: <Vincent> It's customary before a game to have passionate sex
with your opponent. Heck, any pool player will tell you that!

>You playing a game that involves pushing balls into a hole using a long
>hard straight thing," Vince replied, then went back to sucking and licking
>Ami's pussy.

Joel: <Ami> Oh, *I* get it! It's like a game of pool! Take THAT, mister!

Crow: <Vincent, in severe pain> Aaaaaaaaaaaaaoooooow! Whdt th....

Joel: <Ami> Everyone knows, a game of pool starts with a BREAK!

>"Well," Ami said, "it's a good thing I snapped the cueball off of the
>table like I did. If I didn't, then we might of had to wait a whole ten
>minutes before we started fucking.

All: <stare at the screen>

Joel: What the hell is she talking about?

Tom: No idea.

Crow: <shrugs>

>I don't know why we're doing this, we really don't know each other at all."

>"Who cares," Vince replied as he positioned himself above Ami's exposed
>pussy, "it makes it all the more fun."

Crow: <Vincent> Babe, it's a lemon. Just relax and enjoy the ride.

Joel: <Ami> Hey, just because it's a lemon, doesn't mean I have to break
character! And what the heck is so DANG fascinating about pool, anyway!

>With that, he plunged himself inside her, and both cried out in pleasure
>as Ami's vaginal muscles contracted around Vince's 11 inch penis.

Crow: Yeah, and mine's a foot and a half.

Tom: Geez, is it really THAT hard for some lemon writers to give their
male characters a NORMAL penis size? I mean, I would think most
women would be FRIGHTENED of the damage an 11 incher could do....

Joel: Exaggerated genitalia was here long before us and it'll be here long
after we're gone... just a fact of life, guys....

>Ami was in heaven, and began to grunt as Vincent began sliding in an
>out of her ever so slowly, and then began to quicken his pace.

Crow: <Ami> Oops, hold on a second! I think I'm bleeding internally...
nope, I was wrong. Resume sliding!

Tom: Gee, I didn't know Vincent was a... <whispers> SLIDER....

>"You know," Vince grunted as he thrust himself in and out of Ami, who
>was barley able to listen to him,

Joel: That must be one loud phallus.

>"this is going to make us actually doing any billiards practice very
>difficult. Any ideas?"


Tom: <Vince> And while I'm thinking of it, did I leave the garage door
open before I left for work this morning?

>Ami couldn't answer him,

Joel: <Vince> Ami? A-Ami?!? OH MY GOD, SHE'S DEAD!!! IT'S

>as she felt herself climax and cum as Vincent exploded his load of
>semen inside of her.

Tom: she glanced at her wristwatch and noticed she was late
for her date with Greg.

>She felt her cum dribble down her legs, and onto the table.

Crow: <Vince> You soiled it. You've bought it.

>Then she collapsed, and Vincent came crashing down beside her.

Joel: Wait a minute, wasn't it *Vince* a few seconds ago?

>"I guess the slate was strong enough," Vince laughed, tired but happy.

Tom: Huh? Now it's Vince again! What the sam hill is going ON, here!?

Joel: Say, you don't supposed Cruise used a....

<Joel and the bots look at each other>


>"I still wish I knew why nobody else has come in here, as just yesterday,
>this place was packed," Ami replied as she began to gather herself

Crow: <Ami> Could you hand me my entrails please?

Joel: <Vince> Cripes, Ami, will you KNOCK it off with the intelligent
and logical questions already! You're gonna blow the whole deal!

>"Ami, look around, I'm sure you'll figure it out," Vince said, motioning
>to the front of the hall.

Tom: <Ami> Oh my god! T-There's a dead horse in front of the entrance!

Joel: <Vince> Yep, when it comes to ensuring privacy, nothing beats a
dead horse!

>Ami studied it carefully, and noticed that the thick wooden shutters had
>been pulled closed over all of the front windows. Then she noticed the

Crow: <sign> Having sex with Ami. Back in one hour.

>The side facing her said "Yes, we are open!" which means the other
>side said "Closed".

Joel: Of course, that didn't stop the pool-crazed Japanese from forming
a long line outside the hall, wondering what all the strange noises coming
from inside were about....

>"Well fuck me," Ami said.

Tom: <Ami> It's a puzzle. Work on it.

>"Can't," Vince replied, as he zipped up his pants, "I'm way too tired and
>out of cum.

Joel: <Ami> Well, okay then, let's just talk and cuddle!

Crow: <Vince> Aheheheh... yeah, right.

>Besides, I have to open in an hour or Eddie will wonder why the hell he
>hasn't made any money; and the felt on this table needs replacing. That
>will take me an hour anyway."

