Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A New Light ❯ Chapter 7

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A New Light- Chapter 7
Lady Catherine
Rating: PG

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon no matter how
much I wish I did.

Summary: Usagi and Mamoru have been fighting for a
very long time but what will happen when they begin
to see each other in a new light?

Author's Notes: I really appreciate all the
response I have gotten for my story. I have started
another story called The Odango and the Baka and it
is posted at all the same sites as this. I hope to
finish this one this weekend so that I can start
something else. Enjoy!
Usagi had been in a daze all day. Only
yesterday, she had admitted her love for he supposed
enemy and he had returned her feelings. She still
could not believe that the man she professed to hate
was really her love. She had not told any of her
friends yet and was still trying to figure out
exactly how to break the news to them, Rei
especially. What she didn't know was that the whole
Juuban district knew about her and Mamoru thanks to
her friend Minako's big mouth.
'I wonder how they will take it? It will be so
funny to see their faces when I walk into the arcade
with Mamo-chan. Wait a second. . . How do I tell
him that I am Sailor Moon? Oh NO! I completely
forgot about Tuxedo Kamen! What will he think when
I stop falling all over him. I love Mamo-chan and
it doesn't seem right to keep ending up in Tuxedo
Kamen's arms all the time. I am so confused.' With
that last thought she put her head down on her desk
and moaned. Much to her embarrassment she had
forgotten that she was in the middle of fifth period
and was not alone.
"Tsukino Usagi! What was that outburst for?
It was very rude. I am sorry if you are not
enjoying biology but that does not give you an
excuse to disrupt others!" An incensed Miss Haruna
was staring at Usagi with a very offended glare.

"I'm sorry Miss Haruna, I am not feeling very
well. My stomach hurts. May I please go to the
nurse?" This was not a lie. She had become so
stressed out by trying to figure out how to tell her
Mamo-chan that she was both Sailor Moon AND the Moon
Princess that she had made herself nauseous. The
look on her face was so pitiful that Miss H
acquiesced and allowed her to go to the nurse.
Usagi was now sitting in the nurse's office
covered by a blanket. She was still stressing and
her stomach still hurt. Little did she know that
across town the object of her worry was wondering
about the exact same thing.
Chiba Mamoru sat in his apartment, watching the
clock, waiting for it to tell him it was time to go
and pick up Usako at school.
'I wonder how our friends will take seeing us
together? Andrew will flip for sure. I sure hope
that Rei doesn't go ballistic. I know that she's
had a crush on me for a while but she had to realize
that it wasn't mutual.' He looked at the clock
again and realized that her still had two hours
until he had to pick up his love. He got up and
went to take a nap.
He hadn't slept well last night because he was
so preoccupied with Usagi. He lay on his soft bed
and tried to fall asleep. After a few minutes the
only sound in the room was his soft deep breathing.

~*Mamoru's Dream*~
He looked down at his body which was now clad
in shiny steel armor. Mist swirled around his feet
and he heard his name being called.
"ENDYMION, where are you my prince?" A
beautiful voice that he innately recognized sounded
somewhere in front of him. He lifted his head and
looked for its source. A figure appeared on a
balcony above him. A beautiful girl with long
blonde hair was standing there looking down. "There
you are my prince. You must find the silver crystal
to release me. Please, find the silver crystal."
"WAIT! Who are you? Why do you call me
Endymion? What is the silver crystal?" Mamoru
yelled to her feverishly.
"I am Princess Serenity of the Moon. You are
my love, Prince Endymion of Earth. I am in your
dreams because I need your help in finding the
silver crystal. Please help me!" With that last
plea she faded and the mist obscured the balcony.

