Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Change of Fate ❯ Lost, alone... working at a kindergarten?! ( Chapter 1 )
Just forewarning Standard disclaimer. Sailor Moon is not mine, the idea and the show belong to people much richer than I. Please don't sue!
Dimmer however is mine.. of course if someone wants to use him or any of his transformations for ANY reason "thbbt" go ahead. You have my complete and total permission. I only request you tell me… Hell, I don't care if you don't tell me, it's not like I could find you anyway.
Warning: mild language, also this is my first fic. Maybe some lime sometime in the far future, but I seriously doubt it. Violent scenes, no worse than most action movies, but they actually sound worse when described…
The young man looked around at his whereabouts removing his lengthy, dark brown hair from his eyes. "What was I doing? Where am I?" he pulled his denim jean jacket to straighten it out a bit. He bent down and dusted the dirt from the crater off his jeans. Working his way up he found most of the dirt on his white denim shirt had already stained in. He was doing his best to steadily ignore most of the babbling crowd as they spoke in Japanese to his english speaking ears. He pulled his backpack further up on his back in a more comfortable position.
It was than that he seen some men in black suits walking at a brisk pace straight through the crowd toward him. "This is probably not a good thing with me climbing out of a crater of some sort". Matters were worse than he thought when the men in black confronted him. They were only speaking in Japanese, and getting very frustrated when he was talking back to them in English.
Now the men were getting a little frustrated. They could usually get by with their English skills, but if you ever talked to a Cape Bretoner you'd realize someone with full English language abilities would still usually have trouble getting through the accent. "Okay John, what the hell we gonna do now? We can't get the report if we can't understand him, seems as if all we can do is bring him in wait for an interpreter."
"Sounds good to me right about now, Pidge, this guy is really starting to drive me nuts!"
"Excuse me" came a voice behind them; "Did you need an interpreter?" The young high-school girl had an inquisitive look to her that seemed to fit well on her face. The blue-haired girl seemed to be understanding better than they were any way, so the men thought they'd at least give her the chance before they had to take him in.
"Excuse me Sir, but might I act as your interpreter?"
"OH thank God! Finally someone who might jus' unerstan' what I'm sayin'!
"Well mostly. But my English still isn't the best could you please go slowly for me?
"No prob."
"What? I am sorry I didn't understand that."
"Oh yeah you wouldn't know too much slang, I said "that-speaking-slow-will-not-be-a-problem-for-me"
"Well a bit quicker than that, my name is Amy, What is yours?
"Ummm... That's kinda strange I don't remember"
"Hey that means "what" right?"
"Hai, I mean, yes it does, but you can't remember your name?"
"Nope, Damn yadon'tink I've go datamnesiating do ya?"
"Damn! I mean I think I might have amnesia; you have no idea how irritating it is to talk this proper for me. I'm sorry if I go too quick sometimes"
"No prob," she giggled, "I'm a quick learner. But you might have a real problem. These guys need to report what happened."
"Well tell them the last thing I remember is getting out of that hole over there"
Amy repeated the young lost boys words leaving the officers before her dumbfounded.
The two officers looked at one to the other. This just had to be complicated didn't it?
"Well tell him to come with us and will get his fingerprints and see where he lives, would you do us a favor? We're going to be in need of an interpreter, and we won't be able to get one for at least an hour. Could you come and interpret for him?"
"They asked me if I would came along as your interpreter. Would you like me to? I am sure there would better ones there."
"No please if you don't have anything else to do. I would rather have someone I at least know the name of"
"It would be an honor for me. I usually don't get to use my English skills too much around my friends and I would like to learn more. I think I will get the chance if I interpret for you."
"Uh. Sugoi?
"Oh, cool"
One of the police officers chuckled, "Well you two seem to be off to a good start, our car is down this way"
"The car is over there"
"Oh. Okay than what are we waiting around here for?"
