Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Soldier's Duty ❯ Chapter 20
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A Soldier's Duty, chapter 20
"Writing is not neccesarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwards." - Robert Heinlein
DISCLAIMER: insert all applicable disclaimers here.
Appearing in the midst of a situation as tense as having two groups of Senshi and their allies ready to rumble, Grey did one of the few things that he could have done to cut the tension level immediately.
He fainted.
Well, it *had* been a terribly long day. Starting with injuries received running from various girls who'd gotten some nasty little potion. Followed by a long series of adventures involving storybook characters, arrows being pulled out of his back, getting beaten on by Maya in her panic attack, and numerous other aches and pains.
The tension level dropped momentarily.
"Moon Healing Activation," called out Sailor Moon, beginning her windup.
"Saturn Healing Activation," tried Sailor Saturn, having seen this before.
"Millenial Crystal Healing," began Queen Serenity.
There were a set of glares as all three stopped as they realized they weren't sure *what* would happen if the fields overlapped.
Ami cleared her throat. "Just in case anyone is interested. I'm cancelling my engagement to Shard-kun. With exams coming up, there is no room in my life for things like 'dating' or 'love'. Studying is my only concern now. Family honor can be taken up by someone who actually has something in common with him. I see no reason for me to endure this hardship. Now it's late and I need to get home."
Those who knew Ami stared at her because they weren't used to her being *this* cold.
As Ami left, Minako stumbled forward. Go to the aid of her friend, who had obviously gone through rough times in *her* prison. It had been rather obvious that the master of these youma hadn't followed recent events that well. Sailor Jupiter vs undead rats, whereas she had gotten "Goldilocks and the Three Bears?" Nope. Not even beginning to be a level playing field. Or go to the assistance of her fallen fiance? Or keep herself ready for any more treachery from Queen Serenity?
Mamoru cleared his throat from the sidelines. "It's just turned 3am. In case anyone is interested."
"It *is* getting quite late," Queen Serenity declared. "We shall discuss this another time." She raised her hand, prepared to whisk herself, her soldiers, and her former consort back to her hotel.
Sailor Saturn blocked the last from teleportation by kneeling at Grey's side and beginning to heal wounds that had reopened.
With Serenity's departure, the remaining tension slowly drained and yawns began as the terribly long day was finally declared over.
With Ami's departure, and Grey having collapsed, and everyone way too tired to argue much, it was decided that having him stay at the Shrine was the option of choice. Minako merely snuck back home and into her room. It was already morning, and she had to be at school way too soon.
Sakura, having noticed that Ami's book had *not* vanished like the rest, made a note to investigate it. AFTER she'd gotten some sleep.
Grey didn't dream, for once. He'd lost a lot of blood, a lot of energy, and had exhausted his natural reserves, gone beyond those, and magical healing could only go so far. At this point the only reason he hadn't dropped literally dead was Celeste fixing some of the problems of Kitchiri's earlier intervention.
Grey's baseline reality was (once again) a silver dragon from Aramar. Aramarian dragons were difficult to kill. They had a host of Rules that affected them, often in ways the dragons didn't suspect themselves, but they tended to be pretty darn tough.
Even when the dragon was in human form and not aware of his status.
Dragons of Aramar didn't dream either. At least in a Freudian or Jungian sense. They didn't enter an elven Reverie either. Dragons sometimes visited other people's dreams, or could end up in an elf's reverie. More often though, and in a dragonsleep, the dragon's mind's eye looked elsewhere and sometimes elsewhen.
And as a certain dragon was worried about a number of girls that he knew, he ended up sticking his head in *their* dreams. Well, at least a couple.
He really *was* quite exhausted.
Hotaru had taken a position close by her sempai. She had his measure by now, and even if he hadn't been in a coma, there was nothing improper going to happen. Unless she initiated it, and as she'd been reduced in age once again that wasn't likely.
There was some brief words spoken in a tinkly high voice, but they were words that good little Japanese girls didn't use, so Hotaru ignored them. It was just Haruka complaining about the fact that she was currently Tinkerbell - including glow and little sparkle of light as she flew about. All of which Haruka had some problems with, apparently.
Hotaru listened during the night as Rei got up from her bed and went to the bathroom, then came back and... Hotaru frowned as a message penetrated. That message being that Rei had ended up with a shorter walk back to her bed.
Eyes protested being roused from slumber, but a contented "mmmmm" was sufficient to make the effort.
The sky outside was showing definite signs of predawn. From that faint light, Hotaru could see the dim shape of her sempai right there. Beyond her sempai was...
