Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Promise Kept ❯ Can't Win Them All ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

_____________Part Two_____________
"Can't Win Them All . . ."
"Please do not go, I need you."
Darien was running out of the park to escape the rain when he thought he heard a scream. A familiar sense flickered faintly through his mind as he realized the scream was Serina's and she was TERRIFIED. He instinctively turned in her direction, allowing his unusually weak sense to lead him to her. It wasn't as easy as it should have been, there was no telltale headache of her transformation. For whatever reason, Serina apparently wasn't in enough danger to transform into Sailor Moon. Perhaps the threat was not that great, but a threat all the same, and he HAD to protect her from anything. It was just harder to find her when she was a normal girl.
Despite what he told her and the other girls, Darien was still madly in love with the young girl, would give his life at any moment so that her angel face might smile and never feel pain. He sensed she knew this, which was why she persisted in reconciliation, even though he perpetually told her 'never again'. It was the hardest thing he had ever done in his life. A moment never went by that he wasn't lost in thought and daydreaming of her. Having fallen into her deep blue eyes, remembering the sweet flowery scent of her golden hair, tracing her soft cheek with his finger, kissing her soft lips, or holding her small form close to his as they danced or sat together.
If it wasn't for his recurring nightmares, that devilish voice in his head threatening him with Serina's death EVERY SINGLE NIGHT if he stayed with her, he would have been the happiest man on earth, on the moon, in the whole UNIVERSE just to stay by her side. He would have married the girl of his dreams, his princess, his only love and they'd live forever as content as the stars.
Alas, the nightmares, every night for WEEKS. So often and so real he had no doubt they were predictions of the future, a future so grim and horrible, he couldn't tell her or anyone. She didn't deserve to be mortally frightened like that, but neither did she deserve to have no reason at all to give up hope in him. It was too confusing and dangerous so this was all he could do. Leave her alone, FOREVER. And even as he left Serina so she could live, to protect her, he knew one part of his nightmare would still come true. He would be alone forever and surely die because of it.
He held the hope, deep in his heart, hidden from his mind and the dreams, that somehow everything would work out and he would have his love again. His goddess of the moon, the love that had captured his heart of stone with her bright smiles, pealing silver laughter, and enchanting sapphire eyes. She was his light in the cold, lonely darkness his life had once been. Someday, he would hold her again, kiss her, make her laugh and be his forever. Somehow, it HAD to work out. He couldn't go on like this; he couldn't survive without her.
Serina turned and bolted from the rose garden, wet gales whipped her soaked twin ponytails around, slapping her face multiple times, sticking to her cold, drenched jean jacket, her blue skirt and white blouse were plastered to her skin. She ran, harried by the wind at her back and the thunderclaps above. They seemed to be following her! Each time lightning flashed she screamed and ducked her head, causing her to slip several times on the rain-slicked grass. Serina finally stopped trying to see through the haze of pouring rain and just ran as fast as she could out of the park.
Lightning flashed again, illuminating a wet green shadow in front of her. Serina didn't have time to stop, instead she screamed and threw her hands out in front of her, sobbing wildly and screaming again as the figure reached out to grab her. She fell into familiar arms, her screams quieted but her frightened crying wouldn't cease and she wept shudderingly into his chest, protectively covering her face from him and the storm. 'He doesn't care for you remember? Don't pretend like he does, don't force HIM to pretend! He pities you, just like your friends have no respect for you either! No one cares!'
Darien held Serina close, hoping the tight embrace would calm her panicked sobbing. He hated seeing her so frightened and helpless, so like an innocent angel fallen from heaven. It wouldn't do much good, but he wrapped her as best he could in his green blazer, rubbing her arms to warm her. She shivered from the wet cold and trembled violently from fear of the storm. He held her a moment longer before carefully leading her away to a sheltered bus stop. He sat her down on the bench and held her silently. If she wasn't careful the great and powerful Sailor Moon would likely catch her death of cold.
Darien winced inwardly at his own words. 'Let's not go there; not now.'
