Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A new horizon ❯ Maturing ( Chapter 7 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: Sailor Moon, other anime series, books and characters are none of mine. The only thing that is mine is this idea and the plot. Thank you for your attention.
A/N: Hey there again. This chapter is dedicated to the one and only FireDolphin, my wonderful beta.
Without her this chapter would have been most likely a total disaster. So enjoy and review please ^^.
P.S.: If you want an answer to reviews please log in or leave your email address. I will answer anyone who has questions to the story.
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Ikuko stared at her daughter and wondered just what the beeping sound had been. Oh she knew it must have been some signal for Sailor Moon but until now she had never seen anything on usagi that could have made these sounds.
Usagi seemed still immersed in her thoughts an ignored the constant beeping that became louder and louder the longer it was ignored. Luna who was now waiting at the bottom of the stairs and looking suspiciously at Ikuko began to meow louder and louder to gain attention from Usagi.
"Be quiet Luna and stop your nosy whining this instant! As you can see I already know that the others are in battle as my communicator is on me and hasn't stopped his endless beeping. Kaachan..."
Slowly Usagi concentrated on her mother. When she looks into Ikuko's eyes she saw a fear but also understanding and for that she was relieved. It might have been a short explanation and just minutes before the communicator rang, but her mother understood. That was all she ever wanted: That her family understood her.
"Kaachan thank you for your understanding. I promise that I will soon come home." With that she flashed a quick smile to her mother and Luna and bounded outside without looking back. Like the moonlight that filtered through the open window in the kitchen she was gone.
Bounding from treetop to treetop she already honed her senses to be once again like Sailor Cosmos. The blurring shapes of the trees became sharper and she could see them now without problems. The smell of life was nearly overpowering and the lights of the city hurt her sensitive eyes.
Then the feelings of the earth rushed into her and she suddenly felt just what the humans had done to this wonderful planet. Already pouring some of her long unused powers into the healing of chikyuu she began stretching her feelers out for her so-called protectors.
Nearly stumbling as she felt the raw hate that Rei was harboring for a so called princess who had never done anything for or against her, she instead tried to connect to Ami, Sailor Mercury, who was still the most level head of the small group.
In seconds she knew that it had been Makoto who had been attacked for her life energy. Snorting to herself how long it had been since she had first fought against such negaverse monsters, youmas, she already changed her way to the north east where Sailor Jupiter was already fighting.
Feeling the moonlight playing with her and sending her the courage to try, Tsukino Usagi tried her first transformation since the awakening of herself.
Sweat dropping Usagi tried to remember just what for corny transformation spells she had used. She knew that it would now bring not the usual transforming sequence than before but would bring her nothing. She needed a new one since she was a new self.
Sighing she decided to forego just the words and pray as she had when she were on the moon that Selene would help her to find the words to bring her at least a semi transformation. If she would just go as Sailor Cosmos than many things could go wrong.
"Please Selene, oh mother of my blood and silent immortal guide, please help me to find the words I must find, for shall I not, this world may end in chaos."
Stopping on one treetop to pray, soon a white light illuminated Usagi to help her. Silently she bathed in the attention and endless love and affection of her goddess mother. Then as the words came to her she smiled in thanks at the moon, knowing that she would be watched till she had to leave again this plain.
Raising her hand to the moon Usagi called out:
"Powers of the heir of the moon, Make UP!"
Ribbons of white light filled her body and let her clothes disappear. Moonlight strands began to wrap around her to clothe and soothe her from the sudden power influx she had just gotten. Slowly the blinding began to ebb and a new senshi stood newborn where before the moon princess had sought guidance.
Now ready to join the fight she run already again forwards to help her friends. The animals in the forest did not seek shelter that night in the shadows but instead treaded outside into the moonlight. They already began to feel the changes that the moon princess had started with sharing her powers and for tonight the normal wildlife would stop to bask in the healing moonlight and the promise of a up coming peace and freedom.
Sailor Jupiter had hard time breathing. This youma was stronger than the ones they had fought in the past. Panting she waited for the others to arrive while distracted it with lightning bolts here and there. It was nearly immune to those attacks but the light pain it felt was still enough for the youma to dodge the lightning bolts and miss being hit with some pain.