Hotaru managed a very tired scowl. Snuggled up against her sempai, her head using his chest as a pillow, was Makoto. Right area, wrong person, not Rei after all. There wasn't sufficient light, but from seeing the shape and hearing another contented "mmmmMMMmmmm" was enough to fill in details. If she hadn't felt so tired, Hotaru might have protested.
Instead Hotaru fell asleep while trying to think about how to seperate the two.
In a strange realm, a bunch of underclad girls who were actually playing cards were dancing around a large machine.
"The Queen of Hearts,
she likes her tarts,
and on them she will prey,
she'll do them up right proper,
on this fine summer day."
Ameow struggled within the machine, feeling her very self under assault. Though she had been seperated from the "study freak" she remained intelligent, and had decided that she needed to try something. She didn't have a transformation pen, but transformation to Sailor Mercury had been cut off by the Queen. Besides, that would be Ami. What could she do as Ameow Mewzuno?
The song was interrupted and the hiss of the machine was overwhelmed by a voice shouting from within its depths.
"Snowcat Prrrincess Purrcury POWER UP!"
The Tartmaking Machine abruptly exploded with little shards of ice zinging around the room accompanied by shrieking from the playing cardgirls as they ducked for cover.
A white furred catgirl leapt to the ruined top of the machine and posed triumphantly. "Nyaa. Why should Sailor Cheetah be only one who has fun? Ahem. Introducing the smarticat of Love & Exams, the cuddly and cute Snowcat Princess who fights for love and quality cuddling time! Snowcat Purrcury!"
The redhaired Usagi in red leather snapped her whip. "If you know what's good for you, you'll surrender peaceably. But by all means, struggle so that I may properly punish you!"
Snowcat Purrcury disagreed. "AURORA THUNDER ATTACK!"
The Red Queen blinked from within a block of ice briefly, looking startled as the white furred princess walked past, head and tail held high.
"Nyaaaaaaaa. Ameow feels *much* better now. Queen, I would suggest you not cross me." Purrcury flicked her fingers out, revealing longer and thicker claws than she had as Ameow. "Or we will see who punishes who. Heh heh."
The nearest knot of psychic tension was a young samurai girl who was tossing and turning.
The dragon landed in her dreamscape and looked around. A cliff overlooking a raging sea, dark overcast skies overhead, the smell promising rain. Sakura sat on the top of that cliff, looking out at that sea, her dark hair whipped about by the breeze.
Grey moved closer, trying to determine what was going on.
"It is not polite to enter another's dreams uninvited," said Sakura, suddenly changing colors. White hair was now billowing in the breeze, while darker skin formed a stark contrast. Eyes that seemed a bright aquamarine studied him briefly. "Stay awhile yet. I have need of some company at this point."
Grey sat down, regarding the pointy-eared girl before him. Her clothing changed as abruptly as her coloration had, going from the pink oriental kimono to a set of battered armor with panels lacquered the same shade as her eyes. Her katana briefly sparkled and shifted as well, becoming an older-looking and more worn weapon.
"A long life I've had, alone, and it's been a harsh one. Pit fighter is hardly an occupation I'd recommend, but then those who ply that trade usually have no choice in the matter, eh?"
Grey nodded and made an agreeing noise.
Sakura sighed and lay completely back, now regarding the sky. "This is a strange situation, is it not? I don't actually love you, you know."
Grey wasn't sure how he was supposed to react to that. Heck, he wasn't sure why he was a dragon in this dream, or why she had turned into an elf.
"No, I'm in love with the idea of being in love, if ye can ken such a thing." Sakura plucked a blade of grass idly and began chewing on the stem. "I've long wanted to put aside combat, though it's mostly what I know."
Another mostly agreement noise seemed the best response. Grey obliged.
"You couldna see it among the drow, but among the other slaves, of other races, you could see it." Sakura let out a long deep sigh. The oceanside vanished, replaced with a mortared dungeon lit from openings along the ceiling. "These things called 'love' and 'affection' - of being tender and gentle with your chosen partner. It called out to me heart, it did. Yet I ne'er thought would find me. A scarred old warrior trained in the martial arts since birth? Clanless, a slave among the slaves? No, nor was it a good thing to think o'er much there. Ye just dealt with each day as it came, never think beyond the next combat, always training in how to best kill yer opponent."
The pain in that voice got Grey to move closer and gently nudge the girl with his head in an attempt to show sympathy.
