Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A New Light ❯ Chapter 4

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A New Light- Chapter 4
Lady Catherine
Rating: G (maybe pg13 because of kissing)

Disclaimer: Sailor Moon does not belong to me
and probably never will no matter how much I
wish it did :(.

Summary: Usagi and Mamoru have been fighting
for a long time but what will happen when they
begin to see each other in a new light?

Author's Notes: I am very pleased with the
response I have had about my story. Thank you
to everyone who has reviewed my story and given
me encouragement. To those of you who have not
please review my fic and let me know what you
think. Thanks again!

"Where is he? He said that he would meet
me right after school, which ended 10 minutes
ago. I had to lie to Mako-chan and Ami-chan so
that they would go to the arcade without me.
OOOOH! If he doesn't show I am going to be so
mad!" With that last remark she turned back to
the street just as a red sports car pulled up
in front of the school. A tall young man
jumped out and started jogging towards her.
"I am so sorry that I am late Usagi-chan.
I decided to go home and get my car so that we
didn't have to walk but the traffic was really
bad." Mamoru looked at her beseechingly and
Usagi couldn't help but forgive him.
"It's alright. It saved me from having to
explain you picking me up to Makoto and Ami.
They would have flipped if they saw you pull up
in that car."
"I'm glad you like my car." 'That's
exactly why I brought it. A little show never
hurt to get a girl to like you.' "Should we get
going?" He gestured towards the passenger side
door and they walked towards it. When they got
there he opened it for her and she got in.
"Where exactly are we going?" she asked as
he got in the car.
"I was thinking a walk in the park and
then ice cream and a snack. How does that
"Excellent. . . wait, we aren't going to
the arcade, are we? I don't really feel like
being bombarded with questions." She looked up
at him with such an apprehensive expression
that his heart wrenched.
"No I don't feel like that either. Don't
worry I have something else planned." He
winked at her and started the car.
As they drove they each stole glances at
each other but neither started any
conversation. When they arrived at the park
Mamoru got out and quickly opened Usagi's door
for her. He took her hand and they began a
slow stroll down one of the paths. They were
still silent but to them there was no need for
They continued in their companionable
silence until they reached the Rose Garden that
stood in the center of the park. Mamoru led
Usagi to a bench in the center of a rig of red
rose bushes in full bloom. He reached behind
his back and formed a perfect red rose for
"Usagi-chan I would like to apologize for
everything that I have ever said to you that
hurt your feelings." He handed her the rose
and then continued. "I have never really had a
family because my parents died in a car
accident when I was six. I have had amnesia so
I can't even remember anything about them. I
lived in an orphanage until I was sixteen.
While I was there I never really had any
friends. The other kids were really mean to me
so I never really developed the relationship
skills that most kids do. Motoki was my first
friend and sometimes I am mean to him for no
reason. I just don't know how to act around
other people. That's why I was always so mean
to you. I kicked myself every time an insult
left my mouth but I just couldn't seem to keep
them in." He paused and looked at Usagi who
was sitting there with a sad look on her face.
He didn't want her pity and said so.
"I don't pity you Mamoru-chan. I just
feel so bad that you never experienced love. I
understand you now." She looked at him with
her big sky blue eyes and he knew that she
meant exactly what she said.
"I am still very sorry. I am going to try
much harder to be nice to you and I hope that
you will forgive me. I never wanted to hurt
you. EVER! You mean a lot to me Usagi-chan."
'More than you'll ever know, Usako. Huh?
Usako, that's a fitting name for her,' he
thought silently to himself.
"You mean a lot to me as well Mamoru-chan.
I hope that after today we can always be close
friends." 'Or more if I have anything to say
about it Mamo-chan. Hmmm, I like Mamo-chan.
It's very fitting.' She looked up into his
storm-blue eyes and decided that without a
doubt she was head over heels in love with him.
"I am glad that we have become friends.
Let's go get that ice cream now. You must be
starving by now. I am such a cad to have kept
you from your food for so long." Mamoru
laughed as her eyes lit up at the prospect of
food. "I hope you never change Usako," he said
quietly as she dragged him back through the
park to his car.
"Where are we going Mamoru-chan? Please
tell me!! Pretty Please!!!!!" She gave him
her best puppy dog look but much to her
surprise all he did was smile and kiss her
"You are just going to have to wait and
see Usa-chan. It's a surprise." He laughed at
her pout and simply continued to drive. Soon
they were at one of the nicest dessert parlors
in Tokyo. It was called Moonlight Sweets and
Usagi had been dying to go there ever since it
had been opened a month earlier. Mamoru knew
this because he had heard her regaling her
friends with the menu she had found.
'This is the perfect place to take her to
show that I care.' He smiled as she shrieked
in happiness. Once again he opened the door
for her and grabbed her hand.
"Shall we?"
"Of course. I've needed a chocolate fix
ever since math class this morning." They sat
down at a table and began to read the menu.
"That reminds me. I wanted to tell you that I
got 100% on my math test today! Isn't that
wonderful!!!" She beamed up at him and he
couldn't help but smile at her happiness.
"Of course that's wonderful. I knew that
you were smart under that ditzy façade. I only
teased you because you are incredibly cute when
you are mad." Mamoru slammed his hand over his
mouth at his indiscretion and looked for her
"You know what Mamoru. I think that you
are really cute when you're mad too. Whenever
I really pissed you off you always had this
pout and all I ever wanted to do was kiss you."
It was now Usagi's turn to slam her hand over
her own mouth as Mamoru simply gaped at her.
"Well why don't you try right now." He
leaned closer and closer. Usagi closed her
eyes and leaned in towards him. Their lips met
in a sweet kiss full of love. They continued
for several minutes until the waiter came to
take their order. Embarrassed, they looked
away from each other and looked back at their
menus. They quickly decided and ordered very
large chocolate sundaes. As the waiter left
they simply looked at each other in shock.
"I hadn't planned on telling you this so
soon but I feel that after that kiss I must
explain myself. Usako, I love you. I have
since the first day that I met you. It took me
a long time to admit it to myself but it's very
true. I love you and I want you to be my
Usako." He looked at Usagi who was staring at
him in complete and utter shock. "Usako?"
"Oh sorry Mamoru-chan, or I guess Mamo-
chan. I can't say this as eloquently but I
love you too. I have since we first met and I
only just admitted it to myself. Oh Mamo-chan
I love you so much!" Usagi grabbed Mamoru in a
hug and his head lowered until they were once
again locked in a heated kiss. Once again it
continued until the waiter interrupted them but
unbeknownst to them, this time a passerby had
seen them through the window and raced towards
the arcade a full speed.
Still in ignorance of the stir they had
caused, Usagi and Mamoru finished their
desserts and left hand in hand. Mamoru drove
her home and after a sweet goodnight kiss left
her with a promise to pick her up again
tomorrow after school.
Usagi went up to her room in a love guided
bliss and didn't see her mother giggle at the
sight of her daughter in love.

That's all for this chapter. I have a question
for my readers. I was wondering if you wanted
me to continue the story to when the find out
each other's secret identities or just until
they deal with their friends? Let me know by
e-mailing me or reviewing me. Thanks.
Lady Catherine