They both remembered doing this before, however, never this traumatically. Before, when they had been together, the storms weren't as bad, some had certainly been worse than this on the outside but when they were together it wasn't at all awful. Darien had thought her fear of thunder was so adorable, she never failed to jump and cry out at the crashing and rumbling. She'd somehow manage to find her way into his arms each time, burying her face in his chest and squeezing him tightly. He would reassuringly stroke her hair, one arm around her small waist. He would swear to protect her from anything the storm could throw at him. She would question for how long he would guard her, all ready knowing the answer but wanting to hear him say it. "Always. Forever and a day after." Then he would take her chin in his hand and lift it up so he could look into her merrily frightened eyes, smiling, and kiss her. He had wondered if it was all an endearing ploy of hers, to weasel her way into his arms and steal a kiss. But she invariably shrieked at each crash of thunder, and even now . . .
Serina was afraid to stop crying, if she stopped Darien would leave. She wasn't sure which scared her more; the storm or Darien letting her go. Once it had been so right, he would comfort her during these awful storms, holding her, and she'd giggle as he kissed her fears away each time. Now here she was again, locked in his embrace, being comforted but there were no kisses for this storm.
'You can't pretend . . .' Finally, she did something she'd never previously thought she had the strength to do: she let go.
Serina kept her hands covering her face, still crying huge tears that wouldn't stop no matter how hard she tried. It was no longer just the storm that had her crying, she wasn't quite sure what it was anymore: her friends back-stabbing betrayals, her boyfrie- EX-boyfriend so close yet still not wanting her, the pressure from her mother, and protecting Rini daily, her double life as Sailor Moon, and putting up with Luna's nagging, and her own inadequacy- Take your pick. This was a regular nervous breakdown!
"I'm such a terrible person." Her voice was quiet and hoarse from sobbing, "I'm just not good enough for everybody." Darien stiffened in shock at her hopeless surrender. No, this wasn't right. This wasn't HIS Serina, she was never like this. She had the confidence of the world behind her, she was perfect in every way. What had happened to her to make her say something so ridiculous? Was it him? Did he say something extraordinarily stupid earlier? Her silent tears frightened him; she WAILED to let the world know she was hurting, she DIDN'T quietly weep.
"No, Serina, you're not terrible at all." 'You're perfect.' "You're the kindest person I know." Darien assured her, trying to remove her hands from her red, tear-stained face. When he could finally look into her gorgeous blue eyes, he was startled to see them so red and puffy. She'd been crying long before the storm had started. 'What happened to you, my love?'
"No, don't tease me. Everyone has agreed on this, I'm a stupid and, lazy and- irresponsible meatball head-" She shuddered again as another sob wracked her lithe frame and she covered her face with her hands again. Her gasps were choked and hyperventilated as she continued to try to regain control of her pain.
"That's not true, Serina, you MUST to know that. This isn't the Serina I know. She didn't care what people thought of her as long as she could make others happy." He placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to reassure her, give her the strength to find herself through these lies, the Serina he'd left a few weeks ago. But she shook his hand off, which not only disturbed him but hurt him as well. Just that slight movement ripped his soul in half. But he knew he deserved it and worse after how he'd treated her.
"You're wrong, Darien, when you hear it often enough from everyone important to you, EVERYDAY, you start to believe it. I can't take care of Rini, I always screw up as Sailor Moon, they've convinced me they're right. Even you helped." Serina winced at her words. She hadn't meant to say that, she didn't mean it! 'No, this isn't the way it's suppose to go!'
"Serina, I told you I had a reason. We can't do this anymore- We can't be together because- because it's for the best, for YOU." Darien hadn't been sure of what to say, he wanted to tell her so bad, her self-directed harshness worried him. This was serious, he had to speak with the Scouts or Luna. He had to know what was going on with the love of his life. It was more than their break up, it was so long ago that it couldn't still have this affect on her. Something must have happened to break her spirit, not just her heart, and a broken-spirited Serina was the worst thing he could imagine second only to a dead one.
"How do YOU know what's best for me? You have no idea how this has been the worst time of my life without you!" She shouted, again her mouth took over, spitting out the words to describe how devastated she had been for the past few weeks. She instantly saw the pain she caused with her thoughtless words, and regretted dumping her out-of-control emotions on him, she didn't want him to hurt, just to understand her feelings and take her back.