~*End Dream*~
Mamoru woke in a cold sweat. He sat in bed
going over his latest dream. It was not the first
time that he had dreamed of the princess but it was
the first time she had answered any of his
questions. He had forgotten about her when he fell
in love with Usagi. He had always thought that he
loved the princess but he now realized that he only
loved what he couldn't have. Kind of like Sailor
Moon. "OH MY GOD! I completely forgot about Sailor
Moon. What am I going to tell her? I still need to
protect her but I don't know if I can hold her in my
arms anymore. That is for Usako only. How am I
going to tell Usako that I am Tuxedo Kamen? How am
I going to tell her that I am the prince of Earth?"
He sat down again and sighed. He looked at the
clock. One hour until he could see his love. He
decided to take a shower and get all spiffed up to
make her happy. With that last happy thought he
went into the bathroom and began to get ready. An
hour later he emerged in a pair of black slacks, a
gray button up dress shirt and a leather jacket. He
checked himself out and decided that he looked good.
He grabbed his keys and walked out the door.
Usagi's School
Usagi had gone back to class during sixth
period. She had decided that once she told the
girls about her and Mamoru that she would ask them
if she could tell him that she was Sailor Moon. Her
mother had told her not to tell Luna and the senshi
that she was the princess until it was absolutely
necessary. The less people who knew the safer she
was. She had decided that once Mamoru knew she was
Sailor Moon she would tell him that she was the
princess. He would protect her.
"Hey Usagi! Are you going to the arcade
today?" Ami and Makoto had come up behind her and
were now waiting for an answer.
"I'll be there in a bit but I am meeting a
friend first. I will see you guys there later ok?"
"Ok Usa. See you later!" They walked off
towards the Arcade leaving their friend standing
underneath the oak tree in front of the school.
Mamoru and Usagi had agreed that he would come
ten minutes after school had ended to avoid her
friends. They were going to go the Arcade to tell
their friends this afternoon but first were going to
go to the park for a stroll through the rose garden.
"Oh where is he? I don't want to wait ten
minutes for him!" She stomped in impatience and sat
down. Luckily for her, Mamoru couldn't wait to see
her and showed up about 2 minutes later.
"MAMO-CHAN!" Usagi ran towards her love and
gave him a hug.
"Hello Usako. How was your day darling?" He
bent down and gave her a light sweet kiss.
"It was very good but all I could think about
was seeing you after school. I like having you
here." She hugged him again and this time held on
for longer. He bent down to kiss her again and this
time went deeper and stayed longer. When they
finally came up for air all Usagi could say was,
"I have wanted to do that all day my love. I
have been thinking about you since I left your house
last night. Are you sure that you want to go to the
arcade today? We could just walk in the park and
get some ice cream there. Then we wouldn't have to
face or friends yet." He looked at her and waited
for a reply.
"No I think that we should get the arcade over
with no matter how good a stroll in the park sounds.
Let's go to the rose gardens and then go to the
"Ok Usako. That does make sense. Ok let's get
this over with my love." He gave her another light
kiss and opened the car door for her. He walked
around and got in. "TO the park we go and then on
to our cruel fate." Usagi giggled at this comment
and Mamoru drove towards the park.
~*The Rose Garden*~
"Oh Mamo-chan I am so glad that I found you!
You just make me feel good. It certainly is fun to
look at you."
"What do you mean fun to look at?"
"You always look so spiffy it's just fun to
look at you. You are my handsome boyfriend and I
have fun looking at you." She looked down in
embarrassment and Mamoru grabbed her chin and made
her look up.
"I am glad that you like to look at me. The
feeling is definitely mutual. You are the most
beautiful girl I have ever met and I love you. I
dressed up for you today because I wanted you to
look at me." He grinned sheepishly at her and then
bent and kissed her. "Come on we should get going
to the arcade." He grabbed her hand and began
pulling her towards the car.
"MAMO-CHAN!" Usagi yelled at him and started
giggling as they broke into a run.
~*At the Arcade*~
"I wonder if Usagi and Mamoru will make a joint
appearance today?" Minako had arrived and was
talking with Makoto, Ami, and Rei. They were all
waiting to see if the famous couple would drop by.
They had all managed not to say anything to Usagi
about what they knew but for Ami and Makoto it had
been hardest.
"She must have been really preoccupied today to
not notice all of our hints. We almost died trying
