Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Trusting Heart ❯ Forgiveness ( Chapter 5 )
[ A - All Readers ]
Chapter 5
“Sailor Moon! Are you all right?” Sailor Mars called, seeing her friend on the ground, struggling to stand, her back to the group. No one had seen what happened, just that Sailor Moon had dodged some more of that new bad guy's crystal spears. Then he abruptly disappeared and Sailor Moon was returning to the battle. And hiding her shoulder from them.
Moon valiantly called back, hiding the grimace from her voice with growing skill. She was certainly getting better at hiding her feelings. “Yeah, Mars, keep fighting!” Sailor Moon pushed herself to her feet, holding the wound to her shoulder with her good hand; the other couldn't move and barely held on to her Scepter. The crystal spear had dissolved on impact, and she tried her best to staunch the profuse bleeding.
She couldn't move her arm. That was her first thought as she tried to continue the battle. If she removed her hand, she'd likely lose a dangerous amount of blood, even now she couldn't stop nor hide the trickling trails that seeped through her fingers and white uniform. Even with the incredibly fast healing that their Sailor powers lent them, this injury would take a little more time to heal than she had to spare right now. And she was needed! Her Scouts needed her to dust the droid . . .
“Continue with the plan!” Venus cried, standing a little firmer now and defending her corner. The others nodded in agreement, powering up their attacks to dust the offensive creature.
“Venus Love Chain Encircle!” Sailor Venus's chain-linked hearts lassoed the metal droid, holding it in place as Mars's Celestial Fire attack blasted it, Sailor Jupiter's Thunderclap rattled the thing to it's knees, and Mercury's Ice Storm froze it in place. Sailor Moon proudly watched her friends and warriors working in harmony. Caught up in the triumphant moment, she ignored the pain of her shoulder, the deep cuts stinging on either arm, and lifted her scepter to deliver the final blow her Scouts were waiting for.
“Moon Scepter Elimination!” The burst of light and crescents instantly dusted the creature. She smiled in tired satisfaction. “Humph. Moon dusted.” She whispered then sank weakly to her knees again as dizziness and pain washed away her victorious feelings. They had won, all those people were safe- her friends were safe . . . That was all that mattered.
She sensed the Scouts race to her side but before them, her beloved, Tuxedo Mask, appeared from nowhere and cradled her weak form in his arms. This was the first time she could remember him being late to save her.
“Hey, I'm okay, guys, it's all ready healing. I just need to sleep it off . . .” Sailor Moon said even as her vision dimmed. Her eyes focused on the alarmed and self-loathing pools of dark blue beneath Tuxedo Mask's white domino. She didn't want him to blame himself; it was her fault. “Don't worry, I'm fine. It's not your fault, I wasn't prepared for a surprise attack.” She felt Tux squeeze her delicately in understanding even as he lifted her away to return to the safety of Rei's temple. Soon after his smile of reassurance, she passed out.
“She lost some blood, and she needs only to sleep to recover, Tuxedo Mask. As long as she remains in her Scout form, she'll heal even faster. She was lucky she dodged, that one was aimed for her heart. Don't worry about it, she knows she'll be fine.” She knew Darien was afraid for her, they all were but she would recover.
Ami had downshifted, along with her other concerned friends, and had quickly examined her friend's injuries. The gashes were all ready clotted and skin cells rejuvenating. As always, there wouldn't even be a scar. The gaping hole, which she assumed was created by one of Garnyt's trademark spears, had as well, stopped bleeding so much and was quickly healing. Serina merely needed to rest and recuperate. “I'm surprised Garnyt didn't do any more damage, he had caught her by surprise. If he wanted to, he could have-“ Ami mumbled to herself as she turned to Mina and performed the same diagnosis. Mina's cuts were slowly beginning to fade and Rei's weak ankle wasn't as bad as they previously thought. She flipped her palmtop closed then waved good-bye to her friends. She had to make sure her mother was okay after the attack. The other girls could take care of themselves and Sailor Moon for now.
“I should have been there. I promised to keep her safe. Why wasn't I FASTER?” Darien muttered, mostly to himself. Rei was about to ask the same question when Lita pinched her arm and shook her head. Serina would bite her head off if she found out Rei had blamed Darien at all when she herself didn't. Besides, they were as guilty as he was. They were supposed to protect the princess and this time she was the only one that left the battle with real injuries.
`Poor Serina, she shouldn't have gotten hurt, not for no reason at all . . .' Lita thought as she followed the rest of her friends. The group shortly arrived at the temple, sneaking in unnoticed by either Chad or Rei's grandpa. Rei led Darien to a side room where he laid his precious burden on an extra bed. She sighed gently and snuggled into the covers as if she were in normal, peaceful sleep.
Darien gazed over his Serina, the blood on her uniform was a startling contrast to the white of her bodysuit and gold of her hair. Why did she have to get hurt? Why couldn't he have been there to protect her, to sweep her out of the way of danger? His eyes ached with the still sight of her, blinding proof that he had failed her, the only woman he could ever love. Perhaps he truly wasn't worthy of this girl anymore, he couldn't protect her, not always, just as she had told him. He realized the image he'd seen last night, what he'd thought was another dream, had spoken truth; she would give her life at any moment to save others no matter how hard he tried to guard her. Even the great Tuxedo Mask could not stop destiny. `Forgive me, my love, for not believing in you.'