Tom: <Ami, whiny> Awwwww... but I want more sex!

Crow: <Vince> No! There's no time!

Tom: <Ami> Come on... how about a five minute quickie? I promise
it'll be over before you know it!

Crow: <Vince> Look, just take a cold shower or something, okay?!?

>Ami looked at the cloth. I was drenched in cum, both her's and Vincent's,
>blood, and sweat.

Joel: Funny, I don't remember seeing the narrator anywhere in the lemon

>"Can I help at all?" Ami asked as she disassembled her cue, which she
>luckily put down on the table next to the one she and Vincent had sex on.

Crow: <Ami> Wait a minute... why is this cue all sticky and... oh my
GOD! No WONDER you seemed to have such a long....

Joel: <places his hands over Crow's beak> Hokay, that's enough out of you.

>No," Vince said, "I don't think you can. Come back tomorrow and we'll
>actually get some work done, OK?"

Tom: <Vince> You've done quite enough damage for one day, Ami.

Joel: <Ami> Hey, I was willing to do it on the floor. It was YOUR bright
idea to use the table, Ethan....

>"Alright," Ami sighed as she picked up her cue case and turned to leave.

>"Oh, and Ami," Vince smiled as got a tool kit out from under the front


Crow: <Jim Carrey> I've had better.

Joel: <Vince> Here, kid! <mimes throwing a jacket>

Tom: <Ami> Wow! Thanks, Mister!

>"I really loved what just happened. I hope we didn't spoil a friendship."

Joel: <Ami> How can we spoil something we never had in the first place?

Crow: <Vince> Oh yeah. I forgot.

>"Me too, Vince. See you later."

Tom: <Vincent> Bye, Ami!

Crow: <Ami> Get bent.

>With that, Ami walked out of Phelson's Billiards and towards the parking
>lot to drive home to her apartment.

Joel: <Ami> Oh, look at the time! I'm going to miss V.I.P if I don't hurry!

>* * * *

Crow: Login?

Tom: Servo1

Crow: Password?

Tom: * * * *

Crow: Your password is invalid. Please try again.

Tom: * * * *

Crow: Okay, your password is valid, we just don't like you, so beat it!

>Serena moaned as she felt Mina penetrate her aching pussy with her
>highly skilled and practiced tongue.

Joel: We now return you to the other inexplicable lemon scene, already in

>As Mina began to lick and gently bite Serena's love button, Serena
>screamed in sheer ecstasy.

Tom: Hey, it may be gratuitous, but at least it's enjoyable.

>"Oh Mina, I love you so much, ooh, do it more, and harder, please!"
>pleaded Serena as she began to force her shaved pussy into Mina's face.

Joel: <Mina> Get your Mr. Bigglesworth out of my face, Serena!

>Both girls had started kissing in the elevator and as soon as the door to
>their apartment shut, they were out of their clothes and making "sweet

>Serena had made Mina cum twice now, using everything from a dildo to
>electrical kitchen utensils, to a shampoo bottle.

Crow: <Mina> Ohhhhhh... it's t-tingling... and, oh w-wow, is it ever

Joel: If that's "sweet love", I shudder to think what happens when they
get "nasty"....

>Now it was Serena's turn to be pleasured, and being pleasured she was.

Joel: <Serena> I wish to be pleasured.

Tom: <Mina> Then pleasured you shall be.

>Mina had been aware of her sexual skills since she was 14, and now at
>18, she had perfected them to the point where one hour of sex with her
>was worth a lot of money, and I mean, A LOT OF MONEY!!!


Crow: So Serena's paying Mina for sex then? What's the point of telling
us this?

>Serena reached climax, and went into a violent spasm as she cummed
>all over Mina's beautiful young face. When Serena was finished, and
>Mina was finished drinking it,

Joel: ...she searched for a clean napkin and delicately dabbed both corners
of her mouth.

Tom: <Serena> Smashing performance, my lady! Absolutely smashing!

>they both collapsed in a sweaty, cummy, naked heap. Serena then
>embraced Mina and began to lick her face clean.

Crow: <Mina> No need to do that, Serena. That's what I keep Artemis
around for....

Joel: Ick.

>"I love you Serena," Mina whispered as she closed her eyes and let the
>romanticism of being with her love set in.

>"I know," Serena replied

Crow: <Mina> I know? What are you, Han Solo now!?

>as she wrapped her arms around Mina and they fell asleep on the floor.

Joel: The floor again? Don't these girls ever make love in a bed?

Tom: Must be shag carpeting.