"Jupiter!" came the breathy call from one side. Sailor Mercury and her analytical mind had finally arrived and started to analyze the enemy. Who find it not funny that not only one strange dressing human was there to distract it from finding and stealing life energy, but no, now there were two. The youma just hoped that no nests of those were near or it would have trouble and wont be ale to go home un-scattered.
"Mercury what does your wonderful brilliant mind say? Can you hurt it? It seems to be one of the stupid ones but it has better defenses and is nearly immune to any attack I could launch. Even kicks does not stop it and I'm really getting winded and frustrated with this stupid thing!"
When Mercury heard the complaining of her fellow senshi, she began to chuckle. She never had such good friends and was always happy when her mind was appreciated. Near through with her analyzing she was disappointed when this weak looking youma was in fact one of the stronger ones. It might be dumb as bread, and maybe even called Bernd but it was too strong for them.
The weaknesses of this one were almost nonexistent. She could see that it had a slight aversion to saltwater and the element of wind and some still unknown powers but nothing for the senshi to latch on and finally kill that thing.
"And Mercury? Finally found something? Or do we have to dodge this thing further? Man, I wished my gym teacher would see this so I could get an A+ for my trouble!", joked Jupiter while still trying to dodge and attack the youma, who had finally decided to retaliate.
" Where is Odango Atama?", came the voice from Jupiter's left as Mars finally decided to show up. Angry that she wasn't the last or the first one to arrive, Mars overviewed the 'battlefield'. As it was a clearing from a good-lighted walking path, she feared that someone could come and be endangered.
"Can we go somewhere else? I know that this is your way home Mak- Jupiter but we need to get away from here if we don't want onlookers or someone to be hurt. Mercury tell me your founds and find us a new battle place where no one will find us that easy." , satisfied with her orders over the other senshi, even if she wished that Usagi was here to be ordered around, Rei let her fireballs fly and attacked now the youma with as useless attacks as Jupiter's.
Scanning the surrounding clearings Mercury found one where no passerby would come to. Signaling for Mars and Jupiter to follow her, she quickly jumped in the underbrush and then on the trees to lead them to the next battlefield.
Mars and Jupiter followed her as fast as possible but since the youma attacked them now without pausing that wasn't that fast. Cursing under her breath Mars send another fireball into the path of the youma so it had to either stop or to evade.
But the youma did neither. It reflected the attack and while Mars could evade, the trees couldn't. Soon were the senshi surrounded in flames and while Mercury tried to put out the fires, Mars and Jupiter distracted the youma. Which only happened when they used their attacks, which were making more and more fires with being reflected.
Soon all three senshi were cursing heavily. The fire would be soon so great that even the surrounding apartments would be alarmed if they weren't yet by the smoke.
"Where is Moon?? Has someone contacted her? Why isn't she here already? I thought we had the agreement that we would come immediately if someone pressed the help button or the communicator?"
Rei was now really angry. Not only had Usagi ended up catching Mamoru as her boyfriend today, had humiliated her in front of the whole arcade AND got gifts for nothing but being a total ditz, she also had just a girls night with her mom and had Luna, their princesses advisor at home. Not only that but, Now she also doesn't come when her friends needed her.
Rei had enough. She would talk in the next senshi-meeting that was tomorrow, with Luna that Usagi was not fit as a leader and that someone more responsible should get the position.
Someone like herself!
The fire surrounding them, had them soon coughing and sweating. The youma wasn't bothered by it but no one could expect some creature of an evil place to be.
"I don't know where she is but I think she could even get so far that we would be able to see her. The smoke is already too thick and the fire is too high. We should get out of here soon or we will collapse with a mono-cholmonoxid poisoning.", Mercury coughed a little louder when she saw that Mars did not really register what she said.
Mercury knew that Mars wanted to be the leader and that the misbehavior of Moon would soon lead to Moon's downfall and that not only in the senshi ranks but also as friend. If they couldn't trust Moon to come when they needed her, what kind of friends did that make then?
The logical conclusion was to give the leadership to Mars and to set up Moon into a pending friendship. That the attacks were the most powerful from Moon was not in question. But when she was only sometimes able to fight or only came when she wanted to, her powers where nothing.
Jupiter stared at the emotions that played on her friend's faces. She understood that they were disappointed that Moon wasn't here but that was no reason to abandon her. Jupiter herself had once stood in the place Moon stood now. Her group members didn't believe in her anymore and were voting for her resignation as the team leader.