Sakura reached up to stroke the dragon's muzzle slightly. "Then, jes before the city got blown up, someone came seeking me. Not just me, but still, it was the first time I'd been seen as a person and not an object. My trainers, the audiences, even my fellow slaves. They'd all seen me as an object. Something to train, or something to sell, something to fight. Here was this human girl who'd wanted to get all the innocents out before the hammer fell. Except he wasn't really a human or a girl, just someone who'd gotten a raw deal most of his life." Sakura's voice went quieter. "Like me."
While he had absolutely no idea what this girl was talking about, Grey pressed briefly and lightly against her in an attempt to reassure.
"Well," said Sakura, "even if I lose, I'll have given it my best shot. Pity that neither of us will remember this when this dream's at an end, right? Now, my friend, I need to slip into a deeper sleep. Sakura Shinguchi has classes tomorrow, even if I think you'll miss yours."
The Wizard had woken early, checked, and discovered that only one trap remained intact.
So much for all the effort put into the Virtual Beast.
Still, all was not lost. He could weave a particularly perverted trap into place if the boy tried to rescue that last girl.
If he had the measure of the Binding right, the boy wouldn't even realize he'd been trapped.
The second dream, like the first, was stark in its own way. Where the largely empty environment of the cliff and the dungeon had been, this was a more crowded in a way.
It was a graveyard.
Grey was struck immediately with the difference from similar things in the States. There, burial plots were usually fairly sizable, with space between each grave, except for the family plots which were usually fairly tightly together. Grass covered all but the headstones.
In Japan, apparently, it was different. These were small ashtrays in front of vertical markers.
This was kind of alarming, in that the markers stretched out in all directions to the horizon. Considering that the average distance between markers was a little over two feet, and that each marker was about three feet in height, that meant a lot of markers.
Walking through this revealed a gradual deterioration of the markers. Where they had been fairly well maintained at the start, as he walked towards the distant figure, they became older and more neglected. The languages on the markers changed too. From that Japanese stuff that he *still* couldn't read worth a darn, it switched to roman-style lettering. Then Russian symbols, interspersed with Japanese or Chinese, other odd symbol-writing, at least two that used Egyptian style hieroglyphs, and something that looked like Norse runes. After that, there were a lot of markers which failed to show any lettering due to the excessive weathering of the stone or rotting of the wood of the signs. Some were legibile, but the writing didn't look at all familiar.
By this time he could make out the details of the one kneeling before one of the markers. He'd been able to tell it was Morrigan right away from the hair color. Her clothing was atypical, however. She usually wore something fairly scanty. Here she was wearing a black dress that pretty much covered everything.
When he was standing silently next to her, he noticed that the grave marker had been weathered away to a lump. There was a jagged top, and there were hints of lines, but whatever it had said had long ago been lost.
"Mortals don't last too long, you know," Morrigan said in a low tone. "They're here, vibrant and young, handsome or beautiful, full of life and song. Then you blink and they've died of old age. Run off on a quick errand and you come back to find that their greatgrandchildren don't even know their names, or that their keep was abandoned and the line died out. Get summoned home to Makai for some boring ceremony and committees on zoning laws, finally get back and the people you danced and laughed with just the other day have turned to dust long ago and have been forgotten."
Grey had absolutely no idea how you were supposed to respond to that.
"Perhaps that's what draws me to mortalkind. A bright candle that burns quickly, compared to the long guttering flames of Makai. That and the variety. I've met humans more cruel than Dimitri, more playful than Felicity, and more loyal than Frank. I've known babbling idiots, wise philosophers, skilled rogues, and bastions of kindness. I've interacted with saints, who were less boring than you might think, and with brigands, who can actually be *quite* boring. But then you turn away for a moment, and they're gone."
Grey cleared his throat. "Well, you should consider associating with the Senshi for a time then. A lifespan in the Silver Millenium can last a thousand years."
Morrigan glanced briefly at him, then straightened from where she had been kneeling. "That could be interesting. Will Usagi still trip over her own feet, five hundred years from now? Will Makoto even remember the face of that 'sempai' she still moons over a century hence? Will they still be the same people they are now with the foibles that make them human? Or will they turn cold and jaded?"
Again Grey had no clear answer. "Maybe. Change is a constant. i'd expect there to be some 'core' of them to continue through the ages."
Morrigan considered that briefly, her fingers running briefly over the surface of the grave marker.
"i'm just a fifteen year old boy. Nebula had lived longer, but Nebula's faded into the past." Grey stared at the marker, wondering what significance it had to the succubus. Then shook himself from the distraction. "This kinda thing is out of my league. Sorry."
Morrigan sighed deeply and shook her head. "There are times I am entirely too tired of all this. Nor are you comfortable with having me as a thrall."