>* * * *

Joel: Four Star Stories... the new manga series by Mamoru Nagano.
Now available in a comic book store near YOU.

Tom: Well, even though that lemon scene was really pointless, plotwise,
it could have been a lot worse....

Crow: The fic ain't over yet, Tommy.

>Lita was cooking dinner for her and Ken when the phone rang, causing
>her to startle and drop a knife on the floor.

Joel: <Lita> That really scare me!

Crow: Oh NO... not Ken AGAIN....?!

Tom: Ken? Who the hell's Ken?

Crow: <sighs> He's this one-shot character from an episode of Sailor
Moon R that for some reason keeps popping up from out of nowhere in
various Sailor Moon fanfiction and is usually involved in some sort of
relationship with Lita. His characterization tends to change with every
person that writes him.

Tom: <stares at Crow> You're kidding me, right?

Crow: Nope. It's best to just go along with it, trust me.

>It was Ami on the other end.

>"Hi Lita," Ami chimed, "guess what happened."

>"You and Vince are going out tomorrow night?" Lita replied

>"No," Ami said with a tone of teasing in her voice, "we had sex."

Joel: <Lita> Really? What about Vincent?

Tom: <Ami> That loser? Ha! I wouldn't give him the time of day!

>Lita was in shock, she had to force herself to stop trembling and then
>she had to sit down. Then when Ami repeatedly yelled "Hello, hello?"
>into the phone, she forced herself to speak.

>"Are you nuts?" Lita asked as she got a glass of water.

>"In what way?" Ami replied.

Tom: <Lita> Are you cashews, walnuts or pistachios? WHAT DO YOU

>"Well, you don't even know him, he could have AIDS for all you know,

Joel: <Lita> And what if he got you pregnant? Aren't you worried he
might distract you from your mission as a sailor senshi? Doesn't the fact
that he so easily ignored your age difference bother you?

Crow: <Ami> Hey, what's with all the sensible questions all of a sudden?

Joel: <Lita> Hey, I figure I might as well get them all out now before I'm
forced to play dumb again....

>and where did you do it, in his car?"

>"On a pool table."

Tom: <Lita> Wow, Vincent got some balls, huh!

>Lita giggled slightly, as it seemed sort of funny that Ami was having a
>pool lesson one minute, and then getting shagged the next, on a pool

Crow: <Lita> I mean, wow, like, what are the odds. man?!?

Tom: I see what you meant about Lita playing dumb, Joel.

>That's when Ken walked in.

All: <loudly imitate the Dick Van Dyke Show theme>

Joel: <Ken> Hey Barbi... I mean, Lita! I'm home!

>"Hey Lita, you seen a long hard black case lying around anywhere?"

>"I saw one in my room the other day, it's at the back of the top shelf in
>the closet. Why?"

>"My cue is in there, I thought I'd go check out that new pool hall."

>It took a couple of seconds for that to sink in, but when it did, Lita
>was running after him, but to no avail.

Joel: <Lita> But I just finished making dinner for us, you insensitive CLOD!

>Ken was already cruising down the road in his Aston Martin.

All: <imitate the guitar licks from the theme to James Bond>

>Lita ran back into the kitchen and on the phone.

Tom: <Lita> Okay, I'm standing on the phone, mashing the little
buttons with my toes... what now, Mr. Narrator?

>"Ami," Lita yelled as she took off her apron, "Ken is on his
>way to the pool hall with his cue! I didn't even know he
>had one.

Joel: <Lita> Come to think of it, what DO I really know about Ken?

>Anyway, I'll be round to pick you up in ten minutes and well go there
>as well.

Crow: <Ami> We well?

>He'll probably start betting or something. God I hope he's good...

Tom: Hey, betting is easy. WINNING, on the other hand....

>* * * *

Joel: <singing> Video killed those radio stars....

>Vincent saw a man in his mid twenties walk in like he was god-almighty
>with a hard cue case.


>"Easy money," Vince thought as he approached the man.

Joel: <Vincent> Hey, I saw him first! No fair!

>"Hi there," Vince said as he held out his hand, "welcome to Phelson's
>billiards. What can I do for you today?"

Crow: <man> I'll have some chicken wings and a beer, please.

>Business had picked up dramatically in the hour the billiard
>hall had been open, and now, the place was packed again. Ken
>shook Vince's hand, "Names Ken, and I'm looking for some action.

Tom: <Cruise> Oooooh!

Crow: <Ken> Pool playing action!

Tom: <Cruise> Oh.

>I bought this cue a few years back when I was in Los Angeles, but then
>I only used it a few times."