As he stared at her angelic face longingly, he thought he noticed a tiny smile on her lips. A whisper drifted through his mind, whether of reality or memory, he couldn't tell, but the single word eased his soul. `Forgiven.'
“Ever hear of that river in Egypt? DE-Nile?”
Darien was preparing to leave, about ten minutes after he'd arrived. Now that he was assured of her well-being, he wanted to quickly leave the burning, accusing glares of Serina's protective friends.
Ami had returned to check up on her princess. After the wounds had completely healed, Serina had detransformed from Sailor Moon to Serina Tsukino, however, she didn't awaken as Ami had predicted she would. The girl that lay in Rei's spare bed after the display of pink light, ribbons, and feathers faded away took Darien's breath away. She was still his Serina but her fallen gold hair billowed in incandescent rivulets across her pillow and bed. Her soft, pale face, that had been so peaceful as she recovered, now creased with worry and flushed as the moon child lay in sleep.
“Perhaps her body is still recovering from the trauma of last night?” Luna suggested from her position beside the angel's head.
“Trauma? What happened? What are you talking about, Luna?” Darien paused in the doorway in mid-step when the cat made her suggestion to the confused blue-haired girl. His head whipped back to the small party of worried girls. The reference caught him by surprise; what had happened to her last night that he hadn't felt himself? He always knew when something was wrong with Serina, always.
Mina answered him first. `Sure, he might know something about it, he's the only one we haven't questioned yet and he's the most obvious person to put Serina in a panic- or trance.' She reasoned with a smile. “Last night Luna and Rini woke up to Serina having a really bad nightmare, and when she `woke up' she was in some kind of trance and she used the Silver Crystal then passed out. This morning she couldn't remember it. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that now would you?” Mina didn't need him to answer her; the shocked look in his dark blue eyes confirmed it. Something had happened between them all right even if Serina couldn't remember it.
Darien nearly choked on his breath, his hanging foot stumbled and he was tempted to just keep walking, ignore the five sets of eyes now drilling into his back. Then he remembered his decision last night to try to win back Serina's love; he supposed this was the first step.
“Yeah, Darien, you're as guilty as a cat!” Lita called, receiving an offended glare from Luna and Artemis. “Except you guys, I didn't mean that.” She apologized, returning her green gaze to the back of Darien's head.
“She didn't remember?” Darien whispered to himself. She came to him and she couldn't remember that? Did she still recall his feelings, what she said, how she made him feel, how she'd convinced him to ignore his nightmares and return to her?
“No, she didn't, and Rini and I were terribly worried, not mention the royal hysterics she herself was put through, so if you know what happened to Serina, Darien, I demand you tell me now.” Luna commanded, though it was hardly her place to command the prince of the earth. However, this concerned her princess's life and sanity. In that, she had all rights to protect her.
“I- Last night- well, let me start at the beginning.” Darien was fully facing them now, though still not returning their gaze. He stared at the lovely, silent figure gracing the bed across from him, the four girls, her best friends, hung around her. Sitting at the foot of the bed or leaning up against the wall as he now did, they still kept close to her side.
“Always a good place to start.” Mina agreed encouragingly. This was a story she'd waited a month to hear. Alongside her, the other girls settled to listen attentively to Darien's tale.
“A little over a month ago, I started having these nightmares, so vivid and terrifying that I have no doubt they are true. Premonitions, visions of the future I tend to have sometimes. These had a voice telling me that Serina, Princess Serenity, would die if I didn't stop loving her, if I didn't stay away from her. Night after night I watched Serina die at our wedding, torn just out of my reach, and I could never save her, and the voice never changed. `Stay away from the princess or she will perish.' You can't imagine the hell I've gone through, every night, and then needing to give her up in the day! Just to make sure I don't somehow kill her as the dream warns. She loves me, I know that, and it was that love that killed her- you know she'd give her life to protect any one of us- This voice was warning me that it was true!” Unconsciously, his hand curled into a fist and he hit the wall behind him to punctuate his frustration and helplessness.
“It hurts beyond words, every time I see her and can't hold her, can't kiss away her pained tears that I caused even as I'm dying inside to keep her safe. It was the only thing I could think of, so she wouldn't di- die, not for someone like me.” Darien's confession fell to a whisper. This suddenly didn't seem like such a good idea, hearing himself explain his terrible behavior, it sounded ridiculous, lame. They could never understand, he never accepted his explanation either but it was all he had- that and the nightmares!
He squeezed his eyes shut in pain and hopelessness; how could he get them to believe him if he couldn't believe himself! “I've no right to ask it of you, even if I was keeping my distance to protect her, there was no excuse for the extremes I went to make her hate me. If she hated me, it wouldn't break her heart every time she saw me and I could avoid her more easily without needing to worry about her wanting me back or myself trying to get her back. She'd forget about me and go on with her life and not get hurt trying to help me in any way. Please, forgive me. I'm so sorry, I was stupid and blind to the fact that nothing can change our love. We're more powerful together than we could ever be apart. I didn't have faith and I didn't want her to live in fear knowing the truth of these visions could come true if I told her.”
