Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Simple Christmas Wish ❯ My Friend Fainted On Me ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Notes:

Hi everyone! Guess what? I felt terrible about the short third chapter (which I'm once again apologizing for), that I decided to release chapter four out sooner than planned. Thank - you for the reviews and e -mails. Really, really appreciate it. Hope you enjoy the chapter and sorry about the slight swearing. Oh, if there's any editing errors, please ignore them. (sigh) I never could get rid of them. Oh, well. This chapter is a bit longer than the other one. …(I think it is)…hehe…. Please send an e -mail or please review the chapter. It would mean a lot. That's it for now. So, on with the story…

***Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Sailormoon characters in this story. ***

"A Simple Christmas Wish" - Chapter 4

Mamoru's View:


Finally, she looked up at me again. As she was about to finish her sentence, something happened…

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Suddenly, four EXTREMELY familiar teenage girls grab my Usako from our embrace. Away from ME, may I add! Grrr… Why the heck did they do THAT for?! Did I ever mention how much those four girls annoy me at times? Damn hyper, bothersome, nosey… wait… you don't know who I'm talking about, do you? (Sigh) Sorry about that….hmm… I tend to get of topic a lot… Dear readers, my Usako has four best friends. The first, is a hot - tempered girl named Rei…hmm… I thought she had a crush on me... Guess she got over me. Thank god. Anyways, where was I? Oh, yeah. The second is a blue haired genius named Amy. The third girl happens to be a chestnut brown haired girl named Lita. Then, there's the blonde - blue eyed bubby, Mina. Usually, I don't mind the girls THAT much on a regular day basis., today was different! How many days in all of the years I've known Usako, did she come up and kiss me? None, but today! One out of 365 days! Today! But noooooooooooo, it was ruined thanks to the girls. Damn. Damn it all.

Finally coming out of my stupor, I notice that the four (exceptionally annoying ) girls and my Usako were across the room, in a cuddle. My poor little bunny was bombarded with questions from the four. I was able to tell, from where I stood. I could feel a smirk appearing on my lips. It looked like the four didn't give Usako any time to answer. It looked like I wasn't going to get any answers about the kiss, nor tell my feelings to Usako anytime soon. So I, for my part, walked over to the counter, where a pale looking arcade guy stood, who also happened to be my best pal, after gathering my things. As I walked up to the counter, I heard whistling, disappointed sighs (mostly from females) and several other noises or such things, which was probably related with the kiss Usako shared with me earlier. Throughout the whole time, I kept a watchful eye on Usako. At long last I reached the counter. Hmm… it sure was a long walk though. Next time I come to the arcade, I'll make sure NOT to sit wwwaaayyy back.

"Hey Andy!" I said to my friend, who looked extremely pale for some reason.

"You… Usagi….back … there…. lips…touch… kiss… no … fight…Damn." with that said, my dear friend fainted. Yup. Fainted. Knocked out cold. Looks like he took the kiss pretty hard than I thought. (sigh) Guess I have to help him now, since he's unconscious. Man, just my luck. What? Yeah, yeah. I know. It's not like I don't want to help him or anything. I just wanted to have a conversation with my Usako before her so called "friends" take her somewhere else. Their capable of doing that. It's true. I've seen it done before.

I somehow managed to find Andy's younger sister, who also happened to work at the arcade. With her help, I was able to get Andy in the employee's only room in the back. I was about to leave to the back room, when Andy's sister asked me to help bring him back into the world of consciousness. Silently cursing under my breath, hopefully she didn't hear that, I simply nod and began trying to wake Andrew. ..hmm… the question was, how do you do that?

***20 Minutes Later***

After 20, yes 20 minutes of trying, my EX - pal finally awoken. He must have seen my anger, since I saw his nervous reaction at my glare. Oh, well. So much for keeping it undercover. With that, I left the back room, making sure Andy was in the care of his younger sister. As I entered the arcade, well the front part anyways, I felt a grin appearing on my face. Now to mind Usako. With eager eyes, I looked around. First slowly. Results: Negative. Then faster, since I started to panic. Results: Negative. Ok. By now, I felt like being in a horror movie. Rubbing my eyes, I looked again. Veeeeerrrryyyyyyyyy slowly, may I add. Results: Negative. No Usako. Damn. Damn it all to hell.

- To be continued…

Author's Notes:

Hi again. How was the chapter? Good or bad? Please send an e -mail or please review. Hopefully, this chapter would calm down the readers who were mad at me for the short chapter… hehe… I really am sorry about that. Thanks for reading. I'll try to get chapter five out A.S.A.P. Once more, thanks for reading!

Take Care,