>"What kind of cue is it?"

>"Balabooshka 9-Ball edition, series two."

>"Really," Vince smiled, "mine's a Balabooshka series 1.

Crow: <Ken> Series *1*? BWAHAHAHAHA!!!

Tom: <Vincent> Series 1, *Special Limited Edition*, that is. More than
enough cue to wipe out your little wussy stick....

Crow: <Ken> Oh yeah? Well, MY cue has the power to kill YOUR
cue TEN times over! And it glows when it's pissed!

Tom: <Vince> Oh yeah!? OH YEAH?! Well, my cue is such a
BADASS, that even THINKING about it can kill you! And it has the
power to regenerate itself so it can't be destroyed ever! EVER!

>Anyway, since their both nine ball cues, what say you and me hook it
>up over a few games."

>"Sure," Ken replied as he and Vince moved to the nearest available

Crow: <Ken> By the way, I didn't catch your name?

Tom: <Vince> That's because I didn't give it, dumb-ass!

>* * * *

Joel: <singing> Don't you be afraid... think of all the friends you've
made... like any other night... you've got to live it right... You're a

>Lita drove like a mad woman

Tom and Joel: <start imitating the soundtrack for a 50's safety film>

Crow: <announcer> Lita wasn't careful. Lita didn't believe in buckling
her seat belt. Let's watch as Lita's brains are soon splattered all over the
glass windshield, the leather interior, the hood of the car, and yes, even
the black asphalt. Looks like Lita's road pizza now. Too bad, Lita.

>as she tried to get to the hall before her boyfriend's masculinity and
>gullibility decided to kick in and he lost some money, as money was
>something that they could not afford to lose right now.

Tom: Wait a minute! If they're tight for money then what the hell's
Ken doing driving around in a Aston Martin?!?

Crow: Maybe he's renting out Jupiter's senshi outfit to hentai shops?

Joel: Ewwww....

>When she had picked up Ami, she had noted that Ami was also carrying
>a cue case.

>"Present from Vincent," was all Ami said as she got in the car.

Joel: <Lita> Present? For the sex?

Crow: <Ami> What? Oh no, he bought it for me to help with my pool
lesson and... oh my god, I'm a hooker.

>That was a mere 30 seconds ago, yet in that time, Lita in her little Dodge
>Colt had been screaming through traffic. Learning to drive a stick shift
>had definitely paid off.

Tom: Oh, COME ON! Do you really expect us to believe your boyfriend
owns a expensive British roadster while you're stuck with Al Bundy's

Crow: Does the IRS know about this?

>As they approached the hall, Lita finally began to slow down.

>"OK Ami," Lita said as she stopped outside the door to the hall, "get
>in there and stop Ken from losing anymore money, and I'll find a place
>to park. I'll see you in there in a minute."

Tom: <Ami> What am I supposed to do?

Crow: <Lita> I dunno, think of something!

Tom: <Ami> Well... I could have sex with him on a pool table! Yeah!
I'm real good at that!

Crow: <Lita> Try it, and I'll shove that elaborate cue where the sun
don't shine!

>Ami just grabbed her cue case and ran in. As Lita drove off to park, she
>opened the door and ran in. What she saw shocked her.

Joel: <Ami> Oh my god?!? Vincent, what the hell are you doing to Ken's

Crow: <Vincent> Now, look with your vampire eyes, Ken....

>There was a crowd around the table where she could see Vince and Ken
>playing. Eddie Phelson was there as well.

Joel: It's about time! He's been missing since the opening scene!

>But the thing that shocked her was that Ken was beaming and Vincent
>was looking tired and depressed.

Tom: And why? Because Ken took Vicks NyQuil the night before,
ensuring that he would have a deep and restful sleep while Vincent
took the *OTHER* cold medicine....

>As Ami approached the table, Ken waved and smiled. Vincent only
>nodded to her. That's when Ami noticed the thick wad of bills in Ken's

Joel: <Ami> Say Ken, is that a thick wad of bills in your pocket or are
you just happy to see me?

Crow: <Ken> Both, actually!

>"Hey Ken," Ami said, "how much money have you made?"

>"Around three thousand dollars," Ken said as she sunk the nine.

Tom: <Ken> Ami, what the heck are you doing?!? We're in the middle
of a game here!

Crow: <Ami> Well, finish the silly thing so Vincent and I can *use* the
table again!

>The crowd cheered and Vince threw his money on the table.

Joel: <Vincent> Ha! She interfered with the game! That means I win by
forfeit! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!

Tom: <Ken> Thank you, Ami. Thank you SO MUCH.