Amy asked them to lead the way, and the four started to move through the crowd toward the car. It wasn't a long ride to the police station, nor was they're much of a wait when they got there.
"Well we'll start running it through now." Said Pidge, "We'll keep you chaperoned tonight and see what they come up with in the morning."
"It will take until tomorrow to get the results, they want to keep an escort with you until than."
"Uh, Okay who's the person keeping an eye on me?"
Amy repeated the question
"Well, we were checking up on your records as well Miss Amy and we were wondering if you'd agree to take him out and tour him around. They don't want to put him in the cell tonight. Looks like the poor guy would be eaten alive by some of the other people we bring in. Besides the jails been filled with drunks these days, spotting monsters, and sailor scouts everywhere". He couldn't help but laugh at this. He'd seen more people to the cells this month alone than he had seen in his entire career.
Amy quickly developed a big sweatdrop, and did an extremely fake laugh. This had not gone unnoticed by a certain someone.
"Uuuh… if he was making another one of those horrible puns again, don't tell me. I don't want to hear it."
"A joke that was either way too corny, or didn't quite make it far enough to actually be funny"
"Oh" she laughed, "No it was nothing like that, just something stupid, but he did request that I show you around Tokyo for the day until everything is figured out."
"Ya goin' to?"
"Sure, why not?"
So she gave the police her permission, and they walked out of the station. IT was only early but the sun was already going down. The evening was here and the street lamps were on, but made little difference as far as helping you see yet.
"Well I'll be happy to show you around, but you at least have to have a name for me to call you by.
"Good point, but what name to take? Hmmm…" Suddenly the streetlight above them went out, Dimmer's eye twitched for some reason, and yet it gave him an idea. "How about Dimmer?"
"Why Dimmer?"
"Don't know, just came to me"
"Alright than, Dimmer, what do you want to see first?"
"No clue. Where do we start?"
The two simply walked around for the rest of the daylight, Amy learning lots of English slang, Dimmer picking up on bits and pieces of Japanese, Amy showing the way around, Dimmer making lots of puns, and jokes, and both generally having a good time.
The night was getting late. Amy was showing Dimmer her apartment, and was saying, "If you can't remember where the police station is, here's where I live, and this is my phone number if you can't remember where I live."
"Well, I usually don't take girl's numbers down this quick, but if you insist"
Amy, after hanging around with him all day, knew the small joke was in fun and responded in kind. Even though, she was still blushing. "How would you know Mr. Amnesiac, for all you know you could be a huge playboy."
"Ooo good one, but you know? Some how I just doubt that."
"Well you seem sweet enough for it, even if you are a little blunt." It didn't take long to figure out what irked him, and she enjoyed teasing him on it. Before he could respond she was already through her door laughing to herself.
"Hey!" she heard from the other side of the door, "I AM NOT SWEET!!"
No she couldn't understand why someone wouldn't like to be called sweet, or cute, or anything else like that. No matter, it worked just the same.
Dimmer stood outside the door and wondered to himself, "So I should review the day me thinks. First, I'm in Tokyo. Second, I can speak a total of maybe ten or twelve words in Japanese. Third, I just realized I don't know where I'm gonna sleep tonight. Fourth, I don't know who I am, where I'm from, and I have to wait until tomorrow to find out anything. I think I'll put down today as interesting to say the least. Oh well, there's a park Amy showed me about a mile down the street, I'll see if all the benches are taken." Dimmer looked at Amy's name, address, and phone number. I kind of wish I had some change to call her in the morning, I hope collect calls work here.
Our eyes turn to the park as the young man slept on a bench. He was pretty tired from the day before. His eyes drearily opened as the young man got up, obviously not quite realizing where he was. "Mmmm… I need game…" He got up on his usual routine looking to kick the ass off whatever innocent game that happened to be in his playstation 2. It could've been the cold air that did it, or maybe it was the dew soaked ground he was walking on with only socks that first clued him in that what had happened yesterday was not a dream but memories. "Memories! The first thing I thought of when I woke up was games! I must really like games!" Dimmer was awake now. He was also hopping back towards the park bench he'd slept on to get his shoes.