She also knew that Mars had wanted the rank as leader since she knew Moon and found out that she was a senshi. Many things Moon had told her in secret had now become clearer. Mars has always wanted just one thing: recognition. That she was one of the most powerful miko, senshi, singer, actress, dancer and what she wanted most of all was a daughter.
Jupiter sighed. She already knew the outcome of tomorrows meeting. Moon would be no longer the leader. Mars would become get the leadership and would taunt Moon with it. Oh they were friends and sometimes even like sisters but they were also rivals, even if Moon didn't see it like that. Nodding to Mercury and Mars that she understood the warning of Mercury and the show of emotion for what it was, she readied herself again to launch at the youma.
Even if her physical attacks weren't effective they would still distract the youma hopefully. That she would hurt herself on the body of the youma wasn't a factor when they fighter for their life's and the whole earth. Where was Tuxedo Kamen? She hadn't seen him very often at the last battles.
As the youma deflected one attack of Jupiter, the surrounding air became suddenly lighter. The fire was going down and the smoke was lightening as by a fairies hand. Soon only smoking ashes were seen and a light breeze was felt.
Youma and senshi were confused. They could smell the sea, but it was on the other side of the city?! Suddenly a rustling was heard of one of the remnants of a tree. There illuminated by moonlight stood a figure with two dangling pigtails.
"How dare you to endanger my friends and the nature that surrounds us. Youmas do not belong here and I will not let you bring more danger to us. I am Sailor Moon and in the name of the moon I will punish you!"
Clear and still soft rang the voice of their leader down on them. The youma was frightened by the voice. It was too pure and clean as if should be taken lightly, but know one knew how wrong that statement was. Cowering the youma wanted to retreat but the nerving pests was hindering it. It should not have even thought that there could be a nest in the near, now it had summoned the devil.
Jumping down to the earth Moon was already concentrating for the final attack. With her power level she didn't need any help for such a worm of youma. Ignoring the gasps of her senshi she took the moon wand and shouted:
"Light of the moon, light of my life! Bring these creature of dark finally the light!"
With that a wave of white light poured out of the moon wand and engulfed the youma. As soon as the light ebbed a young man was seen who bowed to Sailor Moon and then disappeared somewhere yet unknown.
The senshi stared at Moon. When before a young girl who had just found a little maturity, now stood a near full-grown woman. A young woman who filled out at the right places but still had some of her innocence in her face and body.
The major change was the fuku. Where before white red and blue were seen, was now a different color scheme. The bow was now a pale white and the broach of Sailor Moon more white gold than anything else. The bodice was made of light blue that was going down to the skirt, which became more turquoise the further it got down. The boots were equally white but had now a new light blue edge. The gloves were equally made of that colors.
Staring with open mouths the senshi stared at her. Moon just smiled softly at them. She already knew that today was her last day as leader to them. Through her bond with them she felt when they decided that she was no longer necessary to defeat youmas.
Mars did not even know how she had been just a hairbreadth away from her death. Her would be death bringer was still in one tree, subdued from her soul mate, cursing up a whirled wind of storms. Three pairs of eyes were still amused of the reaction Moon had to the anger of what would be the death bringer.
She had just said: " You may have your revenge when you introduce yourself to her. She has always fallen for you and was always jealous of Michiru. The fact that she is bisexual is embarrassing for her and you would have been for her the perfect partner so no one would know. So do not do anything rash. Revenge is dish best served cold so think an appropriate plan and I will help you to execute it."
"What the hell did you do? Were you shopping or something that you just had to change your clothes? Was your last fuku not stylish enough for you? What were you thinking coming so late and where have the hell have you been?", screamed Mars as she was able to overcome her shock. The new fuku was brilliant and she wouldn't mind wearing it herself but Moon hadn't done anything to earn it!
"Or nothing Mars. For I have no obligation to tell you where I have been again. If you think it is easy to disappear on a girl's night with your Okaasan than you need some mental help. I came as fast as I could and there is nothing you can say. For you and Mercury lives just a few blocks away. I live across the city, so don't blame this fiasco of your attacks on me! At least I believe that it was your not so thoughtful fireballs that lid up the trees, that just so happen to be out of flammable wood and are surrounding you.”