Crow: <Ami> Ah, go cry to Lita, you little wuss!

>"I quit!" Vince yelled as he walked off to his back room looking dejected.
>Ken only looked shocked, and then smiled.

Joel: Ken had yet to really grow as an actor.

Tom: Say what you want about the cast, but they've got the shocked look
down COLD....

>He then collected the money and turned to Ami.

>"Want to play some?" he asked as he racked for 9-ball.

Crow: <Ami> Nah, I've seen enough balls for one day.

>"What was that all about?" Ami asked, motioning to Vincent
>who was storming off into his "little" back room.

Tom: <Vincent> <sob> <sniff> I-I hate you guys! <sob> I'm going to
go play with my trains! <sniffle> At least they don't JUDGE me like
YOU do! <sniff> <sob>

>Ken smiled again. "Guess he didn't expect me to be so good."

>"Nor did I," Ami exclaimed, "how did you learn to play so well?"

>"Well," Ken replied, still radiating from his BIG wins,

Joel: <Ken> Why they gave me radioactive money, I'll never know.

Crow: <Michael Palin> He's beautiful, he's rich, he's got HUGE... wins....

>"when I was in LA, I ran into a lady pool player by the name of
>Michelle Yo, and we did end up sleeping together, don't tell Lita,

Tom: <Ken> Oops, I think I said too much.

Crow: <Ami> Don't worry about it. The last thing I need is to hear Lita
bitching about ANOTHER ex-boyfriend....

>and she gave me some pool lessons."

Tom: <laughing> Oh, I'll just bet she did!

Joel: <Ami> Join the club.

>"Ken," Ami said in an impatient tone, "and..."

Tom: <Ken> And... what?

Crow: <Ami> And what the heck does this flashback, not to mention
this entire flipping story, have ANYTHING to do with SAILOR MOON?!?

Tom: <Ken> D'uh... I dunno!

>"OK, fine, I won a couple of 9-ball tournaments. Big bloody deal!"

>"I'll be back here in a few minutes," Ami said, then she noticed Lita
>storm into the hall, and added "explain your wins to Lita, she was
>expecting you to lose money."

Tom: <Ami> And hey, best of luck, Casanova!

>Ami then took off for Vincent's "office".

Joel: Where Vincent was hard at work building his "la-ser" to take
over the world....

>* * * *

>Eddie Phelson was the greatest hustler in the world. He was also
>Vincent's mentor, and now, was in disgrace.

Crow: Shouldn't have waved his banner all over the place.

>He was ready to explode at Vincent for being so stupid as to think
>that every single player he bets with doesn't have talent.

>"What the hell were you thinking Vince?" Eddie spat half menacingly
>to Vince, who was slouching in a chair pouring a glass of scotch.


Joel: <Vince> Ah, sweet booze. You love me, don't you? I love you.

>"I don't know?"

>"What the hell do you mean you don't know.

Tom: <Eddie> Dammit, I want answers!

Crow: <Vince> You want answers?

Tom: <Eddie> I WANT THE TRUTH!!!


>I'll tell you what you don't know. You have no idea when to quit do you.
>When too much is too much. Even when your hustling and winning,
>you don't know how far is too far.

Tom: <Vince> Oh, just fire me already, you mean old bastard! Wait,
was that too far?

>Remember when I made my comeback. You even rigged our match for
>money. I taught you too well. Some things are just not supposed to
>be fucked with, and you do.

Crow: <Vince> I do what? What ARE you jabbering on about?

Joel: <Eddie> Beats the hell out of me. I'm just reading the script.

>Hell, I have Minnesota Fats coming in here in a week for a straight
>pool game against you, and now your fucked in the head.

Tom: <Eddie> Behold the power of my in-cre-di-ble ACT-ING!

Joel: I am totally lost at this point.

Crow: I think Mr_Jazz is trying to copy a scene from 'Color of Money',
*TRYING* being the key word here....

>Eddie then turned and stormed out of the office, and nodded curtly to
>Ami as she walked in. Vince only saw her and moved his eyes else
>where. Ami was upset.

>"You want to talk?" she asked.


>"Is it true, what Eddie said, are you really a hustler?"


>"So you only play pool for money, not for the sport, or the people, just
>the money."

Tom: <Vince> Actually, after meeting you, I've added poontang to the list.

>"Isn't everyone in something just for the money!" Vince yelled, "I mean,
>when you break it down to it's lowest level, isn't everything about the

Joel: <Vince> Show me the money, Ami! Show me the money!

>"No, and that's why Ken wiped the floor with you.

Crow: <Vince> Really? He told me he was looking for part-time work.