“You should know she'd never stop loving you no matter what you did. She could never forget you, not after a thousand years of loving you. You should also have told us. Or at least told HER. Either way, they were just dreams to disappear in the morning anyway.”
“But they came back every time I closed my eyes! Every time I see her I hear the voice, see her dying, screaming! It was my dreams that led me to her and now dreams keep me away!” Darien snapped, instantly regretting it. She was right, he should have at least told Serina, given her the reason for their break up, he just didn't want to frighten her. “I'm sorry. I wish I could undo everything I've done to hurt her, I was confused and afraid for her life. Can you forgive me? Do you think SHE will ever forgive me?” Darien's troubled eyes flicked from each girl to the black cat resting beside her mistress and finally to the breath-taking princess lying deathly still on the bed.
Lita looked up, a rare thoughtful seriousness on her face as she briefly chewed on her bottom lip, twisting a curly lock of russet brown hair. “Your fine by me, Darien. I might have done the same thing. Any one of us might have.”
Mina glanced up, then nodded her head in agreement. “I'm sure Serina would say the same, though she would have handled it much more maturely, college boy.” She teased, her soft gaze lightening the mood.
Ami didn't make a sound, still contemplating the reasoning behind Darien's rash of violent dreaming. She merely nodded in agreement when they glanced at her, continuing her train of thought on visions of the future. Perhaps it was a memory of the moon, he had said Princess Serenity- But the warning voice, it could be a message from someone, a threat? Did the Dark Moon have something to do with it? Or someone in the future Rini was from or even Rini herself . . ?
Finally it was Rei's turn. Darien didn't expect to receive anything more kind than a fireball from her. Her back was to the group, staring between her best friend and the wan sun outside the window. She had held Serina when she cried, lamenting Darien's loss, she'd slapped her back to reality when it started getting ridiculous, and she was still the first to notice when Serina was losing it again. And now she was expected to FORGIVE him for the torture he'd put her best friend through? All that pain he'd caused and his only explanation was a silly DREAM? She more than any of the others knew the importance of premonitions but- a stupid DREAM made him act like that?! They might be destined for each other, but as it appeared to her, Darien wasn't mature enough to handle any kind of relationship: He'd neglected Serina's feelings and her equal say in anything concerning her and their relationship. He didn't deserve her.
But then, he'd never had anyone to ever consult with before, he wasn't use to working in a partnership of any kind, especially concerning things extremely important to him. But STILL!
Rei sighed heavily. She knew she was being irrational but- well, that was her nature. She wouldn't look at the others. She wasn't sure if they had betrayed Serina by forgiving this man, or if she was betraying her for not being happy that the one thing she wanted most in the world had finally returned to her. He was only concerned for her safety even if he was too harsh on her. Yeah, that was it, he'd tried too hard to keep her away, all that coldness wasn't necessary.
She glanced again at Serina. She was pretty enough to get any guy she wanted, if they could stand her clumsiness and wailing. But this was the only man she wanted . . .
“Can I trust you to take care of her? This time or ever?” She asked quietly, coldly.
It was more than Darien had expected, she'd stayed silent so long, he hadn't realized he was holding his breath until she spoke. At least he wasn't fried or fending off her accusations as he had been afraid of. But that question had caught him off-guard. As much as it was a relief, it was trial within itself. He had shown up late at this last battle and he'd hurt her so much all ready. He knew he would do anything to keep her safe but never again without her.
Darien didn't hesitate to answer with a truth that could never be denied.
“Serina is my life, before, now, and ever after. She is my world and I would die before anything harmed her. She means my heart and soul to me and I will NEVER give her up again without a fight! Should I ever fail to protect her with every strength I have, then kill me because I would never want to live without her sunshine and laughter. I wouldn't know how to live anymore, she's taught me everything and I can't do it without her. Just as much as I would give my life for her, I am prepared to prove it in every way I can from now on. She will never have a reason to doubt my love for her ever again, and neither will anyone else. Rei, I realize now that the future can be changed, but our present is all that matters right now. I love Serina and I want nothing more than to be with her forever.”
“You'd better, cause if you don't, I wouldn't give you the pleasure of sweet oblivion. Trust me, these past few weeks will be nothing compared to living without her, and never being able to get her back.” Rei whirled on him, her fiery violet eyes held the passion of a supernova that burned through his soul. What she saw there confirmed his words. She couldn't force him to live if they ever lost her; he would die of heartbreak within moments of her death. That fervent emotion caught in his defiant sea blue eyes meant more than her threats and his words. This was his soul that declared his love for Serina, and she couldn't deny what her mystical sight described to her. “I forgive you . . .” She whispered, nearly in tears for the love she saw in his eyes for her best friend. The love that had never left, had never changed except to grow stronger in a thousand years. She couldn't keep them apart, nothing could now, and she didn't ever want to see them apart again.