to keep ourselves from telling her that we knew
today. We had to pretend that we had to study
during lunch so that we didn't have to eat with her.
I hope that they show up soon." Just then a flashy
red sports car pulled up outside.
"Well I guess we don't have long to wait.
That's Mamoru's car. He rarely drives it but I
guess he wanted to impress his new girlfriend." Rei
looked a little jealous but she was truly happy for
her friend.
"Hey Everyone!" Minako yelled at the whole
arcade. "They are coming in now. Pretend not to
notice ok? We don't want to scare them away."
Everyone in the arcade nodded and pretended to be
engrossed in whatever they were doing. She turned
back to her friends. "Ok guys, let's look a little
bit more nonchalant about this. You guys look like
kids who just ate all of their sister's chocolate
and are now lying to their parents. Chill,
everything will be fine. They will come in, tell us
the news, we'll congratulate them and they will go
on their way. Ok here they come." They all looked
down at their drinks and pretended not to notice
their entrance. Mamoru and Usagi walked in holding
hands. They looked around the arcade and finally
saw her friends.
Minako called to them, "Usagi! Mamoru! Come
sit with us." She patted the empty seat in their
booth and motioned them over. As they sat Minako,
being her usual blunt self, asked, "Why are you two
holding hands?" This caused extreme blushes to come
from both Mamoru and Usagi. They looked at each
other and tried to decide who would speak.
"Uhmmm, guys. . . I wanted to tell you that
Mamoru and I have decided to start dating yesterday.
We realized that our fighting was only a cover for
our real emotions and that we are in love." Usagi
had said this all in one breath and breathed deeply
while waiting for her friends' response. She
glanced at Mamoru and grasped his hand tightly.
OTHER!!" Minako was screaming in triumph and really
was scaring everyone in the arcade. Once she calmed
down the others threw in their own congratulations.
Usagi looked quietly at Rei and asked, "Are you
ok with this Rei? I know that you have liked Mamoru
for a while."
"It's ok. I have had a day to get used to the
idea. We weren't going to tell you but Mina-chan
saw you two kissing yesterday. She came and
announced it to the whole arcade. We decided that
for once we wouldn't be nosy and let you tell us
yourself." She looked at Usagi who appeared to be
ready to start crying. "By the way," she whispered,
"Luna knows too." With that she gave her shocked
friend a hug and whispered her congratulations in
her ear. Mamoru noticed her near to tears state and
put his arm around her.
"What's wrong Usako?"
"Nothing, I am just so happy that my friends
are freaking out about this. Wait a sec, does
Motoki know?"
Mina giggled, "Yup he heard with the rest of
us. He dropped a bunch of glasses. It took him all
evening to recover."
"I had better go and talk to him," said Mamoru.
"I will be right back Usako. Do you want a
chocolate shake?"
"That would be perfect. Thank you Mamo-chan."
Mamoru left and Usagi looked back at her friends. "I would like to have your permission to tell Mamoru
that I am Sailor Moon. I love him and I can't lie
to him every time Sailor Moon is needed. I just
don't feel right lying about something like that to
him. He would see right through me." Usagi looked
at her friends somberly. "I would understand if you
said no but I hope you will trust my instincts about
him." She sat in silence waiting for a response.
Rei was first to speak. "If you trust and love
him enough to tell him your secret then I think that
you should. You are right about it being too big to
keep from him. You definitely need to tell him." All of the others nodded their agreement. Usagi was
"When should I tell him you guys? I don't
want to shock him too bad." Just then the sudden
beeping of their communicators interrupted their
conversation. Usagi go to hers first. "Moon here.
What's the problem Luna?"
"Are all the scouts with you Usagi? We have a
very big problem heading for the arcade."
"Yes we are all here. What's the problem?"
"Malachite and Zoicite are headed your way with
several youma. They found out that the arcade is a
favorite for girls your age and decided to attack.
You must get out of there and transform. NOW! I
will be there as soon as possible." The
communicator shut off just as the girls began to
hear screams in the distance.
"I have to tell Mamoru before I just run off.
I will be right behind you guys. GO!" She turned
and towards the counter where Mamoru was getting
their food. Just as she reached him a massive
explosion shook the arcade.
Sorry about the cliff hanger but I wanted to be sure
and get something posted tonight on,
whose deadline is in like 10 minutes. I will right
more soon.
Lady Catherine