"True," Grey allowed, privately he had his doubts about his ability just to survive a relationship with Ami or Makoto much less someone like Morrigan. "Perhaps we should just go our seperate ways?"
Morrigan nodded, then reached out to tousle his hair. "You take care, kid. Though I think our paths will cross again."
Celeste noted a light flashing and clicked the corresponding control. "Wow, they're beginning to drop out. Eudial, Morrigan, and Ami have all rejected him now."
"That's really going to affect the betting," said Fleece. The goddess of the quick yen, who had once been a mortal named Nabiki Tendo, kept her recent revelation to herself. "Though don't forget that Amieow is still seperated."
"Doesn't matter," Celeste argued. "Amieow is just part of Ami. The moment he brings her back into the main simulation, her earlier decision to leave him to others will stand. If that Sailor Iron Mouse running around doesn't finish them off first."
"Well, at least Happosai and Ataru and that other fellow aren't messing things up any more." Serafita was glad to see the chaos level receding. Celeste hadn't been joking earlier about altering the scenario to that pokegirl setting, which would have been quite alarming.
"Let's see. Rei's set for the evening date. Will he even be in shape to walk by then?" Fleece started figuring out the odds.
"Hey, Fleece, who were you favoring, anyway?"
"Hmmm? Oh, Ranko." Fleece ignored the looks of disgust. "Not the Ranko with the Inferna Akane. Have you seen those timelines where Ranma was born female? Some of those are even more insane than the mainline. Such as there's a couple (at least) where she ends up with Akane, despite neither starting out with the least inclination towards same-sex pairings, and neither having a gender changing curse. Don't you think someone like that deserves a break?"
People were still looking at Fleece as if she were crazy.
"No chance of that happening," concluded Fleece. "Out of *this* crew, I'd have to go with Misato. She really needs someone to take care of her."
"Borrrring," said the girl as she walked down the streets. "How am I supposed to find someone with a Star Seed around here? I always get the tough assignments."
"Hey, girlie. You wanna good time, I can show you things you just not believe!"
Sailor Iron Mouse looked up and down the two fellows in the car that had pulled alongside her. "Why? Are you brilliant? Are you the best in this dull town?"
"Girl, some days I'm good. The rest of the time, I am fan-tastic!"
Just to be on the safe side, Iron Mouse attacked both the guy leaning out the window, and the driver. Unfortunately, their star seeds turned dark almost immediately. "Phooey. Such pathetic star seeds are not of any interest to me."
She walked away, ignoring the shrieks and screams. Especially after the two Farces formed.
"Sailor Pimp!"
"Sailor Cokehead!"
Sailor Iron Mouse shook her head. She'd heard from two different people that if you wanted a brilliantly shining star, this was the place to come. So far she hadn't seen any evidence of it.
Upon hearing gunshots nearby, Sailor Iron Mouse decided to leave this "Hollywood" for other areas. Maybe the magazines might give her some clues.
Besides, those two fuku-clad Farces were not something to gaze on for very long.
Minako blearily opened an eye to regard her mother. Who was standing in the doorway looking very alarmed. Minako's father quickly came into a similar position and pose.
Minako tried to puzzle this out. Had she failed to change clothes? Well, it *had* been rather eventful. And now she...
Minako had started to brush some hair back out of her eyes. The good news was that she was wearing her pajamas. The bad news was that that hand was covered with spotted golden fur.
She hadn't transformed back last night.
Which meant that her parents were looking at Sailor Cheetah wearing *her* pajamas.
Oh dear.
Mrs Aino started tapping her foot impatiently, clearly waiting for the explanation.
"Uhm, actually, there's a good explanation for this," Minako began. "Uhm. Well."
Minako considered transforming back. She considered claiming that she was really Sailor Cheetah and had no idea where Minako was. However, despite having many good qualities, there was one rather blatant truth about Minako Aino: she was not a morning person even under the best of circumstances.
"Uhm, well, actually. You remember that fiance of mine? Grey-chan accidently kind of did this." Minako tried to smile innocently.
Waking up at the Hikawa Shrine was an unusual experience.
Makoto had been rescued from hordes of carnivorous undead rats. Going home *alone* in the dark had not been something the courageous Sailor had been ready for. Sure she could face yoma and Dark Kingdom Generals and the like without the slightest qualm. Cornered in a sewer with thousands of beady red eyes, rotted flesh, sharp white teeth? Nope. When her rescuer had shown up and gotten her out of there, she'd had to be physically pried off of him.