Moon loved her friend, but her problems where became more radical that not even her friends could help her any more. Moon sighed. Mars needed psychical help and the only one who could do that for her friend, was not yet mature and trained enough to do that. This problem would not be fix until maybe in one or two years, but surely not now. That was what she hated most about her knowledge of the future.
She knew the people who could help but they were not yet ready or not even born. As immortal you didn't have to worry about age or maturity. Even age differences paled against the forever.
Looking again at her friends she sensed that they were tired and she felt their fatigue. Nodding to herself she decided that the last order she would give was for them to rest and be fresh and to come well rested tomorrow at the temple.
Nearly shocking them with her order they eagerly obeyed. Mars smelled an opportunity at the meeting to put Moon down so that she wouldn't be a problem any longer. Nodding to Moon and the others to show that this last order could be followed she turned around and made her way home under two burning eyes who watched her every step with barely concealed malice, extreme dislike and disgust.
Moon just sighed. The relationship between more mature persons and the younger ones would always be a problem since some were too occupied with prejudice and rumors to see the truth. Also were some too cheerful sometimes, too relying on their physical strength or their mind to look beyond their own well being and surroundings.
This had always been one difference and point in dispute for them. They could not look beyond Tokyo and spoke of the earth as if it would only harbor Nippon. But that was not true. Also something that brought up conflicts with her inner-senshi: other magical beings and super powered people and sentiments.
De-transforming Usagi turned her back to the waiting senshi. She knew that they awaited orders and she knew exactly what they needed to do. But as soon as she would order them a new quest would begin. Soon the summer would arrive and with it the most dangerous enemy that would ever exist.
They still had five to seven months until something would happen but they needed to be prepared. Metallic was an annoying bug but everything that would come was a whole planet of trouble on the dangerous scale. Usagi still didn't like to send her senshi away from her in a time where she needed support and love but she hoped that her family would fill the hole the senshi would leave behind. It was for four months she would not see them again after she had just found them.
Fighting back tears she waved the senshi to come to her. To see them again in their full glory awaked memories of happy times in her where they all had loved, lived and been happy. Smiling sadly and with eyes full of tears she decided that she would bestow them with gifts as friends and family before she would order her senshi away.
Deeply breathing Usagi turned to the youngest one of them. Born to different parents than the last time and already older than the inner-senshi Sailor Saturn looked sadly at their princess. She knew as well as the senshi of time what their princess have been through. All who were there knew and were ready to follow her through the hell if it was necessary.
Saturn started forward and kneeled before her future queen. Trusting her to do the right and give her something she would need she looked up into the silver eyes of her princess and friend.
"Sailor Saturn, senshi of the death and reincarnation. Senshi of life and death, sister of my blood, daughter of my womb, star of my universe and bringer of peace and hope. With this I gift you with the ability to look beyond the tragedies of life and see hope wherever you look. See things on a new way no one else may see and predict the unpredictable. I give you this gift and burden to see the future as not even the senshi of time can. May it become useful in the future when you see nothing but death on your path."
Usagi smiled and laid her hand on the top of Saturn's head and automatically Saturn de-transformed. She was then bathed in light that was pulsing lightly until it died out again. Tomoe Hotaru stared at something far away until tears flowed from her eyes. Then she looked again at her princess and nodded. She had been gifted with precognition and knew that there would come a time where she needed it.
She also knew that the gifts of the others would be complementary to hers. Together they would be an unbreakable unit and with their princess unbeatable. Hotaru also knew that the princess herself owned all abilities they would become. And while she would not use those abilities very often or even known by others, she shared them with her friends so that they would also benefit from them.
Hotaru smiled tearfully at Usagi and stood up to take her place again in the round of senshi. Smiling at the concerned expressions on the other faces she made a short wave with her hand to tell them that she was okay. Before Usagi the others would have hated her for her gift to bring death and destruction to the world. But Usagi's intervention made them friends. In just one day since the princess had ordered them to come and had constant contact to and between all of them had made a friendship and between two of them even more.
Sailor Uranus, was very well known for her hothead ness and courage; she came forward next and kneeled before Usagi. Winking at her flirt as she already planned to destroy Mars, Uranus was confidant that her princess would gift her with something that gave her more cool as the others had often complained about her rash behavior for the last couple of hours.
Grinning at Uranus and winking to the soul mate of hers, Usagi began again to gift one of her abilities to one of her family.
