Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: Do I Know You? ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Usagi opened her eyes and saw a dreary castle in the distance. It was so sad, but it looked familiar to her. She flew towards it, she wore white armor, and she had a huge sword on her back. For some reason, the crescent moon on her forehead started to glow, and she noticed she had a long white tail.

She flew over wastelands, there was no sign of life anywhere on the dreary world. Maybe, there's someone in that castle? Usagi thought flying towards it. She arrived at the gates of the castle, the guards let her pass without any problems. She didn't even say anything. She walked up a set of old steps, they started to crumble under her feet, so she flew just above them. She followed them into a sort of throne room, where a man with spiky black hair sat. She saw another man, that looked just like him only he was younger and he didn't have the beard or mustache.

"Princess." The older man said. "You are home now."

"Home?" She said. "Who are you?"

"I am King Vegeta." He said with pride in his voice.

She noticed that both of them had tails too, but both of theirs were brown. The younger man walked up to her, and put his arms around her waist. He looks so familiar. She thought. I know him somehow. He leaned down, his face getting close to hers, she closed her eyes and felt his lips touch hers. He kissed her so gently, she wouldn't have even known that he had kissed her, if she hadn't seen him pull away, his lips parting slightly.

"Princess, I have found you after so many years of searching." The man said, holding her close. "Nothing will separate us again."

She couldn't help but think that he was the one. He was so handsome, so sweet. All of a sudden, the ceiling fell in on the two of them. Usagi screamed in fear and the man pushed her out of the way, the ceiling falling on top of him.

"NOOO!!" She screamed, running to his side. "Get up! Get up!"

She heard a low chuckle and looked up at where the ceiling had been. There was a man up there. She saw the shape of his body through the smoke. The evil laughter filled her ears, making her cover them.

"STOP IT!" She screamed, falling to her knees covering her ears.

Usagi sat up straight in bed. She looked around and saw the familiar room. She was in her apartment, in her bedroom. She stood up and walked out onto the balcony outside of her window.

It's that dream again. She thought. I wonder what it means? Oh Goku, I hope you get back soon, I'm starting to get worried. I keep having the same dream.


It had been years since the two of them had met. They had become best friends, and now thought of each other as brother and sister. Usagi had cried when she heard of Goku's death, but when they told her the powers of the Dragon Balls, she calmed down. She trained with the rest of earth's special forces and had become very strong. She could beat any one of them easily.

She wanted to help fight the Saiyan's when they arrived on earth. She had to protect her friends and her planet. The moon had already been destroyed by Piccolo, she didn't want the earth to be next.


RING!! Usagi jumped when the phone rang.

"Hello?" Usagi said.

"Usagi? I need to talk to you." It was her best friend Molly.

"Molly? What time is it?" Usagi asked.

"I'm sorry to call you so late, but I was just dumped!" Molly cried into the receiver.

"Oh Molly." She said, feeling bad for her best friend. "I'll be right over." Usagi said, after she got dressed, she ran downstairs and jumped into her car. She turned the key and headed for Molly's house.

A few minutes later, Usagi ran up to Molly's apartment. She knocked on the door and walked in when she saw that it was open.

"Molly? Are you home?" Usagi called, walking through the house. "Molly, where are you? Come out, come out where ever you are."

Usagi walked into Molly's room and saw that everything was destroyed. "Molly!" She cried running to see if she was in there. She didn't find Molly, but she did find a note. It said.

Dear Sailor Moon,

If you ever want to see your friend again, bring the Silver Imperium Crystal to the center of Tokyo at 2:00 tomorrow night, I'll be waiting. See you there.