And as soon as she'd been sure that he was asleep and nobody else was watching, she'd shared his futon. Nothing hentai of course. She was exhausted, he was wounded *and* exhausted.
Waking up, Makoto was aware of the boy's steady breathing, his warmth and presence, and the smell of antiseptics. Cracking an eye open, the 5'10" girl looked at her shorter boyfriend. She also couldn't help but stare at the eyes regarding her from the other side.
Rei stumbled past the three tangled up on the futon, sufficiently out of it that she didn't notice all the details.
Hotaru was far too unconscious to notice any of this either.
Setsuna regarded Makoto from the other side of Grey.
Makoto tried to focus on something pleasant. "Nice nightie."
"It's practical," responded Setsuna. "Do you normally sleep in the nude?"
"No," admitted Makoto, "normally I wear pajamas but it was late last night. Besides, I'm not naked. I'm wearing a tshirt."
Setsuna sighed and winced as she slowly got up.
Tequila was not at *all* sure what to make of this. "Uhm, look, Senorita. Nice little ersatz sailor fuku, but we're closed. It's eight o'clock!"
"Eee hee hee hee! I, Sailor Tin Cat, will steal your Star Seeds and put that loser Iron Mouse in her place!"
Tequila was unimpressed. "Look, the headress is silly, you've got knobby legs, and we are CLOSED! We had the Last Call two hours ago!"
Tin Cat blinked repeatedly. "Knobby knees? I do NOT have knobby knees!"
"Jagermeister? Vodka? Senorita Gato needs to find the door." The Mexican temptress flipped her hair back and frowned disapprovingly at the noisy girl.
"Shaaa!" Tin Cat's bracelet sent two energy "pom poms" towards this impertinent waitress.
Which hit, exploded in a brief flurry of sparks, and did absolutely nothing. Tequila and her "sisters" were all elemental spirits. They were not descended from Tau Ceti refugees, not subjects or descended even in part from the Moon Kingdom, and not actually human despite a human seeming. Therefore they had no Star Seeds, Pure Hearts, or other bits of quasi-magical jewelry to be ripped out of them.
Which briefly surprised the heck out of Sailor Tin Cat until she was physically ejected from the building.
Grey slowly sat up. "Time for school? i'll... be..." *THUD!*
"He's unconscious again," said Setsima, laying the boy back down and pulling his futon up again.
"Think that third time's the charm, or will he go for a fourth?" Makoto was split. She admired his persistance, but was concerned about all the injuries that were visible now that it was light.
"I'll stay here and change his bandages," offered Setsuna.
"No way!" Makoto realized her ponytail had stuck up briefly again and smoothed it back down.
"He's *my* sempai, I should be the one to do it," Hotaru said, her natural timidity at odds with her current desire to make sure someone didn't get naughty with her sempai. With these girls you just couldn't tell.
*Zzzzzzzttttttt!* "AAAAAGHHHH!"
"And would someone turn off that darn buglight? Haruka-san keeps getting fried in that thing."
Haruka dropped, smouldering slightly, to the ground. "That's it. I'm gonna World Shaking the boy the first time nobody's looking."
Michiru yawned, looking a little less elegant than was usual, and picked up her lightly fried lover in one hand. Then walked off, still clad in her pajamas.
Rei reappeared in her school uniform and noticed the heavily unconscious Grey. Then the three girls glowering at each other.
"We'll stay here," supplied Deimos.
"You can count on us," seconded Phobos.
Severe looks were turned towards the two former crows.
"Besides, the clock now reads," observed Deimos.
"eight-thirty," finished Phobos. "You'll be late for school."
Michiru came back at high speed, grabbed her clothes, then rushed off to change.
"...and so that's what happened." Minako finished up, proud of how she hadn't revealed any details of her other friends' identities (other than Nebula being Basalt being Grey) and the tangled mess that was the fiancee group. She also left out any reference to dying, figuring that the idea that she had died and been brought back by a ditz like Usagi would really upset them.
"Ami's dropped out?" Her father had decided to focus on the positive aspects of all this. "That'll change the betting at work. Hmmmm."
Minako's mother, on the other hand, was less happy. On the one hand, her daughter was going off into danger and neglecting her schoolwork. On the other hand, she had responsibilities and was somewhat more diligent than expected in meeting them. Bad: she was facing ancient beings that could kill off the population of Tokyo. Good: she was not only saving millions of lives by doing so, she was apparently getting along with her fiance. Bad: her little Mina was now a catgirl - not quite human, though she could turn human again. Good: she *could* turn human again, and (having been dismissed by her Queen) could honorably retire from adventuring. Bad: the "Queen" of the "Good Guys" was apparently planning world conquest. Good: Mina had allies who could be counted on in times of hardship.