“Thank you-“
“YES!” A golden blur suddenly zipped past everyone's startled eyes as Serina leapt from her barely maintained silent vigil. Having raptly listened to Darien's explanation she was completely willing to take him back without reservation. It was just as she thought! The fool only wanted to protect her! “I knew it! I told you, you still loved me!” Serina cried out, laughing for all she was worth in Darien's arms. He held her tightly, lifting her above him and smiling up at her. She wept in relief and he held her close again, kissing away her tears. This was where she belonged, this was home.
“I never stopped, my princess. You were right the whole time, but it was what you said last night that made me see how stupid I was being.” She sighed contentedly against his chest, her slightly sore arms wrapped tightly around his neck, and completely happy.
“What did I say?” She asked eagerly. `I knew it had something to do with Darien!' Serina closed her eyes briefly as a wave of dizziness stole her balance. Something suddenly occurred to her and her stomach's growling confirmed it. “Whoa, I haven't eaten since breakfast and I'm starved! Rei, do you have anything to feed your famished best friend?”
“Yeah, Serina.” Rei sighed in exasperation, rolling her eyes at everyone else in long-suffering patience. Everyone cracked up, their relief showing in their laughter. The two lovebirds were too busy kissing to notice.
“Oh, Serina, we're glad you're back to normal!” Mina cried, rushing up to Serina who held loosely onto Darien's waist. She caught her up in hug that Serina eagerly returned.
“Sheesh, I'm fine, Mina, I'm just hungry.” Again her stomach growled and the girls laughed. Rei returned to the giggling laden with sandwiches and reheated rice and various cookies and brownies that Lita had brought over earlier when they'd been planning a picnic.
“Great!” Serina almost let go of Darien to attack the food but catching herself, she snagged his hand and dragged him over to where Rei had set the food as far from Serina as possible. She laughed at Serina pigging out with one hand.
“Leave some for us, crater mouth!” Rei called after managing to steal a brownie for herself but noticing the other girls didn't stand a chance. Abruptly, Serina stopped, mid-mouthful.
“I-uh, yeah, go ahead. I guess I wasn't as hungry as I thought.” Out of habit, she grabbed a few more cookies but she didn't try to eat them. Her stomach was rejecting the food just as fervently as it had demanded it a moment ago.
“Are you sure you're all right, Serina?” Ami asked, her worry showing through her teasing smile. Serina hung back, pouting.
“I don't know if I should be offended or grateful for your concern!”
“Oh, don't take it the wrong way, Serina, we're just worried. We never even saw that Garnyt guy sneak up on you!” Lita unconsciously crushed her paper plate. “He's gonna pay for that!”
“I don't know why but for some reason, I don't think he was out to kill me. We all know he could have, he just had this sad look of- of- sorry-ness. Like he didn't want to hurt me.” Serina's face contorted with confusion and sympathy. Darien held her closer and she snuggled into his embrace.
She sighed as she felt his warm hand gently stroking her hair, almost unconsciously. Rei's voice cut through her reverie. “You're imagining things, Meatball head. You heard him at the mall; he's out to get you. If he didn't want to hurt you he wouldn't have attacked you in the first place!”
“Well, I was going to say thank you for being so mature earlier, PYRO, for forgiving Darien without my needing to yell at you, but now you can forget it!” Serina suddenly stood, crossing her arms angrily, Rei shot to her feet just as quickly and the tongue war started with the others disintegrating into giggles and exasperated sighs. Now everything was back to normal.
“So, when you guys are done with your immature fighting, who still wants to go to the park? It's still early.” Lita and Mina stood, Ami, gathering her things and following suit. The two stubborn girls looked at them, then at each other and broke into smiles.
Luna dropped her head. “I will never understand you girls!” She hopped up to Ami's shoulder as Serina was occupied with Darien and Rei followed up behind them, closing up the shrine as they left.
As they walked down the temple steps, Mina struck up a conversation to get the girls to smile again. Nothing like some mischief to aggravate Serina into a healthy huff and get some laughs too. “So, Darien, did you hear about a special girl's birthday on Saturday? There's been no talk of a party yet but everyone's all ready got presents for her.” She smiled slyly, sneaking a glittering glance at Serina. As she expected, her Royal Highness was steaming that she would so blatantly discuss her forgotten birthday with her boyfriend.
Darien, on the other hand, looked completely confused. He didn't get the joke and neither did he know about the two girls' birthdays. “What do you mean?” Serina turned to him a hurt and appalled look on her face. `Has he forgotten TOO!?'
“Oh yeah, Rini's birthday's this Saturday- and speaking of, have you gotten her anything yet, Serina? She is supposed to be your cousin.” Lita accused, jumping into the game of pick-on-Serina.
“As a matter of fact, I do have an idea for her, but that's my secret- so DON'T ask.” She added as Mina and Lita both opened their mouths. She diverted her glare to Luna, knowing that her choice of gifts wouldn't please her kitty at all and she wasn't happy about keeping it from her guardian either.
