Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Guarded Twin ❯ Emotions ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Trin: *starts to sing `Two beds and a coffee machine (Savage Garden) off key (on purpose) to annoy Blair*
Lady: *Frowns* okay where in the hell is that annoying racket coming from?! *glances around the room holding a roll of ductape*
Trin: Oh crap! *Covers mouth and hides behind Blair* I'm sorry I'll never do it again!!!!!
Blair: Yes you will, because you just LOVE to prove you can't sing!!
Trin: *handcuffs Blair to the fridge and growls* You be quiet…Normal disclaimers apply…we have nothing otherwise we wouldn't be forced to annoy Blair senseless!
Lady: Did you have to handcuff him there?!?!?! I was hungry! But yeah… We have nothing so don't mind us…*Gets a spoon shoved in her mouth that has yogurt on it*
Chapter 2 - Emotions
~~~~Narcius Castle, Main Sleeping Quarter, three years later~~~~
Entrinity growled furiously as she paced back and forth in her large bedchamber. The black satin walls and black carpet reflected her personality brilliantly: she was now a cold, bitter and twisted woman. Her sapphire blue eyes flickered dangerously with rage as Blair walked into her room. Her long golden hair billowed around her as she spun around to glare at him.
“Blair! When do we leave! I want to-”
“See your sister, I know, I know! Trin you have been here for the past four years and only now you wish to go see your sister?” Blair asked innocently, while running his hands up and down her arms, interrupting her ranting.
“You said we could go!”
“I know my dear but I've had a recent…hitch in my plans that I didn't count on. I'm biding our time…”
“That first year, when you took me, I was happy to be here. Killing sprees were so much better than lectures. But for the past three years I have wanted to see my spoiled brat of a sister Serenity! For the past THREE YEARS O'Royal! But only now with my `dear' mother dying from a disease she can not cure will I have my chance to see my `perfect' sister again!” Entrinity grinned with her words, her mood changing rapidly, her dark eyes turning deep red.
Entrinity loved her twin sister dearly as they were growing up, but because of her mother's harsh words the day after her sixteenth birthday as well as the demands before, Entrinity had turned against the Lunarian queen and the mysterious man came to help. Growling again she flung herself carelessly on her large bed and buried her head under the black silk pillow.
“Because I am the queen and my word is law! How dare you talk back to me! Your sister would never dream of such a thing!” My mother's eyes slightly widening as she cruelly replied. Something clicked in deep within my brain, something dark and in connection with that stranger I met after the ball.
“Always about her. Perfection. Beauty. Love. She's got it all hasn't she? Does she know I'm being sent away? Does she know how you're being a cruel hearted bitch-“
<Continue my love> a voice whispered in my head.
“Princess Entrinity!-“
“-Who doesn't give a damn about her eldest daughter? The true heir to the throne? It was always me. Not you, not your precious daughter, but me.”
I remembered a burning sensation in my throat and feeling as if someone had hold of my brain. My voice had been replaced by a male's and my eyes began to burn red which burnt back at me in the reflection of the crystal throne my mother sat upon.
“Don't worry princess,” he said. “She will know when she's deathly ill of the Blood Moon Virus. You must leave now.” My mother was shocked, thinking I was obviously meddling in some sort of dark magic. I didn't care; I didn't care about the Moon anymore.
“Princess Entrinity Alexandria, I, Queen Serenity, forbid you to have further contact with the Moon from this point forward.” I didn't even flinch. “You are stripped of your rightful titles and I forbid you to make contact with Princess Serenity Aurora in any way at all.” Queen Serenity took a step back as rage flickered within the depths of my eyes.
“You better make damn sure I do not return your majesty. Because when I do, you will wish you were never born. You may strip me of my title and ban me from this galaxy and time. But you Queen Serenity stand no chance against me. I will see my sister again whether she's dead or alive.” I spun on my heel and hurried out of the room in a blind rage.
<Entrinity, darling…everything will be fine…just you wait and see…> the same male's voice that had taken over my own spoke softly to me through my mind. That lovely voice…Blair…
Sitting beside Entrinity, Blair grinned. `If she keeps this up, I will get what I want…' He rubbed Entrinity's back for a moment, stroking the flesh that was laid bare from the low dip in her dress. He only got up and silently left the room when her breathing calmed slightly.
Blair's matching sapphire blue eyes glimmered with malice and with joy of his soon victory of the Moon Kingdom. He clenched his fists together, the black leather gloves making a slight creaking sound. Walking through the large marble halls towards his room he motioned towards a servant to pack his belongings for the upcoming `visit' to the kingdom he would soon rule…
~~~~Moon Kingdom, Endymion's Room~~~~
Endymion glanced out over the balcony railing down into the royal rose gardens of the Lunarian Kingdom. Princess Serenity was sitting quietly beside the crystal fountain in the centre, singing hauntingly to herself, not realizing he was watching her. `She's gorgeous…cold and lonely…but gorgeous…'
The past three years had proved he had a bigger heart for the Lunarians than he thought possible, especially for their princess. The people who he thought to be conceited, selfish and boastful were quite modest and shy in their ways and mourning for the health of their queen and princess. Endymion often sat wondering about Serenity, what was going on in her head when he stood next to her seat at conferences and the like, when she sat at dinner not touching a single thing. He knew her mother's deteriorating health was often a large factor but he was sure something else was biting at her.
A tall, short-haired blonde woman walked into the garden wearing a short navy blue skirt, followed by a longer haired blonde woman in a short orange one. Both wore a white vest suit of some kind. After them a woman with black hair that matched his own followed in a similar outfit to the other women but with a deep red skirt. He watched the Princess stand and embrace the tall blonde in a hug. A small conversation took place but Endymion growled gently and he backed away from the window as the dark haired woman turned and looked up at him realizing they were being watched.