"Aah…ah...ahah... Cold, jeez that's cold!" Now to find that police station. Maybe he could get them to run by Amy's so he could give her his thanks. "Wonder where I am from?" he thought a little curious to his own identity. "Well! Find out soon, I guess."
Through the maps and great directions Amy had given him, he managed to find his way to the station where the suited cops were already waiting for him. They looked disheveled, and bleary eyed. "Must not have gotten much sleep last night I guess. Ohayo!"
They both looked up. There he was. The young man whose mysterious entry into Tokyo had kept them up all night trying to locate his fingerprints. Nothing had come up and they had searched every English speaking country there was. All for naught. This kid had popped right out of nowhere and fell into their laps. They couldn't deport him without knowing what country he was from. It would take one more day to search everywhere else, if that failed, which for some reason he thought it likely, No one would know what to do. Mainly because that had never happened before. He could only imagine the government accepting him as theirs, but not as their responsibility. The kid would have no place to go, and being unable to understand Japanese wouldn't likely be able to get a job easily either. He didn't know what to tell the cheerful young man in front of him who was hoping to get a piece of his missing past handed to him.
His partner suffered the same doubts. He knew nothing would probably come up, but at least seen to it, after one of the street officers notified him of where this kid slept that night, that he would not be disturbed from there as long as he didn't do anything wrong. "Shit", he thought to himself "All I can do is give this kid a park bench to grow old and die on".
After things being explained to him, Dimmer could tell these two men did everything in their power to find out who he was, they would either know tomorrow, or they would never know. And from the sounds of their voices he thought he knew which one was more than likely to come up. "Well if that's the case, where do I go from here?"
The station interpreter translated the question. Pidge leaned back on his office chair, and glared out the window not able to look into the kid's eyes to tell him, "I'm sorry kid, as of now you're more than likely homeless."
Dimmer's eyes bulged after the translator repeated Pidge's response. He stood up a little bewildered. Of course they couldn't help him they did as much as they could though. They couldn't do anything else, and he would thank them for their wasted efforts anyway. "Thank you for trying, I know you did everything in you're power to help me". Dimmer got up to leave.
"Not quite everything yet", Pidge stood up. Something had come to him. I can't do much, but I can offer to get you tutored in Japanese. His partner looked up at him questioningly. "Well there is this teacher that has a lot of built up tickets that we might be able to turn into warnings for her, should she do us a favor." His partner and the translator chuckled together, now getting the idea. The teacher was infamous for her speeding in and around town, she would be the perfect victim.
Pidge's partner, John, gave him his oldest son's old school uniform so he had something go in. The translator simply smiled, having all the former proceedings explained to him. This kid might make it anyway as long as he wants to work for it.
Dimmer came form the station more cheerful than a normal homeless man would've been. "The kindness of strangers" he smiled to himself. He'd see this through yet.
The Next Morning:
"Well, this is the school" He thought to himself. The uniform was fine for now, but he had to be careful not to get it dirty. He didn't know how he would get it clean. He really didn't stand too much out in the crowd he found out. Though most guys had shorter hair than his. He hoped it wasn't school policy to get it cut, besides not being able to afford a haircut, he really liked his hair long the way it was... though he wasn't really sure why… He walked into the school wondering what kind of people would be in his class.
Middle of Class next week:
Dimmer sat in the middle of the classroom surrounded by three- year olds. "Ugh" was the only thought in his mind as he raised his hand along with the kids to answer one of the next questions the teacher was asking. "This would probably be a lot more embarrassing if I knew anyone around here that might see me. As it is though, I should be able to bare it."