Mrs Aino considered to ponder while staring at her daughter, making Mina-chan nervous enough that she unintentionally shifted back to werecheetah.
The solution was obvious. Remove Minako from Tokyo where all this weirdness had occurred. Nothing like that had happened in England. (Another omission from Minako.) So the means thereby became obvious. Minako was already engaged to Shard-san. Shard-san would return to America with his new bride and live a perfectly normal life. Mrs Aino would have to cross the Pacific in order to visit her grandbabies, but that wasn't too onerous compared to the relative safety. (Did they even *have* youma in the US?)
Minako got even more nervous at her mother's expression.
Mrs Aino nodded for no reason Minako could detect. ~Yes. That should do nicely. I can make plans and the phone calls while Minako is at school.~ "Minako. You're going to be late for school."
There are times when truly horrible coincidence, insanely poor timing, and just plain old bad luck gang up on poor innocent people and make their lives a living hell.
This wasn't one of those instances.
A group of terribly tired, disheveled, nerves shot, young girls meeting up for a walk to school seemed a PERFECT target.
With Cyprial, Eudial, Kaolinite, and Terurun all gone, it remained to the others to advance their own private dark causes and do evil villainy. Mimete was busy with her hot springs, hobnobbing with celebrities and handsome fellows, and it was doubtful she even remembered her original mission.
Which left Villuy to prepare her newest attack! She had to leave the nanobots behind, but was ready to use a special set of daimons. These would disarm and overwhelm the silly little girls, who looked barely able to remain awake much less fight. Their pure hearts would be taken, and used to power devices that would then give Villuy some insurance if the Wizard turned against her!
And as these looked like insipid little typical girls, she'd use something that would be sure to get them to lower their guard!
Tired. Sore. Wasted. Morning of the Living Dead. None of the girls were really feeling that good that morning.
"Minako-chan," mumbled Usagi as way of a greeting.
Misato grunted her own version of a good morning.
Ami had her nose in a book and didn't comment.
The others all made tired noises. So did Minako, so they were at least even.
"I'm even more tired than I thought I was," said Usagi after a moment. "Either that or there's a purple dinosaur over there with a microphone."
Much blinking was followed by heads swiveling to stare. Sure enough. A purple dinosaur with a microphone.
"Hi there, little girls! It's time to sing along with ME! Oh, I love you, you love me..."
After several of these girls had just gone through Jurassic Park, and had been attacked by a large number of ridiculous creatures of late, this was not the best time to try clobbering them with a magical attack.
*Grow Shift Fuzz* Minako instantly transformed to Sailor Cheetah.
*Click!* Misato pulled a Walther PPK out of her purse.
*Spin pose* Setsuna aimed the business end of her staff at the purple beast.
"Jupiter" "Moon" "Mercury" "Power. MAKE UP!"
The Barney-yoma hesitated for a moment, then began his Charm Song. He'd have these girls begging to have their heart crystals taken.
"A-TA! Sailor Cheetah Special Manuever! Sonic Boom!" *BOOM!*
*BAM! BAM! BAM!* Misato didn't like this at all. "I gotta hangover damnit! Just shut up!"
"I forgot I couldn't transform to Sailor Mercury." "Jupiter Thunder CRASH!" "Moon Princess Halation!"
Setsuna thought for a moment. She didn't really need to say anything to unleash an attack, but she was used to saying *something* so... Oh. It was already down. Never mind.
Villuy blinked. These were (obviously) not your average Japanese high school girls.
They obviously had two Senshi in their number. What a coup getting *their* pure hearts would be!
Everyone was grumbling, a mixture of tired, annoyed, on edge, and unhappy.
"Oh ho ho ho ho ho! Sailor Senshi, your pure hearts shall be mine! Daimon, attack!"
There was a brief image of a female shaped daimon straightening up. "Tantrum!"
"THUNDER CLAP!" "Setsuna Gamma Ray Laser!" "Taiko Thrown Drumstick Attack!" "Cherry Blossom Spirit Strike!" "Moon Tiara Action!" "Both Barrels Blazing!"
Sailor Jupiter looked towards the others. "'Both barrels blazing'? 'thrown drumstick attack'?"
Maya shrugged. "I was feeling left out." Misato nodded agreement.
Villuy stared at the smoking crater and fallen mallet where her second daimon had been reduced to component atoms. Snapping her gaze up, she had one last card to play, and against this they had no defense. "Nanorobots, GO!"