"It's for the best . . ." Was all Darien could whisper, looking away from her. Darien turned his betraying eyes away, he couldn't stand seeing the agony he had put her through but he couldn't give in, not if he wanted to her to live! She didn't know how many times he'd watched over her through her window at night, heard her cry out his name in her sleep, begging forgiveness, silently weeping and twisting in nightmares. Or unable to sleep and staring at the moon with utter hopelessness painted on her pale face. He knew how torn she was, almost as bad as he was over doing this to her.
But he couldn't let her see the love in his eyes or know how much he wanted to be able to hold her again, safely. His arms ached to hold her, his eyes stung with tears, and he wanted nothing more than to kiss away her doubts and fears and proclaim to her and rest of the world how much he loved her. But he couldn't- not if he wanted her to survive, not with the chance of her death hanging over his head.
"Yes, Darien, I'm sure it is. I hope she's beautiful, smart, and graceful. I hope she deserves you, but I also wonder if you are worthy her." 'Oh no! There you go again! Shooting off your mouth, you shouldn't have said that! He is worthy of the moon and stars, he could ask the sun to stop and she would pause at dawn or twilight for him. He rules your heart as easily as he rules his planet earth. He'll never forgive you, Serina! You blew it, Meatball head- Spaghetti for brains!' Serina stood abruptly, her tears renewed with her angry words and she ran off into the lessening rain.
Darien was speechless and frozen to the bus bench. He was confused for a moment before he realized what she meant. 'You have no idea how beautiful, smart, and graceful she is, Serina. And I am NOT worthy of her.' Whoever had done this to her would pay. She was not the innocent, caring girl he fell in love with. If it were all his fault, which he now doubted, he was all ready serving his penance by staying away from her. But maybe- what if- he went back to her?
Just until she recovered, the dreams were of their wedding day, it couldn't come true if they never married, right? Darien dared to hope before he resolved to go speak with Serina's friends about her behavior. Maybe they'd had a fight? He stood, glancing around him. Serina was out of sight, the sun was struggling to return to her duties, the clouds were being ripped away by high winds, and the rain had almost completely stopped, barely drizzling just enough for a rainbow to appear if he looked.
He found one. It had to be a good omen.
Then he heard Serina scream again.
Serina ran into trouble, Sailor Scout trouble. A Dark Moon droid, in the guise of an evil, navy blue flower bush, was attacking the people gathered at a park bus stop. Serina ran behind a tree, away from pedestrian sight, and transformed. She thrust her arm in the air and was instantly shrouded in ribbons and feathers, changing her wet blue dress and white blouse into Sailor Moon's red, white, and blue sailor uniform. She ran out from hiding to the bus stop across the small field.
"Hey, you! Thorn-face, leave those people alone! I stand for lo- love and justice! I am Sailor Moon, and on behalf of the moon, I'll punish you!" Moon went through her normal introductory speech, stumbling a little on the word 'love' wondering if it were really true if no one even loved HER. She ran to confront the Dark Moon threat- then slipped on the wet grass for a jarring landing on her butt. Luckily, all the creature's victims were passed out all ready leaving only the monster to laugh at her.
"Ha! You think YOU can beat me? You can't even stand up! I will secure this crystal point for Rubeus easily if you're the best this past Tokyo could come up with." The monster turned to her, mocking her before attacking. There was a buzzing like swarming bees as it laughed at her, then launched dead black roses at her. "How about some black roses for you? They stand for death- YOURS!" The look of indignation fled from Sailor Moon's face as she sat petrified, wide eyes staring in disbelief; roses were supposed to save her, not kill her!
Suddenly, black clad arms wrapped around her and she was instantly carried to safety by Tuxedo Mask.
"Oh, Tuxedo Mask-" Sailor Moon wasn't sure she should be grateful or embarrassed that he had to come and save after their fight. She almost wished the droid HAD hit her rather than look into Tuxedo Mask's hurt eyes.
"Sailor Moon, you must call the others for back up." He emotionlessly advised, landing between the bus stop and monster. He flung his own red roses at the creature as Moon turned away and whipped out her communicator.
"Right." She agreed uncertainly then pressed the 'All Call' button, relaying quick directions to the first girl who answered.
