Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A New Begining ❯ Miss Me but a Little ( Prologue )
Okay, before I start anything I have to say that I am NOT a lesbian. I am interested in guys and only guys but I have a crush like thing on Haruka but only her. I figure `IF' and ONLY if she was real and was interested in me would I even consider it.
This is just for fun so all you Haruka and Michiru fans out there, please don't start flaming me, I am as big a Ruka&Michi lover as any of you, in fact pretty much all my fanfics have them in a strong loving relationship, and this is probably the only time I would ever do this.
Now on to the story.
Miss Me - But Let Me Go
When I come to the end of the road
And the sun has set for me
I want no rites in a gloom filled room
Why cry for a soul set free
Miss me a little - but not too long
And not with your bowed low
Remember the love that we once shared
Miss me - but let me go
For this is a journey that we all must take
And each must go alone
It's a part of the master's plan
A step on the road to home
When you are lonely and sick at heart
Go to the friends we know
And bury your sorrows in doing good deeds
Miss me - but let me go
-Karl .A. Hammond
I stood on the ledge of the cliff over looking the sea. The light, predawn breeze played gently over my face and through my hair making it fly back behind me. The sky was starting to show the signs of the slowly approaching dawn the different shades of red, pink and gold were splayed across the sky and reflected onto the sea waves making them look like they were made of a golden flame instead of water.
Such a beautiful sunrise, the last one I will ever see. They said that there was something wrong with me, said that I was delusional, broken, and needed medication to be fixed. Medication HA! What a bunch of bull! The `medication' that was supposed to make the `hallucinations' stop only doped up my senses and making it impossible for me to fight them off so that even more came into my mind's eye. If they ever had to see what I saw every time I closed my eyes they would want to end it too. When there had been no medication, no doctors, the visions had not been so many or so horrible. Some days there were none at all. Then some sleazy personnel from a tabloid got wind of my `illness' and I was sent to the hospital only to be drugged up and pushed beyond my limits.
As a Sailor Soldier in all my lives I have seen many die. Either by my hands or by the yuma or people I fought against. I see them all in my head, each and every single one of those millions that died because of me! Every second of every day full to the brim of their terrified screams, their awful sightless eyes reaching into my soul and ripping a bit out every time.
But today, it's all going to end.
The letter in my hand fluttered in the morning breeze, a silent tear fell from my eye and made its way gracefully0 down my cheek only to land on the piece of paper.
This was the last and only form of escape. More tears fell from my eyes and streaked my face.
Goodbye, Everyone, Haruka. I love you all.
"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Haruka shouted over the pounding on her front door while tying her robe up, "Jeeze, who the hell would be knocking on our door at this time of night? If they aren't careful they are going to wake Hotaru up." Haruka swung the door open just before the man on the other side was about to knock again, "Do you know what time it is? What the hell do you think your doing knocking on my door at this time of night?" Haruka asked bitterly, she didn't like being woken up this late at night, not one bit.
The police officer was taken aback for a second but regain his composure and the saddened look on his face. "Miss Haruka Tennou?" Haruka nodded, "I'm afraid we have some bad news regarding Michiru Kaioh. The hospital didn't want to tell you earlier but Miss Kaioh ran away from the hospital two days ago, we found her body just two hours ago." Haruka's eyes widened and she fell back into a chair next to the door. "No, no this can't be happening." She muttered over and over to herself.
The policeman looked on worried, "I am terribly sorry for your loss." He said.
"No, No! You're lying!" Haruka shouted her eyes flashing with anger and pain, "Michiru isn't dead!" A soft hand fell on Haruka shoulder holding her back from taking her pain out on the man in front of her. Haruka spun around to find Setsuna there looking on with pained eyes. Haruka's restraint broke and the blond broke down in Setsuna's arms crying like her world had just come crashing down on top of her, "She can't be dead Setsuna, she just can't be." Haruka said pathetically her body wracked with sobs and her cheeks already soaked with tears.
"I think you should leave now if there's nothing else that is important. Please contact me tomorrow." Setsuna said to the police officer her voice shaking slightly. There was no point in crying yet; it would do no good to have both Haruka and herself break down at the same time. The officer nodded and handed Setsuna a piece of paper. "This was found with the body as well." He said and left the house.
Setsuna unfolded the piece of paper and read it to herself then handed it to Haruka. The letter read:
I didn't want it too come to this Haruka, everyone, but I just can't stand it anymore. I love you all so much. Please, always remember all the good times we had but don't dwell on the past but instead focus on the future, especially you Haruka. I know it is going to be hard but please for me go on with life. Fulfill your dreams and maybe fall in love again. Don't be held down be the memory of me.
Miss me a little but let me go.
With all my love,
After Michiru's funeral, which consisted of family and close friends, Haruka locked herself in her room refusing to move from the darkness, refusing to eat scarcely enough to keep her alive for the two weeks she stayed in there. All the Senshi tried to get her to come out but nothing worked and by the time it was Hotaru's turn to try Haruka was a shadow of her formal self, her eyes had sunken into her plaster white skin and her ribs were visible through her thin shirt.
"Please Haruka-poppa, eat something I don't want to loose you AND Michiru-momma," Hotaru said with tears welling up in her eyes.
"Hime-chan, I love you but please let me be."
The small girl shook her head. "No! I wont! Michiru-momma wouldn't want you to die. I wont let you leave me too!" Hotaru flung herself onto Haruka crying and muttering `I wont. I wont'.
"She is right." Setsuna said from her place in the doorway, "Michiru doesn't want you to die, she said so in her letter you and I both know that. If you wont continue on living for any of us then do it for Michiru."
Haruka looked from Setsuna to the crying child in her arms and back again. Hotaru noticed the look in her eyes and did the only thing she could think of to make the mood in the room less tense, she reached up and started to tickle Haruka making the older girl squirm and laugh. Haruka, not liking being tickled, jumped out of the bed. "Alright already!" she said hastily when she saw Hotaru was ready to attack her again, "I'm up!" and for the first time in weeks Haruka smiled, it was weak but it was definably a smile.