"THUNDER CLAP!" "Setsuna Gamma Ray Laser!" "Taiko Thrown Drumstick Attack!" "Cherry Blossom Spirit Strike!" "Moon Tiara Action!" "Both Barrels Blazing!"
Ami went over the second smouldering crater and pulled a disintegrating bracer out of it. "Alas, this is what happens when someone without love believes only in logical science."
"Get real," said Misato sleepily. "She got fragged because she might have been smart enough to build nanorobots, but she was idiot enough to challenge us."
"Uhm, isn't it Ami-chan who usually says something like 'she has no time for pursuits like love with exams coming up'?" Makoto whispered to Minako.
Ami sighed, she'd been hoping for a meaningful speech full of personal insight and angst. Especially as she was wondering if she might have left an actual part of herself behind. Though that very thought was ridiculous. Dropping the bracelet back, she tried for quick and meaningful. "She was unwise."
On THAT was no argument.
Sailor Tin Cat focussed on her new prey, doing her best not to limp. This guy had a Star Seed, she was sure of it.
She pounced from her position of concealment, trusting in her skills honed through centuries of service under Galaxia.
Unfortunately the blonde guy with the motorcycle wasn't there. The motorcycle *was* there. Tin Cat looked around wondering where that guy could have gone.
"Let me guess. Puss in Boots?"
Sailor Tin Cat whirled around, there was the guy who had so much presence he *must* have a Star Seed. "What?! How did you...?"
Obsidian sighed wearily. "No, just another stupid damn daimon in a silly costume."
"Now I'll take your Star Seed and... URK!"
Obsidian finished a short and extremely brutal set of moves that were designed for one end. His martial arts style (such as it was) was based on the simple concept of "killing your enemy before they could kill you." Adapted for supernatural creatures who had regenerative properties, the idea was to cause such extreme bodywide damage that one could then reduce said opponent to such a basic level that the regeneration would be delayed if not overwhelmed.
It didn't take long before Obsidian finally came back out of the bushes, flipping a bracelet up and down in his hand. He liked taking his enemy's weapons. Not only did it make for an interesting collection, but investigating them often gave you useful information on those very opponents.
Continuing with Unusual Beginnings:
Soun was flabbergasted. He'd gotten a postcard from Genma stating simply:
Need help. Be there soon. Genma.
Then a *panda* of all things had shown up at his front door, looked around, then headed for the furo. This had been followed by Genma at last appearing, though without Ranma despite their old agreement. A demonstration and explanation of Jusenkyo had occurred, but now Soun could hold his tearful question back any longer.
"But what about your son, Saotome? What about our pledge to join the two families?"
"I'm rather curious myself," said Nabiki from her position at the crowded table.
Genma went into his most solemn expression. "The trouble started when we visited a village of Chinese Amazons."
"'Chinese Amazons'? Get real," snorted Akane. Personally she was glad there was no boy to show up, though she'd never admit she was actually curious about this anyway.
"Yes, and while Ranma is supremely confident in his martial arts skills," Genma paused to scarf four rice balls and take a gulp of hot tea, "I was certain to undercut his confidence in everything else in life. To make him more tractable and easily dominated by one of your daughters for the marriage."
"Good thinking, Saotome," agreed Soun, not noticing the frowns appearing on two of his daughters' faces.
Genma nodded. "Unfortunately, even with my sabotage of his friends and social life, making sure he grew up so ready for a friend that he would be truly desperate for any kindness your daughters could show him, something unexpected occurred at that village."
Shampoo smiled confidently. She'd just given the Kiss Of Death. The Guide was panicked and explaining to this interloper what she'd just done. Now, would this Outsider show herself worthy of joining the tribe by courageously standing her ground, or would she be revealed as a coward by fleeing - and therefore worthy only of contempt?
Uh oh. Why was the Outsider girl looking all sparkly-eyed like that? What was with the drifting sakura petals and pink light? Judging from the happy oblivious look on the girl's face, Shampoo made a wild guess that this girl hadn't even heard one word the Jusenkyo Guide had said. What was with all the roses in the background? This wasn't the flower festival!
Shampoo's eyebrows attempted to rise past her hairline. She was being kissed?! A light kiss, almost identical to the Kiss Of Death she'd just given. Now the girl's blue sparkly eyes were brimming over with tears and she was staring right into Shampoo's eyes. Waitaminute, this was NOT how this was supposed to go!
Shampoo considered fainting. The girl was saying something in that odd language and hugging her so hard that Shampoo felt ribs creaking. "AHHHHH! SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL THIS GIRL WHAT I JUST DID!"