“Oh, I guess I have some shopping to do then, I had no idea. She hadn't mentioned it all.” Darien recovered. The little girl had still spent many afternoons with him, even after he and Serina had broken up. Though she could talk one's ear off, she had never said anything about her birthday coming up. He'd grown really fond of the kid and he felt bad that she hadn't told him about something as important as that. To a little kid it was supposed to be something to look forward to. Even in the orphanage he'd grown up in, birthdays were celebrated as best as they could with what little they had.
“Well, speaking of the little spore, I kinda left her hanging at home. Darien, would you come pick her up with me?” Darien along with the other girls shot her a surprised look. When did she ever care about the kid being entertained? If she wasn't in danger, Serina and Rini wanted nothing to do with each other.
`She just wants to be with Darien alone . . . Ahhh, I hope she beats the crap out of him.' Lita sighed in a day-dreamy way. It was so cute that little Serina could kill him at any moment. She winked in the blonde's direction then took off with the others.
“Yeah, sure. We'll meet you guys at the park with Rini in a few minutes.” Serina and Darien waved off the girls and turned back down the road towards Serina's house.
Darien slowed to a pause when the pair was a safe distance from Rei's shrine and the eavesdropping girls. He took Serina's slender hand in his and lightly squeezed it, loving the feel of her petal soft skin. She smiled and blushed gently, her glance skittering away from his in shy modesty. He grinned and lifted her chin with a soft touch to meet her gaze.
He instantly regretted the action as he fell into her eyes, forgetting what he was doing, where they were, whatever it was he was about to say . . . Her deep blue eyes just stole his breath, heart, and mind from him, leaving him tingling and numb and breathless. His heart pounding just by gazing at flecks of shimmering stars caught in her loving eyes.
For longer than either of them could remember, they both stood trapped in each other's gaze, thinking only of how long it had been since they were allowed to love the other- and how wonderful it was to finally be together once more. Darien suddenly broke the still moment by dropping Serina's hands to desperately hold her close, enfolding her in his arms as if she were his only reason for living- because they both knew she was. “Serina- Oh, God, I'm so sorry . . . Please, I-“
Serina quickly raised two fingers to his lips to tenderly halt his apologies. She quietly shushed him and replaced her fingers with a sweet butterfly kiss. “I know, my love. You are forgiven. I knew all along that you would come back to me, I just had to wait.” She smiled in her eternally insightful and understanding way.
Darien took a deep breath, still awed by how giving her heart was. “How . . ?” He murmured, inches from her face, his wide eyes still searching hers. And finding only love in them.
“Women's intuition.” She giggled and pecked his lips again as she danced away, still clutching his hand tightly. He laughed and followed her, shaking his head at her sudden change of mood, her seriousness collapsing to this spontaneous exuberance. He loved that. He loved that about her. He loved her.
They'd walked a few more minutes in silence interrupted by kisses and giggles, never letting there hands part. “So, when did you and Rini start getting close, Serina? I thought she was your mortal enemy when she didn't need your help.” Darien asked, smiling at his princess's guilty blush.
“Oh, I don't know. It's not like I ever hated her, she's just so STUBBORN, she reminds me of you. But she's kinda like a- er, little sister now, she was there for me after that thing that happened last night and I thought I was going crazy.” Serina drifted into thought, remembering the content feeling of waking up with the little girl snuggled in her arms. It had felt so- right. So promising and fun. Then Serina remembered the events before that. “Hey! You never told me what DID happen last night!”
“Oh, yeah, I keep forgetting that even though you were there, you don't remember it. But first, I want to know how long you were awake and listening to me pour my heart out to the girls.”
Serina shuffled her feet, her eyes shyly studying the cracks in the sidewalk as they passed. “Um, I didn't mean to worry you guys, especially Ami, but I needed to see if you could resolve things yourselves. It just wouldn't work if I had to make you guys get along. I was up since I shifted back into me.” She glanced fearfully up at Darien, her eyes wide with fear of rejection or his mockery. Neither met her stare. Darien had stopped, surprised by the wisdom of her choice. She was showing maturity beyond her years, and he was proud of that.
He smiled.
“Serina, that's one of the most intelligent decisions I've seen you make. I'm proud of you, Meatball head. Your diplomatic skills must be coming back, your Royal Highness!” He beamed down at her radiant face and caught the surprised girl in a hug as she squealed in delight.
“Really, Darien? It means so much to hear you say that!” She giggled and they continued on their way up to Serina's door.
“Of course I do, my beautiful, sweet, loving, smart Serina.” Serina blushed at the unusual barrage of compliments. Oh, how she had missed him! She walked through the front door and didn't waste a second covering her embarrassed modesty with a shout that rang through the two-story house.
“Rini! I'm home! You wanna go to the park or not?” Seconds later a brightly smiling Rini came bounding down the stairs in a pink and blue blur. She faltered slightly when she saw Darien and strange woman standing in the door where she thought she'd heard Serina. “Oh, come on! My hair doesn't make me look THAT different, spore!”
“WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOUR HAIR, Serina?!” Rini gaped just shy of the pair at the door. She recognized Serina now, she just looked so much prettier and older with her ankle-length blonde hair.
“I just left it down today. Thanks to you, I didn't have the time or patience to put it up.”
