Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Guarded Twin ❯ Bloody Valentine ( Chapter 4 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Blair: Ugh this is gonna be gruesome, Do I have to do this??
Trin: Aww Blair, baby... Suck it up... You're just as evil as me!
Lady: What are you two talking about?
Trin: Nothing to worry you head over Lady!! *smiles innocently*
Endy Innocent my ass... Trin what are you up too now??
Blair: Read the story... she got an idea from a song!!
Lady: Uh oh... Usual disclaimers apply...please don't harm us for what Entrinity is about to pull...
Endy: Please?!
Chapter 4 - Bloody Valentine
~~~Narcius, Entrinity's Room~~~
It was a week after Serenity's assassination attempt and now that Blair knew who was now protecting Serenity he knew he had to step carefully with his plans. The princess may not know who her guard was but he sure as hell did. That Terran Prince was the object of desire for the whole of Narcius because of one woman who held a large amount of power on the tiny black moon…
“Did you stage that attack on Serenity? Everyone is talking about it.” Blair opened his eyes to see the temperate beauty Entrinity standing at the foot of his bed. He loved her mood swings.
“Why would I do such a thing when I know your sister means so much to you?” Blair asked innocently. He was relaxing on the bed watching her through half open eyes, uninterested. “Anyway, I have news for you. I straightened out that hitch in my plans and it seems we're visiting the moon today.”
"I'm going home today!" Entrinity smiled widely as she pranced around his dark room, unaware of Blair's weird look. Her eyes glimmered happily at the thought of finally seeing her sister. Her long golden hair tied back into a low pony tail.
"Entrinity, darling, what are you doing? You don't need to prance around like a Terran horse!" His harsh words stopped Entrinity in her tracks as she spun around and glared at him.
"Never compare me to anything Terran; they are dirty disgusting creatures!" Entrinity snapped.
"Calm down Trin, no need to snap at me…you just need to stop acting foolish…we are leaving soon." Blair tried to calm her down, so she didn't explode and destroy her room yet again. She frowned at him and sat on his large bed.
"Be ready in five minutes. I'll be back, and then we will be teleporting." Blair smiled then turned ready to leave the room. Her soft voice stopped him though.
“Blair, why do you have such an attraction to my sister? You've been preoccupied with her and the whole Moon Kingdom ever since I arrived.” he whirled round and focused angry blue eyes on her.
“That is none of your business. Stay out of what you don't know.”
Five minutes later a flash of light could be seen from Blair's window. The dark prince and his mistress had left, for the Moon Kingdom.
~~~Moon Kingdom Royal Gardens~~~
In a flash of light two figures appeared in a secluded spot in the royal garden. Smiling happily Entrinity looked around at her former home and felt a hole in her become plugged. She sat beside the crystal fountain and sang softly to the water, while Blair leaned back into the shadows. He'd be damned if he was known about yet.
<Entrinity, darling, make yourself known here... But say nothing about me> Blair whispered mentally and Entrinity just nodded. He disappeared again into the shadows completely. She began singing hauntingly to herself. Grinning as she sang, remembering the day she wrote the haunting melody. It was the day she left remembering how she felt so strongly to kill her mother.
'Oh, my dear
Please don't cry
I'll wash my bloody hands and
We'll start a new life
I ripped out
Her throat
And called you over*
To take off
My disguise
Just in time to hear you cry
You mourn the death of your bloody valentine
The night she died
You mourn the death of your bloody valentine
One last time'
Endymion was in his rooms polishing his armor and looked out over his balcony where the haunting song was coming from to notice a gorgeous long blonde haired woman sitting next to the crystal fountain. Her sapphire blue eyes shimmered with malice and yet they showed happiness. His immediate thought was Serenity but he had become accustomed to her often slouched shoulders. This woman sat with pride. Plus Serenity never had an evil look about her. 'Who is she?' His mind raced. She looked so familiar, yet so mysterious. Was this Serenity's twin? The one who `died' a while back? Did she now haunt the castle with haunting tunes few were privileged to hear?
`Oh, my dear
Please don't cry
I'll wash my bloody hands and
We'll start a new life
I don't know much at all
I don't know wrong from right
All I know is that I love you tonight
`There was
Guards and
Bright lights
The rain came down so hard that night and the
Stories said**
A Mother died
No tell-tale heart was left to find when you...
`You mourn the death of your bloody valentine
The night she died
You mourn the death of your bloody valentine
One last time'
His voice caught in his throat as he watched the woman. Praying she wouldn't see him and stop her lingering tune. She looked up at him suddenly and frowned slightly, but continued singing. Her words floated up to him catching him in a trance.
