Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: The Return of the Black Moon Family ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 4

Chapter 4

"Hello?" ChiChi said, peering out at a woman wearing a white dress. "Queen Serenity?" She gasped.

"Huh?" Went through all the people that were left in the room. Bulma stood up and walked to the door, letting Serenity into the house.

"Usagi!" She cried, about to throw her arms around her until she saw the sleeping child. Serenity put a finger to her lips, quieting everyone. Bulma motioned for Serenity to follow her. She took her to a guest room where Serenity placed ChibiUsa on the bed, pulling the blankets up. She opened up the bag and took out ChibiUsa's favorite stuffed animal and placed it under her arm. After kissing ChibiUsa lightly on the forehead, she followed Bulma out of the room.

"What are you doing here?" Bulma asked as they walked back to the main room.

"I... I needed to get away from the palace for a while." She said, not looking at Bulma. She kept her face hidden under the dark cloak, so she wouldn't see the bruises. They entered the room and sat down.

"Let me take that." Bulma said, referring to the cloak around Serenity's shoulders.

"No that's okay." She said, pulling the cloak over her face. "I'm fine."

Bulma thought to herself.

"Come with me." Bulma said, taking Serenity's hand. She took her to a small room and took the cloak off of her. She looked at Serenity's face and gasped when she saw the bruises. "What happened to you?" She cried out, gasping at the black and blue color that started on her right eye and continued down her cheek until it met her chin.

"It... it was Darien." She stammered. Tears flooded her eyes as she told Bulma the whole story. How Vegeta had come and what Darien had done to her after he left. After she was done spilling what had happened to her, Bulma spoke.

"Let's see..." She started. "We could hide the Queen, or we could disguise her and take her back to Goku and ChiChi's place and hide."

Bulma and ChiChi were busy cooking away. ChibiUsa jumped up in the chair next to Gohan and began to talk to him about the palace. They hit it off right away, even though ChibiUsa was so much younger than he was. Serenity went to help cook breakfast and Vegeta was nowhere in sight.

"Where's Vegeta?" Serenity asked.

"He never eats with us." Said Bulma, thinking nothing of it. It was normal for him not to be around. He was always so cold and so distant from everyone else. He never said very much, he kept to himself most of the time, which made everyone think he's cold.

"Oh, okay." Serenity said, stirring a pan on the stove. "Do you really need this much food?" Serenity asked, seeing all the food.

"Oh yeah, with three Saiyan's eating, this is just a little snack." ChiChi said. Just then, Vegeta entered the room and sat down at the table. His arms were crossed over his chest and his face frozen in its normal scowl. He didn't say a word, but he kept his eyes on Serenity, who didn't really seem to notice. He watched her every move, studied the way she did things.

"Why are you staring at my mom?" A small voice said.

"Huh?" Vegeta didn't realize that the girl was sitting there.

"You've been staring at my mom since you came in here." She said, looking at the man. " I just wanted to know why?"

"It's none of your business, brat!" He snapped.

"Well excuusssee me!" She said in reply. "It was just a question, you don't have to get so mean."

A growl escaped the back of his throat and he felt like strangling the little girl. He refrained from doing anything though. He kept his anger low, he wasn't going to blow up again. He just turned his face away and ignored the little girl. ChibiUsa stuck out her tongue at Vegeta, he sent an evil glance her way when he sensed her looking at him.

Serenity couldn't help but laugh at the antics of the little girl. She started to laugh at the top of her laughs. She held her stomach, trying to stop herself from laughing. She fell to the ground, hitting her head on the table on the way down. This sent an echo of laughter though out the rest of the people except for Vegeta.

"Owe, that really hurt." She said, rubbing her head still on the floor. Goku walked over and offered his hand to help the fallen Queen, laughter shook his body. Serenity slapped his hand away. "So, you think this is funny too?"

He started busting up again and wound up on the floor next to her, rubbing his head as well. This made everyone burst out laughing once again.

"I swear.." ChiChi said, laughter shaking her body. "The two of you should have been related."

Vegeta's eyes snapped open when she said this. He thought, staring at the Queen. She stood up to help Goku and that's when he saw it. She had a long white tail that flicked around as she took his hand. He looked at the child and saw that she had a tail as well. The only difference was that the child's was brown like the Saiyan tail. This confusing thought flew through his head.

After a few more minutes, breakfast was on the table. Serenity sat down next to Vegeta and began to dig in. She ate just like the three Saiyans at the table.

"Wow, you really have a healthy appetite." ChiChi remarked as she watched her shovel food in her mouth as fast as the men sitting near her. She cleaned her plate and held it up for seconds before any of the Saiyans. ChiChi gave her another plate full of food, heaping it like she did the Saiyans. Serenity put the plate down in front of her and began to dig in once again. There was only one piece of bread left that Goku was reaching for. Serenity snatched it before he could get it. She laughed in his face as his hand came back empty.

"Hey!" Goku cried. "That's not fair! You cheated!"

"Hey, you weren't fast enough!" Serenity cried back, stuffing the bread in her mouth. Vegeta stopped stuffing his face long enough to see her snatch the bread from Goku. She eats like a Saiyan and she's fast too?!?! Vegeta thought. How can that be?!?! All the Saiyans are dead except for us!! He glanced over at the child and she was the same way. Only not as fast. She wasn't eating quite as much either, but that's because she's young. "Are you going to eat that?" Serenity asked Vegeta, when she noticed him staring at her.

"Yeah!" He snapped back, turning his attention back to his breakfast.

"Don't yell at my Mommy!!!" ChibiUsa cried, as the man continued to ignore her. "I'm talking to you, you big Bully!!"

"Would you shuttup already!! Little brat!!" Vegeta snapped.

"Don't yell at my daughter!!!" Serenity snapped at Vegeta, standing up. "You are such an arrogant jerk!! Don't even talk, if you're going to be like that!! We didn't come here to have YOU yell at us!!"

"Shuttup Woman!!" He shouted, standing as well. He leaned across the table, his eyes narrowed on Serenity. She leaned towards him as well, a low growl escaped from the back of her throat. Her eyes burned into his and his burned back into hers.

"Don't tell me to shuttup, you arrogant jerk!" Serenity shouted, her face becoming red.

"You stupid bitch!! How dare you speak to me like that!!" Vegeta yelled back, his eyes locked on hers.
