Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A New Light ❯ Chapter 10

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A New Light- Chapter 10
Lady Catherine
Rating: PG

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon.

Author's Notes: I really appreciate that people are
reviewing my story. I am glad that people like my
The Generals of the Dark Kingdom were beginning
to look frightened. The youmas, who were too stupid
to even notice a change, began lining up for their
next offensive.
Her friends, who had been transformed into
their own princess forms, joined the glowing Moon
Princess. They all embraced and turned towards
their enemies. "Let's finish this." They all said
They formed a line and clasped each other's
hands. Prince Endymion stood behind his princess
with his hand on her shoulder. He allowed his power
to flow into the attack forming between the senshi.
"When I say go, call on your planet power. We
will aim first for the youma and then continue it to
the Generals. We must be quick to catch them.
They will try to escape. If we defeat them now it
will be that much easier when we fight Beryl
directly. With Nephrite already gone that would
only leave Kunzite. We must do this!" Princess
Serenity called on the power of the silver crystal
as she felt her friends do the same with their
planet powers.
A bright glow surrounded the senshi and then
moved out to engulf the street. Screaming in pain
the youmas shielded their faces as they began to
disintegrate. When they were nothing more than dust
the power moved past them to catch the fleeing
generals. Their portals had been closed in the
first wave of power from the scouts. They had
resorted to running like little babies away from the
big bad scary sailor senshi.
"Stop you weasley little bastards. You will
not get away this time. We will stop you."
Princess Serenity focused the stream of power and
surrounded them with it. She intensified the stream
and watched as the generals began to scream and
"Beryl will make you PAY for this you bitches!"
With that last remark the generals were gone and
the senshi reverted back to their normal fukus.
"WE DID IT!!" Mina shouted in joy as she
hugged her friends. Mamoru and Usagi were simply
standing in each other's arms holding on for dear
"Oh my love I thought that I had lost you for a
minute." Usagi was sobbing into Mamoru's chest. He
smoothed her hair and whispered words of comfort in
her ear. Finally he pulled her back and looked her
in the eyes.
"I would never leave you alone Usako. I
couldn't cause you that much pain. I love you so
much Usako." He bent down and kissed her lightly
and then again much more passionately. The senshi
left them and went about reviving the victims of the
Usagi and Mamoru stood in the center of the
street. The figure of Queen Serenity appeared above
them. "Princess Serenity, Prince Endymion. You
have finally found each other again. You will now
be able to defeat the Dark Kingdom. Together you
will overcome. Goodbye and Good Luck!" The figure
disappeared and they went back to just being
Luna appeared from the command center and took
in the scene. All of her charges were alive and in
one piece. Several piles of ash were the only
remnants of the evil they had fought. Luna looked
towards Usagi and Mamoru and decided to talk to them
once they were feeling better. Luna had watched
most of the proceedings via the surveillance cameras
in the arcade and had seen Mamoru's near demise.
She walked over to the other senshi and began to
organize the search process. There was a lot of
rubble and some people were buried under them.
Luckily no one was dead and only a few were
Sirens wailed through the air. "Girls, Mamoru
we must leave before the police arrive. Go into the
alley and de-transform, then go home. We will have
a meeting at the temple tomorrow. Now go. I am
going to stay in the command center and work on
finding Beryl's location." Luna turned to go back
into the arcade and the others ran off to the
nearest alley. There they de-transformed and went
in their separate directions. Usagi and Mamoru
headed towards his apartment. They needed to talk
about everything that they had remembered and also
couldn't bear to be apart yet.
I know that this is a short chapter but I just
wanted to get something out. I am not sure if I
should do another chapter or just an epilogue. I am
not going to go to the defeat of Beryl because one
action scene was enough. So please decide how much
more you guys want and let me know. Thanks again
for reading!
Lady Catherine