>He was there to have good time, and you were there to try to make
>some money off of him.

Joel: <Ami> And any amount of fun will triumph over skill every time!

Tom: <Vince> You don't get out much, do you, Ami?

>One thing about the Japanese that is different from Americans is that
>money isn't always the first thing on our minds. I'm learning this game
>because you said I have talent, and because you offered to teach me.
>Not to make money, or to be a hustler, or to make love with you."

Joel: <Vince> Um, so why did you then?

Crow: <Ami> What? I'm not allowed to have sexual fantasies of my
own? You *ARE* Tom Frigging Cruise, after all....

>"Then get out."

>"You don't mean that Vincent."

>"You're right, I don't.

Joel: I mean a totally different Vincent!

>I love you, and right now you're treading on thin ice, and I don't want
>to hurt you, so please, get out."

Tom: <exasperated> Make up your mind, willya!

Joel: <Ami, singing> Should I stay or should I go....

>Ami left.

Crow: Going... going... gone!

>* * * *

Tom: Star Ocean: The Lemon Story.

Joel: With no less that 300 endings! Warning: You must be 18 years
or older to view endings 175 to 211....

Crow: I shudder to think of the 'Private Actions' THAT game's gonna

>When Ami came out of Vincent's office, she noticed that another crowd
>had gathered around Ken's table.

Crow: <Author> Oh, my aching crowd scenes....

Tom: <Ken> Yes! I am in the ZONE! Luck, you are one FINE LOOKING
WOMAN tonight! Woo hoo!!!

>As she approached, she noticed Ken spilling a few hundred dollar bills
>on the table. The man that was picking them up was Eddie Phelson.

>"You want to go again son?" he asked as he folded the money and put
>it in one of his pockets.

>"Sure thing, I guess it's your break," Ken replied.

>"I guess it is," Eddie replied as he positioned the cue ball on the "line"
>at a slight angle to the face of the 1 ball. Then he set his bridge, which
>was open hand like Ami's, and thrust the cue forward. The cue-ball
>thundered into the diamond like a wild tornado through Texas.

Crow: Can you say 'melodramatic?'

Joel: Melodramatic.

Crow: I knew you could.

>He sunk the 1,3,4,5,7 and 8. The audience applauded.

All: <audience> Yay....

>Lita, who had come into the hall while Ami was with Vincent, was
>looking depressed.

Tom: <Lita> Freddy... Kuro/Kogi... Ken... why do you forsake me so?

>The 2 ball was positioned beside the 9-ball on the right side pocket.
>Eddie easily potted it, and collected his money.

>"I guess I'm real lucky tonight," Eddie lied as he took another 300
>dollars from Ken.

Crow: <Eddie> Of course, the fact that I OWN this pool hall has
absolutely no bearing on my lucky streak whatsoever!

>"Ken," Lita chimed in, "let's leave now while you're still ahead. Two
>thousand, four hundred will come in real handy won't it."

>Ken looked perplexed for a moment, then reluctantly agreed with Lita.

Tom: <Ken> Yeah, I guess you're right. What are we going to do with all
this money, anyway?

Joel: <Lita> Well, we could put some towards your hospital bills for one
thing, you two-timing, SCUM!

Tom: <Ken> Huh?

Joel: <Lita> Don't play dumb! I *know* all about your little pool table
bimbo in LA! How could you DO this to ME?!? And after I gave you my
blood too! Just wait till I get you home, you son of a....

Tom: <Ken> Uhhhh, on second thought, the night is still young! Come on,
let's play some pool!

>"Eddie," he said unscrewing his cue, "I'm finished."


>"You going to let your bitch make all of your decisions?"

>"What did you call her."

>"You heard me."

Crow: <Stan> Oh my god! He dissed Kenny's girl!

Tom: <Lita> You BASTARD!

>"Fine I'll play you."

>"No you won't," Ami cut in, "I will."

Joel: <Lita> Um, excuse me, but since I'M the one that was insulted,
shouldn't I get first crack at him?

>"Ami," Ken said, "stay out of this."

>"He's hurting Vince, and I'll make him pay for that."

Joel: <Lita> What are you talking about?!? He called ME a bitch!
What's Vince got to do with this?

>"It's not your fight."

>"Yes it is."

Joel: <Lita> No, it's MY fight! Will somebody PLEASE pay attention to
me for pete's sake?!?

>Ken surrendered, and motioned Ami to the table. While Ken and Ami had
>their small duel, Eddie Phelson had been busy racking the table for 9-ball.

Crow: And what exactly constitutes a small duel?

Tom: <Ken> Tongue wrestling! Best three out of five!

