Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A New Light ❯ Epilogue

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A New Light- Epilogue
Lady Catherine
Rating: PG

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon. I wish I did

Author's Notes: I really apologize to those of you
who have been waiting for me to update. I have been
REALLY REALLY busy with school and I just haven't
felt motivated to write. I decided to make this the
epilogue because I have simply run out of ideas to
continue this particular story with. My other
story, The Odango and the Baka, is coming along
nicely however and I try to update it ASAP.

Usa gi and Mamoru had gone to his apartment
after the battle. They needed some time alone
together to adjust to everything that had happened
in the last 24 hours.
Usagi's head was still spinning from learning
that her love was really Tuxedo Kamen AND Prince
Endymion. She had taken a shower and was now curled
up on Mamoru's cushy black leather couch in a pair
of sweatpants and a t-shirt. Mamoru was currently
in the shower and she was waiting for him to get
"I can't believe everything that has happened
in the last day. Mamo-chan is not only my boyfriend
but also my protector and my long lost soul mate.
This is really weird. Oh well. I guess things
could be worse. We could still hate each other."
She laughed at the idea that she could ever hate her
beloved Mamo-chan. Suddenly she heard the shower go
off. "Yay he's done!" She giggled happily at the
prospect of seeing him again even though it had only
been about 15 minutes. She laughed at herself and
sat up to greet her boy.
"Hey Usako. I missed you." He walked to her
and sat on the couch, catching her up in a tight
"I missed you too. I wish that I could always
be in your arms. I will always miss you when I'm
not with you." She snuggled closer into him and he
bent down and kissed her forehead.
"I love you Usako. I really do. You make me
feel loved and cared for. I never want to lose you.
"You won't Mamo-chan. I love you too much to
ever leave you. You are a part of me and I like it
that way." She leaned up and gave a sweet gentle
kiss. That got them sidetracked for the moment as
they kissed away their anxieties. After awhile they
simply sat and held each other.
*~Later that Evening~*
"This is really yummy Mamo-chan." They were
sitting together at the kitchen table eating bowls
of ramen.
"It's just ramen Usako. It wasn't that hard to
make." He smiled at her and kept eating.
"I know but it's still yummy." She just kept
munching away, happily enjoying her time with
After they were finished eating they cleaned up
the kitchen and went back to the living room. Once
again they sat together. This time however they
just talked about the future. About defeating Beryl
and beginning a life after the Negaverse. They knew
that they might not survive but they had until then
to be together. They fell asleep in each other's
arms, snuggled into the plush couch.
In his sleep Mamoru whispered, "I love you
Usako." He then held her close and slept on. They
slept long, content to be with each other, safe if
only for a little while.
That is the end of my story. Unless of course
everyone tells me they really want more but even
then it probably won't happen. I am well aware that
this last chapter was pure WAFF. I didn't really
intend for it to be that way but it kind of just
happened. I hope this wasn't a really big
disappointment to anyone out there. Pleas check out
my other story, The Odango and the baka. I will be
updating it soon. Thanks to everyone who read and
reviewed this story.
Lady Catherine