Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: The Queen Takes the Throne ❯ Chapter 20 ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Vegeta charged at Prince Diamond and missed, crashing into the wall behind him. He growled and cursed loudly. He stood up slowly and looked around for Prince Diamond.

"Where are you!!" Vegeta demanded, his eyes narrowed as he searched around the room for his Princess's captor. "I know you're still here!! Come out and fight me like a man!!" The reply he heard was not what he expected.

"Please stop this." The voice of a woman sounded through the room. He recognized the voice immediately, it was Usagi's voice.

"Usagi!!!" He yelled, flying in the direction of the voice. He stopped in front of Usagi and looked her up and down. "Wait a second... that's not Usagi!!" He yelled, he could sense and evil power inside of this woman. "I know my Princess and that's not her!" He turned his eyes to Diamond. "That was a big mistake, no one tries to trick me and lives!!" He was about to charge, but something wrapped around him, pinning his arms to his side. He looked back at the woman posing as Usagi and glared at her. She had changed. Her eyes were dark and her hair long and dark. She was dressed in an almost completely black dress and had a black crescent moon on her forehead. She had thrown her whip around him, trapping him.

"You're not so tough now!" She said, black power running into the whip holding his arms down. He cried out in pain and tried to break free. It was no use, she was too strong and he was growing weaker by the second. With his last burst of strength he sent an energy blast at the woman in black. The energy hit her, sending her into the wall. She had lost her grip on the whip and all his strength began to flow back to him. He stood up and looked in Prince Diamond's direction.

Vegeta's eyes narrowed on Diamond and he growled low in the back of his throat. "Now you're gonna get it!!" Vegeta yelled, charging at Diamond. He punched him in the stomach, making him cry out in pain. He hunched over, with both hands on his stomach. Vegeta flew a little above him and put his hands together. He brought them down on Diamond's exposed back, sending him crashing into the floor. Diamond slowly stood up, holding his stomach where Vegeta had punched him.

"You're going to pay for this." Diamond said calmly, turning his back. "Remember, I still have your precious Princess Serenity."

"What?!?!?!" Vegeta yelled. "You better let her go or else I'll..."

"You'll what!" Diamond interrupted. "You can't beat me. I'm much stronger than you'll ever be. You haven't seen my true power yet."

Vegeta's anger grew and his power continued to rise. He was about to explode.


"Huh?" Usagi's eyes flew open and she looked around her. "Where am I?" She asked herself out loud. She was laying in a bed with clean, white sheets. She was still dressed as Queen Serenity. She stood up and looked around the room. There was no window, just a door. She pulled on the door, but it didn't move. She pushed with all her might, but still it didn't budge. "How am I going to get out of here?" She asked herself. She was trying to think of a plan when her thoughts were interrupted when she sensed and enormous amount of power. "That's Vegeta!!!" She cried recognizing his power immediately. "I've got to get out of here!!"

Usagi began to power up, her screams echoed off the walls and high ceiling of the room. She began to change. Her hair grew longer and turned for a soft blond to bright white. He body was surrounded by a white aurora and her skin shone like the stars. She formed a ball of white energy in the palm of her hand and threw it at the door. The energy hit the door with such force that it was blown right off the hinges.

"Now I have to find Vegeta!" She yelled running down the hallway to where she sensed an incredible amount of energy. She ran through the hallways and finally made it to where a vast amount of energy had gathered. "Vegeta?"

Vegeta and Diamond...

"I'll kill you!!" Vegeta yelled in rage, charging at Prince Diamond who didn't seem worried at all.

"I wouldn't come any closer." Diamond said quietly.

Vegeta growled and started to speed up.

"So you want to do it the hard way huh?" Diamond said. "All right, we'll do it your way."

Diamond disappeared seconds before Vegeta reached him. "Huh?" Vegeta gasped. He couldn't sense a power level at all. "Where'd he go?!?!" Diamond appeared behind Vegeta, sending him flying into a wall. Vegeta struggled to stand up. He was taking quite a beating, even at the legendary Super Saiyan level.

"I just thought I'd let you know." Diamond started, dodging all of Vegeta's punches. "You'll never win."

Vegeta was not about to give up. He continued to attack Diamond. Diamond disappeared again, throwing off Vegeta's concentration. He reappeared behind Vegeta once again and kicked him straight up in the air. Vegeta flew upward, crashing into the ceiling and then falling to the floor with a thud. Vegeta groaned slightly, wiping the blood from his mouth, slowly stood up and began to attack once again. He was stubborn, he wasn't going to give up without a fight.


Usagi walked into the room and saw a window with bars on it. She could sense her friends nearby.

"Sailor Mercury? Sailor Jupiter?" She called her eyes adjusting to the low light in the dungeon. "Hello? Is anyone there?"

"Usagi?" A voice cried hoarsely. "Is that you?"

"Sailor Mercury!!" Usagi cried, running to the window. She grabbed the bars and was thrown backgrounds. "OWW!" She cried, landing on her butt. "That really hurt." She stood up, rubbing her behind and walked back up to the window. "Is everyone in there?"

"Yes, we're all here." Mercury said. "We can't get out, there's some sort of powerful force field around this whole thing."

"Is there anyway to break it?" Usagi asked, looking around the room.

"There may be a way to cut the power." Mercury said, checking a few things with her computer. "There!" She cried out, pointing to a wire that ran on the floor to the cell they were trapped in. "That's the power source. You have to cut that wire."

"Right!" Usagi cried, searching the room for something to cut it with. "There's nothing here to cut it with!" She cried out, frustrated. "I'll do it myself." She said, powering up once again. She powered up and formed a 'Distructo Disk' in her hand. "This will do the trick." She said to herself. She used the disk to cut off the power to the cell.

"You have to get us out of here now." Jupiter said.

"No problem, everybody, stand back." Usagi said, forming a ball of energy. It was a small amount of energy, but it was enough to blow the door. She threw it at the door and rushed her friends out of the cell. "Let's go! We have to find Diamond!"

"Right!" The scouts cried in unison.

The Battle Field...

"Are you getting tired, Prince Vegeta of the Saiyans?" Diamond mocked, seeing Vegeta's heavy breathing. Vegeta didn't say anything, he was trying to gather strength. He was growing weaker with every hit from Diamond. He had no idea that this enemy was so strong.

"I'm just getting warmed up." Vegeta growled. He was too weak to attack him. He waited to see what Diamond's next move was going to be. Diamond disappeared and appeared again in front of Vegeta. He pulled back his hand and plunged it into Vegeta's stomach, causing him to cough up blood. He spit the blood out and it splattered on Diamond's face. Diamond kind of looked at him and then threw him up in the air, sending blasts of his negative energy up at Vegeta. Vegeta fell to the ground, broken, bleeding, nearly dead.

"You really are pathetic." Diamond said, walking over to stand above Vegeta. "Did you really think you could save her from me? Did you honestly believe that she loved you?"

Vegeta didn't say anything. There was nothing he could say. He knew he was about to die. He thought only of Usagi and how much he was going to miss her.

"Did you hear me?!?!" Diamond demanded, picking up Vegeta by the front of his armor. Vegeta started to laugh hysterically.