" Sailor Uranus, senshi of wind and weather. Senshi of courage and fear, sister of my blood, daughter of my womb, star of my universe and bringer of storm and calm. With this I gift you with the ability to be like the wind that breezes in yourself. May you become invisible when your time to act has not come, may you be swift and silent as a breeze at the ocean and may your anger destroy cities and landscapes like the furious typhoons. May it become useful on your path when everyone stands in your way to fulfill your destiny."
Again the senshi de-transformed and white light pulsed around the human figure. When Tenoh Haruka finally opened her eyes she felt finally at peace where even the presence of her soul mate could not have helped before. The raging storm in her innermost was finally at peace for now she had the ability to bring the wind, herself, to the open and just be what she wanted to be.
Eyes grateful and wide she bowed on her knees to her princess. To have something like that gifted to her was a present she would never be ungrateful for. Standing up and softly kissing her soul mate, Haruka was glowing with happiness that touched the other senshi and made them shameful of their earlier berate to the senshi of wind. But Haruka just waved their apologies away. She just wanted to feel the peace and be with her friends. Nothing else mattered for her.
The senshi of time decided that she should be gifted now and give the soul mates a moment of peace together. So she kneeled before her past, present and future queen and waited for anything to happen. When after a few moments nothing happened she looked up, nearly scared that she would receive no gift but a lecture as to why she had brought the senshi in the body of Tsukino Usagi.
But what she saw was nothing she expected. Usagi looked at her with forgiveness, love and soft eyes. Smiling when the senshi of time looked unbelievingly at her.
"I forgive you Sailor Pluto. Nothing that you have done would be that grave that I would call you no longer friend. So kneel at ease senshi of time and await the gift I bestow on you."
Breathing easier Sailor Pluto nodded and now awaited restlessly the gift that was bestowed on her.
"Sailor Pluto, senshi of time and space. Senshi of patience and impatience, sister of my blood, daughter of my womb, star of my universe and bringer of opportunities and second chances. With this I gift you with the ability to find things others lose or never find. May you find things on your path that will be useful for you but lethal to your enemies. May you find things other overlooked and give you an advantage. May it become useful on your way to find the ultimate happiness."
Where white light had pulsed stood now Meio Setsuna totally stunned. Dazed she bowed to her princess and then took her place under the other senshi who were already hugging her and giving her hold to understand what just happened.
Nervously Sailor Neptune made her way forward to kneel before her princess. While she was suspicious per nature the presence of her soul mate and princess filled her with trust, love and happiness. Smiling Usagi now bestowed the last one her gift just to order them right after a mission that would test them to the core.
"Sailor Neptune, senshi of the ocean and seawater. Senshi of calmness and activeness, sister of my blood, daughter of my womb, star of my universe and bringer of happiness and restoring. With this I gift you with the ability to become the mother you always wanted to be. May your feelings as mother of the nature and humanity lead you to the solution to a peaceful future in equilibrium. May it become useful on your path that will be crossed with wars and difficulties until you find the solution with your happiness."
When Kaio Michiru stood up she began to glow as just pregnant woman and mothers could. She looked around her with new eyes and silently thanked her princess for the energy she had already given to heal chikyuu. Treading back to her soul mate Michiru closed her eyes in bliss. Her princess was en exceptional woman who had only the best for everything in this cosmos in her mind.
" Now that my sisters are ready to go I will give you the mission you need to fulfill. One of you will go to Great Britain and search there for the magical community. You will stay there to overlook all hints you can become and will spy further on them. One of you will travel further to America and search there for a tribe that has apetails and has a leader with bright ebony hair. One of you will go to Canada and search and tribe that have two silver haired leaders who can transform into giant dogs. And the last one will go to Germany and search after a group that look like human but have a leader that has blood-red hairs and golden eyes.
Each of you will stay in contact through the bond that has been formed between you. So don't fret, you may not see each other but you will always know if the other is hurt or not and you can help each other in discussing hints and so on. This is my mission for you. May the moon and the stars guide and bless you on your way and earth be your steady companion."
Eyes full of tears Usagi let her power filter through all of them. Just for a short time every senshi felt the endless love from their princes which gave them courage and strength on their way. Every senshi bowed and then left their princess behind.
Their princess, whom in the moment that they were out of sight, broke into a shattering and heartfelt tears and sobbed on the ground. Begging that she did not risk the lives of her sisters foolishly and that they would come back home safe and sound.