Crow: <Ami> Oooh! You're on!


>He looked like a tiger ready to strike and he said "It's your break Ms.

Crow: <Ami as Keanu Reeves> MY NAME... IS MERCURY....

>Ami put her cue together, and put the case down on the next table.
>She then chalked it, positioned the cue ball on the table and fired.

Joel: BANG!

Crow: <Eddie> Whoa! That's a cue and a half!

>The nine sank in the bottom left corner, along with an excellent scatter
>of the other balls.

>"Rack 'em," she said with a smile. "You're going down Eddie, and I'm
>taking you down."

Crow: <Gesture Professor> He's going down... down....

>"We'll see Ms. Andersen, you fluky bitch.

Tom: Fluky?

Crow: Yo, FLU-KAY!!!

Joel: Yo?

Crow: WASSUP?!?

Joel: WASSUP?!?

Tom: I think we could all use a Bud about now.

Crow: True... True.

>Let's play some pool."

Joel: Come to think of it, that's pretty much what they've been doing
the entire fic....

>* End of Part One *

Crow: <groaning> Oy vey... my brain hurts.

Tom: That's it? What the heck did that story have to do with Sailor Moon?
NOTHING happened! No action, no enemies, the girls didn't even transform
into the senshi ONCE! Anybody could have played Ami's part!

Joel: <stands up> Well, I don't know about you guys, but I've had
my fill of pool for one day. What's say we get a little fresh air, eh?

Crow: Now that's something we can all agree with!

Tom: Hear Hear!

(Joel picks up Tom and follows Crow out of the theater)

* * *


"And what the heck happened to Jackie Gleason anyway? Is
he helping at the Hikawa shrine now?" Crow asked as the theater doors
closed behind him.

"Darned if I know... hey look, someone's calling us on the
Hexfield Viewscreen!" Tom exclaimed as Joel walked over to the counter
and gave the button a tap. The Hexfield opened to reveal three normal
sized pool balls hovering in mid air and twisting around slightly as if they
were suspended by really thin wires.

"The hell?!?" Joel exclaimed.

The pool ball in the middle hovered forward slightly and spoke.

"P-Pool balls?" Joel inquired nervously.

OF US," The pool ball replied.

"Um, okay... Joe. Say, you wouldn't happen to know anything
about a bunch of really big pool balls that tried to kill us earlier, would you?


There was a long moment of silence. "Soooo, you DID send
them to kill us then?" Tom asked.


"The Q? You mean the Continuum?" Crow asked.


"The who?" Joel was thoroughly confused by now.


"No, we did it ourselves! We used Gypsy as an elaborate
cue to...."

Joe interrupted, startled.

"Well, as a matter of fact, we do! Hey, Gypsy! Would you mind
coming up to the bridge for a minute?"

A few moments later, Gypsy appeared on the bridge. "What's up,
Joel?" she asked.

Joel gestured at the Hexfield. "Gypsy, meet Joe Pool. Joe Pool,
this is Gypsy, our elaborate cue," Joel said as he introduced the two.

ELABORATE ENOUGH!" Joe said accusingly.

"As a matter of fact, I *was* used as a cue and if you little balls
had anything to do with it, then I've got a few bones to pick with you!"
Gypsy replied angrily.

"PROVE IT!" Joe replied.

"Oh no, you don't! I'm not breaking my skull again for anybody!"
Gypsy retorted as she came closer to the Hexfield.


"You want proof, I'll show you proof!" Gypsy exclaimed as her
jaw swung wide open and engulfed all three pool balls in her mouth. The
Hexfield Viewscreen closed as Gypsy pulled her body outside of the
satellite again and, looking both ways to make sure there was no incoming
traffic, she spat out all three balls, one at a time, in different directions.

"HEY, SHE IS A CUEEEEEEE...." Joe's voice echoed as he
and his buddies were soon out of sight. Gypsy brought herself back into
the satellite as Joel and the bots cheered for her.

"Wow! You rock, Gyps!" Crow exclaimed.

"Who knew you could kick so much butt without any feet!"
Tom marveled.

"That's two we owe you, Gypsy! Thanks a lot!" Joel smiled.

"Hey, I'm glad I could help!" Gypsy replied happily. "Well,
I've got to get back down to the Master Computer Control Center and
finish debugging. I'll see you guys at dinner! Bye!" she said before
disappearing down the corridor. Joel watched her go while Crow
quipped. "Whew, been a heck of a day, hasn't it?"

"Hmm, I wonder what Dr. Forrester's been up to all this
time....?" Joel remarked as he pushed the red button to contact them.