A gentle, inexperienced, hesitant, kiss to the lips was Shampoo's answer. Then this girl laid her head on Shampoo's shoulder and said something else in their odd language, almost drowsily.
"Uhm? Excuse me?" Shampoo started trying to get herself free, without success.
Cologne pogosticked up. If the girl had run, she would have been deemed a coward. Shampoo would have been dishonored, then have to chase after the girl and humiliate her. Death actually wasn't the usual way for things to go, but the Amazons had to keep up appearances. If she had stood her ground, ready for a fight, she would have gotten a feast and party as she became a member of the tribe. THIS didn't quite fit.
"Help! Great Grandmother! This pervert..." Shampoo began to choke. The girl was responding to Shampoo's attempts to free herself by practically grafting herself on.
Cologne listened to the barely audible muttering. Shampoo had seen through the curse? This girl had been alone for a long time except for a "stupid father" and...
Cologne listened further to the barely coherent rambling, then fixed her gaze upon a panda who had snuck back to the feast table and had begun scarfing food rapidly.
A severely underconfident young lady, who had never had friends, never known family, never had any fun or home she could call her own? And a PIT OF CATS?!
Cologne encapsulated the girl's rambling into a shorter form. An abused child? One who had been recklessly endangered by her father? Never allowed to know her mother? No friends?
The disgust and annoyance focussed on the Outsider changed to looks of sympathy.
Cologne's staff flicked out. Curses had been mentioned. THAT was the Jusenkyo Guide. A cup of hot tea from one onlooker was launched. A panda turned into an overweight man.
"Kill the panda!" "Abusive fathers must die!" "Let me slash his ears off!"
Shampoo had fainted, otherwise she would have volunteered. If nothing else just to get away from the hydraulic press that was this girl's hug.
"It is a matter of family honor, RANMA'S family honor," insisted Genma. "You know how much weight giri has in Japan..."
Cologne nodded. "Certainly it would be best not to inflict any further dishonor on the poor child."
Genma let out a deep breath of relief. "Fine then. We'll just be going."
"Oh? What exactly is this 'we' you are referring to?"
Genma froze again. "But you just said..."
The wrinkled old crone smiled. "Genma Saotome, upon interviewing with you and young Ranma, it has been determined that you are a loathsome, dishonorable, pathetic, lazy, small time thief and large time glutton."
"HEY!" Genma disagreed with this assessment. He wasn't loathsome!
"The only reason you haven't been sold to the Beijing Zoo is because it was felt that losing even a miserable excuse for a family member like you would have negative effects on your child's precarious mental health." If Lilac's glare was any hotter Genma would have combusted. "Abused children, particularly abused women, have often been adopted by the tribe."
"...but Ranma is a boy..." Genma squeaked, being surrounded by a large number of really old women whom he knew (from three attempts to rescue Ranma and flee the village) could severely kick his butt whether he was in panda form or human.
"Yes, we know." Cologne sat back, considering whether to make just one tiny movement. One little signal that would have this person mailed home in a zip-loc pouch. The one quart variety. No. A pity. But no. "One who has been adopted into the tribe." Though this really upset Mousse. It was quite strange that Mousse simply could not seem to grasp that Ranma and Shampoo were *friends* now. Siblings by adoption. Though on seeing what Ranma looked like as a boy, and what could have been her husband, Shampoo had managed to dent a support post when she had beat her head against it. Still, Cologne thought it was all *mainly* sorted out.
"Therefore, *your* family role is secondary - if existent at all." Lilac was an earthy sort of Healer, and a dirty old woman, and a lot of things. Child abuse was one of those things that caused her to put aside the Healer's role temporarily.
"So you can leave and put things aright back in your homeland. Meanwhile, Ranma can spend time here with his new sister and try to recover from having you as a father," Cologne pronounced.
"Why should I agree to something so ridiculous?" Genma huffed at the old woman.
"It gets you out of our village, and alive," pointed out Cologne.
Genma considered the old women briefly. Survival was a good thing, but greed... "Throw in dinner and it's a deal."
"Saotome, how could you?!" Soun groaned, though well remembering how easily Genma would cave at the offer of food.
"All is not lost, Tendo. If your three daughters travel to the Amazon village, we can present Ranma this as an obligation of honor. They will *have* to let Ranma go so that he can marry one of your daughters, and the marriage can take place on the spot!"
"Good thinking, Saotome!" Soun smiled and turned to his daughters. "You see, girls, he's... Where did they go?"