"Be right there!" Mina responded, Moon could hear Lita groaning in the background as she clicked off the communicator and pocketed it again. She turned back to where Tux and the flower monster fought, equally matched, red roses versus black. A memory clicked in her mind, the last time she'd seen black roses . . . Thrown by her love with the aim of killing her-
"Sailor Moon, use your scepter!" Tux managed to yell as he dodged another dead rose barrage, countering with his own shower of red.
She blinked rapidly, banishing the terrible memories away to the farthest part of her mind. "Yeah, I know, I'm getting there!" Moon impatiently pulled out her scepter and prepared to aim. The monster was jumping all over the place, and kept Tuxedo Mask between it and her; she couldn't make a clear shot! "Tuxedo Mask! Get out of the-" Suddenly the monster leapt over her caped protector, and headed straight for her! Serina yelped and stumbled backwards, tripping over a hidden stone.
She sat horrified a split second as the blue and gray creature hovered over her, pasting a shower of ash-soft and clinging petals to her body. She instinctively raised her scepter and quickly began her attack, barely hearing Tuxedo Mask's shout of warning. "Moon Scepter-" Her mouth was instantly smothered by the half-rotten petals and she suddenly couldn't breathe, suffocated by the monster's unexpected attack. She tried to fight the oppressive things, ripping them from her mouth and nose, ready to complete her attack before Jupiter interrupted her and she was distracted, being overwhelmed again by the energy-draining petals and losing the fight. She could feel herself falling into the blackness of unconsciousness even though she could no longer see anything with the petals covering her eyes. 'Oh no! The Scouts need my help, and stupid me, got caught . . . I don't have the energy . . .'
"Jupiter Thunderclap Zap!" A blue-white ball of lightning hurled through the air and exploded against the Dark Moon flunky in a brilliant cascade of sparks. The leafy demon lost several gray petals before it recovered and launched razor-edged thorns at the new threats.
Sailor Jupiter prepared another bolt but was beaten to the punch by Sailor Mercury as her Ice Storm blasted the flying thorns, encasing them in ice and falling harmlessly to the ground. "Thanks, Mercury!" Jupiter and Venus smiled. Mercury nodded as she pulled out her mini-computer.
Sailor Mars raced to Sailor Moon's side, she lay covered, unmoving, under a pile of dead rose petals and leaves the size of dinner plates. Mars used a carefully directed blast of fire to sear away the dangerous petals, Sailor Moon's semi-conscious blue eyes widened and she gasped for breath.
"Cuttin' close ain't ya, Mars?" She accused between wheezes as she sat up and glanced around to study the new situation.
"Someone blast that thing before it recovers." The blue haired scout suggested, twisting her right earring stud to activate her clear blue visor. "This creature is after another crystal point. It's weak spot is it's flowers. When all the petals have fallen off, it will be destroyed." She glanced up, scanning the creature further. She noted that it was all ready at half power. "A few more blasts should do it!"
"Mars Celestial Fire Surround!" Meteors of flame engulfed over the evil rose bush, followed by a rope of Venus' Love Chain.
"You won't win that easily!" The dark creature stumbled under both attacks but stubbornly fought back with it's deadly roses and thorns. Sailor Moon still wasn't fast enough to dodge the attack and rolled to the ground pulling thorns from her arms, legs, and torso. She whined at their pricking and itching, she was very quickly smeared with red blood from the tiny stabs and cuts, nothing serious and they were healing as soon as she pulled the thorns free.
"Mercury Bubbles Blast!" The area was suddenly shrouded in dense blue fog, hiding the Scouts from their enemy.
"Sailor Moon! Use your scepter all ready!" Mars shouted impatiently as the five girls regrouped. They eached winced at the painful sight their leader made but said nothing. She was all ready recovering. The creature still roared curses and threats at the unseen Scouts, and began to fling attacks at them again as Mercury's fog began to clear.
"I would have if you'd given me a chance!" Sailor Moon stood before Mars, sticking her tongue out before twirling to finish off the enemy. "MOON SCEPTER ELIMINATION!" The ray of light and crescent moons hit it's target and the ugly rose-bushy creature disintegrated to dust, leaving behind a dead gray gemstone. "Ha! Moon dusted!"
