Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Guarded Twin ❯ Her Realisations - Interlude ( Chapter 6 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Trin: Iggidy…stupid writers block is contagious…
Lady: It is??
Trin: How else would I have got it?? You had it then I had it and ugh!!
Blair: Hey! Calm down…you've also been busy with everything going on…
Endy: Exactly what HAS been going on to keep her away??
Trin: Don't ask…dumped the bf, fight with the guy I like, homework and on top of that writers block!!
Blair: Well get on with the story so you can concentrate on something else…
Trin: Yes Mother…
Lady: He's only doing it `cause he loves ya!! Anyway read and enjoy and please review!!
Chapter 6: Her Realizations - Interlude
~~~~Moon Forests~~~~
The forests of the moon were definitely rocky and Entrinity walked ahead of Serenity to warn her of any footfalls, the other Senshi following, scouting the area. But Entrinity growled slightly as she watched the Terran and Mars speak quietly to each other. She knew Mars hated her and she really didn't care too much either. The Terran and Mars could be a dangerous coupling however…
Entrinity had succeeded in detaching the Terran from the group - Venus didn't quite look him in the eye, Jupiter often looked at him strangely for example - but then just as one of the Senshi would say something completely humiliating or utterly debilitating, Mars would open her pretty red lips and say something overly annoying such as `remember the time when our Lord Commander…' or `but surely our Lord Commander deserves such respect because he…'. The stupid bitch had been doing this for all their two days of camping out in the forests. What was her plan? Slowly but surely the Senshi were beginning to warm up to the Terran again. Again, why was Mars siding with him? Just to spite her?
Mars was on her `die list' anyway. Serenity was talking with Jupiter and Venus, while Mercury was doing an energy scan. She didn't know about the Outers but figured they were weaving through the trees silently. Smiling to her self Entrinity backed away from the group silently. She needed to speak to Blair. She bent down to fix the hem of her dress and as Endymion and Mars walked by shot them a fierce glare.
Walking through the trees she came upon a small clearing where she looked up at the black sky - the clouds had never lifted since Narcius forces had arrived - and called for Blair silently. Behind her Endymion had followed, stealthily, wondering why the missing princess would be in the forests by herself. He had sent Mars along and crouched in the bushes so as not to be seen.
Entrinity smirked as a deep red portal opened in front of her and a fully uniformed Blair stepped through.
“You called for me sweetness?” his deep voice spoke gently to her.
“I did. Now can you tell me your plan? What do you want me to do with my sister and the Senshi, love? Reminded that nothing shall ever harm Serenity, got it?” her soft voice spoke calmly.
“You are to do nothing, let my mother…”
“No! You want your mother to do what? Your mother is not to interfere! You took revenge on my mother and killed her! Who's to say she - or you for that matter - won't kill both the Senshi and my sister? It's not going to happen!” she shouted, her voice filling with rage.
“You're right; that's NOT going to happen Entrinity. Mother is going to kill the Senshi, while I have Serenity to my self. Serenity and the Imperial Silver Crystal…the two most beautiful treasures in the universe…you, my Eternal Fireblaze have done an excellent job and are not to interfere more then you have. Your sister is mine…I'll take good care of her.” He stepped back into the portal and closed it quickly. Screaming, Entrinity hit the earth with her knees and sobbed.
“Damn you Firestorm…why can't you just want me? Why do you have to use me to get to my sister?!” Her eyes flashed a reddish color. After years of being put down and manipulated and used she was finally realizing the dark prince's true intent. Her eyes then cooled off to a softer sapphire blue. All that time, partially under his control, and she was only ever a stepping stone so Blair could get to Serenity. “What have I done?” whispered Entrinity softly, her crystalline tears rolling down her cold damp cheeks. Why didn't she see it before?
Endymion's head snapped round as he heard someone coming. He quickly pressed himself to the floor, his head peeking through the bushes. He resolved if the princess wasn't in a fatal accident for her stupidity he'd make it so that it was so…
“Entrinity?” another gentle female voice spoke. Walking towards her twin sister Serenity frowned seeing her in tears. “What's the matter?”
A soft breeze blew through the small clearing and with it carried a soft female voice. It was chilling yet soothing and curled around in their heads and captured their souls, hearts and ears. As soon as the breeze had passed through, a memory unlocked in Entrinity's brain suddenly and in doing so did the same for Serenity and Endymion hidden nearby. Sniffling Entrinity looked up at her younger sister with the same blue eyes she did on their 12th birthday the day the twins met the crowned princesses of the Silver Alliance and the crown prince of Earth for the first time. “'Trinity?”
“Remember our 12th birthday when we met the Senshi and the Prince of Earth? I realized something that day. The Senshi might have played with me but they were attracted to you more. Even the prince, for all his snobbish views on us Lunarians, liked you more than me. Do you remember?” Serenity nodded quietly, not sure where this was going.
“You remember how hurt I was, that someone could care about you that much yet I had no one to care for me?” Serenity only nodded again. “I realized just now, that the man I love more then anything else in the world besides you, has never loved me like he said he did. He was using me for some greater plan and…Serenity, I'm sorry but I have to stop him.”
And Entrinity felt something change inside her. She knew she had done a lot of wrongs, mainly plotting against her mother. Whether it was her fault she turned out like this…she didn't know. All she did know was, as she smiled bitterly at the thought of getting revenge on Blair for killing her mother, for going after Serenity, as well as crushing her very being, “I have to set things straight.”
Entrinity stood and hugged Serenity close to her and whispered in her ear, “What ever happens to me, dear little sister, remember I did this because I love you.” Entrinity pulled away and Serenity stood dazed, tears welling up in her eyes. She seemed shaky and started mumbling Entrinity's name.
Entrinity walked away from Serenity towards Endymion. With a look of pure determination across her face and a sparkle of happiness in her eyes once again, she shouted out, `TIME GATE!' and disappeared in a flash of metallic red.
Endymion had seen the real Princess Entrinity. He watched as Serenity collapsed to her knees crying, something that was becoming a habit. Once again she had just lost a family member. He knew he couldn't tell her what Entrinity was really about: there could have been dire consequences for him and her. Looking at Serenity, he recognized the little 12 year old girl; all those years ago and instantly knew that he was her family now.
His idea was confirmed when he stepped out of the bushes and Serenity ran to him, tear blinded and hugged him tight. He'd tell her who he was, who Entrinity was soon enough but something deep inside told him that her happiness wouldn't live long after that…
Trin: I know I know, short but hey at least it's an improvement on nothing!
Lady: Oh great if you pass that damn bug back to me I'll shoot you!!!
Blair: *Hugs Trin* I'm Trin's muse! I'd never give her writer's block! You do realize I'd never do that right?!?!?!
Trin: better not…
Endy: ha ha watch it Blair…
Blair: or what rose boy?
Endy: what you call me? *pulls out foam mallet and hugs lady* your turn my Lady. Show Blair who the better muse is!
Lady: and if I don't come out with something good?
Endy: I'll still be the better muse!