Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A New Light ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A New Light- Chapter 2
Lady Catherine
Rating: G

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor moon and I
unfortunately probably never will :(.

Summary: Usagi and Mamoru have been fighting
for a very long time but what will happen when
they begin to see each other in a new light?

Author's Notes: By the way I am writing this
at two in the morning on a Sunday after just
enduring a family dinner less than six hours
ago (from which I am still in shock). I
therefore apologize in advance for any inane
and odd bits of writing you might read.

'I wonder why Mamoru was being so nice to
me today? I wonder if he really does feel bad
about always teasing me so much? Oh well, I
guess I can ask him this afternoon. I still
can't believe that he wanted to meet me'.
"Hey Usa what are you doing here so
early?" Usagi's inner monologue was
interrupted by one of her best friends Kino
Makoto who, like everyone else Usagi had run
into this morning, was in shock to see her best
friend before school. "Did you have an alarm
problem again?" she asked remembering the last
time she had been early. Usagi had set her
alarm for 4AM instead of 6AM (only God and
Usagi know why) so even with her usual sleeping
in she was up two hours early. Needless to say
Usagi had not had a good morning that day.
"No, I just woke up with my alarm and
couldn't fall back asleep for once. Don't ask
me why. By the way do we have a scout meeting
after school today?" Usagi's mind had yet
again switched back to her impending meeting
with Mamoru.
"No. Luna said for us to take the day off
because there has been so much activity lately
that she thinks that we need a break for an
afternoon. I am going to go to the arcade and
get my weekly Motoki fix. He is so dreamy
isn't he? Anyways why did you want to know?"
"No reason in particular I just wanted to
know if I had a free afternoon or not. I
shouldn't have any detention today because I
one: have my homework done and two: I am not
late. This is good. I can do whatever I want
this afternoon." 'And what I want to do is
kiss Mamoru senseless.' Usagi gaped at her own
thoughts. 'Where the HELL did that come from. I
severely dislike the baka. Why would I want to
kiss him?' Just like Mamoru had experienced
previously a second internal voice reared its'
ugly head.
'You want to kiss him because you love him
and his behavior today shows that he doesn't
hate you so you finally are letting your
repressed feelings come to light.'
'No I am not thinking this. Why on earth
would I love the baka? He has always been rude
to me and I really don't like him at all.'
'Then why did you agree to meet him today?' asked the voice of reason.
'I agreed because I want to see him grovel
at my feet as he apologizes for every mean
thing he has ever said.' Usagi hmmphed with
satisfaction at her answer. Unfortunately her
inner voice just laughed at her ignorance.
'Honey you better just keep telling
yourself that because otherwise you are going
to be an extremely unhappy girl if he starts to
tease you again because you didn't act on your
feelings.' Her inner voice decided to be quiet
for a while and let Usagi think about her
feelings for a little while without
"Hellooooo! Earth to Usagi! Anyone in
there?" Makoto had gotten rather fed up with
being ignored while Usagi had a discussion with
her inner voice.
"What?! Huh?! Oh sorry Mako-chan. I guess
I just spaced out there for a second." Usagi
looked sheepishly at her friend.
"A SECOND! Try FIVE minutes." Makoto was
becoming rather incensed about not knowing what
was bothering Usagi. She decided to leave her
alone for now and hit her later with more
backup later. "Whatever. Come on we have to
get to class now. We wouldn't want to waste
your getting up early by being late now would
we?" Makoto grabbed Usagi's hand and pulled
her towards the school.

For probably the first time in her life
Usagi entered a classroom before the teacher.
Needless to say everyone nearly passed out when
they walked in to find Usagi there before
almost everyone else, especially Ms. Haruna,
who did a double take and tripped over her own
desk as she stared in disbelief at the girl
sitting in the front row.
'Heehee, wait till I turn in my homework.
That should be even funnier,' thought Usagi
rather evilly. "Good morning Ms. Haruna."
Internally Usagi was laughing her head off at
the shocked expression on her teacher's face
but was sure none of it showed.
"O-Okay class it's time to turn in your
homework now. Please place it in the basket on
my desk when I call your name." Ms. Haruna,
still being slightly shaken by Usagi's
punctuality, stumbled over several names until
she got to Usagi. "Tsukino Usagi." The class
watched in amazement as Usagi stood up and
placed a large stack of papers in the box.
"That's all of the homework I missed this
week. I know I don't get pints but I just felt
like doing it." She smiled sweetly at her
stricken teacher and spun around to walk back
to her seat. Just as she did she heard a loud
thump as her teacher fainted. 'Heehee. I
guess this is going to be a fun day after all!'
she thought as she turned to help her teacher.

That's all for now. I know that it's really
short but it is now 2:30 in the morning and I
have to wrap presents for my mom all day
tomorrow. How do you like my pesky little
inner voices? I argue with mine all the time.
(and no I do not need professional help). I
promise I will write more tomorrow .
Lady Catherine