~~Down in the Garden~~
Serenity trusted him with her life, she thought, but the man never removed his helmet in her presence. For three long years she had never seen his face. It seemed impossible but yet was. She knew of his protocols but…it was just very frustrating. She wondered why the Terrans had such a weird rule. More importantly what was he afraid of? She wouldn't bite and she wouldn't be repulsed if he had one large scar down the side of his cheek. Serenity knew almost everything about him often asking silly pointless questions, like favourite flower and colour and song but she wanted to know more intimate details…and she had no idea why.
Looking up as she heard a noise Serenity brightened and embraced her long time friend into a hug, and smiled up at her.
“Uranus, Amariana…my dear friend what brings you here?”
“Princess, do I need a reason to visit my favourite cousin?” using the familiar term between the girls for close friends. The tall blonde smirked down at the princess.
“You cannot fool me `Mara…I know you're worried about mother, but she is doing as well as expected for someone in her sta-” Serenity was interrupted as Princess Reianna, Serenity's guardian from Mars, raised her hand and looked up at the Terran Commander's balcony to see the armoured bodyguard looking down at them. He suddenly backed into his room and disappeared from view.
“Who is that?” Reianna asked quietly, yet harshly at the same time. Many of the Senshi had yet to meet the `Commander' as they were often away on planetary business.
“That would be the Terran Commander who was sent here by King Damien of Earth to help protect me from assassins.” Serenity muttered then turned to face the balcony, “Commander, why don't you come join us instead of locking yourself away in your room?”
“I am quite alright up here Princess…” His voice drifted down to her and she frowned which could have easily been mistaken for a pout…only slightly. Amariana frowned at this and turned to Princess Minako from Venus and asked her to go escort the Commander down. Grinning cruelly, she also turned to the balcony.
“Commander, if Princess Serenity asks you to do something it isn't wise to turn her down. Besides I am sure she would like your company for Mars and I, as well as Venus, must meet up with the other Senshi to train…”
A knock came from behind Endymion on his door and he panicked. In his flustered state he knocked the mouth guard from the helmet so his thinned lips showed and worried eyes peered through the eye slits. Venus entered the darkened room. Grinning like a fool, Venus grabbed him by the back of the neck and took him towards the railing…
“Hope you can swim,” she whispered softly into his ear and threw him over the balcony making him land in the crystal pond. Jumping over the railing herself, Venus stood beside her princess with Mars and Uranus. Endymion surfaced from the pond to see all three of the females giggling, and a very upset blonde haired angel rushing towards him. Helping him out of the water she turned and scowled at the girls.
“I am disappointed in you three…you did not need to throw him into the pond!” Serenity almost shouted.
“Aww but kitten…” Uranus began but Serenity held up her hand.
“Leave us…now that you three pretty much demanded and forced him to spend time with me, I will and I will treat him with respect because you three have not. Dismissed…” Turning her back on her three closest friends, she took Endymion's arm and stormed off to the other end of the garden. The three Senshi just looked in her direction, intrigued by the princess' actions…
An hour later after asking Endymion whether he was truly alright and a few silences, Serenity finally asked about his family and Endymion cringed slightly. It was the perfect opportunity for Serenity to find out more about her protector and to sate her need to know more about him. It gave Endymion the perfect opportunity to think hard about his situation, really hard, unlike the past three years. `Do I tell her the truth or do I lie??' His heart told him truth as his mind told him lie…Instead of taking sides he went and did both.
“My parents do not realize I am here…I am not really the Terran Commander of Earth…but I am better trained then he is…so you do not have to worry about your safety princess…I will not let anything happen to you.” Endymion continued as he successfully managed to reassure the tense princess. “I am here because of a silly dare from my four closest friends…they dared me to take the
Commander's armour, I was caught dressed up as him and brought here, still disguised as the Commander.” He frowned slightly as she stared at him in bewilderment. “Please allow me to stay princess, I will cause you no harm and I will protect you in the name of my home planet.” Serenity nodded silently. She had to accept it. She couldn't stand another bodyguard. Her mind or heart wouldn't let her see another one anyway… “What of your family Princess? I told you of mine.”
Closing her eyes for a mere moment, Serenity looked at him quietly. “My father disappeared before my birth…he was the king of the Sun Kingdom, King Sol. He was fighting with a creature from out of this solar system and the rumours say that he died during that fight shortly after the being did. My mother, Queen Serenity VII, is dying of a new disease apparently biologically created to kill
only her. My twin sister…Entrinity called it the `Blood Moon Virus'…she disappeared after our sixteenth birthday and I have not heard from her since. She was supposed to go to Narcius for mage training, but has never returned or even sent message to tell me she is safe. Mother has believed her to be dead for years, and has mourned her death. I believe she is still alive though…I can feel her life energy…” Serenity whispered as tears rolled down her pale cheeks at the mention of her older twin sister. No one had spoken of the elder princess around Serenity, in fear of her feelings.
“I have not seen my sister in four years…four years! I am now twenty years of age. You are the fifth person sent to watch over me…all the others gave up on me because I was so cold and unforgiving…I always snapped at them…but you are different…you have been around the longest and I cannot help but think: why are so you different?” She asked quietly looking into his midnight blue eyes that clashed with her own crystal blue ones. Without realizing she leaned upwards and she placed her lips softly on his exposed ones then withdrew. Standing abruptly she turned and fled, her cheeks burning red as she dashed madly through the doors.
Endymion sat stock still and slowly touched his lips where the briefest of kisses had been placed. He wished he had more time to place his helmet gear on properly…but then again maybe he was thankful he didn't…
Lady: Please read…
Trin: …and review!
Blair: for my sake so I can stop being used…
Trin and Lady: *evil giggling*…