* * *


Dr. Forrester tapped his champagne glass lightly with his fork,
drawing the attention of the other guests at the dinner table. He then rose
from his chair, glass in hand and waited for the noise to completely die
down before speaking.

"Gentlemen, I'd like to propose a toast! To anarchy... chaos...
villainy most foul... and most importantly, to evil, for without it, none of
us would be here today to reap the sweet rewards of the immoral things
we do. Cheers!"

"Cheers," the people at the table echoed quietly as they clinked
glasses and drank a little too deeply. A moment later, the sound of a
toilet flushing was heard as Frank emerged from the bathroom with a
look of exquisite relief on his face. "Whew! Oh my! Guess I should've
made blueberry muffins instead of the bran, eh, doctors?" Frank joked
as he resumed his seat while Dr. Forrester smiled politely, resisting the
urge to leap across the table and throttle him senseless for the faux pas
as Torgo wobbled his way over to the table.

"WouLD ANyonE LiKe mE To FreSHeN tHEIr dRInkS?"

Everyone immediately offered their glasses to him.

Torgo nodded and struggled to lift the gallon jug of Chateau
Quiki Rouge from the floor and onto the table but its weight proved too
much for his shaky legs as he fell backwards to the floor.

"Whoops, let me help you out there...." Frank exclaimed as he
jumped to his feet and rushed over to the fallen Torgo, taking the entire
tablecloth and everything on it with him as he had forgotten to untuck it
from his belt. Then, in his haste to get over to Torgo, Frank slipped on
the spilled wine and fell head over heels to the floor, causing the food
that had not already been yanked off the table to take flight and splash
all over the guests.

There was a long silence as the tablecloth soon caught fire from
the combination of fallen candlesticks and spilt wine. Dr. Forrester placed
his head in his hands, knowing it was only a matter of moments before
the sprinkler system would kick in and Evilos would kick him out.

"Boy, I could really go for a movie right now...." Dr. Forrester
mumbled sarcastically as the sprinklers activated right on cue....


I hope you enjoyed this and C&C is very welcome.

Author's Notes: Hello again! This MSTing took me a little longer to do
than usual, actually I've had this story sitting on the backburner for some
time now, but I'm happy with the final result.

Most of my time has been spent preparing for the 1999 Chicken Ball Awards
with the rest of the CB Staff. The Chicken Ball Awards, for those of you that
haven't heard of them, is a series of awards honoring the different aspects of
fanfiction with a tongue-in-cheek approach. Every award is presented and
accepted by a different author, allowing for a greater sense of participation.

The awards ceremony will comense on April 15th at On behalf of the CB staff, we hope to
see you there. ;)

I've been MSTing for almost three years now and I want to thank each and
every person who's send me words of support and encouragement and
who have helped me throughout these last three years. I treasure every
piece of fan mail I receive and I consider it a great honor that some
people have dedicated their MSTings to me and tell me that I helped
encourage them to start MSTing. To all of you, thank you from the
bottom of my heart and I hope I can continue to inspire and make you
laugh for a long time to come. :)

I'd like to give personal thanks to Zoogz, who helped me with some
in-depth C&C for this MSTing. He is a very funny and talented author
and you can find his works at
including his Utena MSTing 'Ma Vie et Roses'. He is currently between
projects at the moment, including an original fanfic called 'Point Source'

Also, I'd like to give personal thanks, once again, to Gary Kleppe, whose
C&C and suggestions are always appreciated. I can't say enough nice
things about this guy! :) If you haven't had a chance to check out his
latest works 'The Ghost Prison' and 'For a Dying Friend', you can reach
him at or his webpage at and I'm sure he'll be happy
to send the story along to you.

Additionally, I'd like to give special kudos to Keener who also provided
some great suggestions for this MSTing. His latest fic, 'Suicide Blast 5'
is coming up soon and he's working on a Tenchi fic call 'Tenchi Master
of His Domain...' These and other great fics can be found at:

Finally I'd like to thank Mr_Jazz for writing '9-Ball Dreams' and giving
me his blessing to MST it as well as a lot of material to work with. I
hope you're not offended. It's all meant in good fun. :)

***All of Zoogz and my MSTings and the MSTings we've contributed
to can be found in the various categories at:***

'A MSTing for All Seasons'

Shinji's Vault of Anime MSTings

">"It's funny," Ami said between lusty gasps of air, "that I came here for
>a pool lesson, and now I'm being fucked on a pool table."

Mystery Science Theater 3000 and its related characters and situations
are trademarks of and (c) 2004 by Best Brains, Inc. All rights

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