Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A strange twist ❯ A strange twist ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

They do NOT belong to me, NONE of them k…

A/N: well I just want to warn you of spelling okay. Point them out to me if you find any. Also I will use all flames to cook pies…..yum…well you MUST review. Read on…

**~~^~~**The loss…**~~^~~**

Sailor Moon ducked another blast from the mystic sphere. All the other sailor senshies were getting back up from the brutal assault from the sphere. The only thing in their minds was to protect their princess and her loved ones. Mars called upon her fire dragon and sent it at the ball. As Jupiter did a thunder wave it joined forces with the fire dragon. Now a large fire beast with electricity surrounding it flew towards the sphere that was laying out the attacks on them all.

The electrified fire dragon impacted the sphere causing a bright light. All the senshies watched in amazement as the light cleared and the dust that had become unsettled in the fight and action settled. A much larger sphere was now revealed and all the senshies had now gathered around their princess, all having their most powerful attacks ready to continue the battle that they thought would never end.

All the senshies went at the sphere with all their combined powers. This only caused the ball to get larger and, what seemed like, stronger. Mercury brought out her computer to recalibrate the energy source and its reason for getting stronger. Sailor Moon and the other Sailor Scouts crowded around her but also watched as the ball get larger with all the attacks that they had all just put into it.

"Maybe if we over load it with too much power that will that work?" said Jupiter.

Mercury shook her head. "It doesn't seem like it has a limit of absorbing power and we're all just making it stronger." They all turned as Sailor Moon dropped to her knees crying "If Darrein were here he would know what to do."

Sailor Mars stood over the sobbing teenager. "If you act like you are helpless without your man then there is no need for you to even be here. Serina, I'm not trying to be mean or anything…" Mars was cut off by Serina glaring up at her.

"You. Ever since he… he died, you have been telling me to move on with my life. HA! You can't even move on with yours. It seems like ever since your grandpa died. You have been taking all your pain out on me and I have been letting you. NOW… NOW YOU ARE TELLING ME TO MOVE ON WITH MY LIFE WHEN I HAVE BEN TRYING. BUT ALL YOU SEEM TO BE ABLE TO DO IS REMIND ME OF HIS DEATH." Serina broke off again. Her voice unable to say anything more. with heartbreak Mars stood there stumped for words. "Um, guys. I hate to intrude but now we do have a problem." Stated Sailor Venus.

They all looked up and saw that the sphere, instead of being the size of a basketball, was now twice as big as a large beach ball.

**~~^~~**else where**~~^~~**

Rini ran down the stairs and up another footpath towards the black cloud where she knew they would all be including Serina. Crying as she ran Rini hoped that Serina would not be dead by the time she got there. She didn't want to loose them again. She didn't want to go through the pain of seeing them all dying. Not again.

**~~^~~**Back to the battle**~~^~~**

Sailor Moon tripped over the rubble that lay in her path causing the powerful attack from the sphere to hit her on the waist. Screaming she fell to the ground clinging to her wound. Her torn cloths hung from her from all the attacks that had hit her or grazed her. She looked around seeing Mina's body lying stiff near her and Uranus's and Neptune's further away where they were holding hands. She looked up as she heard a scream from another sailor scout. She watched in horror as Jupiter turning back into her normal clothing she was wearing only a few hours ago as soon as she fell to the ground. Serina already knew she was also dead just like the rest. There was only Mars and Mercury and her left and there was nothing she could do to help. She was useless to them and all she could do was watch her friends dying around her. Serina looked down at her wound taking her hand away she could see the damage and how bad it actually was.

"SERINA GET OUT OF HERE NOW!" Serina looked over at Mars who was dodging an attack that she had just sent at the sphere "NO RAI! I'M NOT LEAVING YOU OR AMI" Mars tried dodging another attack but was hit. Flinching at the pain and barely standing she looked over to Serina "I'm not going to argue with you Serina. GO!"

Serina shook her head. Not able to control the tears "I'm not leaving you Rai"

Sailor Mars clenched her fists. She knew this wasn't the time for petty arguments but she had to protect her no matter how stubborn she was. "SERINA YOU IDIOT GO!!!!!"

Serina stood up holding her wound not willing to leave her friends behind I won't make the same mistake twice. I don't want to be alone-.


Rini tripped over a crack in the footpath. Not bothering to even look at it Rini climbed back to her feet. She could feel the pain in her elbow and she knew it was bleeding but she didn't care she wasn't going to slow down. As she ran her tears fell faster, half because of the pain the elbow gave but it was mainly because of the loss she would have if she didn't hurry. Somehow she knew she would get there too late. Shaking that thought from her head Rini forced herself to run faster ignoring the pain her legs were giving her and the pain of her elbow.

Serina screamed as Mars got hit and fell to the ground from another attack the sphere had laid on her. Sailor Mars was already forcing herself to her feet and to face the ball once again. Serina watched as she tried another attack on the ball but only had it shot back at her. Sailor Mars fell to the ground and knew that she had no more energy left. She closed her eyes and let the last breath of air escape from her before she died as well. Sarina's legs collapsed from under her and she fell to the ground crying wishing that his never happened. She looked up and saw a lage ball of fire coming at her. Having nowhere to run she could only watch. Just as it was about to hit she heard a scream. Turning in the direction of the scream she saw only a shimmer of pink before she was pushed out of the way of the ball that was aimed at her. Looking up she saw a body lying next to her. Realising the pink hair she screamed crawling over to Rini's torn and still body picking her up and cradling it. She cried. She didn't care anymore. She didn't care what happened to her all her friends. They were dead.

As her tears fell on Rini's chest a small glow appeared and soon a small object appeared just in front of her. It was a small charm. Wiping her tears away she placed Rini's body down gently and picked up the charm. Holding it up in the air she yelled, "Charm Princess Transformer."

As soon as she said these words a bright light engulfed her and in a matter of seconds it disappeared and Princess Serina stood in the middle of all the rubble and bodies. Her charm around her wrist, she pulled her crystal in front of her thinking of all the losses she had had the crystal glowed and a bright light emerged from it and hit the sphere causing it to implode as soon as the dust had settled Serina looked around her. Using all her magic to destroy the sphere she was now back in her normal clothing as well.

Serina stood up I will never forget any of you.