“It's not MY fault you're such a klutz and always running late, Meatball head!” Rini retorted, sticking her tongue out and reaching for Darien's hand. Serina's face scrunched up at the insult but it quickly turned to surprise. She didn't pull back her hand when Rini caught it up too.
“Of course, it's YOUR fault. If I didn't have to share my bedroom and bathroom with a little fungus like you, I wouldn't be in such a hurry all the time!” Rini just stuck her tongue out again, Serina responded by squeezing the little girl's hand. Darien smiled wryly in disbelief. He could feel their affection for each other and they still managed to cover it up behind insults. The trio left the house and quickly made their way to one of Tokyo's many parks to meet with the others.
“Anyway, are you two back together? I like you guys together, even if I've got to share you, Darien.” She turned her cinnamon gaze up to the young man who smiled patiently down at her, if a little red in the cheeks. Serina chuckled at his unease and Rini's bold relinquishment of sole rights to her boyfriend.
“Yes, we are, and I'll thank you not to hog my boyfriend so much anymore.” Serina answered, her voice still light with amusement. Her face was a little flushed as well. “Anyway, Darien, you were going to tell me what happened last night?” She reminded sweetly, maneuvering around Rini momentarily to brush her lips against his cheek.
He caught himself gingerly reaching for the spot she'd touched, blushing even more. He LIKED having her back! They'd been separated so long . . . “Well, uh, yeah.” He stuttered. Both Rini and Serina giggled.
“So Darien had something to do with last night-“ Rini began but Serina hushed her with a shake of her small hand as she concentrated on Darien's long-awaited explanation.
“I was having one of my nightmares, worse than normal, I think, but I can't quite recall now.”
“What nightmares?” Rini frowned. Serina again silently shook the girl's hand, willing her to stay quiet. Rini's frown deepened and she glared at the older girl. Darien just smiled down at his audience and continued.
“When I woke, I saw something floating just within my window. It was a small hologram or vision of you. You were in a white silk gown but you had wings and just drifted in a circle of moonlight and star dust.”
Serina's eyes glossed over as she imagined the dreamy sight. “How pretty.” She whispered. Rini quietly nodded in agreement, her eyes wide and mouth slightly open, entranced with Darien's story.
“You told me that my actions were hurting us both for no reason, that I had nothing to worry about. That if you truly did die, it wouldn't be because I loved you, but more because you loved me, as well as everyone else. Nothing can change that about you and I didn't want to try anymore.” Rini started at the mention of Serina dying; she didn't like that idea at all. All the more so because she knew it was going to happen. But right now she was glad Darien and Serina had gotten that all cleared up last night. She was happy that they had gotten back together. Having spent time with both of them during their break up, she knew they were depressed out of their minds about each other and now everything was right again.
Except for this nagging feeling in her chest that something still was wrong. Something with Serina . . .
“Well, I'm glad one of us was able to talk some sense into you, even if it was only a dream of me or whatever astral thing the crystal let me do.”
Darien reached around Rini and hugged his dearest love close to him. Rini made a face and let go of their hands, racing ahead to where she could see the girls all ready waiting at a spread picnic blanket. The late summer afternoon was still warm, the breeze had died down to a mere rustling of dark green leaves. The sinking sun glistened across the bay, the red-orange glinting of the ocean was barely seen through the trees. Birds sang choruses above as the two reunited lovers slowed their pace, within view of their destination and the very world seemed to exist solely for them.
Unnoticed by anyone, a young red-haired man approached the pair, so wrapped up in their kiss that they didn't see him until he was nearly beside them.
Serina sensed the presence first, her kind heart alerted to the hurt of another soul nearby. She broke away from Darien, still clasping his hand but her attention now focused on Garrett Rose standing ashamedly before her. “Garry! Hi, um, what's up?” `Please, don't say it's me! I couldn't stand to get my boyfriend back at the cost of a good friend.'
“I apologize for disturbing you, Serina. Are you all right? Is this-“
“Oh, don't apologize, Garry. Yeah, I'm great. This is Darien. I told you about him. He's apologized for everything and we made up, isn't that great?” Serina made a point to cut him off, she didn't want him to get protective of her or something, she needed them to know they were friends now, not enemies. She hoped she didn't hurt his feelings. But that was her over-imaginative heart jumping to conclusions just like Rei always said. Why in the name of the moon would a hottie like Garry have any interest in gawky, clumsy, emotional Serina?
“That's- wonderful. I'm happy for you.” His voice contained false cheer but the sincerity and warmth were real enough. She feared he'd maybe he had deeper feelings for her, like she'd thought she had but she hoped she wouldn't lose a friend to jealousy. “I trust you won't lose this precious treasure again, Darien?”
“Not without a fight.” Darien's voice contained a hint of challenge that surprised Serina. She felt Darien's arm around her waist tighten, almost fearfully- Could he truly be afraid of losing her to Garry? `Well, then again, why should I be surprised? Me and Garry were almost a thing while me and Darien were broken up.' Serina thought smugly, enjoying the feeling of having her guardian prince by her side once more. But Serina pinched Darien anyway. That was still no way to treat her friend. No matter how flattering it was.