Beside her, on the ground, Sailor Moon found a perfect red rose, and she vaguely heard Tuxedo Mask's words. "My roses stand for eternal and true love. Have faith in yourself, Sailor Moon." Moon triumphantly turned around, smiling elatedly. 'Maybe there's still a chance! Oh, Darien . . .' The sight that faced her melted her victorious feelings away, leaving her with a cold, empty dread in her stomach.
The Scouts weren't happy. Venus and Mercury had picked up a couple cuts and bruises at some point during the fight, Jupiter was rubbing her shoulder where she hit it during an evasive roll. Mars just glared at her, irritatedly ripping away a tickling lock of black hair from her angry face. Sailor Moon ashamedly realized Mars was favoring her left foot, she hadn't even noticed when she'd twisted it. She hadn't been paying attention to her friends, hadn't protected them; as leader that was her job. To take care of her Scouts. Moon looked down in meek surrender, studying her red-booted feet. 'I've done it again. Screwed up. I wish Tuxedo Mask hadn't saved me- anything's better than this. I guess they're right, I'm not good enough.' Now she'd get it, like she always did. The yelling would start and she'd hear how stupid she was, and lazy, and inattentive. She couldn't stop them. 'But I don't want to deal with their complaints this time! Not again! I did the best I could!'
"Sailor Moon, what TOOK you so long! You could have helped a little more than just the final blow, ya know!" Sailor Mars started. "You always wait until the last minute, as if to take credit for the whole battle, letting US do all the work for you! EVERY time! You never change, Sailor Moon. You need to grow up and fight like the WARRIOR you're supposed to be! If not for Tuxedo Mask and us, Tokyo would have been lost a year ago to the negaverse!" Mars was on a rampage, stomping up to Sailor Moon and blaming her for everything that went wrong. Moon paled at her accusations then flushed with her own resentment and embarrassment. The other three scouts weren't even saying anything, neither defending nor encouraging, just accepting Mars' words as truth!
"Even without you, I'd be just fine, MARS. I can handle anything these nega-trash or- or Dark Moon creeps can throw at me! I was about to take that plant-thing out when you guys showed up!"
"What, were you going to trip it? Yeah, right. All I saw was that you got yourself caught!" Mars sneered. "Lazy Sailor Moon thinks she can destroy the whole negaverse by herself. Without us, huh? You couldn't even stop Beryl as the Moon Princess without us! You couldn't do anything by yourself, Sailor Moon!"
The anger and frustration that had been building up all day, and probably much longer, that she had managed to keep pent up inside to spare her friends her wrath and herself the pain it's release would undoubtedly cause, was suddenly given free reign. Tears of pain squeezed through her shut eyes, as she let Sailor Mars rant on, unheard anymore. The girls had rarely seen Sailor Moon as enraged as she was right now, maybe never had. Moon prayed in the back of her mind that they never would again. Her face was white with anger, her head felt burning hot though her clenched fists were ice cold. Without her emotional walls to hold in her fury, Moon opened her eyes, a harsh blue-silver lit by a fire of passionate ice. She prepared to do the most outrageous, impetuous, and probably best thing she COULD do to her 'friends'.
NOW Mars would have her fight, in fact, now Mars would have everything.
"You must be right, Mars, I can't do anything on my own. I just slow you guys down and you'd be better off without me. If you're so confident YOU can do this job better than me, Mars, then go ahead. I'm obviously not HALF as qualified as you!" The freezing tone of her voice sent chills down each of the girls' backs. Sailor Moon reached for her brooch in the center of her blue bow and tore it off, throwing it to the ground in front of a shocked Sailor Mars. Instantly she was shifted back to plain old Serina Tsukino. Her hard blue eyes still misted mirrors of cold ice, she turned her back on the Scouts and left them in a silence that frightened them more than any enemy they had faced before.
Mars stared opened-mouthed after the blonde, realizing she'd gone too far this time. Then her gaze jerked down to study the dreadful thing lying in the wet grass before her; the pink brooch containing the most precious and powerful jewel in the universe. The Silver Crystal, and hidden within it's pure, enchanting glitter, Sailor Moon. 'Oh, Goddess! What have we done?'