Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Simple Missuderstanding ❯ Another chance ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ok, the final chapter of this story, yes this story was VERY short, I know, but I'm thinking botu a sequel. Here it goes..

Disclaimer: I do NOT OWN SAILOR MOON!

Ami stood, all alone on a bridge in Juban. She leaned against the rail, a doctors coat wrapped around her, Gazing down into the river below she studies herself. Sorrow filled eyes, icey blue hair, now a few inches past her shoulders. Weary eyes, with small bags under them. She had finally become a doctor… one of the best kinds in the world. She had recently just gotten backl from Germany, but tonight she had been in the Juban hospital, working with her mother. A form of mother-daughter bonding if you will. A veil of tears form over her eyes, as suddenly she rememeber what day it is. It was 1 a.m., most people would be asleep, in their nice warm beds. Husband and Wives, cuddled together on a big king sized bed. She smiled longingly… wishing she could be one of those people. She extands her hand, and examines the ring that adores her finger… the one she's worn ever since that day… The day her beloved Greg… left. She sighed, the whole purpose of returning to Japan was because in a few weeks, Usagi and Mamoru were going to get married, then they would preform the great freeze. But she couldn't do it… not now… how could she guide the Merurians all alone…? She couldn't do it.. not without.. him… That was why she was here… to rid herself of all this pain. Reaching into an inside pocket on her lab coat, she brought out her henshin stick, and murmered the familiar words "mercury star makeup" ice blue ribbons surrounded her, and stuck to her, changing colors until she stood, in her sailor uniform. Smiling sadly, a sword appeared in her hand. The Mercury Saber. Grasping the hilt tightly, she prepares to plunge the blade into her heart, but just as the tip was about ot peirce her skin she stops, hearing a small voice callin her name, a familier voice… his voice… A light glows infront of her, and the blade lifts itself from her hand and merges with the light, it shifts form, into a human for. Soft pearl white wings sprouting from his back. And there standing infront of the lonely Senshi of ice, is the long dead Prince of Frost…her beloved.. Greg. She whispers his name, unbeleiving, she extends her hand, trembling to touch him, btu her hand goes right through. She gasps. He smiles, a long sad smile, yet filled with undying love, never wavering. "Sorry love… but I'm jstu a spirit… but I do have some good news… do you by chance still have… that- that ring..?" he asked hopefully, prayign to all gods that she wasn't already married and fallen inlove with another. She nodded, tears forming in her yes. "of course…." He smiles genuinly happy now. "good, ive been watching you love…and your father Hermes didn't like your mood at all… so he talked to Taru's father… and well.. they've decided, as a gift, since you are to be queen soon. I get to be reborn…" Ami cried out in joy, not believing. She silently thanked her father and Hades "however… theres a catch… I'm not sure where I'm going to be reborn…. And I don't know if I'll look the same. I wont remember a thing,, until… we meet again…soo." He says. She nods in understanding, determination and joy in her eyes. "I understand, I'll fnd you, and then we can…" her voice drifts as he begins fade. "No please Greg, don't leave me yet, its to soon." The angel shakes his head sadly, before he vanishes he says, "I love you Ami…. Always and forever…. Till we meet again, love."

And so….Ami asks Mamoru and Usa to hold the wedding. She leaves Juban…. In search of her love, her soul mate.. her prince of frost… Greg…..

THE END- for real this time

Hee hee, I was rereading my story, and suddenly this idea struck me, hence the added chapter. Now we have a poll… if you really liked this story, and want a sequel vote yess!! If you hated it and thought it was a terrible, or if you think its good and I should end it here, vote no! but please, I want opinions.