“Garry, just ignore my other half here. I hope you two will get along, I don't want to lose our friendship with you arguing. I really like you. I'm afraid you two will fight like little boys over little things. Please don't.” She said this to Garry, but all her attention was pointedly focused on Darien; she didn't have to worry about Garry, Darien was the one picking fights!
Garrett Rose had to admit he wanted to pursue the challenge of this other suitor. He would surely fight for this girl's love, however, it was obvious she had all ready chosen this young man over him. He couldn't deny her wishes anymore than he could kill any of her friends though they were his sworn enemies. He saw the love and joy in her eyes and hoped someday he could feel the same emotions. Garnyt had been tempted when he first saw the couple to rip them apart and kill this man. Then return to the Dark Moon to his prince with the incapacitated Sailor Moon as his prize. Honor and reward would be his and his worries over absurd human emotions would be forgotten.
But he couldn't do it. A fierce protectiveness had overtaken his evil mind over the past couple weeks and he had a warmth in his heart; a happiness for Serina when he saw her so ecstatic with her life. He liked it. He liked these absurd human emotions, and he would do everything in his power make sure Serina stayed content. And someday, he would feel the same thing she felt.
Now he smiled, reassuringly, his mind soaring above his rapidly fading hurt with- hope. Serina was only the beginning of this new and wonderful world.
“You've nothing to fear from me, Serina. From now on, I'll always be there for you, just like before. I'm just glad to see you happy with the man who could cause such powerful emotions with just a thought of him. Please don't forget that, no matter what, I'll be looking out for you, my little princess.”
The brilliant smile she gave him lit his soul with sunlight. “Thank you, Garrett.” She impulsively kissed him on the cheek then scrunched her nose at a thought. “Why'd you call me a princess, Garry? I'm nothing of the sort!” As she pointedly looked down at herself, studying her thin arms and scrawny legs. She even managed to half-trip into Darien's arms as she spun `round searching for anything princess-like on her person.
“You are to me. Your love and trust make you a princess at heart if nothing else. And you are my friend. I hope you don't mind it.” He smiled easily then held his hand out for Darien to take. Darien scanned the man before him with narrowed eyes. He'd seen him often with Serina- TOO often. He'd been grateful for the diversion but of course, he worried that they were getting too close. He'd never felt jealousy before he'd seen him with his girlfriend, HIS princess. And just now when Serina kissed him? Oh how he wanted to tear her away from him and deck the guy. He didn't deserve those sweet, soft lips to brush HIS cheek, even in all her innocent intentions, he didn't need to know how her velvet kisses felt.
Darien held back though. He had been there for Serina when he couldn't be. He had held her when she cried, entertained her when she was lost and alone . . . Even if he claimed her as `his personal princess'- But right now he appreciated the young man's sense of honor and grace. He didn't have to fight him. Garrett understood the woman's heart was taken and respected that. That made him a good man, maybe even a friend. Darien took the proffered hand and firmly shook it.
“Hey! Are you guys going to join us or not?” Rei shouted from the picnic blanket. The girls were sitting or standing around it. Rini was trying to hide from Serina, specifically the plate of brownies balanced on her knees, behind Ami who was munching on some of the saved lunch goods, Mina was chasing Artemis around, and Lita was trying to get Luna to try her specially spiced sushi.
“Oh, Garry, wanna come with us? It's just a little picnic and I'm sure there still some food left.”
Garry shook his head. Now that he had his reserve, he needed to go see the only four Dark Moon beings who had managed to defect to earth and become human. He needed to see the four Sisters as soon as possible. Meaning now. “No thank you, Serina, I'm sorry. I need to see some people first. Then, I hope, I'll see you again soon.”
“All right, Garry. See you later.” Serina smiled again hanging onto her boyfriend as the redhead walked off and Serina dragged Darien over to where the others waited.
“I'm glad that didn't turn into a battle.” Rei whispered as Serina sat down beside her. Serina gave her a tired smile and agreed whole-heartedly.
“Whew! I'm glad he still wants to be friends, me and him got along so great, I'd hate to lose him because of Darien.” Serina whispered conspiratorially with her best friend. Darien had abandoned her to play tag with Rini, Mina, Luna, Lita, and Artemis while Serina laid out on the nearly emptied blanket.
“No kidding. Garry's definitely a great guy, I wonder if Mina'd be interested . . .” Serina shot up and hit her friend, a shocked but amused look on her face.
“Don't you dare-“ Serina clutched her head suddenly, feeling a little warm and her head was POUNDING. The sunset had kinda started tipping too. “Ohh, that was a bad move. I feel a little woozy . . .”
“Hey, you all right? You're not faking to get your prince back over here and away from Rini, are you?” Rei sounded genuinely concerned except for the sarcasm she could barely keep out of her voice. There had been too many close calls in the past day to not be worried.
“Oh, REI! That's ridiculous, I just sat up too fast, that's all. And Rini and I have reached an understanding. She won't be taking my boyfriend. She's really not that bad, you know.” Her best friend watched peace and calm imbue Serina's face as she watched the little girl and her love play together. It seemed so natural that they did. And of course, it was.