`Oh, my dear
Please don't cry
I'll wash my bloody hands and
We'll start a new life
I don't know much at all
I don't know wrong from right
All I know is that I love you tonight
As her song ended he backed away from his balcony railing. Watching her from the shadows, Endymion frowned at his own behavior. He was not here to fall in love; he was here to protect Princess Serenity. That was the litany that he kept repeating but was failing miserably. The fire last week only proved that he cared a lot more for Serenity than he liked.
Neptune and Mercury had been summoned as well as Mars. Between the three Mars controlled the fire while the two water Senshi concentrated on dousing it before the flames grew any higher. Endymion ushered Serenity away from the danger despite her protests and waited for the all clear from the Senshi. For all the coldness she spoke with that night, Serenity was utterly grateful for Endymion's help. But ever since that day the young Princess had walked with trembling steps and Endymion was often at her side to lend silent support. He wished he could offer a lot more (he didn't know what) but he had a strange feeling she'd need his help more than ever quite soon.
The woman in the royal gardens smiled and started to walk towards the castle doors when Uranus and Neptune were walking out. She stepped back slightly then bowed at the two royals, almost sardonically. Her crystalline voice spoke, knowing her mother never told anyone of her banishment, rather her `death'.
"Uranus, Neptune. Your highnesses, how have you been?" The woman smiled widely at her two closest friends from before she left.
"T-Tenshi?" Uranus stuttered, looking down at the slightly smaller blonde woman whom smiled happily up at the taller blonde.
"Entrinity?" Neptune whispered then engulfed the princess into a hug. Screw royal protocol, Princess Mishi of Neptune was so happy to see her younger friend that she had thought dead for so long.
"Mishi!" Returning the hug warmly the woman named Entrinity stepped back then looked at the Princess of Uranus, Amariana. "'Mara?" Tackling Entrinity into a hug the Princess Amariana completely forgot her role in the life of a Senshi and royal.
“Goddess, Tenshi I've missed you so much!” Amariana cried into the smaller girl's shoulder as she hugged her. Grabbing Entrinity's hand suddenly, she led the small princess into the castle followed by Mishi. Upon opening the door into the castle Amariana heard a blood curdling scream erupt from what could only be Princess Serenity's throat…
~~~Queen Serenity's Bedchambers~~~
Princess Serenity stood there in the doorway. Her soft pale face stained with tears as she looked into the room. Endymion appeared behind her sword in hand and wrapped his left arm around her looking into the room over her head. His face paled as he looked upon the Queen's bed. The silver tresses of the queens hair was matted in blood. Her eyes were closed and her skin was pale, she wore a black dress with a scarf wrapped around her slender throat. Her face was stained with dried blood tears and her blue eyes were wide open in shock as well as her mouth. The room was a total mess too. Serenity whimpered softly and turned in Endymion's arms.
Upon hearing the scream Amariana, Mishi and Entrinity had raced in the direction of Serenity's scream. Approaching the room, Entrinity stopped and gazed at her twin sister in a man's arms, dark haired from the small wisps she could see at the bottom of his helmet from the back…
`Who is that?!' her mind cried out as she glared at him. Was he the man she had seen on the balcony watching her? Walking over to the small group that formed around Serenity, Entrinity brushed past them all and walked into the room. Glancing about she looked at the bed and walked over.
`What in the hell did he do?' her mind asked, looking at Blair's handy work. She knew it was him. She just wished he left the privilege for her. `Mother looks so wrong in those colors…' She sighed softly then glanced around again then gasped when she looked at the wall. In the queen's dark red blood that was laced with silver spelled a message to the younger daughter of the moon queen…
By the grace of Cupid
Happy Bloody Valentines Day….
I hope you enjoy your `gift'.
Moving the cloth from around the queen's throat Entrinity paled visibly and gasped catching the attention of her sister…
Blair: I can't believe you…You chain me to the bed… YOUR BED! Ugh…*grins then tackles Trin to the bed and uses the handcuffs to chain her to him*
Trin: Blair you jack ass I'm going to so kick your ass!! Lady has the keys….
Lady: *grins and whistles happily to herself* Nope…Endy had them…
Endy: uh oh….
Blair and Trin: What do you mean… `uh oh'???
Endy: See ya hun… I really have to run….. I am sooo dead…*runs off to hide*
Lady: uh oh…p.s: song lyrics are by Good Charlotte…we don't own…
* = called you on the telephone
** = headlines read `a lover died'
*** = there's actually the chorus repeated here…he he…