His teacher sensing his thoughts smiled reassuringly at him. Must be one determined young man to even try to stay to endure this. There must be some other way I can get the poor guy to be tutored. At least he was good with the kids; they seemed to gather to him like bees to honey. Mind you he didn't look to thrilled about becoming their role model, but he accepted it with a smile and a joke. He always seemed to take everything in stride, and he was learning the language extremely quickly. Than she winced along with him as one of the students let out a part scream, part cry, part dog whistle. "Of course he may have had some added incentive to get out of here too," she thought as she went over to care for the crying youngster. "But really, this isn't where he belongs."
A knock came at the door, and the teacher looked over her shoulder to call who ever it was to come in. Dimmer smiled wondering who it was that had sent all the kids laughing and cheering towards the door. He stood up from his spot to help the teacher with the child that had fell and scraped his knee. He was trying to hear over the clatter of the kids, to see if he might get a clue as to who this assistant she had told him about earlier was. He did manage to here their voices in the hall. "I must have really good hearing," he thought to himself.
"See you Serena, we'll meet up after school, try not to be late today?"
He heard giggling "Sure Amy, have fun with the kids"
"Huh" he just realized the teacher was talking to him.
"Oh sorry"
"She smiled don't worry about it, this is my helper…"
"Yes, thank you Amy this is my helper Dimmer… NO… I mean Dimmer this is my helper Amy. Amy you know him?"
"Hai" Dimmer answered for her.
"This is your tutor class you told me about the other night?" asked Amy.
"Hai" Dimmer answered Amy.
"So, you two have already met?" The teacher asked confused
"Hai" Dimmer answered his teacher.
Amy looked at Dimmer " Can you say anything other than "Hai" Dimmer".
He smiled "Hai".
"Oh no I got him started."
The teacher a little amused, yet irritated at the one-word answers wisely decided to stop this before he turned this into some kind of run-on gag like he usually did. "Dimmer?"
"Hai?" he smiled. Funny, I thought she'd tell me to shut up by now.
"Shut up"
He let out a dejected, yet rather funny, "Aaww" and pouted along with some of the kids. Amy and the teacher just laughed.
"So Miss Grant, how has he been coming along?"
"He is doing quite well, in fact he probably understood about one third the words we've said"
"What?" Amy didn't think she heard right, just the last week he could hardly speak a word.
"She said, Dimmer can probably understand most of what you just said, and she was incorrect I understood all of what was said, though the honorifics really baffle me."
"You can understand us that well, Dimmer? Your progress is amazing. I've never heard of anyone learning that fast."
"Well I listen a lot to the people by the park, and with your extra tutor classes I've been having, and my teacher's help I've been learning the basics, slang, and many advanced words from you all in one go. Besides I gotta eat and I'm not going to be able to if I don't speak the language."
"Well Dimmer you know my fridge is always open to you"
"Muchly appreciated Aimes, It's been pretty much your generous fridge keeping me alive this week."
"Well Mr. Dimmer, if it's a job you need, I can convince the school to hire you on as my part time helper."
"You mean like Amy?"
"No, Dimmer I'm a volunteer tutor, I think she means help with the kids."
"Really? That'd be great!" Maybe I can finally get these clothes washed he thought to himself.
"Alright then I'll bring it up to the principal after class" and maybe I won't have to sneak you into my class anymore, why do the police always seem to pick on me? That was her line of thinking before the one of the kids asked her about the washroom.
She laughed "Well, on with the day than."
So now the guy's gotta job, woot! ^^ anyway, what did you think? Good, bad? Everyone says it was slow at first, but it does speed up. Looks like this is going to be a long one. Anyhoo, if you see anything that doesn't make sense in these early chapters compared to later ones, tell me! I'm trying to keep continuity here. I'm going to be trying to keep to the story line for a good amount here, so tell me if I go too off, if I can fix it I will. If you're really interested in the story (which I doubt since its only the first chapter) drop me a line and I'll send ya the next chapter or two before its been posted.
As always read and review! Please? I need all the help I can get…