But Rei was still surprised. Serina and Rini fought as often and she and Serina did and now it was like they were best of friends, close as sisters. Not to say that she and Serina weren't just as close, it was just she and Rini weren't supposed to be.
“Okay, whatever you say, Meatball head, but I still think she's a fungus.”
“Me too.” Serina smiled then got up, slowly, and took off after the little girl and her friends. “Hey! I wanna play too!” Rei shook her head at Serina's impulsive mood swings and followed her, tagging her head just as Serina fell forward, tripping over own feet. “Hey! Not fair!”
“Give me the strength to carry on.”
They chased each other for awhile, playing tag, tossing frisbees, eventually settling down to chat. The rest of the afternoon had passed quietly though everyone noticed that as night fell, so did Serina's health. Her once energetic squealing had fallen to a teeth-chattering whisper, her bright smiles held half the brilliance dimmed by exhaustion, her pale skin was flushed though she'd been sitting since her dizzy spells had forced her from the games. Now she lay curled up in the blanket, trying to cover up her shivering as she watched the others messing around.
Eventually the girls declared it too dark to continue on with the games and they each said their good-byes and left for their respective homes. Darien volunteered to walk Rini and Serina home, Rini being carried piggyback and Serina weakly clinging to his arm as they left the park. Luna silently kept up beside the trio.
The quiet night was beautiful; the waning crescent moon hung limply within the drapes of pale stars, the sidewalk concrete still echoing the warmth of the summer afternoon.
Rini had worn herself out and was barely hanging on to Darien's neck. His arms around her little legs were all that kept her from sliding off. Serina smiled serenely at the picture they made; a handsome young man, the love of her life, with a tiny pink, rabbit-bunned girl asleep on his shoulders. “Mmm, isn't this perfect, Darien?” She murmured.
Darien nodded, smiling at his Serina's perception. She knew how he felt; he finally had happiness. “Yeah, it feels so right. Now I have everything I've ever wanted and more.” He grinned down at her loving blue eyes. He couldn't tear his eyes from the goddess beside him, the girl of his dreams finally within his grasp. With every glance he was amazed and awed by the depth of love she inspired in his heart and he could see the same emotions reflected in her beautiful face.
She blushed, her smile modest then blatant when she saw the disgusted look from the half-asleep Rini. “I love you too, Darien.” She paused and stood on tiptoe to brush her lips across his. He could feel her trembling before she released her hold on him, her body seemed to give off far more warmth than normal though she shivered as if freezing.
“Serina, are you all right?”
“I'm cold . . .” She murmured. Darien caught the girl just before she collapsed. Alarmed, he knelt with her in his arms. Rini slid off his shoulders and peeked worriedly from behind him. Serina's small frame shook, her gasps hissed through clenched teeth that in turn, chattered. He ran a finger across her cheek and held his hand against her forehead. `She's burning up!'
“Luna! Get Ami, tell her I'm taking Serina back to Rei's temple! Rini, come on, we're going to have to stay there tonight.” Luna nodded once then took off as fast as she could down the street.
“Is she going to be all right, Darien?” Rini whispered as she ran along side of Darien who raced back to the shrine. Was it going to happen now? Would Sailor Moon die right in front of her?
He didn't know what to say, he didn't want to frighten her, but he didn't want to lie either. He'd vaguely felt Serina steadily growing worse in his mind, he hadn't known what it was and she insisted she was fine. Perhaps it was just a cold but- it felt wrong. He didn't want to worry Rini. Honesty was important for the child but so was comfort. “Once Ami can find out what's wrong with her, we'll find a way to fix it, munchkin. Don't worry.”
“Then why do I feel like a piece of me is disappearing?” She murmured sadly. Rini nearly fell behind but caught up with Darien in a sudden burst of desperation. She had to tell him. She couldn't keep this secret anymore. If the Scouts knew maybe they could keep the bad future from coming true and Serina from dying! She hoped Puu would forgive her. This was more important and it was so heavy on her heart she could hardly breathe anymore! “Darien! I've gotta tell you something! Serina's Sailor Moon, I know, but- but-“
“What is it, Rini? Do you know what's wrong?” He had slowed slightly for the little girl, his eyes demanding the knowledge she held. Anything that could help him with his beloved. He didn't even question the fact that she knew Serina's secret identity.
“Darien, in the future- there is no Sailor Moon. She's a story my daddy told me. I don't know how or what or when but Sailor Moon doesn't exist anymore in the future, but the four other Scouts do! Rei and Lita and Am- Does that mean- Darien? Darien?!” He had paled when she told him, gone deathly white at the news. Maybe she shouldn't have told him . . . Darien nearly stumbled before redoubling his pace, choking off an anguished cry as he ran faster to the safety of Rei's temple hidden somewhere in the twilight. Rini followed silently behind, no longer able to hold back guilty tears.
`This is it, Sailor Moon dies now, doesn't she? Why did I have to know? Why did Serina, sweet Meatball head, have to be Sailor Moon?! I don't wanna lose her like I lost Mommy!'